Saturday, November 15, 2014

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days for Nov 15- Nov 22, 2014.

For the transcribed version from the Live Radio Show broadcast on 90.3 FM WZBC Newton, MA. 11-15-2014 scroll beyond these triple lines;

From my desk the week ahead:

Saturday, November 15, 2014. The Leo Moon is void of course until 2:08 AM when the Moon enters Virgo.

Virgo Moon at 2:08 PM. Normally we could expect the motivation to get things done but Neptune is clouding our vision. Neptune sits in statis while changing to a forward direction. It has been traveling retrograde since June 9. The change is slow and the condensation which forms over your window may have you driving around in circles or pulled off your path for a far less practical reason. Another contributor and perhaps the biggest distraction is Venus which is drawing attention at Scorpio's backdoor. Venus represents a woman or the things she values; cash clothes; furnishing; and decoration. You may have every intention of catching up to her for important arrangements however she leaves before you can catch her. She drops you like a hot potato as she slips out the back Jack. This indicates that she has either changed her mind about the things she discussed with your or has run out of the money she promised. Especially the money could be tied up in probate or other legalities. By waiting, until after Venus leaves Scorpio for the greener pastures of Sagittarius at 2:04 PM, you get a chance at a substantial (Saturn) plan that is more practical.

Sunday November 16, 2014. The Virgo Moon is busy but misguided. Try a little meditation before you start your day. Even if it is keeping your mind on a single focus while you are engaged with it. Think toothbrush meditation or dish-washing meditation. Keep only these things in mind while performing. Your option greatly improve after 2:04 PM.

2:05 AM Dreamy Neptune is guiding your journey while you sleep. Before you lay down to rest Saturday night, you might consider inviting Neptune to guide you toward the goals that speak to your soul. Combine that with Mars scouting the outskirts of the norm to satisfy something unique and unusual for the sake of music, theater but looks like sci-fi. Find that perfect fit for your band but they may slip away before the reviews are in.

8:57 AM Mercury and Pluto are at a helpful 60º apart bringing an opportunity to bring it all together (your intentions) for things that take care of you on practical level. Such as insurance or retirement funds. There is a savvy individual who can put you on the right track. Just wait until Venus changes signs at 2:04 PM before initiating. With Mars still traveling out of bounds you may have an unique opportunity developing.

2:03:29 PM Venus enters Sagittarius November 16 until December 10, 2014. Begin a Green Light Period through till 6:11 AM Monday morning, Nov 17. Venus in Sagittarius: Venus' principal is that of sharing, balance and joining experiences with others. While Venus travels through Sagittarius the focus will be on relationships that offer space and a sense of openness without heavy expectation of commitment. This lighter side of Venus is more interested in fun and adventure. The love principal may also indicate that partners may either be traveling together or be separated by a traveling partner. Spending time with friends from abroad or making new friends from foreign cultures who enhance your social life. For yourself: Lighten up and give your partner a break and some open space. Enjoy nature - take a trip in the mountains. In business, consider foreign business ventures.

9:20 PM. Pluto parallel Ceres. This is a potentially deadly alignment between enemies. Those who join forces are likely making a deal with the devil.

10:51 PM Mercury and Pallas Athena join for the perfect plan. If you are out and about you may run into someone who is right for you or has the right information to secure your next major move.

Monday November 17, 2014
4:26 AM The Virgo Moon is 60º to the Scorpio Sun. Take this opportunity to heart. If you fly out of bed to jot down ideas your are leaping on inspiration. If you think about something that can help you once the Sun shines then put it into action. Take any impressions or bright ideas seriously. There may be those that can help your "do it your way".
5:04 AM Mercury 150º to Uranus. Things go bump in the night and it just may be your brain bouncing off the walls of your skull. Get up early and set your intention to take advantage of the work that comes your way. There may be new technology needed to fix or clean up a mess left by intruders - such as computer virus. Be protected early. The topics include health issues and services.

