Good morning everyone the following report has been transcribed from the live radio broadcast 90.3 FM Newton, MA on Saturday Feb 27, 2016.
It is a sunny day here and we have a Scorpio Moon so it is very intense. A Scorpio Moon is where we turn our emotions inward but it is highly driven. The reason being is because Mars is in the sign of Scorpio. It is at the end of the sign. When the Moon goes through and makes its connection while it is in Scorpio its final aspect is to join up with Mars. A lot of violence can be explained by this particular setup, particularly with Mars in Scorpio. Reason being is that Mars will turn retrograde in April right through until the end of June. And when it turns direct, after being retrograde all that time, it will direct in Scorpio. It is like all hell breaks loose here.
In the meanwhile for an individual’s use; what can we do with it? You can choose to do things in a motivated way that does not offend or hurt others. You can get things done without any kind of over controlling. It is that desire to control things to the greatest and tiniest little detail that can drive other people crazy so try to rein that in.
Green Light Periods this week are;
Saturday Feb 27 & Sunday Feb 28
There is a Green Light with this Scorpio Moon and that Green Light period will run right through today. It started at 6:26 AM, runs all through tomorrow, and it will finish up at 2:54 PM on Monday. So it is quite a stretch. If you have a project that you are trying to get done, trying to organize things, dig into things very deep. It could be the cellar or it could be into things like estates or anything having to do with inheritance. These days are very good for trying to dig out the files that you need to be able to take to someone to review them.
There is also an excellent conjunction going on with Venus and Pallas Athena. They are joined together. Pallas is the wisdom asteroid, as she sprung from the head of Zeus. So there is that quality of very, very smart information coming these days and available to you. Try to find someone that you can trust to be your counselor.
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Also what we have is a Sagittarius Moon sign that will start on Monday at 6:55 PM. I want to mention there is a void of course Moon on Monday at 2:54 PM until 6:55 PM. Then a Green Light period starts again.
Tuesday March 1
There is a Last Quarter Moon that occurs at 6:10 PM on Tuesday. It is in Sagittarius so we may find that we are being asked to travel or need to travel or something pretty positive about traveling or education. If you want to sign up for something or also create a class for yourself it is a really good time to do that especially with higher education.
There was a New Moon at this degree of 11 degrees of Sagittarius December 3rd of 2013. This could be connected to what you are doing. As is September 2nd of 2014 when a 1st Quarter Moon occurred there. Also a Full Moon last June of 2015. June 2nd there was a Full Moon at the same spot. These are all related Moon phases and when they are related like that they are called a Moon family of which is the material that is thoroughly discussed in my book Lunar Shadows III. If you are interested in learning about Eclipses and these powerful links of Moon phases give me a call for the book or check my website at
Wednesday & Thursday Mar 2 & 3
That Sagittarius Moon does continue right through until 5:01 AM on Thursday. Now the Moon will make its final aspect at 9:54 PM on Wednesday. This aspect is a sextile. You are likely to find the information you want, talk to the people you want to talk to, travel where you want to travel to. That happens on Wednesday March 2nd. There is a void of course Moon period from 9:54 PM until 5:01 AM on Thursday.
Thursday March 3
The Capricorn Moon is waiting for Mercury to change signs. It doesn’t happen until next Saturday at 5:23 AM. After that there is a little Green Light period during that Capricorn Moon next Saturday from 5:23 AM until 11:05 AM. If you want to make a plan to do something more businesslike, it too is making an aspect to Mars. This whole week while Mars is in the sign of Scorpio until next Saturday. Then we have a whole lot of extreme cases of perhaps violence or misguided direction. Mars changes signs next Saturday 9:30 PM which will be very relevant for us next Saturday as well.
Sunday Feb 28
To further discuss the types of things that are going on… We have on Sunday, tomorrow, the Sun is conjunct Neptune. Now this aspect is one that can be inspired. it can also allow things to occur where people are sweeping you off your feet. In some cases that can kind of be a good thing, in other cases it is possibly not the thing that you want to happen, especially if you are trying to stay focused on something. There can be a misguided piece of information. As well as the types of things that you are trying to envision or if you have a vision that is a good time to put that type of thing into some kind of action. It is a streak of good fortune it can be. It soothes the nerves as well. But it is also prone to alcoholism, drug addiction or any kind of addictive behavior. You want to be very careful about that. That is Sunday at 10:46 AM. Watch the world events with this particular Sun conjunct Neptune. It should be pretty exciting
Monday Feb 29
The Moon in Sagittarius brings that desire to run free. It also…discussions and philosophical points and political points are large with…can’t get away from that lately. And cultural events are real nice things to do during the Sagittarius Moon.
Venus is making a link between Saturn and Uranus this week. It starts with an aspect at 8:07 PM on the 29th. That is an aspect between the pair. It is about mutual exchanges mutual respect for one another. You get the gift of patience, you get the delivery of all that you are expecting. There is solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off with this. However on the other side of that Venus is making an aspect to Uranus which tends to be impulsive. While it is doing that it is sitting right there in the middle, where it is connecting to Pluto. So some of the events that occur are about money insurances claims. Maybe you get a check in the mail from the insurance company or maybe there is matters that concern you personally, personal matters, about your resources your money your security anything having to do with a loan cosigning a loan. So that could be pretty good during those Green Light days that I mentioned as well.
Tuesday March 1
So what we have for the rest of the week on Tuesday…The major event on Tuesday is 6:10 PM the Last Quarter Moon in a travel sign. A strong desire to learn something new or explore different cultures or attend concerts and conferences. This quarter Moon helps you to get the ball rolling for some type of education or trip. Foreign matters are of the greatest importance. Perhaps statements from leaders of other countries.
Wednesday Mar 2
Then on Wednesday Juno is making a station. Now this is very important. Juno is the bride of Jupiter and Juno decorates or give honors to someone. This is at a very loud degree in the Zodiac, which is 15 degrees of Scorpio. It can honor someone, put someone up on top. This is Wednesday it is exact at 5:39 AM but it doesn’t matter it will influences a couple of days there. You will notice recognition especially for a woman. This is the kind of thing when a King marries a Commoner or Zeus married an Earthling, being Juno. It is also about pairing up and joining with others for the purpose of partnership. But it is very intense. Juno is going retrograde. She is backing off and she doesn’t turn direct for several months.
During that Sagittarius Moon which continues on Wednesday, it is finishing its last aspect by the Moon to Mercury at 9:54 PM. Then we have the Sun in a split parallel with Uranus. Something is quirky during that time when the Sagittarius Moon is free floating. It could be something spontaneous regarding computers or crowds, public opinion, something could turn or change.
