Saturday, May 20, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for May 20- May 27, 2017 with Green Light Times

Listen to the live radio broadcast for this week's astrology report by following this link:

The following few notes are added before the transcribed report later today or tomorrow.

Mars is out of bounds until the end of June. This bring weird and unusual information and activities into our lives through the end of June.

The Moon will travel through Pisces for your secret world, prayer and compassionate activities. Break habits of addictive behavior.

Aries from 6:11 AM Sunday though 8:33 AM Tuesday during these times take on your ideas and projects with great enthusiasm but wait to start something new at after Monday May 29.

Taurus Moon begins 8:33 AM Tuesday until 8:15 AM Thursday. Use this Moon to secure your financing for projects and family matters. Have a dinner party or a family affair. Remember for the greatest success during a Taurus Moon it's "Food First".

Gemini 8:15 AM Thursday until 7:24 AM Saturday 5/27. Catch up on your errands. Make your calls and send emails. Gather information about trips.

New Moon Thursday at 3:44 PM 4 º Gemini is the switch to the new stories that target the Solar Eclipse to come in three months on August 21, 2017 at 29 Leo. This is President Trump's ascendant and can alter the course of our country or his affairs.

The Dark Moon period related to the New Moon begins Wednesday evening until Friday evening. During the Dark Moon period it is best to allow matters and subjects to come to you and not to begin anything new at least until the Moon can be seen in the sky or the dark period ends.

Green Light period Tuesday 2:59 AM until 7:07 AM. Tuesday during the Aries Moon.

Jupiter 150 degrees to Neptune through July 5. Extreme focus on these energies are on June 9 and June 16, 2017.

Transcribed report begins:

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, May 20, 2017 – Saturday, May 27, 2017

Good morning. Well, we have an interesting time that we are going through. These are definitely interesting times. Mars is out of bounds. The type of things that are going on during this Mars out of bounds period can be most unusual and it continues in this uncharted territory to the end of June. It is not an easy planet to pin down while running wild, because Mars is the planet of action and work. It has an influence on how you direct your energies and how you focus your attention. So Mars being in the sign Gemini creates a lack of focus, making it rather difficult to sort through things. But what you can expect from Mars out of bounds is that it is collecting information you’ve never heard of before. It is collecting facts and figures from all different places, which need to be very clearly vetted before you repeat anything. However multiple avenues for new information, new ways of doing things are what might be expected. There will be all kinds of new projects that come up as a result of this new information we will find out about. Not all will survive but some may be a welcomed change in your life.

One of the things in the news that was disturbing was the vault, the Norwegian vault of seeds has over a million seeds that are collected and put into a vault for safe keeping for humanity. Well, because of permafrost melting, it flooded the entrance to the vault. They said the seeds are okay. It is the entrance. A glacier has entered. A glacier of water that froze and then refroze. They are chipping away at it to get through in the entrance way. So it is not so fail safe. This is something that is so important to our survival should we be flooded or should anything catastrophic happen then the food supply could be repopulated with these seeds. At any rate that was opened in 2008 and the energies that we have had this past week, particularly the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius this past Thursday (5/18) was directly related to things that took place back then.

But before moving on to looking at this week I wanted to say something about what I believe is causing such a huge change regarding water in that way that effects humanity is the Jupiter quincunx (150º)Neptune which was exact last week. It will hold in this aspect making the final exact aspect on July 5th. So we are in a holding pattern. There are likely to be many events of great water or great storm that would be under the influence of this Jupiter quincunx Neptune. The broader view of what it means for the individual is about grouping on the collective. Try to if you can create a mantra that can keep you in touch with the collective soul of the Earth. Also put the focus on prayer and on compassion and on helping others when imagining that most of the problems have one resolve open those possibilities with greater forces of prayer. So stay conscious of that and try to connect your crown chakra to the source, to the source light. And that can help us to switch things from crazy to a period of a greater alignment.

So the Moon this week will travel through the sign of Pisces. This is a time for your secret world, your prayer, your compassionate activities, and break habits of addictive behavior.
That Pisces Moon ends Sunday morning at 6:11 AM when we have the Aries Moon until 8:33 AM Tuesday. During these times take on your ideas and projects with great enthusiasm, but wait to start things for a Green Light for something new and that would be after May 29th Monday.

The Taurus Moon starts at 8:33 AM on Tuesday and it continues until 8:15 AM Thursday. Use this Moon sign to secure your financing for projects and any family matters. Have a dinner party. Do anything that is traditional and having people over and feeding people. That and the art of persuasion is what Taurus loves the most.
The Gemini Moon begins at 8:15 AM Thursday until 7:24 AM Saturday. That is when you want to catch up on your errands, make those calls, make those connections, send off those letters.

There is a New Moon on Thursday 3:44 PM that is at 4 degrees of Gemini. This New Moon is special. It is special because it will welcome in the energies of the Solar Eclipse to come August 21st. I think most of us are aware that there is this great Solar Eclipse that we are going to see here in the United States. It is very, very important. It does hit the ascendant of the president. President Trump. So it should be very interesting to watch how the information that has developed, which is a Gemini theme will have an impact on the future of the president and also for us in our own story lines. You will find that whatever you have been talking about you have something brand new beginning with that New Moon on Thursday.

