Sunday, January 11, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Jan 10 - Jan 17 with Green Light Days

Call to ask Dietrech questions, make an appointment for an Astrology reading, or sign up for a class. Classes are on Wednesday night 7:00 PM in Watertown, MA, it is a 2 hour class. You can find a copy of this report and more on her website.
Saturday January 10, 2015 - Saturday January 17, 2015
Good morning. Well, we have yet another busy chaotic week. It has certainly been crazy that we can all see in regard to terrorism. And that was something that I unfortunately was expecting from last week’s events, the things that just recently, over the past couple of days, Mars crossing over the midpoint of the Pluto and Uranus square. I’ve been talking about that square for what how many years now? Three years. It is finally closing into its end and it is trying very hard to get everything done that was on its agenda. And for a lot of unsavory subjects that may mean their agenda is very cruel. So Mars is still causing havoc as it is at the last degree now of the sign of Aquarius. And this Virgo Moon that we have is going to speak to that directly. We are under this influence we continue to be under this influence. So with Mars not changing its sign until Monday we have to watch very closely for more loud noises more fires more guns more of this type of violence. And it just seems like world war III is very clearly going on. We see the violence all over the place.
It is just a really rough time. For those of us who are not in the middle of that chaos we are bearing the stress of it all. Things like; not being able to sleep, not being able to rest peacefully, not being able to focus because of great distraction, waiting for deadlines waiting for things to arrive that you have ordered long time ago that are necessary for your next step. There are all sorts of things are going on for this week. The Sun is confused all kinds of cloaking by Neptune and Jupiter. And then Pluto sits squarely between the North and South Lunar Nodes. This is nasty what happens is that Uranus is sitting on a Lunar Node and Pluto is square those nodes. So this is almost like a week that is the full expression of the Uranus Pluto square and having Mars setting things off at the midpoint of those two planets, it is just rough. Then Monday’s Libra Moon sign sees Mars enter Pisces.
We have Green Lights to advance your goals this week. Let me give you the Green Lights before I forget them. There is a Green Light on Monday after Mars changes signs and that is on Monday 5:20 AM until Tuesday at 6:21 PM.
The Moon parallel Neptune is governing the Green Light in Libra. So beware of wishful thinking governing your decisions and you want as much clarity. And optimism is a good thing but face the facts as well.
Thursday the Scorpio Moon has a Green Light period but this is one of those “don’t make a deal with the devil” during this Green Light period of the Scorpio Moon. After Mars is square Saturn is the good time that is 1:10 AM Thursday morning. Mars square is going to happen on Thursday at 1:10 AM. So that Green Light period continues right until 6:51 PM on Thursday. So I would say the better part of that would be if you sign somewhere after 9:30 in the morning which is typical business hours anyway until 6:51 PM you are pretty good to go, but take a seasoned professional with you during Scorpio Moons, on a good Scorpio Moon, they are not meant for lightweights at all.
The next Green Light period is Friday January 16th 3:01 AM during the Sagittarius Moon. This is the green light period of the week. This is when things hopefully lighten up and we get a little bit of a break. The Moon will even trine Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius while the Moon is in Sagittarius. So that is a good one and that runs right through the Sagittarius Moon through Sunday. It changes at 7:04 AM but there is an aspect between the Sun and the Moon, which is kind of the final aspect that the Moon makes in Sagittarius 3:34 AM Sunday. So during the entire Sagittarius Moon sign you are good-to-go; advance in the best way possible.
Mercury will turn retrograde Jan 21, 2015.
Saturday Jan 10 & Sunday Jan 11, 2015
For Saturday the Moon is in Virgo there is a heavy agenda from the fallout of the raging Mars that is at the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto and there is a square, semi-square between Mars and Pluto at 7:14 AM that is behind us right now. And it continues to have that ruthless quality while it is in the sign of Aquarius until Monday. The Virgo Moon however does trigger it when it reaches 150 degrees that is life is messy clean it up and that happens at 5:51 AM that is on Sunday morning.
So then we have a little bit of a break there. We mentioned the Mars semi-square Pluto and then Mars moves on to join Neptune but square to Pallas. Pallas governs the wise ones and the strategies. Neptune square Pallas indicates that someone has their facts all messed up and there could be misleading strategies and someone may be fooled by believing the coast is clear. This is not good for visibility at all. Although behind us it continues to govern most of this day with blind spots ahead. The Moon is trine the Sun which is a very nice aspect at 10:45 AM this morning. That may be a good time to move forward with something, particularly a work task getting something done for your goals ahead.
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
The Sun and Neptune are making a 45 degree aspect that doesn’t happen until 12:38 AM Sunday, January 11th, but it may govern what does go on in the afternoon. We have the Patriots playing this afternoon and the Virgo Moon is very hard working with that Mars quincunx. It looks like there is going to be potentially major injuries that take place with that and it is also looking like it is likely to be kind of a brutal game. Football is not meant for ballerinas anyway but I guess in training they are but on the field they will kill you. So then we have, so of course I am rooting for the Patriots! They won!
We also have the Sun in another aspect and that is at 5:04 AM Sunday morning. It quincunx Jupiter and that one is interesting because you could be surrounded by a lot of optimism and then have major blunders. Someone in your support team may announce they are leaving for greener pastures and there could be more expansion than you are able to handle in the current situation, and there are also political adjustments with that.
Then we get that Moon quincunx Mars 5:21 AM and that Sunday morning. It is extreme brings the effects of Mars while Mars is perched at the 29th degree of Aquarius and it appears to be social justice that is the motivator, but it may be a grand injustice. The Void of Course Moon period does start then at 5:21 AM and continues until 6:57 AM and then the Moon enters the sign of Libra.
And Mars is going to enter the sign of Pisces during the Moon sign in Libra which does suggest that there is a time when Mars might be more peaceful. But I have seen Mars make war in order to make peace, while it is in the sign of Libra. And it stirs things up it wants to get things out in the open. It is like, what is going on here? While Mars is in Pisces there is likely to be much cloaked behavior with many clandestine affairs running things on the surface.
While the Moon is in Libra it calls to show everyone’s agenda & show everyone’s cards so that we all have the same facts. So it is that kind of energy with the Libra Moon, it does try to bring people to the table for the next good plan. And then we have on Sunday, we are still on Sunday, the director of operations is called to get his or her facts straight and that is because the Sun and Pallas are at a 45 degree angle.
Monday Jan 12 2015
We have for Monday Mercury and Saturn they join with a parallel. This one says you have all your ducks in a row go head forward. And then what is moving forward is Mars changes signs 5:20 AM on Monday, which begins that Green Light period. The Moon is in Libra, it will square Pluto at 10:17 AM, so that is a rough period .I would try and get passed that because just before that the Moon is opposite Uranus so we have got that Libra Moon in very testy waters treacherous waters during that time. And then we have pretty much free flowing energy no major planetary activity thereafter on Monday.
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Tuesday January 13 we have a Green Light Venus is parallel Saturn. This is good for money and stability and for formal bonds with people it is stabilizes the material matters and it also creates long and enduring bonds. So anyone that you do sign up with during that Libra Moon you do have the potential for it lasting for a very long time. There is a Quarter Moon on Tuesday 4:46 AM this is a Last Quarter Moon and it is tied to the important Lunar Eclipse that we had last April on April 15th there was a Lunar Eclipse at 25 Libra. So this is the Last Quarter to it that says you reap the rewards of your efforts of those things that were laid out and exposed last spring. So that has the potential for being very action oriented potentially the check is in the mail as well with that type of aspect.
Venus and Uranus they form a 60 degree aspect 3:12 PM on Tuesday and this aspect is bridging art with high tech equipment and a very unique artistic twist. Something about friendship which is very important sudden opportunity to develop love or friendship and it is a time to share new exciting experiences. It is very impulsive with money. So be careful with spending too much money during that aspect between Venus and Uranus, and you could be careless about your purse. Whenever there is a Venus Uranus aspect there is the quality of being careless about your purse.
The Moon is Void of Course in Libra after 6:21 PM when it is parallel Neptune that is the one I say be careful about wishful thinking guiding your decisions. Then the Moon enters Scorpio. There is a Green Light period during the Scorpio Moon but I wouldn’t use it, it is really rough. Sometimes you just have to do things even if there are problems with the day. That begins on the 13th on Tuesday at 6:44 PM and the go for it blessings are because of the Capricorn Sun which makes a nice 60 degree aspect which is a bridging the gap aspect with the Moon. However I would wait until the Mars square Saturn is over on Thursday morning. It looks really powerful to move business in particular, but many will fail with this one. You could be good to go, but the caution is that it is not meant for lightweights. Remember Scorpio can be treacherous. Use seasoned professionals as your guides.

Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
Mercury is sextile Uranus. This is a nice aspect on Wednesday 5:24 AM. Whereas it is early in the morning it does color how things will go straight on. It can also have a lot to do with traffic and such. You want to speak quickly about the things you want to put out there with Mercury and Uranus. I say try to get your pitch down within the first two sentences and otherwise you have lost the attention of your listener. There may be a lot of radical notions with that aspect.
Venus and Pluto in a 30ยบ semi-sextile at 7:19 AM Wednesday morning. This one has a twist with money and jealousy which could start the day on a wrong foot then you have to put your head back on for some real business thereafter. So be careful about letting matters of insults or jealousy that could start your day on the wrong foot.
The Moon is square Mercury in Scorpio at 8:30 PM on Wednesday night then the Moon is square Venus 10:18 PM. Don’t make any deals on Wednesday night.
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Mars is square Saturn 1:10 AM on Thursday and this aspect is tough it is hard way to go and it is one of the most difficult aspects that we have. This one, Mars is in Pisces and Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius.
Then what we have is Pluto square the nodes this is on Thursday. It is exact at 2:50 AM but truly we are going to be feeling it now so don’t wait for it to happen. So that aspect will hover for a long time and while Pluto is square the node, Uranus is sitting on the South Node in Aries so this is very volatile. It is one of the highlight days or highlight periods in this Pluto Uranus square and that is exact on Thursday.
However on Thursday there is a Green Light period during that Scorpio Moon and that will you could begin it somewhere around 9:30 in the morning until 6:51 AM when the Moon is Void of Course in the sign of Scorpio and that continues until the Moon enters Sagittarius Friday at 3:01 AM. And the Sagittarius Moon sign has to square Mars and square Neptune before it has a clear path. So the Moon square Mars is 8:50 AM Moon square Neptune is 1:26 PM and then things are in a little better shape.
Friday Jan 16, 2015
And Friday has a clear path pretty much there after and that Green Light period runs right through Saturday next week until Sunday. So that is it for the week. Make the best of it and I would say be cautious throughout the whole week.

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