Saturday, November 29, 2014

Astrology Report for Nov 29 through Dec 7 2014 by Dietrech Pessin

This report is the companion to the radio broadcast on 90.3 FM at 9:30 AM Saturday WZBC FM.
The astrology for the week ahead with Green Light Days.

The Moon entered Pisces Friday night at 5:03 PM - Green Light till 8:14 PM Sunday night. It formed its first quarter square at 5:06 AM Saturday morning. The Moon sees little to no obstacles in Pisces right through till the end at 8:13 PM Sunday. This gives this stretch of time a Green Light to advance with your goals. The Pisces Moon adds to your intuitive information which should guide you in the right direction if you don't give into any addictive behaviors. The trap with a Pisces Moon is the short detours with the addictive behaviors and then "slam" you get stuck. Work this Pisces moon harder to bring peace and harmony into your life with the good sense that which is free from ulterior motives. Help someone in need and be grateful that you can.
Saturday November 29, 2014. The Moon is in Pisces and in a good way. There is a Green light through Sunday night at 814 PM when the Moon enters Aries.

5:06:18 AM The First Quarter Square Moon is actively involved with getting on with something which was begun nine months ago.

Sunday November 30, 204. The Pisces Moon sees a wonderful trine to Saturn at 3:47 PM Sunday. This assures good sense that is coming from a stable place. Even during the so called void of course Moon period the energy is directed inward for the best possible outcomes until 8:14 PM. Pretty easy going day. Green Light.

3:47:08 PM The Moon's final aspect is trine Saturn. Things end well that have been long planned for.

Moon in Aries at 8:14 PM and almost ends with Moon square Mars but the final aspect is a split parallel with Neptune. Looks like a consolation prize to me. There may be pieces that are missing and people who are far from the issue. Mars and Saturn are 60º on Dec 1. That's good.

11:26:19 PM - Mercury square Neptune. Blind spots and lies. Confusion, illusions and disillusionment. Loose boundaries. Visionary impressions. Issues regarding children inability to focus. Important people and things disappearing. Theft. Hidden traffic traps. Medications could be misread. Creative streaks and stimulated imagination. Intuitive and psychic impressions. Telepathic information. Those under illusion project their rhetoric onto a mesmerized audience.

Monday December 1, 2014. The Moon is in Aries and wants a quick return for its actions.
2:00:00 PM - Mars 60^ Saturn. A desire to control power or suppress anger or hostility. Discipline. Patience. Endurance. A certain amount of resistance can be a good thing. This aspect allows for getting things done. Accomplishment. Progress in business and practical matters. Fortunate delays. This aspect has a positive effect on business deals as well as when forming new partnerships. A slow and steady forward motion adds to stability and priceless good sense.

9:19 PM the Moon sets off a couple of aspects that influence the evening and into the next day. Moon trine Ceres.
9:59:17 PM - Mars parallel Ceres is able to feed those in need and keep them warm. Donate blankets and coats. Cook for someone who cannot.
11:58:10 PM – Sun parallel Mars. This is a fiery combination which could set a huge blaze especially in combination with the Mars - Ceres aspect. Both of these aspects have a long lasting impact. You may accomplish a lot and burn through a pile of work. Abundance of energy, confidence, stamina, training and competence. Vitality and vigor. The energy needed to accomplish goals. To align with others for a specific goal. Legal and justice. Body building. A need to blow off steam. Sexual energy. Crystal clear perceptions. Blasts, guns, fire; noise, sirens and war activity. Head aches, accidents, fevers and wounds. Muscular inflammation. The heart. Creative sparks. Take care of your spine, but get physical. Leave room for other people's interest. Work on intimacy.
Tuesday December 2, 2014. The Aries Moon is not able to catch up with Venus for a while as the feminine planet and all her whims and coins pop out-of- bounds until December 24th. If you have a way out gift idea for that special someone then you might want to hold onto the receipt as it may not go over very well on Christmas for any number of reasons. This might be a case of last minute shopping is best.

6:21:55 AM : Mercury parallel Mars. To align with those who can cut through the "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions. Arrows shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. Hot dry winds. News of riots and military actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch.
Slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard.
Send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
6:24:11 AM Sun parallel Ceres. Align yourself with others to help those in need. Feed the hungry.

