Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feb 21 - 28 2015 Astrology Report with Green Light Days by Dietrech Pessin

Saturday, February 21, 2015 – Saturday, February 28, 2015
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929 The following is transcribed from the live radio report Feb 21, 2015 on WZBC FM 90.3 Newton, MA.
Good morning. It is the 21st of February and the Moon is in a formation, it is a little Eclipse. if you could see the planet Uranus, it is lined up with the Earth and the Moon in such a way that it causes what is called an occultation, or a little mini Eclipse with the Moon and a planet, so we get this frequently throughout the year with various planets. Next month it is going to be a doozy there could be like huge events on the 21st of March because the Moon will be forming this configuration this Eclipse configuration with both Uranus and Mars the day after a solar Eclipse. So there is going to be three things lining up with the Earth, the Sun, Uranus Mars, lots of stuff.
We certainly don’t need to be convinced of the intensity of the aspects during this time period. We are seeing it everywhere. Currently the Sun is in the sign of Pisces and that is a sign, a water sign, we have a lot of that around and there is likely to be a lot more coming up this week with the First Quarter Moon on Wednesday that is going to be a very active day weather wise I do believe. Always when I see the Moon is in Gemini and there is an aspect with Neptune, and the Sun will be lined up with Neptune, then there seems to be a huge storm that comes with it. So maybe it will go out to sea and miss us that would be the great thing. We need a lot of good luck. If there is such a thing as human beings controlling weather then do you mind, dial that off to another direction, thank you.
Today Saturday we have a lot of things we have an Aries Moon and we have besides that Quarter Moon coming up we have the Sun square Saturn with that Pisces Sun, it will square Saturn on Monday. So there (are) a lot of very strong aspects to talk about for this week.
We have a Green Light for today, but you may only get a consolation prize for your efforts if you want to put all of your eggs in one basket, so I suggest don’t do that. If you are feeling like you must go shopping or you must make a major decision about something, I would say don’t choose that tile for your bathroom today. Choose another day that is a good day and I will give you clues on when that comes up because you may have short term end results for you efforts and you could have regrets as well, so we don’t want any of that.
The Neptune energy has been very confusing and filled with a lot of interesting openings. A lot of soul messages a lot of soul energy, and a lot of things where people that are crossing over to the other side are leaving behind it would seem very strong messages.
There was an aspect between Venus and Jupiter this morning…looking at this week now step by step, day by day. We have today a couple of aspects that the Moon will form to Uranus, two of them, and then to Pluto and then it goes to trine Jupiter. So starting at 3:34 PM Moon is parallel Uranus, 5:04 Moon is conjunct Uranus, 6:13 the Moon is square Pluto. So what this is doing is pitching this aspect, it is Iess than a degree apart for those two that pair Uranus and Pluto. This is that sudden abrupt change that sweeps things from underneath right up onto the top causing upside down inside out type of
activity. It has to do with anything, personal, relationships, property, land, sea, government and just all sorts of things that are being toppled. So we are in the last stretch, the last aspect of this pair is on March 16th. But it won’t be the last time we hear from these two crazy antic type planets, so we are going to try and keep things batten down as best you can. But go with the flow and observe and investigate openings as they come up. There may be very positive changes for you with this last stretch of this square between Pluto and Uranus, and it may be time to take that jump.
Later on this evening Moon in Jupiter in a beautiful trine, and by the way did you see that gorgeous Moon with a beautiful planet? It looked like the biggest planet ever. It was the conjunction of Venus and Mars at the edge of a little sliver of a Moon in the sky last night. It was just stunning, it was just beautiful. Marty loves to look up and see those beautiful configurations.
And we have also an aspect between the Sun and the Moon at 11:50 tonight; it is a 45 degree square. Aries Moon means it wants to get up and go do something, make something happen. There is a Green Light through also Sunday as well, but that last aspect is a split parallel to Neptune that is the one that makes me think that there is a consolation prize that is 5:47 PM Sunday night.
