Dietrech Pessin 617-924-0929
Saturday, May 16, 2015 – Monday May 25. 2015
The following is transcribed from the 9:30 AM Astrology Report broadcast on WZBC FM 90.3 Newton.
Good morning.
Saturday May 16. 2015 – at 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM (there is a fee at the door) - NCGR talk Lynn Koiner speaker from Maryland speaking about Psychological Patterns of Disease the medical issues in regard to the astrology of depression. Belmont Senior Center Beech Street, Belmont, MA.
Today we have a Taurus Moon. And that Taurus Moon we are in the dark of the Moon because there is a New Moon coming up on Monday. And that New Moon will be on Monday at 12:13 AM, just after midnight. Monday is also special because Mercury will turn retrograde on that day and will be retrograde until June 11th. And Mercury turns retrograde 9:50 PM so that makes the Taurus Moon and then the Gemini Moon affected by these things of the Mercury retrograde.
So the aspects for today we have Venus trine Neptune 2:49 PM this is very nice it offers some relief, some relief for the heart. if things have been sadden there is some nice exquisite relief for that. There is some beauty; you can find beautiful music you can find theatrical displays, anything having to do with entertainment is very nice with this aspect. It is also there is a lot of spiritual support either from women or for women. There is an indulgence of emotions that you can find… could be very emotional unexpectedly with this aspect. And there is a balance of color and design, so you can expect to get things right if you are going out and buying flowers to brightening up your yard. You will have a wonderful time selecting the most beautiful flowers and display. So get away and enjoy your time with a loved one and appreciate others as well and stretch your artistic talents into money with this aspect. And from these aspects beyond this would carry us into and through the evening so it is very nice if you are going out very nice pleasant connections with others.
Now Venus is out of bounds. That means she is traveling beyond the Tropic of Cancer and that is out of the corral where all the other planets are traveling except Mercury at this time. Therefore, she is learning new things seeing new people and encountering new experiences in general but all from a Venus perspective such a new love, new money or new things. It’s social and anti-social at the same time. On Tuesday Venus shares that with Mercury who is also out of bounds. When Mercury comes back they talk about these things that they have learned and done and brings information back to us, and that would be on Tuesday during that Mercury retrograde period as well.
So what we also have for our Taurus Moon while we are still in the dark. Sunday early in the morning there is an aspect between Uranus and Mars. This offers some trouble maybe for out of space traveling and there is definitely trouble on the Russian end with that, they have another crash that happened. They had one that crashed a week ago and there was another crash with a satellite on it I believe that they had today. That Uranus and Mars aspect is testy. It can take the tires right off your wheels, so you do want to be careful don’t drive too fast or ride over something suspicious. And that is in effect from 3:09 AM tomorrow right through until 3:48 PM on Monday.
All of the aspects pretty much have 3 days of impact: the day before, the day of, and the day after. So any time I give an aspect, think how it maybe effecting those days before and after as well.
But that is a trouble aspect so you can also lose your temper, so you want to have a lot of perspective; step back cool off before you act or interact with others in a lively sense during that aspect.
There is a New Moon in Taurus which has a healing quality to it, yet there is a risk of an extreme change in finances if you are not careful. So I would not go and make a major purchase under the influence of that New Moon, you want to wait until things clear. Pretty much… the New Moon can govern the month, the types of things that go on for an entire month and you don’t want to risk the pot of money or resources that you have saved or connected with for all one thing. So don’t put all your eggs in one basket. If there are shortages you are able to plan for them, so you get a heads up about that.
Monday May 18, 2015.
Then the Moon changes to Gemini on Monday at 5:27 AM and it is there until Wednesday at 9:56 AM and this Moon sign is in the dark pretty much the whole time, so that means that the New Moon is not showing the Moon and you are likely to act on things that are not developed yet. You need more light of the Moon so expect to have things brighten up during the Cancer Moon.
Mercury does turn retrograde 9:49 PM on Monday and it remains so until June 11 and it is at… when I look at this… what is the meaning of this… there is a connection to the sign of Capricorn even though the retrograde is in Gemini. This Capricorn has to do with your investments, things that are close to your heart that you are investing in: you are investing your time, you are investing your money, maybe it is real estate, maybe there is father issues that you are trying to work out, could be psychological and other investments. Look back to December of 2013 and see how you spent your money and your time and your loved ones during that time. What has consumed you or your time? And it is time to invest in your own interests. Are there new methods and products that can help you accomplish what you need that offers the efficiency that would help to advance your goals? And look out beyond the very center of where you stand and see yourself in a new light, so the Mercury retrograde has really a lot to offer. And remember it is redo review anything having to do with “re”: reenter, retread, any of those things are Mercury retrograde things. So is it not a bad time, it is certainly a good time to ask for things that you have asked for before and been turned down. That would especially be right around 9:11 PM when Mercury and Venus do exchange and offer those things that they have learned, even people they have met and seen while they were out-of-bounds territory and that is on Tuesday, May 19th. That should be interesting to hear and learn what new things are being brought to us.
Wednesday, May 20th
We continue with the Gemini Moon and all of the changes that we go through. The Moon leaves Gemini for one thing at 9:56 AM. The final aspect for the Gemini Moon is the beginning of the Void of Course Moon period. it is very brief from 8:27 AM until 9:56 AM and that is on Wednesday. The Cancer Moon on Wednesday waits for the Sun to change signs and that Sun is going to be crossing over the seven stars in the Pleiades also called the 7 Weeping Sisters and that last aspect that the Moon makes is to the Sun just before leaving the sign, it is to the Pleiades. So it is possible that it is a sad story that is being told or a story that is sort of from the old ancestors as well. Maybe you are doing an ancestry search and you find something really interesting, but be careful don’t jump the gun. You could risk losing your investment to someone smarter or richer. And that is because the Sun will leave the sign of Taurus and enter the sign of Gemini where it is more flighty and more interested in making connections and talking and exchanging gossip and not anchoring things down in a fixed manner.
Thursday May 21, 2015.
There is a Green Light period during that Gemini Moon and that starts on Thursday after the Sun enters Gemini at 4:45 AM and it runs right until 8:58 PM on Thursday so that is a bit of stretch. Let’s see, wait… Thursday 4:45 AM until that is right 8:58 PM on Thursday a Green Light, so go for it.
Then the Moon is Void of Course… it is really not Void of Course in its own sign of Cancer, but there are no further good aspects to take advantage of in the sign of Cancer as it travels through the sign and leaves it at 5:42 PM on Friday. Therefore your best efforts are before 8:58 PM when the Moon I is parallel Jupiter.
Friday May 22, 2015. Saturday May 23, Sunday May 24, Monday May 25.
5:42 PM the Moon enters Leo but the Sun is opposite Saturn. It may feel very hard and stuck. After that begin a Green Light Period through Monday at 3:46 AM. After Friday night the energy improves and you feel like you have accomplished quite a bit. You got past a major hurdle. This hard period goes on much as the few days before Friday night. That is a tough aspect the Sun opposing Saturn. So give it a day to clear so that would be Saturday night of May 23rd and then you have a much better time and you have a long stretch of a Green Light to be able to take advantage of some things that will help you to advance your goals during that Leo Moon. And that is it for the week. Have a great week.
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