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The written report continues through December 23, 2014
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Saturday Dec 13, 2014 begins this weekend with the Virgo Moon in excellent shape for conducting the business of your routine both in your personal or work life. With Saturn at the final degree of Scorpio and the Moon in the cooperative sign of Virgo we see a 60º aspect of opportunity at the end of the Moon's Virgo route. Virgo is a changeable sign that allows us to multitask and catch all the loose ends of our daily routines. Saturday is a Green Light Day as well as tomorrow, Sunday Dec 14, through until 9:11 PM. Today sees no obstacle to prevent you from doing things your way. There is however a huge background energy which is pressing on from the Uranus and Pluto square, exact on Sunday night/Monday 1:14 AM. In addition to these imposing demands are judgments of Saturn at the final degree of Scorpio. This is extremely intense. Therefore the lighter side of this Virgo Moon is a blessing and could be used to de-stress and detoxify. Catch up on older things. Collect the trash.
Sunday Dec 14, 2014. The Green Light continues until 9:11 PM but this is a busier day with planet aspects. On Sunday a bonus from Jupiter trine the Sun. This is a brilliant opening for an intense period. Also a Last Quarter Moon at 22º Virgo places its stamp on any good job that deserves favor. The exact time of the Sun trine Jupiter is at 10:56 AM.
4:15:06 AM - Sun 45º Mars makes fires and raises temperatures. Boost your immune system.
7:51 AM Moon 22°Vi26 at its Last Quarter reaches back to Sept 2012; June 2013 and March 2014. Now as it brings this last piece of the puzzle to finish up and hopefully with a good paycheck.
10:55:39 AM Nice Sun 120 degrees a lucky Trine to retrograde retrograde Jupiter. Ask again that nice someone who offered help in the past. Refile a failed petition.
11:54:30 AM Venus 60º Neptune. Dreamy; idealistic and maybe lucky too.
9:10:37 PM Moon is void of course after a 60º aspect to Saturn until 11:05 PM. Green Light period ends.
11:05 PM -Sunday night the Moon enters Libra until 9:52 AM Wednesday.
Monday Dec. 15, 2014. The Moon is in Libra seeking the balance over huge opposing energies.
1:14 AM- Uranus square Pluto. Huge events to force change. The final stages of this active square has only one more such events and that will occur on March 16 and more interestingly at the next Saturn station. I would guess this is a karmic debt call. This is an intense time when your emotional attachments might be tied to tightly to the devil of it all. Expect this to be challenged at a deep level. These energies may be traumatic. Taking action when you are most vulnerable may not be the best idea. You may be fearful of losing the greatest things in your life. This is best for therapy of body and mind to release the memory of past damage.
Tuesday Dec 16. Moon in Libra must wait for Mercury to change signs at 10"53 PM before offering a good compromise.
11:13:10 AM Mercury at the final degree of Sagittarius speaks to Saturn about the past through the window of modernization. Saturn insist that the rules be followed to secure the stability of modern times.
11:39:05 AM Venus in Capricorn is enjoying an office party with Jupiter but may go overboard if not more careful.
10:53 PM Mercury enters Capricorn to make good sense of his newly collected information. Mercury travels through Capricorn until January 4, 2015. Matters improve for your stamp after10:53 PM Tuesday night then until 9:29 AM Wednesday. Move forward with this brief Green Light.
Wednesday Dec 17, 2014. The Libra is in good light with a Green Light until 9:29 AM.
8:35:13 AM The Libra Moon is 30º behind Saturn in Scorpio. Looking in the closets of your past in regard to relationships.
9:29:24 AM Wednesday the Moon void of course for about 21 minutes.
The Libra Moon's final aspect is parallel Neptune which might indicate magical thinking is behind the resolve to your problems. Especially relationship issues may resolve with a prayer for success. For some, success is based on the physical flow of energies while others see the spiritual and emotional balance a truer source for success.
