Green Light Period February 15- 22, 2016.
February 15, 2016 – Monday
The Taurus Moon this Monday morning continues to be ideal during the remaining Green Light period, for advancing your goals or purchases until 9:39 AM. After that wait for late Tuesday’s Green Light period if you can or drop all or part of your project in the early part of the Gemini Moon
February 16, 2016 – Tuesday during the Gemini Moon sign, there is further a Green Light period that I want to mention that begins on Tuesday night after 11:16 PM until Wednesday morning at 11:36 AM. It is really nice during that Gemini Moon sign when the Moon will trine the Sun. That is a time when your goals are real strong. You are able to move forward and advance with the harmony of others.
Friday February 19, 2016
Friday there is also a Green Light period from 12:33 AM until 9:35 AM when the Cancer Moon is trine Mars. You want to ramp up the volume and get up early and accomplish all you can; especially where you have come to realize that you are considered an insider.
In addition Friday night there is another Green Light period that starts at 9:17 PM when the Moon enters Leo and that will continue all the way through next weekend – up until Monday Feb 22 at 12:54 AM. You might move forward with your goals with the confidence that it turns out well after a bit of a process. The Leo Moon sign does not go off without a hitch, especially when attempting to navigate through the sticky parts of your relationships. In the end you agree this one time to do something that benefits the larger picture. Let’s imagine the situation includes a couple negotiating their shared custody of child or pets and you engage in an agreement that satisfies both during this time period. It may need more negotiating later but you have a decent place to start. This Leo Moon Feb 19-Feb 22 is opposite the personal planets Mercury, Venus and square to Mars. The final aspect of the Leo Moon is split parallel to the Sun which allow you to pull the pieces together and make something work in spite of disagreement. Besides the squabbles the greater good is at work in the background as the Moon will trine Saturn (Sunday 2/21) and trine Uranus (Sunday 2/21). Although this may bring uncomfortable feelings – you tend to “get the larger picture”.
There is a really nice Taurus Moon that we have right now. The Taurus Moon is about family and things that are close to us the tradition in our lives. And the harmony that the Moon is going to bring to that Taurus sign will be linked to Venus in the sign of Capricorn. While you try to get the things together that you need to do so that you can have a really nice Valentine’s Day tomorrow or a nice event for yourself, you will have the harmony of Venus that says there is the money that you need to accomplish your goals and that the friends on the other side will be receiving you well.
Mercury is going to be making a change and we can expect our thinking to shift that is at 5:43 this afternoon. And the things that we can expect with Mercury in Aquarius, it will be there until the 5th of March, is that we sort of hop on the band wagon with others for some likeminded idea. You can also expect that the events that come up with this Taurus Moon on Monday there is a Quarter Moon at 2:46 AM. It is at 26 degrees of Taurus and it is related to a Mercury Retrograde stop that is going to happen on the 28th of April. The things that are said and done and motivated and prepared and put out there announced whatever, may turn around and be reversed by the time we get to the end of April. There are so many things that are in a position to be reversed. For one thing Mars is going to turn retrograde also in the month of April. It will be retrograde until from the 16th of April until the 29th of June. This also creates reversals and things that need to be reviewed and redone and there is certainly lots of that going on. This election it is so interesting although so foolish in so many ways.
At any rate you will have on today a Green Light period that begins during this Taurus Moon right through until 9:34 AM on Monday. It doesn’t go off without a hitch because of 7:13 PM Sunday night Valentine’s Day there could be some disagreement or some need to open up a communication. But feelings get hurt or there is something disagreeing. Try to hold back on those over sensitive feelings that could absolutely ruin a nice evening. But if you have a plan to go out on a date do it after 7:13 PM. The aspect will be behind you. You are not likely to argue about where you are going to eat and with the cold weather you might be just staying home I suppose.
Then there is that 1st Quarter Moon which also strongly defines this Taurus Moon sign that we have throughout the weekend. There is besides the Mercury changing signs at 5:42 PM that would be when you start your Green Light period for the Taurus Moon. Run it through Sunday.
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Then on Monday, there are no other major aspects to consider.
