Monday, February 16, 2015

Astrology Report for the week Feb 14, - 21, 2015 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Saturday, February 14, 2015 – Saturday, February 21, 2015 Astrology Report with Dietrech Pessin

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Call to ask Dietrech questions, make an appointment for an Astrology reading, or sign up for a class. Classes are on Wednesday night 7:00 PM in Watertown, MA, it is a 2 hour class.
The following text is transcribed from the recording Saturday Feb 14,2015.

Good morning. Well, there is no broadcast on WZBC this morning. Allegedly according to their Facebook page there was a bomb scare on the 12th and they closed the radio station to protect the disc jockeys, so we are not having an Astrology report on the radio today.
So I am here in my office and reporting that the snow has not begun to fall yet. We are waiting for a new blizzard and Happy Valentine’s Day. The Moon sign for this Valentine’s Day is Sagittarius. That is a happy sign except there is a little surprise, Saturn, he is the boss, he is out there directing traffic during your personal day, so you have to mind the rules. There is a brief Green Light period after the Moon is square Mars today and that would be at 10:15 AM. Moon square Mars makes it very difficult to move forward with your plans without a squabble, so what we are going to have is a better time after that right up until … so you can use a Green Light period during that time period from 10:15 AM until 5:24 PM that is when the Moon will enter Capricorn. During that period the Moon would be considered by some standards a Void of Course Moon, but the Moon is never Void of Course in the sign of Sagittarius, so we do get a little extra playground time.
And there is an aspect, the Sagittarius Moon is 60 degrees away from the Sun in Aquarius and that is at 9:45 AM this morning, as we are reporting this Astrological weekly activity right now. After the Moon changes signs and enters the business side of its journey in the sign of Capricorn, we have very important events that the Moon is conducting. And that would be… first it makes a square to Uranus and that is on Sunday during the Capricorn Moon trek. And that would be Sunday at 4:48 PM and then at 6:09 PM the Moon is conjunct Pluto. This will set off once again that square between Uranus and Pluto which is exact on the 16th of March. But there are going to be events one thing after another after another that set this off.
Talking about major events, the Sagittarius sign rules things like journalism. We have lost 3 Journalists, two have passed away: David Carr, and Journalist (Bob) Simon, and also Brian Williams who has been asked to leave his post. And all of this has to do with Saturn square Neptune. Saturn being in the sign of Sagittarius also rules things like colleges and universities and any museums. I know that there have been changes or vacant positions in the head Presidents of museums that is going on and all sorts of things, change is going on in colleges. Foreign travel there should be a lot of things in regard to changes in problems during foreign travel. Also with Saturn in Sagittarius square to Neptune.
So going back to the events for this week that Capricorn Moon will make its final aspect as a sextile to Mars. And there is another little trailing aspect with a 30 degree aspect to the Sun so that makes the
Capricorn Moon pretty much the best Moon sign to move forward. There are some exceptions during this time.
There is an aspect, a recharging of your vital energy aspect at 12:19 PM on Sunday, February 15th. You are able to view the activities behind the scenes and develop projects also that have just been in the thinking process that is still very premature. However there are scouts out there trying to find new ways new plans new schemes and to make things happen. Lots of fire and noise especially in hospitals, farms, and large institutions with the Sun semi sextile 30 degrees away from Mars. Mars is the one that is scouting out ahead in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the sign of closed doors, things, activities going on quietly behind the scenes. There is hidden problems, they may mushroom into bigger issues. This could also be the storm that we are having here in New England. So you want to take an active role, also in your spiritual development, and allow this motivational aspect to initiate a plan for your success. Again we want to watch out for Moon square Uranus on Sunday 4:48 PM that is haphazard and then Moon conjunct Pluto 6:09 PM on Sunday.
Continuing with the Capricorn Moon for Monday there is a Green Light period with caution. And that Green Light period begins at 3:17 PM until 7:13 PM. Well, this is actually on Monday, so that Green Light period ends at 3:17 PM on Monday. So we have it from Sunday, through Sunday, and then until Monday at 3:17 PM when the Moon is sextile Mars. The Void of Course period is marked from 3:17 PM until 7:13 PM on Monday.
Then the Moon goes into the sign of Aquarius lots of excitement there too because we have a New Moon at 29 degrees of Aquarius, and then 10 seconds later the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces. So this is almost a Pisces Moon New Moon but it is Aquarius which has to do with groups that are forming, likeminded groups are making a statement, they are forming their bonds and their ideas to put out there for all the world to see. There is a Dark Moon period. That Aquarius Moon that starts Monday night continues on Tuesday and then the Dark of the Moon begins at 12:22 PM. Do not make any decisions after that point because you don’t have enough information. You need to wait until the Moon is visible in the sky that won’t be until Friday, early on Friday morning.
And we have for Tuesday the Sun setting off Uranus and Pluto square in a big way, this starts at 5:37 PM on Tuesday. Now Tuesday is ruled by Mars, so there is always a lot of action and activity on Tuesday anyway. Add to it the Sun right at the midpoint between Uranus and Pluto, so this is when sparks will fly and things happen, very powerful things, earth moving things. So Uranus and the Sun hold a very powerful excitement and rebellious activity. It is difficult to understand its meaning, sometimes you have to wait until things settle down. The core issues are about freedom and about how people matter. People are short tempered or erratic, but there is a lot of inventive thinking and unconventional methods may not be appropriate. However you may see a lot of those things flying around, tech data issues with viruses are really high on the agenda, and it is extremely accident prone. I’m talking about Tuesday.