3:16:16 PM Sun parallel Mercury. Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand. Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation. Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.
Wednesday December 3, 2014. The Taurus Moon is not good for anything that involves a lender or buyer. Traditional events are sacked so let this Taurus Moon sign float. The Moon changes to Taurus at 12:15 AM and chases Mars in Capricorn for something warm and pleasing but misses the connection at 6:56 PM Thursday night when Mars leaves before the Moon can get there. Mars is too busy and single minded to wait. Mars enters Aquarius for a broader principal which is more interested in the future of the collective then the interest of just one. The Taurus Moon is left with the disappointing opposition to Saturn (1:45 AM Friday) which puts a damper on money matters especially. Even plans for traditional events are dampened. Don't worry it picks up later.

12:15 AM The Moon enters Taurus where it is important to see Mars into Aquarius before putting all your faith in one project. On the other hand, with Saturn as the Moon's final aspect it might be best to drop something of a financial burden now before Mars enters Aquarius at 6:57 PM Thursday night. Make sure you don't want it back because you may not be able to retrieve it.

6:45:45 AM - Vesta the asteroid of investments moves into Capricorn. You may see something worth your time and money but wait for a better Moon sign to move forward. Tuesday December 9 looks better.

9:03:33 PM The 150º angle Moon to Sun - signals the events that heat up for the Full Moon on Saturday morning.
Thursday December 4, 2014. The Moon is in Taurus and is not good for lending or borrowing. However there is a bright spot with Venus and Jupiter in a creative play of charm.

2:10:38 PM - :All is not lost as Venus in Sagittarius is 120^ trine to Jupiter in Leo. Lots of love and lucky energy. People are calmer, open and easy going. A pleasant aspect with options for gains in social standing and possibly money -( Keep in mind this Taurus Moon is a NO GO Moon sign). Later there may be a sign of abundance and ease of gaining a bonus in the areas of your creative interests. Beautiful cultural settings such as galleries and concert halls. Social gatherings, sharing and food and entertainment. Generosity with loved ones and friends. Beautiful displays and grand productions. Look for signs of love and abundance all around you today. Dress up for a night out. You might win a lawsuit or gain access to a very important client. Have an office party.

6:56:32 PM Mars enters Aquarius until Jan 13, 2015. Mars rules fire, men, anger, action, heated subjects. Mars in Aquarius will heat up social subjects and causes firing rebellions build their case. Focus and perspective can be gained through reflection and friendship. Groups form to take action. There is an increased drive to apply fair distribution to all.

Friday December 5, 2014. The Taurus Moon struggles until it leaves the opposition to Saturn at 1:45 AM.

1:45 AM Moon opposite Saturn is the Moon's final aspect in Taurus but the Moon still has the Pleidies ahead to visit before leaving the sign. Therefore it is never void of course in Taurus.

Friday December 5, 2014. The Moon turns to Gemini at 5:28 AM until 12:34 PM Sunday. The Moon is full in Gemini on Saturday Dec 6 at 7:27 AM and at 14º Gemini. All the cards are on the table in regard to the matters which are dominating the news at this time. Story after story emerges and some are pieces to a puzzle that leaps back to December 2011.

4:47:21 PM Mercury is 30^ behind Pluto. This could signal that Information gained from exclusive or underground sources are seasoned with a deeper story. Talks with the dead or about the estates of those that have past away. Finding hidden documents or secret information. Communications with those in a position of power and those with the money. Signing papers for mortgages or loan documents. Trips for insurance purposes. Talks and settlements with insurance companies. Paperwork for accountants.
Contact family members who may have the information you are looking for. You might be able to help someone in a powerful position. Follow-up with insurance claims and related matters. Seek for an accountant.

10:43:52 PM Mercury trine Uranus. Innovative ideas prove to work out financial matters and this creative aspect instills genius resolve to ordinary problems. Keep a tape recorder handy for all the bright ideas you are likely to have today. Brainstorm with the best of them. Someone has an ingenious idea that could be worth a lot.

Saturday December 6, 2014. The Moon is in Gemini sails into some trouble when Saturn Mercury joins Venus out-of-bounds for a few weeks. This could make it difficult to connect with some of the people you wish to join with. It might actually be you that is out of touch. Save your receipts as purchases may need to be returned regularly.
7:26:44 AM Full Moon in Gemini.

Sunday December 7, 2014.
4:51:31 AM - Gemini Moon opposite Venus.

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