Dietrech Pessin 617-924-0929
WZBC Radio 90.3
Saturday, May 2, 2015 – Saturday, May 9. 2015
The following was transcribed from the live radio broadcast.
Good morning. Well, there is a new Royal baby girl and she was born with a Libra Moon today at 8:34, I believe 8:34 AM, and that is in London. So one of the most interesting things about the Royal family is that they share mostly, they share this aspect between, some aspect, between Saturn and Uranus. And Saturn and Uranus are the big deal that is going on this weekend with the Full Moon that we have tomorrow night at 11:42 PM. and then following that on the 4th is Saturn and Uranus a 135 degrees apart. This does not sound like a major aspect, but it does have major impact. And as I was saying the Royal family, they all have some type of Saturn and Uranus aspect. And they will have probably some major impact, a greater impact… this baby has a greater impact than her older brother because this aspect is stronger in her chart.
So for us today we have a Libra Moon up until 9:47 PM, and then the Scorpio Moon comes in. The Libra Moon sign, it improves with some Green Light activity that you can expect after the aspect of Moon in Uranus that happened last night. So we had a Green Light period that started after 9:53 PM last night until, it runs through until 2:27 PM today when the Moon is then Void of Course until 9:37 PM. And the Libra Moon starts a period also where the end of the lull or the peace qualities of this Libra Moon sign will have kind of a low period as it goes into a greater intensity when the Moon changes signs enters Scorpio.
So this Full Moon that is going to happen in Scorpio is hugely intense it is very financial it is also physical, or geological because of the aspect between Saturn and Uranus. So I would say take all kinds of special care with the Scorpio Moon. It is not good for signing anything it is not good for agreeing to anything long term, so you want to keep the ball rolling. And if you need to be presented before authority figures in any way or boards of in any way, take a professional with you.
There is a mini aspect between Mercury and Uranus early in the morning and then Mercury is opposite Saturn [a] little bit later and that is on Sunday morning 4:34, 4:35 AM. The Mercury Saturn is the messenger to tell you that things have been stopped or things have been blocked. It is a difficult aspect. It makes me wonder that there might be some more about the rioting related to the Baltimore death of Freddie Gray. There could be other things that happen that are related to these types of things, not so much exactly about that, but about other things.
And this Full Moon is at 11:42 PM it packs a powerful package with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. And it is setting off the degree of the Solar Eclipse that we had in November 2013 so it has quite a large history with it, and it continues with future history of it’s own that it will make.
And then you can begin a Green Light period after the Saturn and Uranus aspect. I would say it begins right around 3:43 AM and that is with the Moon sextile Pluto so you can go ahead and negotiate a good plan for yourself. But make sure a professional looks it over it is not meant for lightweights.
The aspect between the Sun and Jupiter is square at 5:02 AM on Monday morning. That can be rather optimistic or also exaggerates its importance and very often spends more than it has or is accused of being extravagant as well. Also the information could be in some way over bloated with that square.
There is a change of Moon signs... Well, there is a good aspect that ends that Scorpio Moon at 7:10 AM on Tuesday morning. And that aspect is a split parallel. It says someone of great importance or in a star position, a prominent position, is likely to come along and help and save the day in some way. So there is a Green Light period through the rest of Monday through Tuesday at 7:09 AM.
Then at 7:12 AM the Moon changes signs it enters the sign of Sagittarius and this has all sorts of indicators for being extremely expensive. There are things that you did not plan on. Venus will sit at the very last degree, last minutes of Gemini, when a Moon opposite Venus occurs at 1:51 PM. there is a tiny little Green Light during that Sagittarius Moon from that time 1:51 PM until 2:16 PM. So if you had to sign something and you are just waiting for that perfect time you may want to take those few minutes. It is about 25 minutes when on Thursday… when you would have a Green Light to advance, but don’t do it before because it is going to cost you too much money or an important woman in a position of decision making leaves the project or the money leaves the project, it is used for some other thing or just taken away.
And then looking back over anything important happening on Wednesday there is the Sun trine Pluto during the Sagittarius Moon and this has a money signature to it in a big way. There is likely to be cash that intervenes that shows up just in the nick of time to help you with your expenses. But be careful about using that money for some other reason because something could come up right around 12:32 PM on Wednesday that takes a chunk of the funds that you have been allotted.
And then on Wednesday afternoon Venus and Jupiter have a little celebration. It might be a little hasty, so you want to be careful about being too overjoyed about whatever it is that is going on.
Then for Thursday the thing that we are waiting for is this Moon opposite Venus at 1:52 PM, when the Moon makes its last aspect in the sign of Sagittarius. It is not considered Void of Course in that sign so until 2:16 PM you do have that little window to advance in some way.
So then on Thursday the Capricorn Moon, we have the Capricorn Moon that occurs on Thursday at 2:16 PM and it runs until 7:22 PM on Saturday the 9th of May. There is a change in plans during the Capricorn Moon after 6:51 PM, and that is when Venus enters the sign of Cancer. And Venus in Cancer becomes more focused on the needs of the family, building family, and building funds for the future, and also having people close by for the purpose of insider family reunions that sort of thing maybe plans of that nature.
On Friday you can begin a Green Light period from 10:46 PM until Saturday when the Moon is then trine Mars. And that is an excellent period if you can wait to advance your goals that would be the pick and that is 10:46 PM, 10:47 PM, somewhere in there, until 4:35 PM on Saturday. There is just the best time with the Moon trine Mars, which gives you a lot of motivation. Your engines are running very well and things are going full speed ahead. So that is it for the week. Like I had said before the Saturn and Uranus aspect is difficult that is earthquake energy. We have already seen that in a huge way and it shakes things up to make way for the new. So we are still sending prayers over to Nepal the people who have been put in this horrible, horrible position.
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