Saturday, March 28, 2015
The Cancer Moon for Saturday is a busy one around the house. Clean up and cooking might be a good use before the Moon square Mars at 9:58 PM. The rest of the evening quietly retreats into the nest.
1:50:50 PM Vesta enters Pisces allowing your spiritual practice to advance. Your devotion to excellence pays off as you polish every candlestick. Don't duck corners.
9:58:07 PM Moon square Mars. The family is upset by harsh words and actions. The baby has a rash and the tummy is on fire.
Sunday, March 29, 2015 – The Leo Moon is not good for advancing your goals because of too many loose ends and your projects might get dropped before completion. Or you could be replaced for another. If you wish to drop something that has been a problem this might be a good day for that.
1:47:48 AM The Moon enters Leo through until 2:12 Tuesday. The Leo Moon must tend anxiously to both Mercury and Mars changing signs. You may feel the pressure of a presentation or performance but you cannot catch the organizers before they leave for their own agendas. If you chose to drop or postpone your plans you might have a better option Tuesday afternoon.
7:54:05 PM Mars square Ceres sets fires and puts children at risk. Food is needed for the family. Food may be aggravating your stomach.
Monday, March 30, 2015
The Leo Moon is focused on a production of one type or another and has two players to track, Mercury and Mars. Both are scheduled to leave their signs which may leave you with multiple problems. This is not a good day to advance your goals but it may be a good day to drop something that is too complicated or your may be too late to get what you want.
3:47:01 AM Venus Trine Transiting Pluto
A money aspect that could be speculative or result from a favor. A ravenous appetite for food, and sensual delights. Sensually or sexually indulgent. Motivated by money, mild jealousy and envy. Motivations bring ease in a crowd. Blending with those in a large group. A need to share and trust. A display of spending for an entertainment setting. Enjoyably intense interactions with others. Expressions or desire of deep affection creating deeper intimacy in relationships. An opportunity for great consumption. An opening to sell something or release. Insatiable desires. Meetings or introduction to people with great magnetism. Bonding within a setting of large groups of people. Intense need to acquire money and material objects. Jealousy can be a motivator for change. Paranoia detected in the statements regarding ones possessions.
In personal matters: Easily express your passion through your creative projects. Create a romantic setting for the object of your affection. Indulge but resist a heavy mood.
For business: An opportunity for a smooth connection to the person holding the key to the bank and they may appear in a social setting.
12:00:44 PM Mercury Semisextile Mars brings on unconscious chatter. Fast notes. Discussions begin with the objective to develop and organize. Meetings with technically skilled workers. Some working decisions or conclusions for the purpose of moving forward. Seeking honest responses and practical solutions. Attempt to make sound connections to those that are part of the solution. Consumed with errands. Seeking speedy results. Progress reports and support for recovery. Clearly decisive. A practical assertiveness. Expressions through writing.
You may sail through a project that needs organization skills.
Make business calls. Problem solving or work alone on a writing project.
3:59:09 PM Venus Semisextile Transiting Uranus
Brief description: Erratic changes in matters of love and money. Relationships are at risk of stress to the breaking point. A stroke of luck. A financial turnaround that could be for good or ill. Look for a gift from the universe.
In personal matters consider friendship as the greatest resource before walking away because of money matters. If someone is a drain on your finances set the limits of which you are able to adhere.
9:43:32 PM Mercury enters Aries until April 14. Thinking becomes quick and impatient. There is a need to solve problems quickly. There are more ideas then hours in the day. Sharp mindedness and sharp tongue too. Short darts around town. Quick studies and quick responses. The wind picks up speed. Great for troubleshooting. Brainstorms.
On Tuesday the Moon continues in Leo until 2:12 PM. The Moon appears to be chasing Mars for some important information about arrangements, workers and start of action; however Mars leaves the sign before the Moon can catch him. This sets up a problem or series of problems where the task(s) at hand have to pick up the loose pieces and work out Plan B. Many things could be dropped, some of which might be to your advantage.
12:26:24 PM Mars Entering Taurus through May 11.
Personal drives and desires could overpower professional goals. Slow steady progress is the best course of action. Allow reason and persuasion to be your guide through the various obstacles. There is an increase of stubborn energies during the period when Mars travels through Taurus.
12:27 PM the Moon is void of course until 2:12 PM.
2:12:06 PM Tuesday March 31, 2015.
The Moon enters Virgo at 2:12 PM Tuesday until 3:07 AM Friday. Green Light after Moon square Saturn at 11:42 PM Tuesday until 6:08 PM Thursday night. The Virgo Moon is excellent for meeting deadlines set by the up and coming Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, April 4. Work hard, eat healthy and join with others to get the job done more efficiently and quickly. The Moon's final aspect is parallel Mercury giving you the information your need and the connections which apply for the best possible outcome. It's time to run with the ball.