Thursday March 3
The Moon enters Capricorn at 5:01 AM on Thursday. The aspects on Thursday… Venus is quincunx Jupiter. That is life’s messy clean it up. This time it is between your pocket book or maybe even food. Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo so you could be eating things that really could upset your system so be careful of that as well.
The Sun and Ceres join together at 13:44 Pisces. This is a nurturing aspect that also has to do with taking care of those that are really at a disadvantage and that could become greater importance. The thing about the lead in the water, we are going to find we all have lead in our water. I heard a report where Massachusetts has even higher numbers of lead in the water. Children’s hospital made a report of that on NPR (National Public Radio).
Friday March 4
And then we have for Friday March 4th that Capricorn Moon is still with us. That is a business Moon, but don’t sign anything, don’t do anything where you are going to commit to long term because Mercury is leaving the sign. Mercury takes off with the paper work, takes off with the plan, drops something. So you don’t want to be caught holding the bag. You could end up with the heavy end of any project you go into, if you find something on Friday. What you could do is make a really good outline of what you need. The Moon walks into that Pluto Uranus square which is nice and tight at 12:17 PM on Friday. Then it is square Uranus. Well, the first one was conjunct Pluto. Then the next one is Moon square Uranus 2:57 PM. After that things may calm down a bit. Then the Moon goes on to trine Jupiter at 3:29 PM, which is very nice. But it is not until Saturday at 5:23 AM that that Capricorn Moon becomes a fair party to play with.
So there is a really nice aspect with the Sun and Jupiter coming up. brings a stroke of good luck. That is it for the week.
I have a workshop tomorrow and it is about the current trends. “What in the world is going on? And why is it happening to me?” This is the topic for the workshop tomorrow. The workshop is going to be repeated next Sunday (March 6, 2016) as well. If you want to join this class it is full, it is full for this one tomorrow. But the one next Sunday has room so you want to call and make your seat for that. You can find a copy of this at You can call me 617 – 924 – 0929 if you want a consultation or discuss something about the report or anything astrological give me a call. And have a great week and come to my workshop.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Feb 20 - 27, 2016 with Green Light Days
All times are in the eastern time zone EST. Listen to the live radio report here:
There will be an astrology class Monday night from 6:45 - 8:45 PM and a workshop on Sunday Feb 28 at 1:00 PM. We will be covering the material in this week's report and containing Mars and its retrograde cycle as well as the Full Moon in Virgo. Call me at 617-24-0929 or text me at 617-558-7233 for more information or to sign up. See you online or in class in Watertown.
We have so many things going on. People have been in a state of crisis all week. Very large major events are emerging which are under the influence of the full Moon and bringing things out into the open. I often say it is when all the cards are on the table and things are out in the open. You are able to get a full view of what it is that you need to do and how to do that. The Virgo Full Moon is often about health and work and what you need to do to take care of your health or finding work. The Full Moon occurs Monday at 1:19 PM. The sign of Virgo has to do with health and work and you are able to find what you are looking for. If you are looking to present something or find something, this is your time.
There are quite a few Green Light spots throughout this week.
Saturday Feb 20 – Sunday. The Green Light for the Leo Moon began at 9:17 PM Friday night, Feb 19 and is headed for quite a show. The Green Light continues through Sunday and until Monday at 12:54 AM when the void of course Moon begins then ends at 6:24 AM Monday morning.
Monday a Green Light period begins at the onset of the Virgo Moon at 6:24 AM and continues through until 9:22 AM Wednesday. This is a highly motivated period as the Full Moon occurs with this Virgo Moon on Monday at 1:19 PM. There is a void of course Moon from 9:22 AM Wednesday until 5:41 PM Wednesday.
The next Green Light period begins during the Libra Moon and at 6:18 AM Friday. This begins a Green Light period after an important change of mind. This positive flow allows you to move forward with your goals successfully until 5:22 PM Friday.
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
The Leo Moon will set off another round of shots as it squares a very testy Mars in Scorpio. Not only is this a difficult position for all around but Mars has been igniting the station point of its retrograde cycle yet to come this 2016 spring. Beginning on April 16 Mars will turn retrograde at 9 degrees of Sagittarius and returns back to the point where it has traveled over this week. Yes the events and circumstances now will be largely revisited in June/July 2016. Mars will stop at 23 degrees of Scorpio and appear to turn around to move forward once again on June 29, 2016. It is intense and it coughs up the demons which have been hiding or skirting the light of day. This is a very tense time and the professionals are needed to work things out. Some things can be released and transformed into those things which are higher or better but not without great effort and diligence. This past week is an example of what we must focus on or clues of how we may use this energy for the greater good. The children are showing their skills for a drama that may be reflected in real life.
Naturally as I have mentioned repeatedly Uranus square Pluto is in full form of its influence. Saturn in Sagittarius has joined the lineup by the numbers. The Leo star knows the show must go on.
Green Light for the Leo Moon on Saturday Feb 20th is best after two aspects; the Moon opposite Mercury at 2:27 PM then 2:32 PM the Moon will be 150º to Neptune when something is lost or found. Move forward today and expect help from a star player who knows the best way.
The Pisces Sun is at the midway spot between Uranus and Pluto. There is a toll to pay with the Sun 45º Pluto finished at 4:39 PM. This may help to eliminate waste and illuminate the golden opportunities. Sun 45º Uranus =Technology gets involved in the show. In the end there are helpful people for the people through until 12:54 AM Monday. See how an energy surge can jettison you ahead if you keep your head on. The Moon square Mars near the end of the Leo Moon's trek dominates the mood. Get it done and get it right but keep your ego in check. Use your talents to show your product or the things which are of great importance of which you wish to share. In the end the Moon is connecting to all those who might help you with your goals but remain grateful. Appreciation is a great need for the warm Sun and the Leo Moon reflects this.
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
10:19 PM Sunday the Sun in Pisces is forcing issues that Uranus has stirred up when they are 45º apart. Of course the pair is not alone as Pluto continues to press on its demands from the other side.
Monday Feb 22, 2016
12:54 AM The Leo Moon is v/c from 12:54 AM until 6:24 AM EST.
1:19 PM The Virgo Full Moon. The Virgo Full Moon is highly motivated and gears up to take on a big job. This is a deadline time that may prove to be the best work you have done to date. The Full Moon in Virgo is exact at 1:19 PM and has a Moon family that began 18 months ago September 2013. Nine months ago a first quarter Moon is also related from May 2015. Another astro-link follows the developments from February 2008 when a Lunar Eclipse occurred at the same point. This finds helpful people and keeps the ball rolling. Allow criticism and corrections of mistakes to fortify your confidence. Criticism give you the best feedback for your success later.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
1:02 PM Moon square Saturn snag may bring a low mood or a testy block which must be acknowledged or dealt with. It could be a type of congestion whether physical or in your work matters or other. It may also come in the form of criticism. By tending to this it may allow you to move forward more freely.
