Sunday, January 4, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with the week ahead Jan 3 - 10, 2015
The above link is the most current Astrological Radio Report broadcast live at 90.3 FM WZBC FM Newton, MA. You can also listen to the over view of the year on WZBC's archive file.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Saturday January 3, 2015 - Saturday January 10, 2015
The following is transcribed & edited from the WZBC radio broadcast at 9:30 AM Saturday Jan 3.

Good morning and Happy New Year to everybody out there in WZBC land. We have a lot of Astrology going on over this next year certainly, but for today we are approaching a Full Moon. And the Full Moon is combined with a very, very hmm testy square between the Sun and Uranus. Now that happened at 3:40 AM this morning but we are truly still having the effects of this. The next thing the Sun will do later on this afternoon at 6:34PM is conjunct Pluto. So those two planets Uranus and Pluto have been doing a dance in a 90 degree square since 2011 they started, but exact was in 2012, and they have made so far 6 out of 7 hits. The last hit was December 15th and then the next and final one is March 16. So they are going to be messing with us between now and then. It is a very difficult energy to manage. It is disruptive, it changes your life in a way that perhaps you are not ready for, and it forces you into sometimes into drastic mode or survival modes. Sometimes it is that kind of thing that you need to get you moving and dislodge you from a situation that has been not productive for you. Expect to see heavy agendas; there are sort of soul agendas that these things like a Uranus Pluto square can help us. But they are very, very accident prone especially when Mars is involved and we have had Mars involved all week. Those airplanes that keep going down, not a good time to be flying or boating. In the news yesterday, did you hear about the little girl, 7 yr old girl, she knocked on her neighbors door in Kentucky, and she was in a plane a small plane that crashed, everybody on the plane crashed and died. She survived. This was last night, bless her little heart. 7 yrs old. And that crazy pileup in New Hampshire that was just insane, the traffic pileup. And just things that are going on just too much too much to dismiss too much to say to say that it is not related to the pressures of planetary alignments. It is very, very related to what is going on.
Saturday Jan 3, 2015.
We have for today, Saturday Jan 3, the Gemini Moon is still with us until 8:08 PM. That Gemini Moon sign is about a lot of running around getting papers in order. Look forward to a change of conditions when Venus changes signs, so that will bring a different flavor to this Gemini Moon. Gemini Moon is talkative and it is also about connecting with siblings, cars, automobiles, all sorts of things that you need for getting around, papers, and paperwork. Then Venus changes signs at 9:48 AM and the quality of the Gemini Moon changes which from that point is hinged on Mercury. In this case the last aspect the Gemini Moon will make is at 4:46 PM quincunx Mercury. Beginning then there is a void-of-course Moon in the sign of Gemini until the Moon enters Cancer at 8:07 PM Saturday night. There is not a Green Light in there all week long. (I often talk about Green Light which means yeah go-for-it). We are just going to have to make do. Entering into agreements this week ahead shows too much conflict to be productive. At times people just walk away without entering into the agreements.
There is a harmonious aspect with the Moon in Gemini that already passed early this morning trine Mars. But we have to call the final aspect with the Gemini Moon a quincunx to Mercury, which is a 150º aspect I call it life’s messy clean it up. So you need to get your paperwork in order because Mercury rules paperwork and he is the trickster here.
Saturday night the Cancer Moon starts at 8:07 PM. There will be a change going on when Mercury changes signs and that happens Sunday at 8:08 PM, and the last thing that the Cancer Moon will do is yet another 150 degree aspect to Mars. So we get more of that life’s- messy- clean it up” thing. Mars however is grouchier and bossier with a cutting edge Beyond this Mars is playing with every Moon sign this week as we go through the Moon signs of: Cancer, then Leo, then Virgo. Mars has the last word in every one of them. This is because it is at that latest degree. And while it is at those late degrees it is setting off the Uranus - Pluto square. Very, very accident prone, fires, anger, and the kinds of things you really need to watch out for the other guy in a very big way to stay steady and keep your eyes wide open.
Sunday Jan 4. The Full Moon is the primary topic at 14º Cancer 31’. This Full Moon is laced with the intensity of all of the Mars, Uranus and Pluto influences. These are brutal which uproot the quality of the status quo to make room for great change.
For Sunday Cancer Moon is with us throughout the day. Venus and Saturn make an aspect this is a positive aspect it is about building something of value it happens at 9:15 AM it is a 60 degree aspect. Venus is in the sign of Aquarius and Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius now. And then we have Mercury at 8:07 PM entering the sign of Aquarius on Sunday evening and then the energy shifts from that Cancer Moon and is turned over completely to that Full Moon that is coming up 11:53 PM Sunday night.
The Full Moon is quite intense; it is at 14º 31’ of Cancer. This is a time when all the cards are on the table about matters of family and home and real estate and business. And it helps you to get your business back on track and it helps you to get your home in order. It also helps you to make the right connections in regard to family members, especially older family members who are needing special assistance, and the very young as well.
Monday Jan 5, 2015
For Monday we still have a Cancer Moon. The Cancer Moon is about home and family, things that are close. If you are involved in an activity with someone under a Cancer Moon sign you can assume that you are an insider to that person. That person is feeling vulnerable and they need someone who knows their stuff to help them along with what they are doing, and also someone who they feel that they can be relaxed with, so that insider quality gets you invited often with what can be assumed is an elevated invitation.
Mercury and Saturn are making an aspect on Monday at 5:21 PM Mercury is a nice 60º to Saturn and that is an aspect that has a lot to do with thinking in a very serious way to open a line of communication. Your thinking may have the quality of too serious. It could be too organized or it could be just exactly what you need so that you can get things on the right track; sharper thinking and there is much awaited clarity returning for your needed concentration especially for practical matters. So you want to put your rational thinking into gear with this aspect and clean up the mess from earlier things in the day.

