Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Astrology Report Saturday, January 9, 2016 – Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com 617–924–0929 -
If the recorded report is missing at anytime the report is available at Soundcloud, Go to:OrbZero and search for Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, January 9, 2016 – Saturday, January 16, 2016

There is a Green Light that begins on Tuesday at 6:53PM until Thursday at 11:31 AM. And that give us a nice stretch.

Saturday Jan 9, 2016, there is a Capricorn Moon. Mercury is retrograde and Jupiter is retrograde. They both turned retrograde very close to one another on the calendar; one on Thursday and the other one on Tuesday last week. Friday… began the Capricorn Moon sign that ran right until 3:22 PM on Sunday. During this time Mercury returns to the sign of Capricorn, and that is going back to get some business taken care of. That happened last night or yesterday afternoon at 2:36 PM and we began a Dark Moon phase because we are headed for a New Moon. And that Dark Moon phase started last night around 8:25 PM and it will continue right through until past the New Moon 8:30 today tonight. And the dark phase will continue until 8:00 on Sunday night. So that means that we don’t have enough light on the situation to make a solid good decision. So you want to wait until there is more light of the Moon. That would be after that Sunday night time. And during this time let things come to you. Allow yourself to receive and not to react to things in an overexcited way with great expectations because there is so much to come.

The Capricorn Moon finishes up today with…well it will finish up actually tomorrow afternoon and it has some rewarding possibilities. For one the New Moon taking place is interesting. Because it contains a parallel between Venus and Saturn. And this one tries to get it right about money. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. The New Moon is 19 degrees Capricorn it is close enough to Pluto, which is in a square with Uranus, to create some large Earth moving events.

So this New Moon is strongly calling for a solid foundation. And even though we are in the seed stage of a New Moon it invites new beginnings while the sign of Capricorn. While in the sign of Capricorn it remains the sign to reap the rewards of your efforts. This is where you have come around ¾’s of your life ¾’s of your events ¾’s of your efforts. And you are now showing others what you have what you are made of. And it is a time when the truth of our readiness is prepared in a largely focused way most of the time. This on financial matters and there are resolutions about these things and about our weight and about other personal things. But invite a resolution from the heart to live from your hearts center and speak from your heart. And it is always nice to know that fear is erased when the heart is invited into the conversation. So that is a real positive for this Venus alignment with Saturn.

The New Moon chart shows Mercury and the Sun are headed for their final their line up in the middle of this retrograde period. The last aspect of the Capricorn Moon is conjunct Venus. So there is that quality of getting all the information out there. Know that Mercury does not soften the palate it just puts out the news however comes out.

Another thing about the New Moon is that it is likely to be eventful in regard to land and ground and all that sort of decision making. Things that you need to gather all your facts and all your tools and move forward with all the right people.

Sunday Jan 10, 2016.
There is an aspect between Mercury and Venus. It is 45 degrees. Mercury and Venus don’t get to be square to one another. They don’t have a 90 degree angle because of their closeness to the Sun. so this is as close as it gets to a square. So that would say there are some odds here that you need to be aware of as it is also tied to the New Moon which this one brings some of your history for your current approval or further consideration. Perhaps there is some sort of object that you own in cooperation with another and you need to have some arrangement that fits both parties.

There is a Void of Course Moon on Sunday from 12:39 PM until 3:22 PM. During which time this Venus aspect may invite you to enter into a new financial agreement which puts you in a compromising position. So I think this Capricorn Moon is best used for gathering your best information to forward your goals without any final decisions. There are some good days during the Mercury Retrograde for final decisions but that would not be one of them.

Sunday there is a change of Moon signs. When The Moon goes into the sign of Aquarius and it comes out of its Dark Moon phase. It goes into Aquarius at 3:22 PM and it is no longer in the Dark Moon phase after 8:00 PM.

There is a square between the Moon and Mars at 10:31 PM Sunday. So you want to be off the road not squabbling with other people. And keep a watch on things like candles burning or anything that may be volatile or disruptive. Because that Mars energy involved with the Moon is also speaking with Uranus and Pluto because of the fact that the Moon is in the sign ruled by Uranus. That is Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Uranus is in a testy position still with Pluto.
Monday Jan 11, 2016.
Venus and Pluto are parallel on Monday. This allows for…there is some real good energy during that Aquarius Moon. It is good and then it is sweeps off into an unexpected direction. So you have to be kind of careful about what you wish for during the Aquarius Moon sign because you are likely to get it all at once and not know what to do with it. So the coming together of mind and those that are in the seat of power and those that are in the seat of being able to give. And there is the principle of the holding on those that hold on to what they have making it a tight pocket to open up. And there is transparent materialism with that aspect. there may also be a lot of sexual energy jealousy energy things that complicate matters. So it is a very strong business aspect that is complicated by a lot of desire to satisfy matters with things that are not necessarily good for the mix.