6:11 AM The Moon's final aspect is an excellent 60º sextile to Saturn. Take these opportunities to move into your next best position.
6:11 AM The Moon is void of course until 2:30 PM Monday 11-17.

2:30 PM The Moon enters Libra until Thursday after midnight. This Libra Moon's final aspect is a good one because it aligns with Neptune by a parallel. This may help to soften the tight spots and bring you closer to your vision. Partners may be able to imagine what your dream is and help you to find your way toward it. As hard as it has seemed over the past few weeks your up hill battle is defined by the Sun and Saturn conjunction early Tuesday. This releases the pressure and allows you to deliver. This is a Green Light Period from 2:30 PM Monday until 11:54 PM Wednesday night.
"5;12 PM Mercury split parallel Jupiter. A temporary meeting place such as conference for the exchange of ideas. To collect raw data from a variety of sources. Setting travel agendas. Connecting with school mates. Joining a writing group for a specific project. Submitting a rough draft. Advertising a one time event. Reconnect with those that have shown your the way before and share stories.
In business you may benefit by conducting a survey for a future marketing campaign."

Tuesday November 18, 2014. The Libra Moon is an excellent host for the Sun and Saturn conjunction.

3:50:07 AM - The Sun conjunct Saturn at the 26th degree of Scorpio. The hard part has been revealed and you are able to align your efforts to move forward with the blessings of those in charge.

1:39:47 PM Moon square Pluto. Getting into power struggles now may prove futile as a reversal is sure to come when the Moon opposes Uranus by 4:00pm.
3:29 PM Venus 45^ Mars (Mars is out of bounds till Nov 20) Emotional reactions. Minor problems in relationships. What appears as minor indulgences create money problems. Embedded issues resurface. Sorting out a need for closeness and sentimentality vs. someone else's need for growth without placing blame or fault is the challenge. One partner may be content in a closed fantasy world and the other wants some action. Differences can be identified as a mismatch in core essence of a couple. This is an indication to remove your investment from an every loosing effort. A personal note: Serious talks may not resolve relationship problems but allow you to hear what is important to you. Make the changes to yourself and others will follow. In your business world, check your motives and assess your values. Avoid the sexual intrigue with your opponent. Exchange your differences and allow options for productivity.
4:03:20 PM Moon opposite Uranus. Opps.This is a cut off aspect that may cut a topic short.
Wednesday November 19, 2014.
12:36 AM. Sun 45º Pluto. A stressful aspect between these planets can keep your head spinning.

11:53:56 PM ends the Green Light Period when the Moon is parallel Neptune which begins the void Moon period until 12:31 AM Thursday.
Thursday November 20, 2014. The Libra Moon gently changes to Scorpio.
12:31 AM Thursday the Moon enters Scorpio until 7:17 AM next Saturday Nov 22.
4:39:40 AM Sun 135º Uranus is quirky and brilliant but in a disruptive manner.
6:49:23 AM Venus parallel Ceres in focused on caring for those in need abroad. Also a focus on how people in colleges are being cared for.

"9:55:17 AM Venus square Neptune. Overly sentimental and romantic. Emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. Could have an effect on dreams. Falls in love with a fantasy figure. Dissipating love interest and a desire to escape daily stress with fantasy. Illusion is the tricky part that leads to disillusion later. Keep close watch on your purse. Costume and fashion overdone. Make-up is too heavy. A tendency to overdo with color. Bad art. Bad taste. Weakened values or moral judgment. Frivolous spending. Indulgence with sweets and alcohol. A personal thought: Love could go either way but disappointment is a strong possibility. To start a romantic journey under this influence may leave one confused and alone. Great for movies, music, dancing.
In business, the temptation to create an artistic presentation may leave a hole in your budget.


Friday November 21, 2014. Mars returns to the coral from its long journey to other places with those outside the common circles. What you have gathered from these experiences will truly inspire you to apply these ideas to your home & work life. However, some people and ideas don't always fit in your old neighborhood or even your household.