The aspects that are going on though on Sunday are between Venus and Mars. First of all there is Venus and Mars are joined together at all most 2 degrees of Aries, and that would be at 12:13 AM Sunday morning. And it is also sealed together by two more aspects: a split parallel, and a parallel. So this will continue right through for a couple of days, the split parallel is 2:11 AM on Sunday between Venus and Mars, so that is another very important aspect. We are not as commonly used to hearing about the split parallels and the parallels. They can act like an opposition and they can also act like the parallels, definitely like a conjunction. So it certainly is the beginning of a two year cycle between men women or lovers in general, mates in general. Love and romantic activity very strong, strong healthy drives and passions, lots of physical attraction with these aspects, and driven toward pleasure and the desire for acquisition. It is also a money aspect, so if you want to try your luck at something there is a possibility of seeing the money flow. And the ability to earn is really good if you want to try and find new ways to earn money, you could uncover those things. There (are) creative ventures out there, and decorating and enhancing appearances. You want to settle up with the past and leave that slate clean for new love and creative possibilities to come your way. And the parallel, the contra parallel split parallel are lovers that find each other for a brief encounter. So it is kind of interesting there is sort of a long term connection then a short term connection. So it could be on again off again kind of thing, but it does stabilize as Venus will trine Saturn and then Mars will trine Saturn sealing the deals. So put yourself in the company of those you would like to keep in your life without expectations and just enjoy the time until they meet again. And that meeting again between Mars and Venus happens on Monday, we will find that as we move further down.
We have a seriousness that we are feeling throughout this week with the Sun square Saturn, It feels like everything is an uphill battle and things are very, very hard, so just try to go with the flow. It gets easier after that square occurs and that is on Monday at 8:56 AM. This is during a Green Light period and that Green Light period…Well no, lets see that ends Sunday night at 5:47 PM then the Moon enters Taurus and that is at 7:28 PM until Tuesday night, late night 11:54 that Moon is in Taurus. It is filled with a lot
of activity and heaviness because of that Sun square Saturn. Sun square Saturn is a time of seriousness that points to insecurities. In particular you might be feeling like you are just not going to make it, there is not enough money, but it will come, it will be there. Things… we will recover from all of this. There is an expectation of recognition for things that you have accomplished in the past, and you may have to wait a little longer for that type of recognition to come through. There is some difficulty shown with authority figures and also there is a change in key figures, so watch as people the musical chairs go on in the office, and in government it should be an interesting time.
We think of Sagittarius as fun and happy, but Saturn is showing us while it is squared to Neptune that things are not as clear as they ought to be. So this marks the point, a new beginning, in a growth pattern between the Sun and Saturn where things start to build and grow during… There are some cut backs and some layoffs that are associated with this that I often see, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is a surprising sense of humor with Saturn. If you are suffering from knees or bones or joints you will feel better after this aspect passes as well. The Moon is square to Mercury and that is on Monday at 8:56 AM, so we are waking up with this conflict in our heads and there could be a bit of argumentative energy that goes along with this.
And here is that aspect between Venus and Mars that seals the deal and there (are) lots of love connections or connections between pairs. These could be motivated by business or money or creativity. The pair is highly active and will seek out a method for expression. Perhaps someone is looking for your particular expertise so be available. It is you that (is) attracting what someone else finds in you, so be ready to move that into gear. It is very social, if you have opportunities to go to parties and make connections go. You can meet people, you can find your significant other during this kind of an aspect because it is very long term, this is a love thing. And it is also great for retail business and anything having to do with moving money around. Acquisition opposites attract, they are brought together in one form or another either for friendship or for business. Take someone along with you where ever you go looking. If you are looking to go to a party always if you have someone else with you then you might be actually attracting more attention as well. It maybe a profitable money day and we are talking about Monday.
And then Tuesday, we have February 24th , we have a Taurus Moon still going on and the Taurus Moon is relieved to have the Sun square Saturn behind it. And there is some what still a little bit of tension left in the Taurus Moon for two minor aspects that the Moon makes to Uranus then Pluto very late in the sign. And that would be on Tuesday 10:34 PM and 11:43 PM, one to Uranus and then to Pluto. The Moon is making these semi-square and 135 degree sesqui-quardrate squares that would cause some kind of crankiness and upset, possibly with money in regard to the Taurus Moon sign.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Gemini, it is there until Friday at 7:50 AM. And the Gemini Moon is filled with lots of activity too, lots of sweeping wild wind in its First Quarter square with the Sun at 12:14 PM it is exact. The highlight of the day is that productive energy of Mars trine Saturn that we have and that is at 10:09 PM.