The dark period of the Moon related to the New Moon begins Wednesday evening and runs until Friday evening, 5/26. There is a Green Light period 5/23. I’m sorry it is early in the morning 3:00 AM on Tuesday until 7:07 AM on Tuesday. So if you can set things up to send them off or make some kind of change early in the morning like that. People do set their alarms get up and do their send at those Green Light times. You can wait for the next Green Light, which would be the 30th of May, if you like.
Jupiter as I said to Neptune will run through July 5th and those energies are focused very strongly on the station points both in June. So lots of excitement with water, extreme information. People that are the heads of state of their religions would also be in the news in a big way. Also it is no accident that the presidential trip is joining the countries and their religions. Saudi Arabia, Israel and then meeting with the Pope Francis as well. (All under the astrological canopy of the Jupiter – Neptune aspect.)

Through the week there is a Sun sign change that we are expecting with this Gemini Sun coming in at 4:30 PM today. So lots of chatter would be going on, lots of interesting things to do, multitasking with that Pisces Moon. There are a couple of things to get past. The Pisces Moon will square Saturn at 11:39 PM. So that makes it kind of a difficult start where you are worried about how things are going to set up or how things are going to work out. I would just let that aspect pass. After that there is a little bit of a Green Light period. If you want to use that from 11:39 PM 5/20 until 6:10 AM on 5/21 Sunday morning.

Sunday May 21
The aspects for Sunday Mercury and Mars are in a squabble at 3:32 PM. So try to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Don’t get into any trouble with others and it could be a little bit accident prone. It is a real blind spot kind of thing. The aspect is 45 degrees. Hard to see.
Monday May 22 and Tuesday May 23
Then there are for Monday during the Aries Moon lots of high energy. The things that are going on: The Moon will be joining with Venus at 10:08 AM.
Then later joining on Tuesday with Uranus as they are all sort of piled up there together on Tuesday. The Moon and Uranus joins at 2:59 AM Tuesday
During those periods there could be a little bit of a lucky streak in there. That might be Monday night around 6:35 PM, maybe even 9:26 PM. Somewhere in there, there could be a little bit of a stroke of luck that could help us out.
Tuesday May 23
Tuesday we have an Aries Moon. That Aries Moon joins Uranus early in the morning. That could be a time when there is a startling energy that possibly awaits you for one reason or another. The Aries Moon will end with a pleasant parallel to Neptune beginning a void of course Moon period at 7:07 AM. Very briefly until 8:33 AM. That would also mark a little Green Light period in there until that 7:07 AM.
Then the Taurus Moon we have pretty much not much going on as far as the planets go. They are not interacting with one another all that much, which is giving us a little bit of freedom there to kick back during that Taurus Moon, which may feel a little bit lazy. There is a tiny bit of pressure from the Moon to Mars that could help get thing going, but not until Tuesday evening.
Wednesday May 24
Wednesday there is still a Taurus Moon sign. And the Moon will make a quincunx to Jupiter (that is the “life’s messy clean it up” aspect). That may set off some kind of wild weather putting the focus back on the Jupiter and Neptune aspect for the morning hours of Wednesday May 24th. Could create blind spots or difficulties with water before leaving. Maybe there is something. Maybe the toilet overflows and you can’t get out the door quick enough and you have to go to work ( all those sort of annoying problems).
Wednesday to Thursday May 25
Then with the New Moon ahead, the dark period of the Moon does begin on Wednesday evening when the Moon is still in the sign of Taurus and it makes a quincunx on Thursday morning to Saturn. This is a early Thursday morning, 1:59 AM. We will be sleeping hopefully we will sleep that one through.
There is a bit of a Green Light period after that and that would be 2:00 AM until 8:15 AM. You could use a Green Light period in there if you so desire. The Moon is in Gemini beginning 8:15 AM on Thursday.
The big aspect for that day would be Venus square Pluto. This one is right midday 12:21 PM. There could be a squabble about money. There could be jealousies that are emerging and all sorts of infighting going on about who is in the favor of those in the seat of power.
The New Moon is 3:44 PM on Thursday in Gemini. It welcomes in the energy for the next three months which are associated with the Leo Solar Eclipse coming up August 21st. So everything that we talk about and do is the future, would be focused on the outcome that is delivered right around the 21st of August.
Mercury and Saturn are trying to get our thoughts in order 7:55 PM on Thursday night with some critical thinking.
Friday May 26
Then we have the dark of the Moon that is ending on Friday afternoon right around noon time.
For the rest of Friday we have the Sun in an aspect to Pluto. This aspect this is joining together for temporary assistance from someone in the seat of great power.
The Moon is conjunct Mars while it is in the sign of Gemini at 10:20 PM on Friday and then goes on to oppose Saturn 12:57 AM Saturday May 27.
That is it for the week.
If you want to ask me anything about this you can call me at 617-924-0929. You can also find a copy of this report at Classes are on Tuesday mornings from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It is a great class if you would like to join us give me a call. Okay. And I will talk with you again next week. Have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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