2:16:42 AM Begin the Dark Moon Period. Avoid making firm decisions based on the information you have now. You are in the dark and more will be revealed in a few days or over the next couple of weeks.

9:00:25 AM Mercury 60º Mars - this will get your talking or traveling. It appears Mars has much to say about what he has learned outside. Many ideas lead to new opportunities but these will take a little time to develop. Mercury is opposed the eclipse degree of 19^ Taurus in 2010 as Mars is opposed the eclipse degree of 2012. Very interesting.
10:40 AM Mars returns from out-of-bounds since early October.

1:18 PM Mars 45º Neptune. You can find your way in the direction you are headed. Wait for the next piece of information from the Moon and Mercury.

Saturday November 22, 2014. A New Moon at zero degrees of Sagittarius.
Live from 90.3 FM WZBC Newton, MA.
Well, once again we have a very interesting week; the stars will never disappoint you. There is always something going on and when there is nothing going on there seems to be an awful lot going on in the outer world or our inner world.

What we have this week that we are leading up to a couple of really important things. For one thing Neptune has been retrograde since the 9th of June and it will turn direct tomorrow. This is interesting because it is also accompanied with a change of Venus which will change signs in the afternoon. Well, actually 12 hours later so that is tomorrow the 16th of November. And then the next big deal for the week is Sun conjunct Saturn that is early on Tuesday morning. So if you feel like everything has been an up hill battle for the past few weeks or months, this is that point where it finally comes together and it finally breaks. And you finally feel as though you have gotten through this very difficult time or at minimum you have accomplished something and you will probably notice some relief as the week goes on, especially with Venus and Neptune making a square on Thursday. So that brings a little busy relief and that can be distracting and not good for a whole lot of focused thinking but it can help to dull the edges.

So looking at the week for today for instance we have on November 15th we have the Moon in Virgo. And this Virgo Moon is very active it is a sign for accomplishing things getting some work done working hard. And it is a little bit distracted because of the Neptune that is going to be under a greater influence tomorrow, but we are certainly feeling this now. And normally we can expect to be very motivated but where we have this Neptune sitting sort of in stasis while it changes direction the condensation over your window or your view, definitely can make you feel like you are pulled off your track. And there is a less practical use of the Virgo Moon usually we are very, very, very focused. So what we can also expect is that with Venus’ changes under this Virgo Moon that will happen tomorrow. Venus where it is changing signs is going to leave Scorpio thank goodness. It certainly has been painful while it has been in Scorpio and it will enter the sign of Sagittarius tomorrow. And when we see that change happen we have a period, I call it a grey zone. It is a refranation meaning refrain from taking direct outer action unless you wish to drop something. And it could be something like Venus might like be indulging in food or indulging in I don’t know. Venus in Scorpio, maybe it is sex things or such, I don’t know. So Venus then would then drop all of things that are potentially not good and move into a place of higher mind higher thinking higher alignment. So the money could be tied up for now in legalities or just not there yet, hasn’t come in yet. And if you are expecting Venus to be the deliverer of money she tends to leave you high and dry when she leaves the sign of Scorpio, but moves on to greener pastures where there is a better chance to have something more substantial and more practical. So if your plans change or drop don’t feel so bad, there is a better plan coming.

And there is a blind spot today at 11:51 AM when the Moon is opposite Neptune. And for this evening nothing of any thing is going on between the planets or the Moon until after midnight and then we have a couple of positive aspects that the Moon makes to Uranus, Mercury, then Pluto. But then at 2:05 AM

Neptune does turn direct so you will either be experiencing this in a dreamy, literally sleeping dreamy way. And when you are dreaming maybe you want to set your attention to be guided to the place of your hearts desire and your goals, and allow yourself to be guided toward the goals that speak to your soul. And combine with that fact that Mars is still on the outskirts. Mars is still out of bounds you have been hearing me talk about this since October. And this is a place where Mars finds something unique and new and unusual. And this could be also for the sake of music where Neptune is concerned or sci-fi or anything that is unusual. You could find that drummer for your band that you have been looking for - intent if you are a drummer let me know. And you could also find the words for something that you wish to write down, lyrics poetry, and it is also great for things, meditation and yoga.