5:45 PM Moon 150 degrees to Uranus. Life's messy with this one. You may have to stop to clean up. Later the Moon joins Jupiter.
9:43 PM test your luck even before this aspect of Moon conjunct Jupiter which is also linked to Uranus earlier at 5:45 PM.
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
9:22 AM Wednesday Moon is 60º Mars beginning the void of course Moon period that continues until 5:41 PM.
12:32 PM Venus is 30º to Neptune. During the void of course Moon. There are hazy and unrealistic notions regarding money and love. Something involving women and secrets send up a smoke screen effect. This allows for a cosmetic patch to cover a trouble spot. In big business the cosmetic patch may be an attempt to hide a red flag. Dress with dramatic attire with costume like flare. A peaceful meditative experience.
For Personal use: Be careful about borrowing or lending anything. Romance may disappoint.
For Business: This looks like a martini lunch deal.
5:41 PM the Moon enters Libra and has much to balance and negotiate when the Moon will square Pluto at 3:39 AM Friday then on to oppose Uranus at 6:18 AM. also Friday Feb 26. Begin the Green Light period after 6:18 AM and carry on until 5:22 PM when the Moon is split parallel Uranus.
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Venus Parallel Mars is exact at 3:18 pm however it influences the whole day. Men and women socialize. The ability to connect in a social setting. People in general are more sociable. The presence of both opportunity and desire for romance and sex. A love thing. Can be motivated to shop. Flow of money. Motivation toward acquisition. Opposites attract. Opposites are brought together for a singular purpose. Partnering. Close bonding and involvement with those attracted to one another for friendship, business or romance. Good match for love and money matters.
For personal use: Take someone along to find what you are looking for or go to a party. "
8:52 PM Mercury 30º Pluto. Information gained from exclusive or underground sources. Talks with the dead or about the estates of those that have past away. Finding hidden documents or secret information. Communications with those in a position of power and those with the money. Signing papers for mortgages or loan documents. Trips for insurance purposes. Talks and settlements with insurance companies. Paperwork for accountants.
For personal use: Contact family members who may have the information you are looking for. You might be able to help someone in a powerful position.
For business use: Follow-up with insurance claims and related matters. Seek for an accountant. "
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Also Friday Feb 26, begin the Green Light period after 6:18 AM and carry on until 5:22 PM when the Moon is split parallel Uranus.
3:39 AM the Libra Moon is square Pluto and is only hours from its opposition to Uranus.
6:18 AM Friday begin a Green Light period after an important change of mind. This positive flow allows you to move forward with your goals successfully until 5:22 PM when the Moon will then be void of course.
10:06 AM Sun is parallel Neptune. It is a magical and highly intuitive aspect which allows you to see the big picture from the inside out. Use your spiritual practice to help you to gain insight and the peace of mind to complete important tasks on Friday.
5:22 PM the Moon is void of course after the a split parallel to Uranus. This allow those who have the interest of those at large to have a say in how the future is presented here.
6:01 PM Mercury 60º Uranus. Speaking quickly about things you do not know much about. Radical notions and interesting conversation. Lively topics. Technical information and technical difficulty, impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. Much innovative brainstorming that would be very useful. This aspect is good for using alternative methods to process your problems. Impractical problem solving is best when you proceed with caution especially if you have a new crazy way to work out your problems. The mind is darting around from one thing to another.
void moon
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
6:26 AM the void of course Moon ends when the Moon enters Scorpio through the weekend and until 6:55 PM Monday.
There will be an astrology class Monday night from 6:45 - 8:45 PM and a workshop on Sunday Feb 28 at 1:00 PM. We will be covering the material in this week's report and containing Mars and its retrograde cycle as well as the Full Moon in Virgo. Call me at 617-24-0929 or text me at 617-558-7233 for more information or to sign up. See you online or in class in Watertown.
We have so many things going on. People have been in a state of crisis all week. Very large major events are emerging which are under the influence of the full Moon and bringing things out into the open. I often say it is when all the cards are on the table and things are out in the open. You are able to get a full view of what it is that you need to do and how to do that. The Virgo Full Moon is often about health and work and what you need to do to take care of your health or finding work. The Full Moon occurs Monday at 1:19 PM. The sign of Virgo has to do with health and work and you are able to find what you are looking for. If you are looking to present something or find something, this is your time.
There are quite a few Green Light spots throughout this week.
Saturday Feb 20 – Sunday. The Green Light for the Leo Moon began at 9:17 PM Friday night, Feb 19 and is headed for quite a show. The Green Light continues through Sunday and until Monday at 12:54 AM when the void of course Moon begins then ends at 6:24 AM Monday morning.
Monday a Green Light period begins at the onset of the Virgo Moon at 6:24 AM and continues through until 9:22 AM Wednesday. This is a highly motivated period as the Full Moon occurs with this Virgo Moon on Monday at 1:19 PM. There is a void of course Moon from 9:22 AM Wednesday until 5:41 PM Wednesday.
The next Green Light period begins during the Libra Moon and at 6:18 AM Friday. This begins a Green Light period after an important change of mind. This positive flow allows you to move forward with your goals successfully until 5:22 PM Friday.
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
The Leo Moon will set off another round of shots as it squares a very testy Mars in Scorpio. Not only is this a difficult position for all around but Mars has been igniting the station point of its retrograde cycle yet to come this 2016 spring. Beginning on April 16 Mars will turn retrograde at 9 degrees of Sagittarius and returns back to the point where it has traveled over this week. Yes the events and circumstances now will be largely revisited in June/July 2016. Mars will stop at 23 degrees of Scorpio and appear to turn around to move forward once again on June 29, 2016. It is intense and it coughs up the demons which have been hiding or skirting the light of day. This is a very tense time and the professionals are needed to work things out. Some things can be released and transformed into those things which are higher or better but not without great effort and diligence. This past week is an example of what we must focus on or clues of how we may use this energy for the greater good. The children are showing their skills for a drama that may be reflected in real life.
Naturally as I have mentioned repeatedly Uranus square Pluto is in full form of its influence. Saturn in Sagittarius has joined the lineup by the numbers. The Leo star knows the show must go on.
Green Light for the Leo Moon on Saturday Feb 20th is best after two aspects; the Moon opposite Mercury at 2:27 PM then 2:32 PM the Moon will be 150º to Neptune when something is lost or found. Move forward today and expect help from a star player who knows the best way.
