3/7/2015 Saturday Happy Birthday Janet. Saturday has some quirky planet activity between the Sun and Uranus which rules a sudden about face or a spontaneous visit from friends. Moon is in Libra and is opposite Mars at 8:41 PM. This aspect separates you from your intended by either accidental events or a conflict. The conflicts may be on a large scale as the Uranus and Pluto square is so much apart of all of the Aries/Libra – Cancer/ Capricorn activities.
5:45:44 AM Moon 60º Saturn adds a positive bridge to the structure of your day.
9:40:05 AM Sun split parallel Uranus brings a surprising event which awakens your consciousness and shows your where you might find likeminded people who are already informed of these types of things. Although this is not a long-term connection it can be exciting and enlightening. There may be a spontaneous event with friends. At times this can be hazardous although very ingenious.
10:18:53 AM
11:17:46 AM
7:24:09 PM Moon split parallel Mars is both dividing and aggressive from the opposition.
8:41:26 PM - you get cut off at the pass when the Moon opposes Mars. This may be a trigger to the frustrations sitting on the surface looking to lash out. Breath deeply and step away. This is not your battle, it just sweeps up anyone who will feed the red hot energy. This is not good for travel until this aspect passes around 8:50 PM.
9:44:12 PM The business side of people is represented by the Moon and Sun midpoint now in Capricorn until Mar 12 at 11:06 AM.
11:09:29 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2015 the Moon is in Libra and the twists and turns are huge as we get closer to the end of this three year Uranus and Pluto square. The Moon sets it off on Sunday.
12:23:41 AM Moon 60º Jupiter is what you need to make a point with the right person.
12:41:48 AM A little hazardous and expensive period until after 11:58 AM.
1:49:27 AM Cut offs and reversals.
2:27:48 AM Power struggles.
5:22:11 AM The Sun/Mars enters Aries and is hot to trop and motivated to cut through the chase without regard for other's feelings. The viral loads increase. Boost your immune systems in body and machines.
8:24:21 AM- Moon 150º Sun tosses out clauses and paragraphs of your agreement to benefit one side or the other. Venus is impatient but too broke to walk away from the table. Later she sends a message that she or the table will agree to a one time compromise.
11:58:09 AM Moon opposite Venus - if the package looks too good to be true it probably is. Keep it light and enjoy the party but don't sign anything until after 9:24 PM.
3:43:10 PM A onetime compromise with Moon-Venus at a split. It's best to revisit these topics at another time.
6:05:27 PM - The head figure is challenged by an angry opposition. There is a a bully in the midst that won't back down before striking.
9:23:55 PM Moon trine Mercury - Green Light until 6:07 AM Monday.
10:17:45 PM Venus 135º Saturn is dirt poor and want a better deal.
3/9/2015 Monday starts with the Libra Moon in a sleepy parallel with Neptune then void of course after 6:07 AM until the Moon enters Scorpio at 9:10 AM. The Scorpio Moon is harsh and can be cold
6:07:11 AM Moon is void of course after Moon is parallel Neptune which allows for a fantasy to dominate your thinking. Idealistic notions pair you with those who wish to glaze over the issues. You may want to revise this later. The void Moon ends at 9:10 AM.
9:10:00 AM The Moon enters Scorpio until 7:30 PM Wednesday.
11:25:48 AM Venus 60º Vesta spots a good deal but it is subject to the hungry appetite of the Scorpio Moon.
3/10/2015 Tuesday. This is a very difficult day to accomplish the little things in life as the cosmic temperature is up and the Scorpio Moon is pushing matters to the edge of the abyss. Suddenly things turn on a dime. You advisors are sharp but tend to cut you out too. Tires burn off wheels and blood pressure rises with Mars parallel Uranus all day. This is likely to be a very good day for the retail business as people are impulsive. The Moon is like a trigger and some will feel set up when 150^ Mars at 1:17 PM then 150^ Uranus at 2:35 PM. Watch out. The results cost are large and have long arms to collect.
2:03:57 AM Mars trine Jupiter. A symbol of victory. Signals to move forward. Athletic with a healthy competitive spirit. Positive support and confidence with the energy to back it up. Strong attitudes and winning combinations. Entrepreneurial spirit. Goals and ambitions. A focus on fair play with ethical boundaries. Religious or political righteousness. Warm up the engines and charge ahead The right combination to be adequately prepared for any activity.
For personal use: The trine makes you kick back but try to get physical. Exercise. This is one of the best business aspects. Someone is liekly to gain in a huge way with this aspect. This aspect is an easy pass for those in an aggressive position.
1:16:40 PM Moon 150º Mars.
2:35:11 PM Moon 150º Uranus.
3:25:26 PM Mars parallel Uranus. Observe the players, they are rebels and radicals.