And then what we have tomorrow 8:56 AM, 8:57 AM Mercury is 60 degrees to Pluto. And this is an opportunity brought together from the things that you hear and your intentions that are largely from a practical way. So here is Mercury and Pluto trying to keep it practical. Yeah, good luck with that. So there are some insurance matters or retirement funds, these things might be the things you are thinking of. These are good to put into practice after Venus does change signs tomorrow afternoon 2:04 in the afternoon. So there could be unique things and unique opportunities developing. Then at 2:04 PM Venus does enter Sagittarius, begin a Green Light period with that. And you say oh, it’s Sunday but you can do all sorts of things. You can shoot emails off to people, important things; say yes to something even though it is not Monday morning yet. And this is good this Green Light period is good just until 6:11 AM Monday morning. And you can like I said make intentions, take action that does forward your goals because we are coming into a New Moon week next Saturday which means we are going to be in the dark of the Moon a day and a half before that. So you want to complete something under this Green Light period, there is not a lot of those. Well, we do have the Libra Moon the whole Libra Moon is a Green Light period so that is going to be very good as well.

So Venus is in Sagittarius until December 10th and this is when you the principle of sharing joining experiences with others all these things maybe more outdoors or out in agricultural types of settings and going to concerts and plays and doing things that are fun. Take a trip to the mountains and give your partner a break for some open space.

We have an aspect between Pluto and Ceres. So this is a serious aspect 9:20 on Sunday night and this is a potentially deadly alignment between enemies. So there maybe some peace that is made, after all they did these two in mythology, Pluto and Ceres, did strike a deal when Pluto abducted Ceres’ daughter Persephone and there was a deal where the daughter was to stay with Pluto 6 months out of the year and go with her mother 6 months out of the year, so there is a joint custody thing. so there might be something about custody or there could be a deal with the devil in some way. And there also could be feeding the masses or the need to feed or care for the masses. Great numbers of people are represented by Pluto and Ceres is going to take care of and feed and nurture.

And then a very good indicator for having an alignment with Mercury and Pallas Athena, Pallas Athena is the wise one, so there is a wise guide available that would be Sunday night, so people that you meet could lead to those or be the one for the very best next direction to go in.

The Sun and Moon are in a nice 60 degree aspect at 4:26 AM Monday morning, a little too early to do something just before that. Always when there is an aspect, try to do something to use that aspect just before it happens instead of after, because you are losing, it is fizzling out after. So the 60 degrees is an opportunity that you should take to heart. So if you fly out of bed with ideas and you are leaping on your inspiration, go ahead and write it down. And so something even if it is very, very early take your impressions to your next bright idea. Bright idea combination Mercury and Uranus they are around at 5:04 AM but it is a 150 degree aspect. I call that life’s messy clean it up. That means between those things that you think and those things that you interact with are having some sort of glitch. Perhaps there is something quirky going on with your computer. Don’t leave it hooked up to the internet overnight Sunday. I would say don’t do that ever anyway but you may want to pull the plug on it and shut things down just so nothing creeps in viruses of such. And there could be a need to fix clean up and take care of your computers. And also the topics may include some health matters early on Monday morning.

And then we have the Void of Course Moon indicated by a very lovely sextile 60 degrees, Moon to Saturn at 6:11 AM. And then there is a Void of Course Moon period until 2:30 PM. The Moon enters Libra and the Libra Moon is close to a few things that is going. One of the big things is that Sun conjunct Saturn on Tuesday morning. But before that is able to happen that Libra Moon does begin a Green Light period that will last until after midnight on Thursday, So we are talking Monday at 2:30 in the afternoon.