Monday that Quarter Moon 2:46 AM. Have a look back 9 months ago. There may have been an event that was seeded back in May 18th 2015 when there was a New Moon there. That could have been the start of something financial or of a new tradition or a new plan for your new family. There is at this point the 1st Quarter Moon which says you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. November 14th there is a Full Moon near the same spot that has to do with all the events that began in May of 2015 and those that are surrounding right now with this Quarter Moon. That is called the Lunar Gestation Cycle, it is a nine month link and that is something that is discovered back in 1991. I wrote a book about it. It is called Lunar Shadows III. If you would like a copy give me a call.
Also for the matters that we want to be clear about on the 15th there is a really nice aspect between the Moon and Venus which makes that Taurus Moon very nice at 5:54 AM. You get up in a pleasant mood and then when the Moon changes signs and goes into Gemini at 9:35 AM we are more talkative more able to run around and do things that are on a long list of detail. The Moon and Mercury make a really nice trine at 1:36 PM. That Gemini Moon is probably going to be the more fun Moon this week.
February 16th Tuesday
We have also a couple of things going on with Venus changing signs on February 16th Tuesday and the time would be at 11:17 PM. That would indicate that anything that you try to plan before then should be held off until after Venus makes its change into Aquarius. Then Venus is interested mostly in friendship that is a priority. Affections are detached and uninvolved but not for a lack of connection. It is for an expanded experience so those unconventional combination bring interest and unusual partners together. People join in likeminded groups and find each other in a common ground. The gatherings are mostly for social causes and a lot of political energy with this Venus changing signs on the 16th.
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
On February 17th the Moon goes void of course at 11:36 AM. The void of course Moon period has to do with Mercury leaving behind some information or messages that maybe you tried to retrieve.
After 2:24 PM there is a Moon sign change. The Moon goes into Cancer where it is more comfortable but for the past couple of years it has not been comfortable.
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
We have this Pluto - Uranus square which is becoming tighter and tighter throughout this next 6 weeks to 2 months. The Moon will need to clear two planets Pluto then Uranus. That would be on Thursday 8:34 PM the Moon is opposite Pluto. This is when your power struggles would be obvious, try to let go. Give the reins to the other person who wants the control and give yourself a break. And then at 10:42 PM the Moon is square Uranus and that is when things are likely to reverse so you get a different perspective and it is time to go to bed in this time zone.
Friday Feb 19, 2016.
Then on Friday the tone of the day changes. It is one that is interested in the things that are behind the scenes and the imagination and intuition. Your creativity runs high: music, poetry, color, play, all the things that the subtle influences that make our life joyful. It is a time to focus on the spiritual principles of your life and develop those. However negatively, Pisces can be aggressive believe it or not. It often retaliates with a real strong response especially if it has been deprived or abused. It also is Pisces which is ruled by the planet Neptune. Neptune rules the seas which rules the commerce. So Pisces is a very powerful sign and it has things that it likes to take care of, seeking a higher level of experience, and also processing and offering forgiveness for past wounds. and this helps you as well as others. It is time for assimilation of the information you have collected throughout this past year, this past 12 months. This information is brought you on all different levels where you can then take that… those Pisces lessons and then use it in the ways that is best for you and those around you.
There is an aspect between the Moon and Mars on February 19th at 9:36 AM. This is the final aspect of the Cancer Moon. This aspect allows you to run smoothly through your morning hours. Your efforts don’t meet a lot of objection. After that aspect the Moon is free floating in Cancer with one exception, it makes this 135 aspect degree to Neptune at 10:24 AM. Then there are no further aspects in the sign of Cancer. But is it not void of course. According to the Ancients the Moon is never void of course in its’ own sign or the sign where it is exalted and that is the sign of Taurus.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Feb 19, 20, 21, 2016
The Moon will enter Leo on the 19th at 9:17 PM. the Leo Moon can be very cheerful, can be happy, but demanding couple of days filled with the qualities of a showy nature wanting to show your wares show your art show your performance be in the spot light .But it is also the sign of the executive and anyone who is bossy when they are being showy… We know someone very prominent right now that is that way. This could be a time when there can be some more excitement from those political avenues. On a positive note it can be a time when you are confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. So that is a really good sign for completing your goals. This Leo Moon Feb 19-Feb 22 is opposite the personal planets Mercury, Venus and square to Mars. The final aspect of the Leo Moon is contra parallel the Sun which allow you to pull the pieces together and make something work in spite of disagreement. Besides the squabbles the greater good is at work in the background as the Moon will trine Saturn (Sunday 2/21) and trine Uranus (Sunday 2/21). Although this may bring uncomfortable feelings – you tend to “get the larger picture”.
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