The Pisces Sun is at the midway spot between Uranus and Pluto. There is a toll to pay with the Sun 45º Pluto finished at 4:39 PM. This may help to eliminate waste and illuminate the golden opportunities. Sun 45º Uranus =Technology gets involved in the show. In the end there are helpful people for the people through until 12:54 AM Monday. See how an energy surge can jettison you ahead if you keep your head on. The Moon square Mars near the end of the Leo Moon's trek dominates the mood. Get it done and get it right but keep your ego in check. Use your talents to show your product or the things which are of great importance of which you wish to share. In the end the Moon is connecting to all those who might help you with your goals but remain grateful. Appreciation is a great need for the warm Sun and the Leo Moon reflects this.
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
10:19 PM Sunday the Sun in Pisces is forcing issues that Uranus has stirred up when they are 45º apart. Of course the pair is not alone as Pluto continues to press on its demands from the other side.
Monday Feb 22, 2016
12:54 AM The Leo Moon is v/c from 12:54 AM until 6:24 AM EST.
1:19 PM The Virgo Full Moon. The Virgo Full Moon is highly motivated and gears up to take on a big job. This is a deadline time that may prove to be the best work you have done to date. The Full Moon in Virgo is exact at 1:19 PM and has a Moon family that began 18 months ago September 2013. Nine months ago a first quarter Moon is also related from May 2015. Another astro-link follows the developments from February 2008 when a Lunar Eclipse occurred at the same point. This finds helpful people and keeps the ball rolling. Allow criticism and corrections of mistakes to fortify your confidence. Criticism give you the best feedback for your success later.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
1:02 PM Moon square Saturn snag may bring a low mood or a testy block which must be acknowledged or dealt with. It could be a type of congestion whether physical or in your work matters or other. It may also come in the form of criticism. By tending to this it may allow you to move forward more freely.
5:45 PM Moon 150 degrees to Uranus. Life's messy with this one. You may have to stop to clean up. Later the Moon joins Jupiter.
9:43 PM test your luck even before this aspect of Moon conjunct Jupiter which is also linked to Uranus earlier at 5:45 PM.
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
9:22 AM Wednesday Moon is 60º Mars beginning the void of course Moon period that continues until 5:41 PM.
12:32 PM Venus is 30º to Neptune. During the void of course Moon. There are hazy and unrealistic notions regarding money and love. Something involving women and secrets send up a smoke screen effect. This allows for a cosmetic patch to cover a trouble spot. In big business the cosmetic patch may be an attempt to hide a red flag. Dress with dramatic attire with costume like flare. A peaceful meditative experience.
For Personal use: Be careful about borrowing or lending anything. Romance may disappoint.
For Business: This looks like a martini lunch deal.
5:41 PM the Moon enters Libra and has much to balance and negotiate when the Moon will square Pluto at 3:39 AM Friday then on to oppose Uranus at 6:18 AM. also Friday Feb 26. Begin the Green Light period after 6:18 AM and carry on until 5:22 PM when the Moon is split parallel Uranus.
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Venus Parallel Mars is exact at 3:18 pm however it influences the whole day. Men and women socialize. The ability to connect in a social setting. People in general are more sociable. The presence of both opportunity and desire for romance and sex. A love thing. Can be motivated to shop. Flow of money. Motivation toward acquisition. Opposites attract. Opposites are brought together for a singular purpose. Partnering. Close bonding and involvement with those attracted to one another for friendship, business or romance. Good match for love and money matters.
For personal use: Take someone along to find what you are looking for or go to a party. "
8:52 PM Mercury 30º Pluto. Information gained from exclusive or underground sources. Talks with the dead or about the estates of those that have past away. Finding hidden documents or secret information. Communications with those in a position of power and those with the money. Signing papers for mortgages or loan documents. Trips for insurance purposes. Talks and settlements with insurance companies. Paperwork for accountants.
For personal use: Contact family members who may have the information you are looking for. You might be able to help someone in a powerful position.
For business use: Follow-up with insurance claims and related matters. Seek for an accountant. "
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Also Friday Feb 26, begin the Green Light period after 6:18 AM and carry on until 5:22 PM when the Moon is split parallel Uranus.
3:39 AM the Libra Moon is square Pluto and is only hours from its opposition to Uranus.
6:18 AM Friday begin a Green Light period after an important change of mind. This positive flow allows you to move forward with your goals successfully until 5:22 PM when the Moon will then be void of course.
10:06 AM Sun is parallel Neptune. It is a magical and highly intuitive aspect which allows you to see the big picture from the inside out. Use your spiritual practice to help you to gain insight and the peace of mind to complete important tasks on Friday.
5:22 PM the Moon is void of course after the a split parallel to Uranus. This allow those who have the interest of those at large to have a say in how the future is presented here.
6:01 PM Mercury 60º Uranus. Speaking quickly about things you do not know much about. Radical notions and interesting conversation. Lively topics. Technical information and technical difficulty, impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. Much innovative brainstorming that would be very useful. This aspect is good for using alternative methods to process your problems. Impractical problem solving is best when you proceed with caution especially if you have a new crazy way to work out your problems. The mind is darting around from one thing to another.
void moon
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
6:26 AM the void of course Moon ends when the Moon enters Scorpio through the weekend and until 6:55 PM Monday.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Astrology Report For Saturday Feb 13 to Monday Feb 22 with Green Light Days
Green Light Period February 15- 22, 2016.
February 15, 2016 – Monday
The Taurus Moon this Monday morning continues to be ideal during the remaining Green Light period, for advancing your goals or purchases until 9:39 AM. After that wait for late Tuesday’s Green Light period if you can or drop all or part of your project in the early part of the Gemini Moon
February 16, 2016 – Tuesday during the Gemini Moon sign, there is further a Green Light period that I want to mention that begins on Tuesday night after 11:16 PM until Wednesday morning at 11:36 AM. It is really nice during that Gemini Moon sign when the Moon will trine the Sun. That is a time when your goals are real strong. You are able to move forward and advance with the harmony of others.
Friday February 19, 2016
Friday there is also a Green Light period from 12:33 AM until 9:35 AM when the Cancer Moon is trine Mars. You want to ramp up the volume and get up early and accomplish all you can; especially where you have come to realize that you are considered an insider.
