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Sign up today for the Eclipse Workshop held next Sunday Oct 12 in Watertown, MA. Call 617-924-0929.
Green Light periods for this week are:
Sunday after 5:24 AM until Monday at 3:38 PM during the Pisces Moon. The final aspect is Moon trine Saturn which allows for long-term success for matters about older family members or any study that invites a guru or wise advisor to help you to channel your energy for the best possible outcome.
Green Light Days Saturday October 11 at 11:51 AM– Monday Oct 13 at 1:58 PM while the Moon is in Gemini and makes its last aspect to retrograde Mercury by 120º. You are able to go back over older material and get the information you need or meet the people that are best for your next step. Your calls can reach your intended and make a plan for progress.
The week ahead – October 4, 2014 – October 12, 2014.
Good morning we have quite the week ahead. The Oct 12, workshop is on for next Sunday at my house in Watertown so please finalize the details before so you don’t lose your spot in the class.
We have an extreme eclipse this week. It is very exciting eclipse because both the Sun and the Moon are so tightly and repeatedly involved with wild and wacky Uranus. Uranus is the planet of surprise and sudden abrupt change.
Mercury calls for our attention today, October 4. It is going to turn retrograde today at 1:02 PM. The very interesting thing about this retrograde Mercury is that it has been at this point before. As a matter of fact it was last year when Mercury ended its retrograde period on November 10, 2013 at 2º 29’ Scorpio. Mercury then remembers its sensitive degree and returns to it to retrograde again today at 2º 18’ Scorpio. Mercury turns retrograde at 1:02 PM and continues until October 25 at 3:17 PM. So here it is again where it visited before to allow you to redo, review or renew older actions. Anything that you want to purchase or invest in - make sure it has that do-over quality: such as I have done this before; I have applied to this before; I have fixed this before; I have had an operation on this same part of my body before and I am going to do this again. If you follow the redo you can have better luck than in the past.
Also anything that requires deep insight is at the top of the agenda as Scorpio has a cathartic process that allows for deep psychological matters to come to the surface and reach into the light. You are then able to let go of things you feel has been haunting you for some time. You may now approach a period of moving forward after deep concentrated scrutiny.
Also Mars went out of bounds last Monday and wow! It started acting out right away. While out of bounds until November 21 we can expect the unexpected to be brought back to us from a place of drive and extreme desires. Mars is kicking up its heels and sowing its oats far from the main stream. There will be new tools and new experiences. Going out and getting a job. Following your greatest desires. At times when Mars returns with all the new-fangled things and experiences he may not be easily accepted by those he left behind.
There is a Lunar Eclipse Wednesday at 6:51 AM and at 15º Aries while conjunct retrograde Uranus. There is a Sun Uranus opposition the day before and the Moon and Uranus form an occultation and hour before the lunar eclipse making this a high risk period with bizarre and wacky activities.
The aspects for the week ahead:
***************************Saturday October 4, 2014***************************
4:06 AM Sun Square Pluto - Pluto has been voted a planet once again by the science community.
9:45 AM Venus semi square Saturn. Difficulties in personal relationships involving insecurities regarding the status of the relationship. There can be a separation that is uncomfortable to tolerate or accept for now. There is an inability to get at the source of the problem at this time. When engaged in shopping your purchases and selections may reflect your current mood. The budget could be small. Not much money today. Uncomfortable feelings or settings during social activities. Boring, obligatory or stiff social gatherings.
For personal matters You could find something of value at a lower price that may be worth considering but it could be damaged or non-returnable. Otherwise everything is too expensive on this day.
For business use: Look for depressed area or your business and make a plan to spruce it up.
1:02 PM Mercury turns retrograde with Mars out-of -bounds. Wow that is loaded and also held up by the Moon's square to Saturn.
2:32 PM Sadness and anxiety dissipates after Moon square Saturn. Moon is void of course until Sunday at 5:24 AM.
10:05 PM Mercury parallel Ceres scouts for a way to help Ceres to keep her head on.