9:24:34 PM Venus Parallel Jupiter
A lucky break. Support comes from a well-rounded, well informed and intelligent person. Many doors are open and you have an invitation to explore and sample. An opportunity of education or travel. A time to share appreciation with good food and drink. A time for advance.
Make choices and be gracious. Try the lottery. Travel. Socialize. For business, enhance your image. Money day.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
1:58:08 PM Moon 150º Sun indicates that it's time to run full speed ahead for the deadline imposed by the Lunar eclipse energy on Saturday. This aspect between the Sun and moon will bring out the problem areas or breakdowns that might through you a curve. You will have time to tend to matters pertaining to the clean up after the Full Moon. With great care and caution advance during this Green Light period through 6:08 PM Thursday night. You will be able to get the information you need to wrap up your job and be present for your big day.
7:52:17 PM Mercury Semi Square Venus. A snag with social graces
Lack of ease during social conversation. Obvious pleasantries. Polite talk and superficial interaction. Shared artistic and/or technical interests. Talks or comments of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems in relationships and not the solution. Nagging. Trivial details. Non conclusive regarding financial matters. Problems that is difficult to resolve as a result of data sharing.
In personal: Chats about money matters could run into arguments.
In business matters, you may consider the value of mediators.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
8:20:19 ARE Mercury Trine Saturn
The message delivered with this particular aspect is likely to be significant and designed to "send a message". Important statements from people in leading positions. Communications are serious and lead to report results. Clear but dull or sober presentations. This is an aspect of the rational mind, organized and logical thinking. This aspect brings the ability to concentrate and focus to make clear headed decisions. There is a need to organize. Positive results from quiet isolation.
In personal matters, you already have all the information you need to make your decision.
In business matters, you are well informed to move forward.
1:20:12 PM Sun trine Jupiter. An optimistic bridge links one to a much bigger idea, taking all parties concerned to greater heights. A new perspective allows for a stroke of luck and a sharp eye to catch a very important picture. Signs of growth. Wonderful energy. Optimistic reviews. Broad-based objectives. Future orientated thinking. A new perspective. A need for wide open spaces and expansion of knowledge. Generosity from others and abundance is available. There is a possibility of exaggerated opinions of oneself or their projects which helps those with low self-esteem for others it could lead to obnoxious behavior.
For personal use: Travel to a new place and meet new people. Learn something new that engages your current expertise for future benefit. You may have something of value that someone else is looking for exactly what you have. Freedom and open space is a consideration.
For business use: How can you take your business into new territory? This is a day for education and action. With Jupiter now retrograde apply this aspect best for plans you once considered lost such as with education, travel or a marketing plan. Jupiter is retrograde until April 8th.
6:08:03 PM Moon parallel Mercury before it begins a void of course period makes this Moon sign the best pick to advance your goals. The Moon is void until 3:07 AM Friday.
Friday, April 3, 2015 The Moon leaves Virgo for Libra. Hold off on your plans to push forward after the Moon is square Pluto at 10:18 AM Apr 4.
3:07:25 AM Green Light after Lunar Eclipse at 8:06 AM Saturday. But not before. For the most important matters try to conduct your plans under the Virgo Moon's Green Light period Tues - Thurs. the Libra Moon is void of course at 9:35 AM Sunday after a parallel to Neptune.
8:17:53 AM Ceres enters Aquarius. There may be hope for society to insist upon fairness regarding the care of children and elderly people. There are causes to protect the environment and take action for fair distribution. Ceres is in Aquarius until Aug 3 when it retrogrades back into Capricorn until Oct 27.
2:03:39 PM Venus is split parallel Saturn causing a temporary understanding for the cause of separation between loved ones. A temporary decision to cease spending, borrowing or lending money or possessions. To join with those of greater age or rank differences such as the Defense Secretary visits with the troops at the battle site. An arranged opportunity to meet with leaders or family head.
In personal matters seek alternative retirement plans.
In business matters, position you by appearing competent and not pushy.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
8:05:31 AM The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 14º Libra 24'. It is visible in Asia, western Australia, and the Indian Ocean. Some parts of the eclipse will be visible in North and South America. The tightest aspect of the eclipse is the Sun and Moon square Pluto; then Moon opposite Uranus. This is highly accident prone. Most importantly it may sever valuable relationships although much need to clear to make progress there is caution with heavily motivated goals. Leave room for negotiation.
10:17:51 AM Moon square Pluto
11:58:29 AM Moon opposite Uranus.
7:35:14 PM Sun parallel Uranus.
Sunday, April 5, 2015 The Moon continues in Libra and brings a Green Light to advance until 9:35 AM.
9:35:25 AM Moon is v/c after parallel Neptune.
11:07:42 AM Sun square Pluto. It is best to turn the reigns over to the control freaks and sit back and enjoy the ride.
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