In addition Friday night there is another Green Light period that starts at 9:17 PM when the Moon enters Leo and that will continue all the way through next weekend – up until Monday Feb 22 at 12:54 AM. You might move forward with your goals with the confidence that it turns out well after a bit of a process. The Leo Moon sign does not go off without a hitch, especially when attempting to navigate through the sticky parts of your relationships. In the end you agree this one time to do something that benefits the larger picture. Let’s imagine the situation includes a couple negotiating their shared custody of child or pets and you engage in an agreement that satisfies both during this time period. It may need more negotiating later but you have a decent place to start. This Leo Moon Feb 19-Feb 22 is opposite the personal planets Mercury, Venus and square to Mars. The final aspect of the Leo Moon is split parallel to the Sun which allow you to pull the pieces together and make something work in spite of disagreement. Besides the squabbles the greater good is at work in the background as the Moon will trine Saturn (Sunday 2/21) and trine Uranus (Sunday 2/21). Although this may bring uncomfortable feelings – you tend to “get the larger picture”.
There is a really nice Taurus Moon that we have right now. The Taurus Moon is about family and things that are close to us the tradition in our lives. And the harmony that the Moon is going to bring to that Taurus sign will be linked to Venus in the sign of Capricorn. While you try to get the things together that you need to do so that you can have a really nice Valentine’s Day tomorrow or a nice event for yourself, you will have the harmony of Venus that says there is the money that you need to accomplish your goals and that the friends on the other side will be receiving you well.
Mercury is going to be making a change and we can expect our thinking to shift that is at 5:43 this afternoon. And the things that we can expect with Mercury in Aquarius, it will be there until the 5th of March, is that we sort of hop on the band wagon with others for some likeminded idea. You can also expect that the events that come up with this Taurus Moon on Monday there is a Quarter Moon at 2:46 AM. It is at 26 degrees of Taurus and it is related to a Mercury Retrograde stop that is going to happen on the 28th of April. The things that are said and done and motivated and prepared and put out there announced whatever, may turn around and be reversed by the time we get to the end of April. There are so many things that are in a position to be reversed. For one thing Mars is going to turn retrograde also in the month of April. It will be retrograde until from the 16th of April until the 29th of June. This also creates reversals and things that need to be reviewed and redone and there is certainly lots of that going on. This election it is so interesting although so foolish in so many ways.
At any rate you will have on today a Green Light period that begins during this Taurus Moon right through until 9:34 AM on Monday. It doesn’t go off without a hitch because of 7:13 PM Sunday night Valentine’s Day there could be some disagreement or some need to open up a communication. But feelings get hurt or there is something disagreeing. Try to hold back on those over sensitive feelings that could absolutely ruin a nice evening. But if you have a plan to go out on a date do it after 7:13 PM. The aspect will be behind you. You are not likely to argue about where you are going to eat and with the cold weather you might be just staying home I suppose.
Then there is that 1st Quarter Moon which also strongly defines this Taurus Moon sign that we have throughout the weekend. There is besides the Mercury changing signs at 5:42 PM that would be when you start your Green Light period for the Taurus Moon. Run it through Sunday.
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Then on Monday, there are no other major aspects to consider.
Monday that Quarter Moon 2:46 AM. Have a look back 9 months ago. There may have been an event that was seeded back in May 18th 2015 when there was a New Moon there. That could have been the start of something financial or of a new tradition or a new plan for your new family. There is at this point the 1st Quarter Moon which says you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. November 14th there is a Full Moon near the same spot that has to do with all the events that began in May of 2015 and those that are surrounding right now with this Quarter Moon. That is called the Lunar Gestation Cycle, it is a nine month link and that is something that is discovered back in 1991. I wrote a book about it. It is called Lunar Shadows III. If you would like a copy give me a call.
Also for the matters that we want to be clear about on the 15th there is a really nice aspect between the Moon and Venus which makes that Taurus Moon very nice at 5:54 AM. You get up in a pleasant mood and then when the Moon changes signs and goes into Gemini at 9:35 AM we are more talkative more able to run around and do things that are on a long list of detail. The Moon and Mercury make a really nice trine at 1:36 PM. That Gemini Moon is probably going to be the more fun Moon this week.
February 16th Tuesday
We have also a couple of things going on with Venus changing signs on February 16th Tuesday and the time would be at 11:17 PM. That would indicate that anything that you try to plan before then should be held off until after Venus makes its change into Aquarius. Then Venus is interested mostly in friendship that is a priority. Affections are detached and uninvolved but not for a lack of connection. It is for an expanded experience so those unconventional combination bring interest and unusual partners together. People join in likeminded groups and find each other in a common ground. The gatherings are mostly for social causes and a lot of political energy with this Venus changing signs on the 16th.
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
On February 17th the Moon goes void of course at 11:36 AM. The void of course Moon period has to do with Mercury leaving behind some information or messages that maybe you tried to retrieve.
After 2:24 PM there is a Moon sign change. The Moon goes into Cancer where it is more comfortable but for the past couple of years it has not been comfortable.
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
We have this Pluto - Uranus square which is becoming tighter and tighter throughout this next 6 weeks to 2 months. The Moon will need to clear two planets Pluto then Uranus. That would be on Thursday 8:34 PM the Moon is opposite Pluto. This is when your power struggles would be obvious, try to let go. Give the reins to the other person who wants the control and give yourself a break. And then at 10:42 PM the Moon is square Uranus and that is when things are likely to reverse so you get a different perspective and it is time to go to bed in this time zone.
Friday Feb 19, 2016.
Then on Friday the tone of the day changes. It is one that is interested in the things that are behind the scenes and the imagination and intuition. Your creativity runs high: music, poetry, color, play, all the things that the subtle influences that make our life joyful. It is a time to focus on the spiritual principles of your life and develop those. However negatively, Pisces can be aggressive believe it or not. It often retaliates with a real strong response especially if it has been deprived or abused. It also is Pisces which is ruled by the planet Neptune. Neptune rules the seas which rules the commerce. So Pisces is a very powerful sign and it has things that it likes to take care of, seeking a higher level of experience, and also processing and offering forgiveness for past wounds. and this helps you as well as others. It is time for assimilation of the information you have collected throughout this past year, this past 12 months. This information is brought you on all different levels where you can then take that… those Pisces lessons and then use it in the ways that is best for you and those around you.
