Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for the week of March 14 – 21, 2015.
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Here’s the transcribed radio report:
Good morning. Happy Pi day. We have a whole lot of stuff this week. I hope this report doesn’t take too long. We have a Solar Eclipse coming up on Friday and it is a hot number I’ll tell you. It is a hot number because today Saturn turns retrograde. And Saturn is being hosted by the Moon in Capricorn, so Saturn rules Capricorn. The Moon is there welcoming in Saturn’s major event here. And this is a time of very serious decisions, difficult issues with bones, like arthritis and teeth, and Father Issues are huge during a Saturn station. Saturn will be retrograde until August 1st in this time zone, and we will have Saturn transiting back into the sign of Scorpio. It is right now in the sign of Sagittarius it goes back into Scorpio for a few months, and then after it turns direct August 1st we just have another month and a half there where it is still in Scorpio, until September 16th, and it will enter back into Sagittarius once again, so it has a lot to do. The sign of Scorpio is about death, sex, and taxes, and anything having to do with mortgages, and past debts, and that sort of thing. We will be able to clean up those matters when Saturn goes back into that sign.
For now Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius making its statement and station in the sign of travel. Travel abroad, also anything having to do (with travel), you want to renew your passport or renew your knowledge in a particular subject. If there is a subject that you need to refresh this is a really good time to do that. Taking on something brand new might be difficult. I would wait a little while for Saturn to get used to its new direction, its retrograde direction.
So the things that you should avoid during a Saturn station are things like operations and that is because Saturn is very slow to heal during this time. You can also expect that Saturn is also the planet of karma whereas Mars is the planet of dharma. So the weight of the concerns at this time may be no greater than expected, if you are keeping track of things. Or they may be far greater than expected, if you ignored warnings along the way. So the moment calls for you attention to deal with something of great importance right now. Don’t ignore any signals in your vehicles that it needs care. Take care of these things now. And I would also avoid any long term agreements for the next couple of days and actually for this next week. Very, very hard to get these agreements to fulfill what you are thinking of. So things are too difficult to fulfill. Any procedures of the body brings on a very long slow hard healing, so don’t do that, and rebound is not in Saturn’s vocabulary. So the Saturn Station can come at a high cost of life and land. We are seeing this with the tropical cyclone Pam in the South Pacific ripping its way through that area with 200 mph winds and gusts. They are saying up to 300 mph cutting right through a land mass in the islands there in the South Pacific. So we send our prayers to that area, please help to hold them together.
The other thing about this Saturn Station it triggers an astro memory of Solar Eclipses in the past. The Lunar Eclipse of May 2013 comes to mind. So if there is something about May 2013 this is the time when you pay the dues for that. And also November 2011 there was a Solar Eclipse near the same degree and in the same Moon family, and that was November of 2011. So those times are huge for the types of events that may come up and bite you, so to speak, during this time. Saturn also brings a structure a
sense of safety to some matters. So you want to be able to invest in something that makes sense, well thought out.
There is an aspect that goes along with this today Mercury semi square Mars. I want to say Saturn makes its station today at 11:02 AM and that lasts until August 1st, not the station, the retrograde motion will last until then. But be careful what you say today because Mercury is semi square Mars. That means there is a foot in mouth problem that we have. The news is warning of potential dangers and you may be ignoring those dangers. And there is a tendency to argue and fall into conflict, so be careful about taking anything on. once again its problematic. Possible mechanical failures are emphasized once again with that Mercury aspect to Mars on a Saturn Station. And then we have Mercury square Saturn coming up and that would be on Monday, so that emphasizes that once again.
Then we have for today that Capricorn Moon sign which begins at 2:40 this morning the Moon entered Capricorn. And that Capricorn Moon runs into interference lots of interference as it is square Uranus and then conjunct Pluto early Sunday morning, further it goes on to square Mars. So you want to be really careful during this Capricorn Moon. Beware of fires, anything flammable, anything that you might not be tending to be careful about those things, explosions, and also car accidents. It just is very difficult.
This is the week that we have been talking about, we have been projecting this area of time for years and it is a very, very difficult time. I’m in many ways glad it is here because in a week from now it will be behind us, so that will be the good news. And I will have a class on this tomorrow if you would like to join me in person or also online. You can join me online and have a recording of the entire class that would be available for your review later: audio and visual. So check out my website or I will give you my phone number later for that class.
So moving down the Capricorn Moon, we have that all day Sunday. The Capricorn Moon on Sunday seems to have less going on after the Moon is square Mars and that is at 9:56 AM. It is a little calmer and there is later on though the Capricorn Moon will go on to square Venus the next day on Monday.
Monday is a wicked hot day, besides Mercury square Saturn at 5:40 AM, and this one brings a tone of narrow mindedness hyper focused thinking. It is a day of exclusion omission and prohibition. The “No” word is very much part of Mercury square Saturn. Unpleasant news cut off and blocked off being left out of the loop. So that is your issue in life. You probably have something to complain about for that particular thing. Read the fine print before getting involved in anything.
And then the Moon will also be in the sign of Capricorn during that Mercury square Saturn. So the last aspect of the Capricorn Moon is going to be Moon square Venus when the Moon goes Void of Course at 4:01 AM on Monday morning. That Void of Course Moon is until 6:14 AM, the Moon will enter Aquarius.
This one is a little bit better. This one will host that Uranus Pluto square at 10:54 PM on Monday night. This is when you have a deep intense emotional attachment to something that is challenged on the deepest level by something that is abrupt, sudden. Abrupt leaves you feeling quite vulnerable. You may be fearful of loosing it all. A lot of things are being cleared away to bring new and better things later, so this is not all bad by any stretch of the imagination. This is a good time for entering therapy. It is a good
time to gain insight into your deeper level of yourself and of your life. So that aspect of Uranus square Pluto is the last one, and then it pulls apart slowly.