************************************Sunday October 5, 2014***********************************************
12:18 AM Mars Trine Transiting Uranus. Sheer genius. Engineering and dynamic technical creativity. Driven momentum toward revolutionary ideas. This wants a green light for change Awakening of inner drive. Time to take action with your unique individuality. Ingenious creative progress.
5:24 AM Moon enters Pisces and ends with a trine to Saturn Monday at 3:38 PM. Green Light Days during this time. Very nice Moon trine Saturn at the end of the line.
***********************************Monday October 6, 2014*****************************************
2:01 AM The Sun hangs on to Uranus through the opposition on Tuesday at 4:57 PM. : Very risky day. Reversals and upheavals. Technical breakthroughs of a temporary nature. A temporary need for and alliance with someone alien in your normal routine. Engaging with a person with high tech skills. Extremely intelligent minds with quirky ideas. Disorderly upset. Views are drastically divided and radically adversarial. Strikes or abrupt disengagement. Blood pressure spikes.
For personal use: Keep to yourself.
For business use: Purchases may be extremely unpredictable. Returns are likely.
2:23 AM The Moon is 150º quincunx to the Sun. This marks the beginning of the extreme pressure applied by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday.
6:35 AM Moon square Mars on Monday morning might bring a stress start to the day. Push your reset button for a nice day ahead.
10:29 AM Vesta enters Sagittarius until December 3. Study something you are particularly curious about.
**************************Tuesday October 7, 2014 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIETRECH!!! **************
6:07 AM the Moon enters Aries where there will be a Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday.
Overall influence is over the top. Its okay for some things but mostly you are over powered by something or you are over looked. It could be a big surprise too. This is a deadline period. All the cards are on the table and you get the information or thing you need to move forward. Finish up something big. Use this deadline to define the parameters of your next 9.5 years. There will be a chance to make necessary changes in 9 months at the last quarter Moon on July 8, 2015.
4:48 PM Ugh oh the Sun opposite Uranus can be a shocking problem. It brings out the eccentric tendencies in all of us. Rebellion. Liberation. Exposure of a truth. Reversals. Sudden, erratic changes involving administrative objectives and the radical awareness and possible action of workers or otherwise citizens. Shocking reactions to aggressive tactics gain response from those that have more recently remained silent. Accident prone. Electrical hazards. Innovation and inventions are developed. Health hazards for those with high blood pressure or extreme stress. Modern technology used in medical procedures. Technology problems.
For personal use: Use caution when dealing with fast moving objects, traffic and tempers.
For business use: Keep your cool and remain open to all sides of matters. Get the facts before taking action. Partnerships may suffer breaks.
8:22 PM Mercury semi-square Mars. "Foot in mouth" disorder. News of warnings or potential dangers. News of public figures and their medical concerns. A tendency to argue and fall into conflicts. Fast movements and talkers with impulsive reactions to information. Speaking before all the facts are in. A need to process thoughts before speaking leaving the problems that result from "foot in mouth" syndrome. Problematic day. Irritations and irritability. Possible mechanical failures. Communications breakdown.
**************************Wednesday October 8, 2014**************************
5:52 AM Moon conjunct Uranus as 5:52 AM is an occultation (mini eclipse of its own).
6:50 AM The Lunar Eclipse: The sudden end of a cycle that includes a radical change. This Lunar Eclipse reaches back to Oct 2005 when the start of something big was intended to merge together those that were committed to the same goals. Now there is a shift; perhaps a change of heart; maybe because the political climate has changed everything that was once familiar. You may have to reinvent yourself or align yourself with those that are motivated by radical ideas. The same old same old just won't fit anymore. In all cases it's someone else that pulls the shift and you must react. When the earth blocks the light of the Moon you are suddenly blocked by surprising events. In many cases these things are beyond your talents to control the situation. You may invite someone to an event and they end up taking all the attention. The entire affair can escalate out of hand.(Mary Shea writes: S/he may be grandstanding, but his or her presence alone may be enough to force you to change your plans. Activities can become chaotic or stalled. Eclipses signal a critical or tenuous situation which must be treated.