There is an aspect between the Moon and Mars on February 19th at 9:36 AM. This is the final aspect of the Cancer Moon. This aspect allows you to run smoothly through your morning hours. Your efforts don’t meet a lot of objection. After that aspect the Moon is free floating in Cancer with one exception, it makes this 135 aspect degree to Neptune at 10:24 AM. Then there are no further aspects in the sign of Cancer. But is it not void of course. According to the Ancients the Moon is never void of course in its’ own sign or the sign where it is exalted and that is the sign of Taurus.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Feb 19, 20, 21, 2016
The Moon will enter Leo on the 19th at 9:17 PM. the Leo Moon can be very cheerful, can be happy, but demanding couple of days filled with the qualities of a showy nature wanting to show your wares show your art show your performance be in the spot light .But it is also the sign of the executive and anyone who is bossy when they are being showy… We know someone very prominent right now that is that way. This could be a time when there can be some more excitement from those political avenues. On a positive note it can be a time when you are confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. So that is a really good sign for completing your goals. This Leo Moon Feb 19-Feb 22 is opposite the personal planets Mercury, Venus and square to Mars. The final aspect of the Leo Moon is contra parallel the Sun which allow you to pull the pieces together and make something work in spite of disagreement. Besides the squabbles the greater good is at work in the background as the Moon will trine Saturn (Sunday 2/21) and trine Uranus (Sunday 2/21). Although this may bring uncomfortable feelings – you tend to “get the larger picture”.
February 15, 2016 – Monday
The Taurus Moon this Monday morning continues to be ideal during the remaining Green Light period, for advancing your goals or purchases until 9:39 AM. After that wait for late Tuesday’s Green Light period if you can or drop all or part of your project in the early part of the Gemini Moon
February 16, 2016 – Tuesday during the Gemini Moon sign, there is further a Green Light period that I want to mention that begins on Tuesday night after 11:16 PM until Wednesday morning at 11:36 AM. It is really nice during that Gemini Moon sign when the Moon will trine the Sun. That is a time when your goals are real strong. You are able to move forward and advance with the harmony of others.
Friday February 19, 2016
Friday there is also a Green Light period from 12:33 AM until 9:35 AM when the Cancer Moon is trine Mars. You want to ramp up the volume and get up early and accomplish all you can; especially where you have come to realize that you are considered an insider.
In addition Friday night there is another Green Light period that starts at 9:17 PM when the Moon enters Leo and that will continue all the way through next weekend – up until Monday Feb 22 at 12:54 AM. You might move forward with your goals with the confidence that it turns out well after a bit of a process. The Leo Moon sign does not go off without a hitch, especially when attempting to navigate through the sticky parts of your relationships. In the end you agree this one time to do something that benefits the larger picture. Let’s imagine the situation includes a couple negotiating their shared custody of child or pets and you engage in an agreement that satisfies both during this time period. It may need more negotiating later but you have a decent place to start. This Leo Moon Feb 19-Feb 22 is opposite the personal planets Mercury, Venus and square to Mars. The final aspect of the Leo Moon is split parallel to the Sun which allow you to pull the pieces together and make something work in spite of disagreement. Besides the squabbles the greater good is at work in the background as the Moon will trine Saturn (Sunday 2/21) and trine Uranus (Sunday 2/21). Although this may bring uncomfortable feelings – you tend to “get the larger picture”.
There is a really nice Taurus Moon that we have right now. The Taurus Moon is about family and things that are close to us the tradition in our lives. And the harmony that the Moon is going to bring to that Taurus sign will be linked to Venus in the sign of Capricorn. While you try to get the things together that you need to do so that you can have a really nice Valentine’s Day tomorrow or a nice event for yourself, you will have the harmony of Venus that says there is the money that you need to accomplish your goals and that the friends on the other side will be receiving you well.
Mercury is going to be making a change and we can expect our thinking to shift that is at 5:43 this afternoon. And the things that we can expect with Mercury in Aquarius, it will be there until the 5th of March, is that we sort of hop on the band wagon with others for some likeminded idea. You can also expect that the events that come up with this Taurus Moon on Monday there is a Quarter Moon at 2:46 AM. It is at 26 degrees of Taurus and it is related to a Mercury Retrograde stop that is going to happen on the 28th of April. The things that are said and done and motivated and prepared and put out there announced whatever, may turn around and be reversed by the time we get to the end of April. There are so many things that are in a position to be reversed. For one thing Mars is going to turn retrograde also in the month of April. It will be retrograde until from the 16th of April until the 29th of June. This also creates reversals and things that need to be reviewed and redone and there is certainly lots of that going on. This election it is so interesting although so foolish in so many ways.
At any rate you will have on today a Green Light period that begins during this Taurus Moon right through until 9:34 AM on Monday. It doesn’t go off without a hitch because of 7:13 PM Sunday night Valentine’s Day there could be some disagreement or some need to open up a communication. But feelings get hurt or there is something disagreeing. Try to hold back on those over sensitive feelings that could absolutely ruin a nice evening. But if you have a plan to go out on a date do it after 7:13 PM. The aspect will be behind you. You are not likely to argue about where you are going to eat and with the cold weather you might be just staying home I suppose.
Then there is that 1st Quarter Moon which also strongly defines this Taurus Moon sign that we have throughout the weekend. There is besides the Mercury changing signs at 5:42 PM that would be when you start your Green Light period for the Taurus Moon. Run it through Sunday.
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Then on Monday, there are no other major aspects to consider.
Monday that Quarter Moon 2:46 AM. Have a look back 9 months ago. There may have been an event that was seeded back in May 18th 2015 when there was a New Moon there. That could have been the start of something financial or of a new tradition or a new plan for your new family. There is at this point the 1st Quarter Moon which says you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. November 14th there is a Full Moon near the same spot that has to do with all the events that began in May of 2015 and those that are surrounding right now with this Quarter Moon. That is called the Lunar Gestation Cycle, it is a nine month link and that is something that is discovered back in 1991. I wrote a book about it. It is called Lunar Shadows III. If you would like a copy give me a call.
Also for the matters that we want to be clear about on the 15th there is a really nice aspect between the Moon and Venus which makes that Taurus Moon very nice at 5:54 AM. You get up in a pleasant mood and then when the Moon changes signs and goes into Gemini at 9:35 AM we are more talkative more able to run around and do things that are on a long list of detail. The Moon and Mercury make a really nice trine at 1:36 PM. That Gemini Moon is probably going to be the more fun Moon this week.
February 16th Tuesday
We have also a couple of things going on with Venus changing signs on February 16th Tuesday and the time would be at 11:17 PM. That would indicate that anything that you try to plan before then should be held off until after Venus makes its change into Aquarius. Then Venus is interested mostly in friendship that is a priority. Affections are detached and uninvolved but not for a lack of connection. It is for an expanded experience so those unconventional combination bring interest and unusual partners together. People join in likeminded groups and find each other in a common ground. The gatherings are mostly for social causes and a lot of political energy with this Venus changing signs on the 16th.
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
On February 17th the Moon goes void of course at 11:36 AM. The void of course Moon period has to do with Mercury leaving behind some information or messages that maybe you tried to retrieve.