3/11/2015 Wednesday is all around a very rough day astrologically speaking. The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio which is not meant for light weights. Further is the wacky dangerous Mars and Uranus aspect. Do not engage with others especially stangers. There are two aspects of Mars; first the scary conjuntion to Uranus at 12:06 PM followed by the square to Pluto at 6:41 PM. The Moon will go void of course after a nasty square to Mercury at 3:46 PM.
5:34:06 AM Moon 150º Venus is likely to spend money to change one's feelings.
6:48:01 AM Toss the crying towel to someone who needs it. Your rose colored glasses won't work here. Venus 45º Neptune.
12:05:45 PM Mars conjunct Uranus. Oh my. Buckle your seatbelt. A highly accident-prone aspect is present when there are unpredictable problems with more noise, fire engines, and explosive tempers. The sum of the combo is razor sharp. On the good side it is excellent for breaking through static conditions, inventions and programming. Be particularly cautious with flames and overzealous personal opinions. Revolutionary ideas. Notice surprise military advances.
Cut through seemingly impossible tasks with a cool head. Invent new ways of doing things.
3:46:03 PM Scorpio Moon square Mercury in Aquarius is the final lunar aspect which sets up a picture for disagreements and bad endings. The following Mars square Pluto is a steam roller that will mow down the opposition.
6:40:42 PM Mars square Pluto. I call this "the steamroller aspect". Steamrollers when used for the purpose intended are powerfully effective for flattening the surface to create a flat hard top for a new road. On a symbolic level it may indicate that those in a position of power may mow others down with greed and a severe competitive drive at the root of the intention. On a positive note, the objective is to accomplish a mission at all cost and pull out all stops. Therefore for those planning to take charge of life and redesign a new path, may succeed in erasing all existing remnants of the past or current setting to assure a new future. This combination allows for very serious strategic planning and allow one to cut a new design. Impatience shortchanges strategic plans that may affect failure. Speeders get speeding tickets. Over drawn bank account. Pornography.
The physiological indications are for a necessary surgery; irritable bowel disorder. Psychological indications may include a fear of being "raked over hot coals"; obsessive drives and behaviors; some may experience a bout of paranoia with difficulty discriminating between reality and tricks of the mind. This may be true for those in positions of power who feel threatened by both insiders and outsiders. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. There are strong sexual urges with this combination. There is a strong drive for dramatic core changes to what matters to you. The structure of your life is ruled by Saturn and Saturn rules Capricorn. Pluto is traveling through Capricorn. Therefore what Saturn does is a good barometer of what Pluto's intentions are. Saturn is in Sagittarius ruling on the broadest issues.
For a personal application try to get serious about your future. Avoid allowing strong sexual urges to interfere with your primary objective. This is a time for personal transformation. Access your own power and reflect on help from those in positions of power but do not approach them unless you are the one in a powerful seat. Break out of the grip of the monkey on your back.
In business the things to avoid are annoying symbols of greed and misuse of others finances. Proceed only if you are well prepared. Dig deep and plan to cut new fabric.
7:30:20 PM Moon enters Sagittarius until 12:40 AM March 14.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
11:05:52 AM Now the people get involved on a group level when the Sun/Moon enters Aquarius. Align with friends.
3:11:47 PM Venus split parallel Neptune. The feminine is enhanced. Beauty and sensuality enhance this day. Like magic, help arrives from a magnetic individual. Romance and illusion permits invitations once not considered. Boundaries become vague regarding the framework of realistic values. Charm and intoxicating moods camouflage seduction. An opportunity for deception. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences. Great aspect for creating a cosmetic camouflage. Use of color, flowers and music raises the vibration.
For personal use: Keep your eyes open when your heart's a flutter. Focus your attention inward for the gem in your intrinsic value.
For business: Beautify and enhance a presentation. Beware of buying without deeper investigation or inspection.
11:51:58 PM Thursday Green Light begins until 7:11 PM Friday however it's best after 1:47 PM Friday.
3/13/2015 Friday. Matters are decided by those in the seats of Justice. At this time when Saturn turns retrograde on Saturday the rulings are serious but may be revisited after many years.
1:18:51 AM Mercury 45º Uranus is quirky with upsets which makes it difficult to stick to a plan.
3:42:57 AM Mercury 45º Pluto is demanding that we pay the toll and file into the lines designed by the gatekeepers.
1:47:53 PM The Moon last quarter is volatile with upset traffic and hot-heads. This is the payoff for past deeds. There is a Green Light period from this time until 7:11 PM With a stroke of luck this could work for a broad plan or marketing idea.
7:11:12 PM Moon is v/c after Moon trine Venus.
10:01:34 PM Choose an expert with this perfect trine of Venus and Pallas.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
2:39:42 AM Moon enters Capricorn until 6:14 AM March 16.
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