Sunday, February 28, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Feb 27 - March 6, 2016 with Green Light Days

Good morning everyone the following report has been transcribed from the live radio broadcast 90.3 FM Newton, MA on Saturday Feb 27, 2016.

It is a sunny day here and we have a Scorpio Moon so it is very intense. A Scorpio Moon is where we turn our emotions inward but it is highly driven. The reason being is because Mars is in the sign of Scorpio. It is at the end of the sign. When the Moon goes through and makes its connection while it is in Scorpio its final aspect is to join up with Mars. A lot of violence can be explained by this particular setup, particularly with Mars in Scorpio. Reason being is that Mars will turn retrograde in April right through until the end of June. And when it turns direct, after being retrograde all that time, it will direct in Scorpio. It is like all hell breaks loose here.

In the meanwhile for an individual’s use; what can we do with it? You can choose to do things in a motivated way that does not offend or hurt others. You can get things done without any kind of over controlling. It is that desire to control things to the greatest and tiniest little detail that can drive other people crazy so try to rein that in.
Green Light Periods this week are;
Saturday Feb 27 & Sunday Feb 28
There is a Green Light with this Scorpio Moon and that Green Light period will run right through today. It started at 6:26 AM, runs all through tomorrow, and it will finish up at 2:54 PM on Monday. So it is quite a stretch. If you have a project that you are trying to get done, trying to organize things, dig into things very deep. It could be the cellar or it could be into things like estates or anything having to do with inheritance. These days are very good for trying to dig out the files that you need to be able to take to someone to review them.

There is also an excellent conjunction going on with Venus and Pallas Athena. They are joined together. Pallas is the wisdom asteroid, as she sprung from the head of Zeus. So there is that quality of very, very smart information coming these days and available to you. Try to find someone that you can trust to be your counselor.
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Also what we have is a Sagittarius Moon sign that will start on Monday at 6:55 PM. I want to mention there is a void of course Moon on Monday at 2:54 PM until 6:55 PM. Then a Green Light period starts again.
Tuesday March 1
There is a Last Quarter Moon that occurs at 6:10 PM on Tuesday. It is in Sagittarius so we may find that we are being asked to travel or need to travel or something pretty positive about traveling or education. If you want to sign up for something or also create a class for yourself it is a really good time to do that especially with higher education.

There was a New Moon at this degree of 11 degrees of Sagittarius December 3rd of 2013. This could be connected to what you are doing. As is September 2nd of 2014 when a 1st Quarter Moon occurred there. Also a Full Moon last June of 2015. June 2nd there was a Full Moon at the same spot. These are all related Moon phases and when they are related like that they are called a Moon family of which is the material that is thoroughly discussed in my book Lunar Shadows III. If you are interested in learning about Eclipses and these powerful links of Moon phases give me a call for the book or check my website at
Wednesday & Thursday Mar 2 & 3
That Sagittarius Moon does continue right through until 5:01 AM on Thursday. Now the Moon will make its final aspect at 9:54 PM on Wednesday. This aspect is a sextile. You are likely to find the information you want, talk to the people you want to talk to, travel where you want to travel to. That happens on Wednesday March 2nd. There is a void of course Moon period from 9:54 PM until 5:01 AM on Thursday.
Thursday March 3
The Capricorn Moon is waiting for Mercury to change signs. It doesn’t happen until next Saturday at 5:23 AM. After that there is a little Green Light period during that Capricorn Moon next Saturday from 5:23 AM until 11:05 AM. If you want to make a plan to do something more businesslike, it too is making an aspect to Mars. This whole week while Mars is in the sign of Scorpio until next Saturday. Then we have a whole lot of extreme cases of perhaps violence or misguided direction. Mars changes signs next Saturday 9:30 PM which will be very relevant for us next Saturday as well.

Sunday Feb 28
To further discuss the types of things that are going on… We have on Sunday, tomorrow, the Sun is conjunct Neptune. Now this aspect is one that can be inspired. it can also allow things to occur where people are sweeping you off your feet. In some cases that can kind of be a good thing, in other cases it is possibly not the thing that you want to happen, especially if you are trying to stay focused on something. There can be a misguided piece of information. As well as the types of things that you are trying to envision or if you have a vision that is a good time to put that type of thing into some kind of action. It is a streak of good fortune it can be. It soothes the nerves as well. But it is also prone to alcoholism, drug addiction or any kind of addictive behavior. You want to be very careful about that. That is Sunday at 10:46 AM. Watch the world events with this particular Sun conjunct Neptune. It should be pretty exciting
Monday Feb 29

The Moon in Sagittarius brings that desire to run free. It also…discussions and philosophical points and political points are large with…can’t get away from that lately. And cultural events are real nice things to do during the Sagittarius Moon.