After 2:24 PM there is a Moon sign change. The Moon goes into Cancer where it is more comfortable but for the past couple of years it has not been comfortable.
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
We have this Pluto - Uranus square which is becoming tighter and tighter throughout this next 6 weeks to 2 months. The Moon will need to clear two planets Pluto then Uranus. That would be on Thursday 8:34 PM the Moon is opposite Pluto. This is when your power struggles would be obvious, try to let go. Give the reins to the other person who wants the control and give yourself a break. And then at 10:42 PM the Moon is square Uranus and that is when things are likely to reverse so you get a different perspective and it is time to go to bed in this time zone.
Friday Feb 19, 2016.
Then on Friday the tone of the day changes. It is one that is interested in the things that are behind the scenes and the imagination and intuition. Your creativity runs high: music, poetry, color, play, all the things that the subtle influences that make our life joyful. It is a time to focus on the spiritual principles of your life and develop those. However negatively, Pisces can be aggressive believe it or not. It often retaliates with a real strong response especially if it has been deprived or abused. It also is Pisces which is ruled by the planet Neptune. Neptune rules the seas which rules the commerce. So Pisces is a very powerful sign and it has things that it likes to take care of, seeking a higher level of experience, and also processing and offering forgiveness for past wounds. and this helps you as well as others. It is time for assimilation of the information you have collected throughout this past year, this past 12 months. This information is brought you on all different levels where you can then take that… those Pisces lessons and then use it in the ways that is best for you and those around you.
There is an aspect between the Moon and Mars on February 19th at 9:36 AM. This is the final aspect of the Cancer Moon. This aspect allows you to run smoothly through your morning hours. Your efforts don’t meet a lot of objection. After that aspect the Moon is free floating in Cancer with one exception, it makes this 135 aspect degree to Neptune at 10:24 AM. Then there are no further aspects in the sign of Cancer. But is it not void of course. According to the Ancients the Moon is never void of course in its’ own sign or the sign where it is exalted and that is the sign of Taurus.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Feb 19, 20, 21, 2016
The Moon will enter Leo on the 19th at 9:17 PM. the Leo Moon can be very cheerful, can be happy, but demanding couple of days filled with the qualities of a showy nature wanting to show your wares show your art show your performance be in the spot light .But it is also the sign of the executive and anyone who is bossy when they are being showy… We know someone very prominent right now that is that way. This could be a time when there can be some more excitement from those political avenues. On a positive note it can be a time when you are confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. So that is a really good sign for completing your goals. This Leo Moon Feb 19-Feb 22 is opposite the personal planets Mercury, Venus and square to Mars. The final aspect of the Leo Moon is contra parallel the Sun which allow you to pull the pieces together and make something work in spite of disagreement. Besides the squabbles the greater good is at work in the background as the Moon will trine Saturn (Sunday 2/21) and trine Uranus (Sunday 2/21). Although this may bring uncomfortable feelings – you tend to “get the larger picture”.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Astrology report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Feb 6 - 15, 2016.
The following has been edited from the transcribed version of the radio report broadcast on WZBC FM 90.3 at 9:30 AM Saturday Feb 6.
The Green Light periods this week are:
Saturday Feb 6 until 10:53 AM when it is trine Jupiter.
Tuesday Pisces Moon beginning after 8 AM until Wednesday at 11:24 PM when it will sextile Mercury.
Friday Feb 13 after Mercury enters Aquarius at 5:42 PM until Monday Feb 15 at 5:53 AM.
Saturday Feb 6, 2016.
For a Capricorn Moon today there is a lot going on with the Moon. It is in the sign of business. And it is in the same sign as Pluto which is square to Uranus, still. Your decisions that you are making are based on money and the business behind it all. Anything that you do whether you are going to the dentist or getting your knee evaluated because of the focus on bones and teeth during Capricorn Moons or the father issues and any kind of business matter, also political things stand out. The Moon is void of course after 10:53 AM Saturday Feb 6, until Sunday at 12:58 AM.
We have Pluto in the sign of Capricorn being squared by Uranus. And this is getting tighter and tighter. This square is very difficult. It is still causing earthquakes. It is still very active. It is a degree apart. It is actually closing in this week so that it is not even a degree apart. This will be with us right through the end of March and then it begins to separate a little bit. It tends to be chaotic but what it does is it brings your life in focus where you are able to make changes because of some other thing that happened that helped to clear your path and clear your way. This may actually be a good thing for those things that remain and move forward.
There is a Green Light period today on Saturday, February 6th when we have the Moon’s last aspect trine Jupiter at 10:53 AM, then there is a void of course Moon after that. That void of course Moon does not sit and wait aimlessly, as the planets are still making aspect.
There will be Sun in a 60 degree aspect to Uranus that is 11:39 AM this morning. And that type of aspect brings a lot of inventions and scientific studies out into the open, legislature approves some scientific studies. Course this is the weekend that won’t be going on today. But there can be enlightenment and awakening that helps you to advance your goals. High energy output with this with many where there were some stagnant outworn conditions. Electrical currents are real strong so you may want to take care with those sorts of things.
Mercury and Jupiter make an aspect at 1:45 PM. This aspect brings a positive message and support and for both the person intended and the messenger. So there is room for explanations and an ear for the real story. But exaggeration is definitely the key anytime Mercury and Jupiter are forming an aspect.
Then we have Venus square Uranus at 5:03 PM. This is not good for friendship and love. Anything that may have started, any excitement that may have happened, may reverse on a dime at 5:03 PM. Because of maybe money or a breach to the friendship or who knows what it could possibly be. But it is erratic there may be too many extreme feelings. Lots of surprises with artistic expression. Maybe somebody dresses, so way out, and they have one of those malfunctions to their outfit. Of course these days anything goes. The whole thing looks like a malfunction to me. There are definitely unstable qualities in relationships with that.
Sunday Feb 7, 2016. The Moon is in Aquarius.
Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday! we have an Aquarius Moon at 12:58 AM it begins…and there will be a New Moon on Monday morning at 19º Aquarius. So we are in the dark of the Moon beginning around 11AM Sunday. Before that, at 7:07 AM many people, who have things to do that get up early Sunday morning, hit the ground running because of a Sun square Mars. This could be argumentative or simply highly motivated. You could rudely mow the person down who is in your way, but try not to do that, it will come back to bite you.
There are aspects Sunday… Venus and the Sun are exactly 30 degrees apart at 4:59 PM. This probably allows for a lot of money to go around in the betting world for the Super Bowl. I don’t have an opinion on who might win. I did mention…I did say that the Patriots would not win the game that they had with the Broncos. So it is too bad that we won’t see the Patriots there. But we have seen them so many times before.