1:33 PM Venus square Pluto. Jealousy could be a motivator. A highly sensual or sexual energy that may spark jealousy or obsessive behaviors. This may reveal territorial disputes. There may be disagreements about shared possessions or monetary responsibilities. Issues regarding wills and estates may surface. Deep emotional matters
4:43 PM Mars trine Jupiter: A plan for a different role or job brings a hopeful promise. This grand trine configuration includes the Moon in Aries and is a symbol of victory. This signals to move forward. Athletic with a healthy competitive spirit. Positive support and confidence with the energy to back it up. Strong attitudes and winning combinations. Entrepreneurial spirit. Goals and ambitions. A focus on fair play with ethical boundaries. Religious or political righteousness. Warm up the engines and charge ahead. The right combination could be adequately prepared for any activity. Seemingly difficult to resolve.
9:26 PM Jupiter Contra Parallel Transiting Saturn. This signals a shift in thinking in a generation. There are social obligations that allow for assistance to those in a compromise position. You may benefit by rulings or advantages passed out on a day like this. Perhaps you might apply for much needed support such as fuel assistance or other subsided programs. A first time home owners program applies. This could work for you. On a larger scale you are grouped by your generation for certain
**********************************Thursday October 9, 2014***********************************
6:15 AM Moon contra parallel Neptune begins the void of course Moon period until 7:44 AM. It's influence says some win and others are just washed out. Use the power of prayer as a tool for peace and safety.
7:44 AM the Moon enters Taurus until Saturday at 11:51 AM. Taurus loves the Moon but this one is complicated and tricky. Avoid major decisions for the next couple days. The Taurus Moon is chasing retrograde Mercury for some valuable information but Mercury backs out and takes the paperwork with him or drops the assignment completely. By the time the Taurus Moon catches up to Mercury at 29º Libra it’s a 150º quincunx which shows there is only crumbs left with a big task list to-boot. Maybe it was all a scam to get you to do the dirty work. The executor of the project had Mercury fooled too. There is a bright spot if you are just out enjoying yourself as the Sun is 60^ to Jupiter. There is an opportunity to branch out but an hour and a half later you get another dose of reality when the Moon is opposed Saturn at 8:48 PM. Venus opposite Uranus, you could really lose your shirt with this Taurus Moon sign. It's best not to mess with it.
*****************************Friday October 10, 2014 *******************************
The Moon is in Taurus.
1:27 PM Retrograde Mercury returns to the sign of Libra until November 8.
7:17 PM Sun 60º sextile Jupiter. This is a bright spot on a tough day. The Moon must clear the opposition to Saturn before you can expand your goals. In addition Venus will oppose Uranus on Saturday morning while the Moon is in Taurus.
Sun 60 º Jupiter take you goals to greater heights. A new perspective allows for a stroke of luck and a sharp eye to catch a very important picture. Signs of growth. Wonderful energy. Optimistic reviews. Broad-based objectives. Future orientated thinking. A new perspective. A need for wide open spaces and expansion of knowledge. Generosity from others and abundance is available. There is a possibility of exaggerated opinions of oneself or their projects which helps those with low self-esteem for others it could lead to obnoxious behavior.
For personal use: Travel to a new place and meet new people. Learn something new that engages your current expertise for future benefit. You may have something of value that someone else is looking for exactly what you have. Freedom and open space is a consideration.
For business use: How can you imagine your business in a new territory?
8:48 PM Moon opposite Saturn in Scorpio.
**************************Saturday October 11, 2014 ************************************
5:10 AM Venus opposite Uranus. Excitement around social events. Unpredictable expressions and emotions as if one cannot contain themselves. Feelings attach affection without logic. Unconventional social behavior. Artistic displays are dynamic and unconventional. Relationships experience abrupt interruptions. Sudden distancing from loved ones. Loss of money or purse. Unexplained need to change decor or wardrobe. Rebellious expressions between partners. A rare find of money, love or friendship. Sudden emotional excitement.
11:51 AM Moon enters Gemini. Begin a Green Light Period until Monday at 1:58 PM.
Call again. You may get lucky this time.
Wow, its like you pegged everything that has been going on in my life (and in my head) perfectly. Bizarre. Sounds like its going to be a crazy week! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for breaking up the report into days and times in a readable format. It really help when trying to read your blog. :)