And then later on the Sun will do the same thing, make a semi square to Pluto and that actually happens on Wednesday and the events that we have for Wednesday the Sun is semi square Pluto, internal power
struggles problems with those things in power that you cannot reach from your position, and there is a sense that you are powerless. The vital component to organize others is also in a compromised position; abandonment issues, trust issues, lot of those things are going on. What I would say is don’t engage in any battles, turn away from anything that appears to be threatening and just keep moving forward. Don’t engage with crazy people that is for sure.
And then 6:47 PM on Wednesday we have the New Moon in Aquarius. So this New Moon is stacked with excitement, there is a lot of things, there are a lot of things going on that have to do particularly with Uranus and Pluto square. We are just going to get an over dose of this type of energy, it is nuclear in its quality. It is really… just be safe in all that you do.
And then on Wednesday at 6:47 PM the Moon enters the sign of Pisces. We have 3 things huge going on. The planet changes are going to occur while we have a Pisces Moon this week. And that will be the Sun enters Pisces on Wednesday 6:49 PM and then Mars will enter on Thursday at 7:11 PM. Mars enters Aries and then Venus enters Aries at 3:05 PM on Friday, so one day after another. Wednesday the Sun changes signs at 6:50 PM, Thursday Mars changes signs goes into Aries 7:12 PM that will be there until March 31st. Then Venus enters Aries on Friday at 3:06 PM, so a lot of things are moving along with an aggressive impatient style.
Then we have the types of things that we can expect Moon square Saturn on Thursday at 1:49 AM so this makes for rather a difficult stressful sleeping, it is probably best for sleeping actually. After we get passed that square Pisces Moon it will conjunct Neptune. So there is that period from 1:49 AM to 5:48 AM when the Moon is setting off the square between Saturn and Neptune. It is not exact until November but there are many things that are setting this thing off early.
Mercury and Saturn are sextile that is 60 degrees apart on Thursday 8:05 AM. This one is very good for sharpening your thinking especially in the evening, much awaited clarity seems to be returning to your brain since the Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is not retrograde any more, which is a good thing. So you want to put your more rational thinking into gear and clean up the mess from things earlier in the week. Mercury went direct by the way on the 11th of February at 9:57 AM. Whoo! We got through that one. To me though it seems like Mercury is still retrograde. You may find that you are now working best alone when Mercury is making its 60 degree aspect to Saturn then the …
Continuing along with Thursday just that Mars entering Aries. This is a big day, this is the ruler of the sign of Aries. It will continue to be a major event right through until the 11th of March when Mars catches up with Uranus and makes its square to Pluto. So all kinds of things, lots of fires, be really careful about anything that could cause a fire. You can also see that there is an indication of more direct action as the position of Mars challenges others gears people up for conflict and/in battle it is very deliberate in its intentions. Romance is really high on the list for Mars while it is in the sign of Aries, but Venus is going to come into Aries also the following day. Venus is much more cooperative within relationship while in the sign of Pisces. So you may want to catch that romance before Venus changes signs on Friday.
And for Friday we have a Pisces Moon, the Pisces Moon does begin at 6:48 PM Wednesday night and continues right until 6:13 PM on Friday. For Friday Venus will enter the sign of Aries, the Moon is setting off both Venus and Mars with parallels and that is on Friday in the morning between 8:19 AM and 12:12 PM and then Venus makes its change at 3:05 PM. This is not a happy sign for Venus she is very impatient she burns through money she rushes love and she may heat up matters and impatiently wait for things to develop, and she may even leave before she gets the prize or change her mind or drop things. It is very difficult to resist spending when Venus is in the sign of Aries. Venus wants affection will find any way to get it or get attention, and that may not be in a positive way. Any choices with your hair might be better at a different time, maybe get your hair done before Venus changes signs into Aries. Do that before the sign change happens at 3:06 PM on Friday.
So still on Friday the Moon enters Aries at 6:13 PM stays there until February 22nd. There is a Green Light period during the Aries Moon but advance with much caution, there is a mystery prize in the closet. It could mean you get a consolation prize instead of your hopes. So choose another Moon sign to move forward. The best one in the near future is on the 25th after that First Quarter Moon occurs at 12:14 PM, I’m talking February 25th. There is a Green Light period in the afternoon right through the end of the day, so that is when you are likely to have a better chance of conducting business that will stick.
The Moon is conjunct Venus on Friday at 6:29 PM and then Mars at 7:27 PM, so things heat up considerably for that pair, who are trying to get things moving in a forward direction. Jupiter and Mars are making an aspect, this steps up battle. It is a high point for Jupiter, who is retrograde, and this is a high point for its position in a spot called the World Axis 15 degrees of Leo. Mars setting that off is heating things up and picking up the weapons for battle or it could be the kinds of things that you need to get your projects going and moving forward. That is it for the week. That Aries Moon does continue through Saturday next Saturday the 21st and Sunday which is a good Moon sign but remember that the prize is likely to be a consolation prize and that is it for the week.
I was hoping to have a class tomorrow on line during the blizzard. If you are interested in a class online will send you a link, where you can join me and see my screen. And we can have an astrology class. And I am planning to do that around 2:00 tomorrow afternoon if there are enough participants. So give me a call at 617-924-0929.

