The report this week is transcribed from the live radio show.
There is a Green Light period that does begin at 2:36 PM on Friday and that will continue until right through until next Sunday at 12:39 PM, that is Sunday January 10th until 12:39 PM. and that would give you an opportunity to do something that is important to you as long as it is the second time around.
Anything 1st time is not a good idea with Mercury retrograde because it unravels as Mercury turns direct later on that is on the 25th of January. That is it for the week.
Good morning. Happy New Year to everyone out there! It started out well with a nice Virgo Moon that had a terrific final aspect at 12:33 AM Friday morning which was actual New Year’s. And that indicated that we are in for a lot of hard work and sweeping changes, and things where there is a lot of cooperation hops on board. And then 1:40 AM on New Year’s Day the Moon changed and went into Libra. And Libra is problematic because of the fact that it has to meet up with that Uranus Pluto square, which it does today. So the Libra Moon has a lot of interesting characteristics but the dominating picture or chart for the New Year has a Virgo Moon and that was a very nice one.
So for today we still have that Libra Moon and there are a couple of big events going on this week for one on Tuesday January 5th Mercury turns retrograde until the 25th of the month. And it retrogrades in Aquarius and will go back into the sign of Capricorn because it is just one degree of Aquarius where it retrogrades, goes back into Capricorn on Friday. And that is going to be where it continues to play over the next month. And it will visit Pluto and square Uranus and all that again. So Mercury is the messenger. It is also the planet that while it is retrograde you can redo review renew take any research seriously do anything that is second time around.
And lots of times there are certain people in your life that only come back when Mercury is retrograde. Now Mercury will retrograde 3 times in a year. And for this year we have Mercury retrograde also April 28th through May 22nd. Then August 30th through September 21st. And then the final one starts on December 19th and will turn direct the following year of 2017.
We are also going to have a Mars retrograde that will take place in April which is very significant and that will happen while Mars is in the sign of Sagittarius. Later on we are going to have a Mars changing signs.
So for now for today we have that Libra Moon is a Quarter Moon that happened at 12:30 AM it was 11 degrees of Libra. And that was a Quarter Moon that brought the lowest tides of the year because of the way that the Earth and the Sun are all lined up. There were real low tides of like a nil tide which is interesting about how all of these things play into factoring high tide low tide and a nil tide. It is called something else like neap tide or something like that.
We have for today there are pretty much there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn. This is a parallel where you are likely to gather information that is going to be very helpful later. And it is long terms connect between these two planets that has serious and sort of judgmental style of thinking, but agreements can be made with authorities. There can be serious discussions with this. The aspect was exact early this morning but it really has an influence over the entire day. And you can also see where things get postponed or things can be delayed and if there is an impasse with negotiations that may be a good thing because Mercury is going to turn retrograde in a couple of days.
The next thing that happens today well at 8:22 AM we did have the Moon square Pluto setting off that Uranus Pluto square. And then the Moon is opposite Uranus at 11:23 AM and this is where things might be cut off or switched. Or there could be some type of process that allows for a change of thinking or a
change of partnering and pairing. And there is also for the evening an opportunity for friendship to develop and could even be romantic with the Moon making a contra parallel to Uranus.
Sunday Jan 3, 2016
But the Moon can’t really figure out what to do with this Libra Moon until Mars leaves the sign. That is going to be on Sunday morning at 9:32 AM when Mars will enter the sign of Scorpio. So it has a relationship with the sign of Scorpio right through the summer because of the fact that Mars will be retrograde in Sagittarius and then back up into Scorpio. So what it does while it is travelling through this sign is going to be very important to notice. With Mars changing signs during the Libra Moon it can step up the quality of aggression and anger and any type of frustration over this next day or so while this change happens. You can see fires and accidents and people running around with flaring nostrils that sort of thing.
And we have the Moon entering Scorpio to catch up with it that would be at 2:37 PM on the 3rd that is on Sunday. So the energy shifts as we are looking for yet another planet change. And that one says that your plans are likely to be dropped because of the fact that Mercury is going to turn retrograde while the Moon is in Scorpio. And that is dominate through Sunday and Monday we have that Scorpio Moon.
Monday Jan 4, 2016
There is an aspect between Mercury and Venus which is about pulling people together in agreement. Also talks about love and personality and people that match up because they are like minded. Mercury and Venus also has a lot to do with adopting that very right pet. And there is that quality of being able to find your voice. And that aspect is at 9:15 PM on Monday but it dominates the entire day, lovely aspect between Mercury and Venus.