Monday Feb 8, 2016. The Moon is in Aquarius. Don’t sign or begin anything that matters to you.
On February 8th Monday there is still an Aquarius Moon and we are in the dark of the Moon so don’t make any final decisions until we get some more light of the Moon on Tuesday. There are aspects to consider. There is a real nice aspect, the Moon and Uranus and then the Moon is square Mars at 8:37 AM so again there is an active, over active beginning to the day or an angry start. Mercury and Neptune form a semi square at 8:56 AM. This one means that there is a blind spot. You can’t see your own way for some reason. And maybe you leave your paperwork behind maybe you have to go back and get your tickets or your license or whatever. Mercury -Neptune also says the weather could be a factor and you could have fog or a whiteout condition for some reason. It is minor; it is not a big deal but could be the reason you are late for your day to begin.
Mercury and Pluto form an aspect after the New Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius 9:39 AM. This Aquarius New Moon is filled with all sorts of excitement with that Uranus and Pluto square tightening. But the Mercury and Pluto aspect, it is a parallel. You come together with someone of right thinking; someone who has the information and can use it in powerful applications. Then the Moon is quincunx Jupiter 1:42 PM, something upsets the apple cart. Perhaps you select a new practitioner; a new teacher and new guide in some way with that at 1:42 PM. There is likely to be someone who has the information that you think they have, the information that you need, but you may still be in the dark.
Mercury and Saturn form a parallel. This is exact at 8:26 PM, but it affects the entire day for Monday and throughout the night into Tuesday morning. This may allow your thinking to come together in a rational way. You are able to calm down and make judgments by backing off to cool your jets before your next move forward.
Tuesday Feb 9, 2016.
Tuesday Feb 9 begins with the void of course Aquarius Moon until the Moon moves into Pisces at 3:31 AM beginning a Green Light period that runs until 11:24 PM Wednesday night.
3:31 AM on Tuesday we have a New Moon sign. It is the Moon in Pisces and it is a Green Light. There is a Green Light period from 3:31 AM Tuesday until February 10th Wednesday all the way at 11:25 PM. The Moon’s final aspect is one of opportunity as it makes a nice 60 degree aspect to Mercury. This allows you to get the information you need and the answers you are waiting for to advance your goals to a positive outcome for your decisions. Use this time to also write something powerful whether it is a letter or some other document. Remember to keep it considerate in line with the sensitivity of Pisces nature. Keep it gentle, but let it be true to yourself. Say what you mean. Move forward with your plans that involves a vision for something creative; something fantasy. There is a veil of deception which you are able to see through. So creating fantasy is a nice thing a nice expression of this Pisces Moon. And the dark period of the Moon will end right around sunrise on Tuesday. Tuesday has a Green Light period. Beware of foggy thinking or literal fog which clouds your vision when the Moon is conjunct Neptune at 6:00 PM.
There is a major aspect between Saturn and Pluto (Tuesday night11:04 PM) which does hold its impressive influence over a few Monday – Thursday) when the Moon is in Pisces. It affects “the powers that be” which appear to be pulling together for a common goal. The result of an event that occurs prompts people to work together in order to get this right to produce a long lasting effect. Whether this influence is sinister or benevolent may depend on what side you are on. It can be about the infrastructure and the money needed to fund major projects. It could be matters about roads and bridges; companies and governments hands in various matters, involving subsidies and licenses. You may need a new furnace with Saturn - Pluto aspects or anything that would be considered at the heart of the house or the heart of self.
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016.
Whether you would be reviewing to sign documents for making decisions on this Green Light day, whether it be Tuesday or Wednesday you are “good to go” there. But keep in mind there are long term influences on these couple of days.
Venus and Jupiter form a trine way early in the morning Wednesday. Maybe you will sleep a little bit too late on Wednesday morning but there are powers of attraction working in the background. There is a quincunx, a 150 degree aspect between the Sun and Jupiter at 2:28 PM and this aspect is a bit of a surprise. You may go on a surprise trip or want to go on a surprise trip. You may have a change in your education plan or a change in your plan in your neighborhood. You may even change your political candidate.
There is also a nice aspect between the Moon and Venus Wednesday. This is a very nice opportunity aspect at 4:07 PM with the Moon in Pisces, and Venus in the sign of Capricorn. Pisces is really at an advantage during this week with the Moon sign in such nice form.
Thursday Feb 11, 2016 – The Moon moves into Aries at 4:55 AM. Do not sign anything or agree to anything. Work on your own if you can. The Aries Moon is with us until Saturday at 6:35 AM.
The Aries Moon is tough; it shows several bumps along the way. By the time it finishes the transiting Moon will form a nasty 90º square to Mercury which defines the temperament of this Aries Moon as argumentative and disagreeable. Plus it acts as a trigger to the Uranus - Pluto square again. This applies to Friday as well.
Friday Feb 12, 2016.
There is an extra trigger which is expressed by the Aries Moon at 150 degree angle to each, of Jupiter in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio. That is a yod formation, but it is not a technical yod. (A yod does appear as two planets 60º apart each form a 150º angle to the same slower moving body on the opposite side of the zodiac.) However it does create the quality of something sudden and abrupt that upsets the apple cart. It could be political. Jupiter is always involved in politics.
A square earlier on the day is Moon square Pluto at 8:02 AM. Later on we will have an aspect during that Aries Moon where it will square Mercury. That is next Saturday the 13th, that is the last aspect that the Aries Moon. Don’t agree to anything. It is argumentative. It has difficulties with contracts, don’t sign anything. Practice being the observer. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem. If you can’t help, step back.
The next weekend coming up with the Taurus Moon for Valentine’s Day is very good. I suggest that you make your date for Valentine’s Day later in the evening because of the Moon opposite Mars aspect at 7:12 PM. It may cause a strong difference of opinion or agitation that could set the mood in the wrong direction. For some people who won’t allow the flow to move past a rough spot this could end the festive event. After 7:12 PM and add a few minutes there is a very nice evening ahead which may lead to an important development of friendship and tradition. The influence is the First Quarter Moon at 26º Taurus which actually occurs on Monday Feb 15. The events surrounding February 14 may emerge again in the spring around May 13.
That’s the report for this week. You can find a copy of this on my website, both the podcast and the written report will be there later on. WCBZ radio 90.3 FM does archive this report. You can play it again. And that would be at
That is it for the week. You can call me at 617 – 924 – 0929. You can call for an appointment or for a class, online classes I have right now. There may be an in house class coming up at the end of the month for my Pisces friends. I wish you a good week. Again my number is 617 – 924 – 0929. Thank you.
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