The next section is the same week from my desktop.

Saturday Feb 14, 2015. Happy Valentine's Day - The Moon is in the Happy sign of Sagittarius except the surprize is that the boss is directing traffic during your personal day. There is a brief Green Light period after the Moon is square Mars at 10!% AM until 5:24 PM.

6:23:00 AM the midpoint of Mars and Saturn enter Aquarius until May 8, 2015. This may place a serious focus on group activity and the band of unions that demonstrate likeminded ideas.

9:45:47 AM The Sagittarius Moon is 60º to the Sun in Aquarius bringing an opportunity to advance with the risk of a battle over the prize as the Moon goes on to square Mars a half hour later.
10:14 AM Moon will square Mars making it difficult to conduct your business without a snag.
10:15 AM Saturday Feb 14 there is a Green Light Period until 5:24 PM.
Saturday Feb 14 the Moon enters Capricorn until 7:13 PM Monday 2/16. The Moon has its important events by a square to Uranus at 4:48 PM then conjunct Pluto at 6:09 PM, which may result in a highly pitched series of stories. This is the Moon's tense stretch through the cardinal signs setting off the final square between Uranus & Pluto which is exact on March 16 but not to omit the day of chaos on March 11 when Mars joins Uranus and also squares Pluto the same day. Whew.

Sunday Feb 15, 2015.

3:16:40 AM Pluto conjunct Ceres.

12:19 PM Recharging vital energy. To be able to view activities from behind the scenes. The development of work projects. Actions actively planning or scheming behind closed doors. Fire and noise in hospitals, farms and large institutions. Sun and Mars aspects can trigger virus, flu and other ailments as a result of being run down. Hidden problems may mushroom into bigger issues that could lead to legal disputes. Take an active role in your spiritual development. Allow this motivational aspect to help initiate a plan for success.

4:48:17 PM Moon square Uranus.
6:09:04 PM Moon conjunct Pluto.

Monday Feb 16 the Moon is in Capricorn. There is a green Light with caution until 3:17 Pm when the Moon is v/c until 7:13 PM.

10:53:01 AM Moon 60º Venus. You may find something that is perfect for whatever you desire.

3:16:57 PM Moon 60º Mars. There is an opportunity to redeem your favors or coupons.
3:44:53 PM Moon 30º Sun is then v/c until 7:13 PM Monday.
7:13:05 PM Monday the Moon enters Aquarius and is set to join the Sun for a New Moon on Wednesday at 6:47 PM. The dark phase of the Moon begins on Tuesday around 12:22 PM until the Moon appears in the sky again on Friday 2/20 after midnight.

Tuesday Feb 17 the Moon is in Aquarius. How can you help a friend or assist others with their plans. This is not a good day to move forward with final choices.