9:52 AM Wednesday the Moon enters Scorpio until Friday Dec 19 at 4:55 PM. Stay put and do not try to push anything through. Its better this way as Saturn has a laundry list for you to clean up if you attempt changes before clearing these things up. This is too tough to touch. Let it be. Look for a better opportunity during the Sagittarius Moon sign. Steer away from anything final during this Scorpio Moon right up and through till 4:11 PM Friday 12/19, afternoon. This final aspect of the Scorpio Moon at 29º Scorpio may bring the answers to the surface but not necessarily the way you had hoped. It may be less than or shorter than needed with a finality you don't appreciate. Those that do come together under this influence could be caught up in a pattern from the past. On the other hand it may see the end of a long road that had been buried in debt. Take out the karmic trash.
Thursday Dec. 18, 2014. The Scorpio Moon is very intense. Don’t go it alone. But do work alone if you can. Try not to be hard on yourself as this heavy judgmental period will pass too. There are no major planetary aspects on Thursday.
Friday Dec 19, 2014. The Scorpio Moon continues to speak the language of the duties and responsibility of Saturn.
4:11:07 PM This final aspect of the Scorpio Moon at 29º Scorpio may bring the answers to the surface but not necessarily the way you had hoped. It may be less than or shorter than needed with the finality you don't appreciate. Those that do come together under this influence could be caught up in a pattern from the past. Take out the trash in a big way.
The Moon is void of course from 4:11 PM until 4:55 PM.
4:55:04 PM - The Moon enters Sagittarius. Here you are able to let go of anything that has been holding you back. However this is an anxious Moon sign that is expected to stand by and watch as both the Sun and Uranus standstill. Wacky and quirky Uranus on its heels while reversing its direction and the Sun is begging for more light at its solstice standstill. Both events occur Sunday Dec 21 along with the Capricorn New Moon. For now take a deep breath and review your broader plans for your future with the idea of letting go in a big way.
Saturday Dec 20, 2014
4:31 AM Mercury 60º Neptune is a dreamy thinker.
12:08 PM Venus square Uranus – watch out for your wallet or purse. There are thieves everywhere on this busy shopping day online or in-store.
7:23:02 PM Jupiter trine Ceres. The mother in us all is called to serve those in need.
10:44:23 PM Mars parallel Saturn tends to hold serious matters in place.
10:47:07 PM Mars and Uranus offer an opportunity to make positive changes but many concerns are too disruptive to grasp.
Sunday Dec 21, 2014. The Moon in Sagittarius is in the dark as it seeks to find its way in a large area of many issues erupting from all directions as Uranus is standing still catching the stage with its erratic and bizarre behaviors. Add to that the Sun moments later teetering on the threshold between Sagittarius and Capricorn and all at the New Moon of the highly public point of zero Capricorn.
1:07:35 PM Sun at 29 º Sagittarius is 30º Saturn at 29º Scorpio. The past is calling out to the director in charge of operations to mind the rules of karma and pay old debts.
5:45 PM - Uranus turns direct. Sunday Dec 21. Its apparent reverse direction began July 21,2014.
6:03 PM The Sun reaches the winter solstice point and thus begins the beginning of longer days.
8:07 PM The Sagittarius Moon makes a minor link to Saturn in Scorpio, as every contact to Saturn at this point can be measured by its intense delivery of hard knocks. Soon Saturn leaves for the greener pastures of Sagittarius where it might be more like herding wild horses then the task of scooping up the fish of the dark murky waters of Scorpio. The Moon is void of course from 8:07 PM until 8:25 PM.
8:36 PM New Moon at 00º Capricorn will reinforce the importance of the running of both business and government. The matters of the father and mother become the most important people during this new Moon cycle.
Monday Dec 22, 2014. The Moon is in Capricorn and not ready to deal with new matters until Saturn changes signs on Tuesday.
8:16:23 AM Capricorn Venus 45º semi-square Saturn in Scorpio.
9:10:26 PM Capricorn Moon semi-square Saturn.
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014. The Moon in Capricorn waits for Saturn to arrive in Sagittarius before giving way to newer matters.
11:34 AM Saturn enters Sagittarius until June 14, 2015 when it will return to Scorpio for three months.
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