So we still have residual effects of that. We still have the Aquarius Moon for the rest of the night on Monday. And Tuesday the Aquarius Moon is still with us as well. There is an improvement after Venus changes signs. Before Venus changes signs that Aquarius Moon, which does begin at 6:14 AM on Monday, there is a period that you would drop something or lose something of value to you as Venus sits at that last degree of Aries until she crosses that threshold of Taurus. You will make an impatient decision that is ruled mostly by your desires and certainly not by good sense. Keep your head on when it comes to money matters and love matters. Things do improve during that Aquarius Moon after 6:15 AM on Tuesday. Then we have a Green Light period, the first one of the week, and that Green Light period will last until 1:25 AM on Wednesday, so it starts at 6:15 AM Tuesday until 1:25 AM Wednesday.
Then we have for the rest of the Aquarius Moon on Tuesday, sort of on going, there is an opportunity at 2:18 PM between the Moon and Mars when it forms the aspect of opportunity, a 60 degree aspect to Mars. So it says get your engines going and try to take advantage of something important. Everything you do is important this week. There is nothing trivial at all.
On 3/18 that is Wednesday that Aquarius Moon is with us until 6:58 AM when it enters Pisces. Then Saturn is issuing a very heavy task list when it moves into an aspect with Mars, rather Mars moves into the aspect with Saturn. Stressful conditions, projects that you take on are tedious. Be careful about any problems with relationships or measuring the materials that you need to be able to get a job done. We could be working hard; working alone would be the best way, so you can keep your concentration as well.
There is an aspect between the Moon and Neptune which marks the Void of Course Moon period and that is at 1:25 AM on Wednesday. There is another aspect during that period, Mercury conjunct Neptune. This is a whiteout kind of aspect this could be fog wet weather snowy weather anything that causes whiteout conditions. However it is very good for hunches and spiritual activity if you are using your dreams to help to interpret your inner self. Also you want to be aware that visions of sorts that could be visions of creativity or visions of some sort of information from the other side are also prevalent during this time. An intelligent person aligns with you or mediates with a spiritual professional, so there is something that can be gained for entering into a spiritual practice during this time. Someone also might also be covering up or lying. This is an aspect that could cause a distortion of the truth. You can also get lost especially crossing large bodies of water, I would be careful doing that. And fast traveling germs with the flu are also a problem, when Mercury and Neptune are enhanced with a conjunction like this. You would want to boost your immune system during this time this very, very important week.
The Moon enters Pisces at 6:57 AM which ends the Void of Course period that began at 1:25 AM. And the Pisces Moon has to square Saturn at 2:46 PM on Wednesday. And that aspect would mark the release of some difficult and stressful period that had gone on in the morning.
There is also a Dark Phase of the Moon that begins because of the Solar Eclipse that is coming, as if we haven’t had enough all week. There is a Solar Eclipse on Friday, so the dark Moon phase before the Solar Eclipse begins at 11:00 PM on Wednesday night. And not until the Moon emerges from the blinding light of the Sun next Saturday that is on the 21st of March at noon the Moon will be released from the brilliance of the Sun and we come out of the Dark Phase of the Moon.
For Thursday the Pisces Moon not a good Moon for making contracts. We are in a Dark Moon. It says you don’t have enough light of the Moon to be able to see your way through issues and evaluate things properly, so wait until you have more light on the subject after that.
And then Friday March 20th that is the day of the Solar Eclipse, it is exact at 5:36 AM. And the Solar Eclipse will cut a path across the planet, and let me see where that is going to be. See if we can pop this eclipse in here on March 20th 2015, it goes right through where that cyclone in the south pacific… No, it is north. Excuse me. It is below Greenland and it is just above Europe. The path will go right over and lining up with the Arctic Circle, so that is a very, very hot zone. Perhaps things will be melting quickly, we hope not too quickly, thank you very much. And the Solar Eclipse is also expected to revisit the energies in 9 months. So anything that is seeded during this time takes 9 months for it to percolate or gestate in the Lunar Gestation Cycle. You can read about Solar Eclipses and the Lunar Gestation Cycle in my book Lunar Shadows and that is available through me or through Amazon, Lunar Shadows III, the eclipses and lunar phases.
So we have the Moon’s final aspect in Aries is the Solar Eclipse that is really intense and that is on Friday. The Void of Course Moon begins at that time. It is brief; it is at 5:36 AM only until 6:27 AM. And then the Moon enters Aries and it is there until Sunday. So that is it for the week. It is filled with all sorts of crazy things.
We do have one more thing that is going on; the Sun brings spring time on Friday evening 6:45 PM. It comes with its own fire works that is with the Aries Moon. And there will be a little mini eclipse between the Moon and Uranus on Saturday and the Moon in Mars on Saturday, 7:14 AM and 6:51 PM. So the Sun entering Aries is very, very hot. And it is a hot time anyway because of the fact that it is the World Axis, so lots of things will be calling our attention. You can get a lot of things off the ground this week, you can start things up, you can make a big difference in your life. Be willing to go with the flow and let things go as they fall to the side. Just move forward continue to move forward. Have lots of faith, things will work out; there is a lot on your side. Okay that is it for the week. Again give me a call at 617-924-0929 about class tomorrow. The class is about the eclipse that we are having. It will be at 1:00 tomorrow until 3:00. So give me a call at 617-924-0929. Also find a copy of this on my website at Put a hyphen between the two words that is the title of my book. Lunar shadows. Okay. That is it, and be safe, be happy, and live long and prosper. Happy Pi day.
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