5:13:24 AM Mars parallel Chiron. When the student is ready the teacher appears.

5:37:53 PM Tuesday Sun 45º Uranus is very powerful as it holds a place for a semi-square to Pluto on Wednesday at 12 35 PM. Excitement and rebellious activity that are difficult to understand the meaning. Trouble settling down. The core issues are about freedom. People are short tempered or erratic. Inventive thinking. Unconventional methods may not be appropriate today. Tech and data issues as with viruses. Accident prone.

Wednesday Feb 18. Moon is in Aquarius. Not a good day to plan a final decision. Your needs are overpowered by outside forces. Everything else is takes a back seat to manage pressing matters. Many things are underdeveloped and all the players are not accounted for.

12:35:06 PM Sun Semi Square Pluto. Internal power struggles. Problems with those in power that you can not reach. A sense that you are powerless. The vital component to organizing reform. Poor financial reports motivate creativity and new methods. A sense of spinning in circles. Abandonment and trust issues.
Let go and let God. Ask for help dealing with difficult personalities. Do reality checks Don't engage others in any battles. Turn away and keep moving forward. Trust is a major issue regarding your next step. Try making lemonade out of your lemons.

6:47:13 PM New Moon at the last seconds of Aquarius is nearly the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto. This one is stacked with excitement. Wednesday. The next New Moon will be a solar eclipse on March 20th.
6:47:23 PM Wednesday on 10 seconds after the New Moon the Moon enters Pisces until Friday at 6:13 PM.

Thursday Feb 19. Moon in Pisces. Beware during each Pisces Moon that it must square Saturn before the energy lightens up.

1:49:03 AM The Moon is square Saturn Thursday.

5:48:15 AM The Moon is conjunct Neptune.
8:05:32 AM Mercury 60º Saturn Sharper thinking returns in the evening when this 2nd aspect hits. You find much-awaited clarity returning, and your need for concentration and focus on practical matters is addressed. Put your more rational thinking into gear so as to clean up the mess from earlier in the day. You may find you work best alone.

7:11 PM Mars enters Aries 2/19 until March 31. March 11 is the big day for this Aries ruler when it will join Uranus in the square to Pluto. Mars in its own sign is operating above board and in the open. This can be an indication of more direct action by those in a position to challenge others. Open conflict and deliberate intentions are made known to all. Romance has a better chance for success now that Mars, ruler of the masculine character is functioning in an honest and more present behavior. Use this to move forward in your personal life a direct way.
Make a plan to take on greater challenges and become current with the latest advancements in your field. This is the sign of the entrepreneur.

Friday Feb 20, 2015. The Moon is in Pisces until 6:13 PM today.

1:00 AM The dark phase of the Moon ends as the Pisces Moon becomes visible in the sky. You ar now able to make better informed decisions. The Pisces Moon allows you to see the secrets behind the scenes.

12:12:42 PM Moon sets off Mars with a parallel at 12:13 PM. This is the last aspect of Moon in Pisces until it changes signs at 6:13 PM Friday. Channel the most positive energy. There is one more stop for the Pisces Moon. That is to catch Venus before she leaves. The Moon is completely engaged in this mission but fails the attempt when Venus leaves the sign at 3:05 PM Friday.

3:05:24 PM Venus follows Mars into Aries This is not a happy sign for Venus. She burns though money and rushes love. She may heat up matters but impatiently misses the persuasive cues and doesn't both to do "the dance". It may be difficult to resist spending with Venus in Aries. Venus wants affection and will find a way to get it. She may not be subtle in her appearance or approach. This is a time when people will find a way to satisfy their needs somewhat impatiently and greedily.
6:13 PM The Moon enters Aries until Sunday 2/22. There is a Green Light period during the Aries Moon but advance with caution as there is a mystery prize in the closet. It could mean you get a consolation prize instead of the one you had hoped for. Choose another Moon sign to move forward. I pick Feb 25 at the First Quarter beginning at 12:14 PM until Feb 26.

6:29:44 PM Moon conjunct Venus. Enjoy a sweet encounter with the object of your affection.
7:27:44 PM Moon conjunt Mars. The Man. This is also a configuration that is present during pregnancy.

7:38:31 PM Mars 135º to retrograde Jupiter . This is Jupiter's high point in its distant trek through Leo because it is traveling over the point called the "world axis" at 15º Leo. This may engage the war like activity as the likelihood of banded warriors worldwide gain a focus on a common enemy.

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