But let’s go back to that Cancer Moon, the last thing it does is quincunx Mars 8:15 PM on Monday night. So Mars is playing hard ball, Mars is noisy and it is often carrying a weapon and it is often argumentative and it has a very short fuse. It wants things done fast right away wants you paying attention to everything they are doing; it doesn’t care what you are doing. Especially Mars in Aquarius, it has kind of a ruthless quality to it, heartless quality to it, so it will take others down without thinking twice about it.(Mars will change signs when the Moon is in Libra that is later on – that is next weekend then Mars will enter Pisces, a much softer place for Mars to be on Monday the 12th of January.) It’s not until then do we get rid of all this sort of anxious hard dealing Mars.
Tuesday Jan 6, 2015
On the 6th of January Tuesday, the Moon is changing signs and entering Leo. The last thing the Moon is going to do while it is in Leo is an opposition to Mars, so again we have another chaotic time. There are a couple of things going on during that Leo Moon. Venus is talking to someone very wise and smart at 6:18 PM and that is because it is involved with Pallas the Goddess of Wisdom and then it is parallel Pluto which has an influence over the entire day. There is something about getting your money matters in order and also perhaps signing for loans and gathering whatever kind of agreements that you can, especially bringing people to the table that are on the same page with things.
Tuesday, Saturn and the Sun make a 45º aspect at 9:55 PM and that aspect has to do with frustrations and delays. There can be difficulties with matters of land or real estate and also difficulties could arise between executive decisions and department heads, matters that are hard to sort through as both positions really want to stand on their own ground. So there could be a lot of political stuff that goes on or just people digging their heels in. A lot of relentless types of judgmental attitudes go around with that aspect too. It is hard working so it is a really good day to get a lot done and that is on January 6th.
Wednesday Jan 7, 2015
We have Venus and Neptune forming an aspect. This one could make you lose your things your money your love. It is not a big deal, but it is just enough to cause a problem. However you can allow for some kind of patch work cover up cosmetic like fixes to the problems that are going on, but not long term fix. And then that is on the 7th of January, which is Wednesday and its influence is specific around 8:34 PM. So if you are out trying to meet someone that is kind of a shady aspect to be meeting somebody. They are not showing you who they really are.
Thursday Jan 8, 2015
Thursday Jan 8, there is an aspect between Mercury and Pluto under the Virgo Moon. That aspect is about getting your thinking into deep subjects. It is also about licensing boards, red tape, bureaucracies, interactions with insurance companies and agents, and then driving vehicles through rough terrain like mud and rain and snow and all that sort of thing. But there is also a lot of loan officers and money lender talk on that date as well.
The high drama of the 8th shows quite a bit of activity between the Moon Uranus and Pluto, and the Moon and Mars making this a very, very difficult very difficult day. The Moon makes aspect to Uranus at 1:19 PM then Pluto at 2:48 PM. The Moon is sitting at a point where it will oppose Mars and aspect both Uranus and Pluto. Very dangerous day, so I would keep travel down to a minimum be careful with tools be careful with dealing with other people who tend to be hot headed. This is one of those things where the, well I don’t want to put it out there, but it is really dangerous. So be very careful with that one and that is on Thursday the 8th.
Friday Jan 9, 2015
Friday Jan 9, we have Mars making an exact aspect to Uranus with a 45º angle 7:23 am. That aspect also has a tendency to tear the tires up on the car so you want to check your tires make sure that you have good tires. Also watch out for the hotheads too.
That Virgo Moon it is cranky. Virgo is about getting a job done and working hard. It is also about your diet about food issues preparation of food, could be contaminated with Mars aspect. Moon quincunx Mars is one of those “life’s messy clean it up” aspects. If it is your food, it means the food is filled with bacteria or there could be something in your gut that is not right. Try probiotics to fix that. Also hot drinks and foods could be a problem.
For Friday, still that Virgo Moon quincunx Venus at 9:07 AM and that one has to do perhaps with losing your purse, so be careful about losing your wallet your purse. Beyond that we have that Virgo Moon right until next Sunday so we want to carry through carefully over the weekend with the Virgo Moon.
For now, Jan 4; the Full Moon is here Sunday night at 11:53 PM EST and it is very exciting. It has the quality of that entire Mars, Uranus & Pluto stuff going on which is very haphazard. That is pretty much it for the week ahead.

Saturday Jan 10, 2015. The Virgo Moon is full of intrigue and bully like pressure. However there is a soften effect of a parallel between Mercury and Venus which has an influence over the entire day. It also can bring the right people together to solve some of the current problems. There is a case of a highly regarded informant giving the wrong information or there may be something leaked that creates a precarious situation (Neptune square Pallas, the wise one at 9:14 AM).

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