Then the Sun is conjunct Neptune at 11:35 PM. This is an aspect of enlightenment although you might feel like it is a very foggy type of day, lots of wild weather whiteout water and that sort of thing. Mars is in an aspect with Juno. Juno is the bride. He is very happy with his choices and may actually be asking for someone’s hand in marriage with that aspect.
The Quarter Moon that takes place is a time when you can begin a Green Light period on Wednesday that is 12:14 PM that would be until 3:43 AM on Thursday. The Gemini Moon is about traveling in the neighborhood trying to get a lot of errands done trying to connect with people networking. And you are actively involved in the process of generating some energy about something you may have written or something you may have communicated. Somebody you are trying to reach, you may connect.
Matters about siblings are also very strong on that day. That Mars trine Saturn is well channeled energy 10:08 PM and that is on Wednesday. And that aspect is about obedience and tolerance patience, all these things are applied more easily, and there is that processing of anger and hostility, so things may calm down in those areas. Lots of stamina and lots of endurance we can find with that type of aspect, so steady as it goes. And that is also in love matters as well when Venus and Saturn make trine that aspect on Tuesday morning 9:58 AM, and that one says you are in for the long term. This is steady as she goes for love and money.
Okay that huge storm; I don’t know what the weather is saying. I will tell you, it is every day it seems to be a repeat. But astrologically speaking there appears to be something very large going on with that Sun conjunct Neptune 11:55 PM on Wednesday night. This is a wonderful spiritual opening that if you are seeking to connect with an elevated community it is a good time to try and work with them and even if it is on an ethereal plane. So chose this time to join in a meditation for World Peace that is what I am putting out there. Lets meditate for World Peace 11:55 PM on Wednesday night.
Thursday we have a Green Light period still until 3:43 AM, if you are up late or very early. There is an aspect between the Moon and Jupiter at 60 degrees that is a sextile, but there also seems as though at the end of the sign during the Gemini Moon the Moon will make an aspect with Mercury. It is 135 degrees, which is considered a minor aspect that doesn’t normally apply to Void of Course Moons. However it being the ruler of Gemini, I am using it, and that is happening at 1:35 AM Friday morning. That is when I think the Moon will be Void of Course until the Moon changes signs at 7:49 AM on Friday morning as it enters the sign of Cancer.
The Cancer Moon is also complicated. There is an aspect between Jupiter and Pluto that is huge, it is quincunx, I call this life’s mess clean it up. But here it is Jupiter, who is over there, is it like a handle of a bucket opposite all of the planets on the other side of the zodiac and it is sort of tossing things around flipping things around. So you can either join in and cooperate to try and clean up any kind of mess that is made. You might also find your travel plans have to change, also anything having to do with your education or your basic understanding of human nature that may also change. Something is large enough to force you into damage control with great stress. So take it easy and go with the flow. Just go about things in a prepared way that if this or that should happen this is my reaction, this is what I will
do. And help those that are shut in, if there is a big storm with that aspect. And on March 3rd Jupiter is then going to trine Uranus, so that is the other piece to this aspect that Jupiter is making.
So we have for Friday, the rest of the day is a Green Light day and that will run right through that Cancer Moon that we have until about 3:07 PM on Sunday. And then I think it is kind of iffy about that. The aspects for Friday, Friday afternoon, Friday night, 7:41 PM Moon is square Mars that happens to be argumentative and can be haphazard and then it is square Venus. So here we have this nice love, new romance, new marriage proposal thing going on and then they have a little spat. So just be easy on each other and it will be alright in the end. That is it for the week.
Call to ask Dietrech questions, make an appointment for an Astrology reading, or sign up for a class. Classes are on Wednesday night 7:00 PM in Watertown, MA, it is a 2 hour class. If you would like to join us on line be part of the class while the class is engaged you can sit at home and Dietrech will send you a link to the class call or email You can find a copy of this report and more on her website.
Have a great week and stay safe.

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