Tuesday Jan 5, 2016
We still have that consideration that things are not likely to be settled because something gets dropped or returned or replaced. That is because Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday. Before it does that early in the morning Mercury it is at 7:00 AM, Mercury is square Mars. This aspect is accident prone it is argumentative be very careful heading out on Tuesday. Also do not engage in any kind of agreement with others on Monday heading into that.
After Mercury turns retrograde there is a little opportunity for Green Light. And that would be from 8:05 AM until 12:47 PM on Tuesday. You could move forward with your goals with the exception of the fact that Venus and Neptune are square. And Venus is love and money and things that you value. And Neptune is about confusion and illusion. And you are likely to be swept off your feet by someone. Be careful check into whoever it is you are engaging with for business or for love with that aspect.
The final aspect made with the Scorpio Moon is a really good one. It is Moon sextile Jupiter. Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo so this is a very good aspect which says there is the potential for success but this has to do with anything that is review and redo quality because of the retrograde Mercury. And where it is retrograde in the sign of Aquarius has lot to do with reconnecting with friends that were important to you in the past that either come back into your life now or that you invite back into your life.
We have also on Tuesday at 10:28 PM and the Sun is conjunct Pluto. This is a very intense aspect where the Sun is shining on the things that are deep down underneath those things that hide in the dark. It brings in the riches it also creates a deep dramatic quality to the day anything that happens is on a stage that is large and forceful. And if you are looking for something belonging to Pluto’s regime then it may be time that you turn over the rocks and uncover a gold mine. But often there is a toll to be paid so that anything that you do find make sure that it is legal and you don’t want to have to pay up any kind of toll for something that is not exactly right. Striking oil walking into the den of thieves that sort of thing is a big characteristic of the Sun conjunct Pluto.
Then the Sun will go on to square Uranus two days later. So that is probably getting to be nearing the last piece of this Uranus Pluto square. However I do see remnants of it in the month of March when we have the eclipses. They still play in to factor that month as well. Uranus and Pluto is sudden abrupt change that has the quality of changing your life from the deepest places up to the top of the surface and rearranging your life as you know it today. So there is that quality that is taking place all over the globe.
For finishing up for Tuesday we come into Wednesday with a Scorpio Moon up until 1:56 AM. And I forgot to mention the Void of Course Moon for that Scorpio Moon begins on Tuesday at 12:47 PM. and it is Void of Course until 1:57 AM on Wednesday when the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. The Moon will be in Sagittarius until Thursday night, actually until Friday morning it will change signs going into Capricorn.
Wednesday Jan 6, 2016
So the Sagittarius Moon is also standing on ceremony waiting for Jupiter to make its change and Jupiter turns retrograde on Thursday night. For the aspects during the Sagittarius Moon looking at Wednesday, there are no major aspects to note what so ever. It may feel as though things are moving right along in a positive direction. You do have to be careful about pie in the sky ideas because of the fact that Jupiter is running the show and we have a couple of good aspects particularly ending with the Moon conjunct Venus on Wednesday evening at 7:54 PM. This one will help you to gain some satisfaction from those things that you are looking for which could include money and it could include love. Although it seems as though for love that there are a lot of feet still moving out the doors so no one is really stable enough.
Thursday Jan 7, 2016
For Thursday 7:22 AM we get up with Sun square Uranus that sudden abrupt chaos and that could bring problems for Thursday morning. And it also could bring a major event globally as we see that aspect making a conflict. It is a broadside getting hit broadside you don’t see anything coming directly at you.
And for the rest of Thursday there are no major aspects. The only thing that is going on is Jupiter turns retrograde 11:40 PM in the sign of Virgo at 23 degrees, and it will back up to 14. And that will be retrograde for the next several months’ right through the summer. And then the Moon sign changes on Friday morning. The Moon will change from Sagittarius to Capricorn. You could consider the Moon Void of Course from Thursday night 11:40 PM until 10:06 AM. Although the Ancients don’t consider a Sagittarius Moon Void of Course so you can push that if you like.
Friday Jan 8, 2016
10:06 AM on Friday we have the Moon in Capricorn and there is an event with Mercury going back into the sign of Capricorn trying to retrieve those business documents and the business plan and the business model. And it is all about how you look and not how you feel. It is about the presentation and it is about putting things putting all your ducks in a row.
And there is a Dark Moon phase that does begin 11:25 PM and it continues for a couple of days while we head into the New Moon on Saturday a week from today at 8:30 PM.
There is a Green Light period that does begin at 2:36 PM on Friday and that will continue until right through until next Sunday at 12:39 PM, that is Sunday January 10th until 12:39 PM. and that would give you an opportunity to do something that is important to you as long as it is the second time around.
Anything 1st time is not a good idea with Mercury retrograde because it unravels as Mercury turns direct later on that is on the 25th of January. That is it for the week.
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