Mercury and Saturn form a 45 degree aspect this is 2:55 PM on Monday. That is likely…make you think about things that are very linear fashion. Even though Aquarius is moving information outside the box there is that quality of turning facts over and over in your head trying to get serious in a scientific logical fashion.

The Moon is sextile Uranus at 8:09 PM Monday which invites some unique ideas.
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016.

The final aspect for the Aquarius Moon would be Moon parallel Mars at 4:50 AM Tuesday. This aspect creates the motivation to gather people together like minded interest and use your best group energy to forward your goals.

Then the Moon sweeps into an aspect with Jupiter at 7:18 AM. The void of course Moon I think we would probably would figure it is from 4:50 AM on Tuesday morning until 6:53 PM when the Moon will enter Pisces for a couple of days and that is on Tuesday night. That is a lovely Pisces Moon with a lot of good energy.

There is a Green Light that begins on Tuesday at 6:53PM until Thursday at 11:31 AM. And that give us a nice stretch.
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016.

Wednesday there is a blind spot with the Sun and Neptune 10:37 AM. If there are questions and confusions that need to be sorted out that would be under the canopy of the Sun and Neptune. And it makes for wet weather or just blind spots in general.

But there is a lovely aspect later. We get passed that. The Sun and Jupiter are trine and this is that Capricorn Sun and Jupiter in the sign of Virgo. So if you want to plan to take a trip this aspect can bring a positive message through the support of the messenger. And there is room for explanation there is an ear for the real story lots of exaggeration can be tolerated with this kind of aspect. And there is patience that also is available delivering information with the hopes of eventual distribution to greater audiences. And it is about also getting things done. Possibly about finding ways to share the wealth if there is such a thing. And information you need to make about making your decision sound. It is a harmonious aspect that doesn’t actually promote a lot of high energy. It could be really lazy especially with the Pisces Moon. You might crawl into a quiet space somewhere and go and take a nap and sleep right through it by 4:38 PM it is when that happens. But if you do things before it can have a broadening and eye opening quality to whatever it is you are seeking, that is on Wednesday.
Thursday January 14th also very nice with that Pisces Moon and there is an aspect between the Moon and the Sun at 11:31 AM. This could be considered the last aspect of the Moon in Pisces and the beginning of the Void of Course Moon. If you like to measure it during a Pisces Moon which would last until 9:48 PM. I don’t have a Void of Course Moon in Pisces. It is a rule from the Ancients that I follow.

There is a Moon sign change on Thursday night at 9:48 PM. And the Moon will enter Aries where it is rather aggressive. It is there until Sunday at 12:48 PM that is Sunday on January 17th we have that Aries Moon, very active.

So there is just before that at 9:15 PM Mercury and Jupiter are forming a trine, so this allows for information flow freely. It doesn’t necessarily mean it is something that you want to come out. It is with a Pisces Moon there is likely to be secrets that come out with that or even secrets of others .And that would be an interesting time to see what the information what the news is saying about this one or that one. If you are following certain candidates for President or anything else.
Friday that Aries Moon is pretty calm. There is only a Mercury semi square Neptune early in the morning which could bring some wet and foggy energy throughout that.

In the evening on Friday there is nothing much going on with the Aries Moon.
Saturday Jan 16, 2016. The Moon is in Aries.

Everything is sort of building up to that square that we have early Saturday morning on the 16th. Moon square Pluto and then the Moon is exactly conjunct Uranus. So these are getting really close making this Aries Moon very testy. That is going to be Friday night next Saturday morning if you want to plan ahead.

The Moon is square Pluto at 12:14 AM then 2 hours later the Moon conjuncts Uranus. So it is something to watch out for. Batten down the hatches and keep things handy, flashlights and that sort of thing, if the weather gets wild and knocks out the electricity.
Also you can reach me at 617-924-0929. You can ask me about classes. You can ask me about appointments for astrology readings and just questions about astrology617-924-0929. That’s it and I hope you have a good and safe week.

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