And the last aspect is a parallel to Neptune that is very good because this helps to soften those tight spots and bring you closer to your vision. And partners may be able to imagine what your dream is and help you find your way toward it.

As hard as it may have seemed in the past few weeks the uphill battle that you have been fighting is defined by that Sun Saturn conjunction early Tuesday morning. So this releases the pressure and allows you to deliver. So use that Green Light period from 2:30 PM Monday until 11:54 PM Wednesday night, nice long one.

Mercury and Jupiter come together for a moment to help out. And that influence is going to be in the afternoon of Monday, so there is a temporary meeting place such as a conference exchange of ideas a way to collect raw data and use that to forward your goals. You could connect with school mates or join a writing group for a specific project, submit a draft or perhaps try an advertising test of some sort.

And then what we have also for Monday afternoon Monday evening it kind of rolls along with that Libra Moon which is social it allows you to join with others for some public event a party or something like that.

Tuesday November 18th that Libra Moon is an excellent host for the Sun conjunct Saturn. Saturn loves Libra, so this again is that point 3:50 AM when an annoying hard time finally stops. And it is the renewal of the yearly cycle of these two planets and this brings a new start at 26 degrees of Scorpio. So the definition the define of something at that degree of this importance would be perhaps financial or about estates or about the kinds of things that are perhaps about human resources or retirement funds or any big financial thing you may want to address with that aspect.

So for the rest of Tuesday the Moon is square Pluto and then opposite Uranus setting off the square that we have between those two planets. And first that is at 1:39 PM Moon square Pluto then at 4:03 PM the Moon is opposite Uranus. And in between there is an aspect between Venus and Mars. Mars is still out of bounds but getting ready to come back in. So this can be filled with emotional reactions and minor problems in relationships. And you may not be able to sort things out completely, but it is a good time to listen and hear what the others have to say. And then on Wednesday, November 19th we still have a Libra Moon we still have that Green Light right through Tuesday and then through Wednesday all through the entire day.

There is a little power struggle going on at 12:36 AM Wednesday. You may sleep through that one. Venus and Pluto 3:28 AM they are parallel so you may be able to dream up ideas to earn more money with whatever little money you have coming in or any larger money that you need to apply to a practical way. Then at 11:54 PM on Wednesday night the Moon is Void of Course.

For Thursday that is a Scorpio Moon sign that comes in at 12:31 AM and this will be with us until Saturday, November 22nd at 7:19 AM. And right after that there will be at 7:32 AM next Saturday is the New Moon. So this is a period, a Scorpio Moon, where you want to kind of hold back and see what is going on after you have more light. One of the things that you want to hold off for is the Sun changing signs during the Scorpio Moon.

The aspect between Venus and Ceres at 6:49 AM is about focusing on caring for others either abroad or those in colleges. How they are being cared for? How people are being fed? And then at 9:55 AM Venus is square Neptune. This is overly sentimental it is dreamy, it is emotional, it could have an effect on your vision or your goals. It falls in love with love. And so there is this dissipating love interest or someone trying to seduce you and sweep you off your feet. You may be impressed or flattered momentarily, but it is not great for the long time. Very artistic, but your artistic intentions perhaps leave a hole in your budget with that one.

Friday, November 21st this is when Mars comes back into the corral, so things may seem a little more normal. For instance those things that the President has been outlining that he will do without congress for instance may find some cooperation as Mars comes back into the corral. So we will see how that works out, how does that change large bodies like congresses in our country and in other countries as well.

The Dark Moon period begins at 2:17 AM on Friday and that Dark Moon period will last for a couple of days until Sunday at 11:57 AM. This is when you do not have all the facts you are in the dark you need to wait until the New Moon happens and then for more light of the Moon to occur. That is it for the week. Have a great week.

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