Venus is making a link between Saturn and Uranus this week. It starts with an aspect at 8:07 PM on the 29th. That is an aspect between the pair. It is about mutual exchanges mutual respect for one another. You get the gift of patience, you get the delivery of all that you are expecting. There is solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off with this. However on the other side of that Venus is making an aspect to Uranus which tends to be impulsive. While it is doing that it is sitting right there in the middle, where it is connecting to Pluto. So some of the events that occur are about money insurances claims. Maybe you get a check in the mail from the insurance company or maybe there is matters that concern you personally, personal matters, about your resources your money your security anything having to do with a loan cosigning a loan. So that could be pretty good during those Green Light days that I mentioned as well.
Tuesday March 1

So what we have for the rest of the week on Tuesday…The major event on Tuesday is 6:10 PM the Last Quarter Moon in a travel sign. A strong desire to learn something new or explore different cultures or attend concerts and conferences. This quarter Moon helps you to get the ball rolling for some type of education or trip. Foreign matters are of the greatest importance. Perhaps statements from leaders of other countries.
Wednesday Mar 2

Then on Wednesday Juno is making a station. Now this is very important. Juno is the bride of Jupiter and Juno decorates or give honors to someone. This is at a very loud degree in the Zodiac, which is 15 degrees of Scorpio. It can honor someone, put someone up on top. This is Wednesday it is exact at 5:39 AM but it doesn’t matter it will influences a couple of days there. You will notice recognition especially for a woman. This is the kind of thing when a King marries a Commoner or Zeus married an Earthling, being Juno. It is also about pairing up and joining with others for the purpose of partnership. But it is very intense. Juno is going retrograde. She is backing off and she doesn’t turn direct for several months.

During that Sagittarius Moon which continues on Wednesday, it is finishing its last aspect by the Moon to Mercury at 9:54 PM. Then we have the Sun in a split parallel with Uranus. Something is quirky during that time when the Sagittarius Moon is free floating. It could be something spontaneous regarding computers or crowds, public opinion, something could turn or change.
Thursday March 3
The Moon enters Capricorn at 5:01 AM on Thursday. The aspects on Thursday… Venus is quincunx Jupiter. That is life’s messy clean it up. This time it is between your pocket book or maybe even food. Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo so you could be eating things that really could upset your system so be careful of that as well.

The Sun and Ceres join together at 13:44 Pisces. This is a nurturing aspect that also has to do with taking care of those that are really at a disadvantage and that could become greater importance. The thing about the lead in the water, we are going to find we all have lead in our water. I heard a report where Massachusetts has even higher numbers of lead in the water. Children’s hospital made a report of that on NPR (National Public Radio).
Friday March 4
And then we have for Friday March 4th that Capricorn Moon is still with us. That is a business Moon, but don’t sign anything, don’t do anything where you are going to commit to long term because Mercury is leaving the sign. Mercury takes off with the paper work, takes off with the plan, drops something. So you don’t want to be caught holding the bag. You could end up with the heavy end of any project you go into, if you find something on Friday. What you could do is make a really good outline of what you need. The Moon walks into that Pluto Uranus square which is nice and tight at 12:17 PM on Friday. Then it is square Uranus. Well, the first one was conjunct Pluto. Then the next one is Moon square Uranus 2:57 PM. After that things may calm down a bit. Then the Moon goes on to trine Jupiter at 3:29 PM, which is very nice. But it is not until Saturday at 5:23 AM that that Capricorn Moon becomes a fair party to play with.

So there is a really nice aspect with the Sun and Jupiter coming up. brings a stroke of good luck. That is it for the week.

I have a workshop tomorrow and it is about the current trends. “What in the world is going on? And why is it happening to me?” This is the topic for the workshop tomorrow. The workshop is going to be repeated next Sunday (March 6, 2016) as well. If you want to join this class it is full, it is full for this one tomorrow. But the one next Sunday has room so you want to call and make your seat for that. You can find a copy of this at You can call me 617 – 924 – 0929 if you want a consultation or discuss something about the report or anything astrological give me a call. And have a great week and come to my workshop.

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