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The week ahead shows signs of considerable stress and adjustment with the Sun triggering both a lunar eclipse from last August and a solar eclipse yet to come in Feb 2018. This marks a need to do something to fix and restore embedded problems. The people matter with an Aquarius theme. Their voices will echo throughout the established corners of life. The Shift we feel now will be demanding action in even more unpredictable manners marked by three major 150^ angles; the Sun in Taurus to Saturn in Sagittarius on Wednesday along with Jupiter in Libra to Neptune in Pisces the same day; on Friday Mars in Gemini is quincunx Pluto in Capricorn. Also on Friday May 19 Saturn is 120^ to Uranus. There is a brief Green Light on Saturday night after 6:56 PM until 10:14 pm. Mercury changes signs this week and this is the last week of the Taurus Sun sign.
The Moon will travel through Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces this week.
On Thursday May 18 there is a high energy Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius at 8:33 PM. This Last Quarter in Aquarius is loaded with extreme connections as it reaches back to the Lunar Eclipse of last August 2016 and is further the precursor to the Solar Eclipse in nine months on February 15, 2018. If your birthday is within 5 days of May 18, Aug 16 - 21, Nov 22, or Feb 15, you maybe engaged with greater drama than usual.
There is a void of course Moon in Capricorn beginning at 6:22 AM Tuesday May 16 until 1:50 PM.
There is a void of course Moon in Aquarius on Thursday beginning 8:33 PM until 11:52 PM.
Mercury changes signs on Tuesday at 12:07 AM entering Taurus until June 6, 2017.
The Sun moves out of Taurus and into Gemini next Saturday May 20 at 4:31 PM.
The transcribed report will follow;
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, May 13, 2017 – Saturday, May 20, 2017
Good morning. Well we have one of the most exciting weeks ahead. As if last week wasn’t exciting enough. If you like even more excitement, this week will not disappoint you. The week ahead shows a considerable amount of stress and adjustment due to the fact that the Sun is triggering both a Lunar Eclipse from last August and a Solar Eclipse yet to come February of 2018 making this weeks Last Quarter Moon really highly charged and very strongly indicated for a day that makes change look like…Well, it might older changes look as if they were child’s play.
So this week there are just so many strong things to come. It marks a need to do something to fix and restore embedded problems. The people matter with this Aquarius theme that is going on this week. Their voices will echo throughout the established corners of life. The shift we feel now will be demanding action in even more unpredictable manners marked by three (3) major quincunxes.
Now a quincunx is a 150 degree angle. I call it life’s messy clean it up. This is likely to be stunning each time these things hit. They could be triggered a couple of days ahead of time. So the players are the Sun in Taurus makes a quincunx to Saturn and Sagittarius on Wednesday. Along with Jupiter in Libra making a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces the same day. On Friday we have Mars in Gemini quincunx Pluto in Capricorn. I’ll tell you what all these things mean. And also on Friday Saturn in a 120 degree aspect to Uranus.
Saturday May 13 and Sunday May 15
As far as Green Light days, there is a brief Green Light, a strong Green Light that would be from 6:56 PM tomorrow night until the Moon changes signs on Sunday morning at 1:37 AM. You might be able to make things happen in a positive way prior to that if you take into account great responsibility beginning today May 13. Then this Moon sign of Sagittarius that we have today can work in your favor.
The residual effects of the Full Moon that we had last week, which was on May 10th are really looming large. There is a lot of things to clean up. There are a lot of things that you need to pay up, get right, and move forward on a positive foot. There are serious matters to tend to before…even you can offer a Happy Mother’s Day to your moms or your sisters. Even to anyone who is a mom or has a mom, so Happy Mother’s Day tomorrow.
Sunday May 14
For Sunday starting some wackier energy as Mars will travel out of bounds until the end of June. Now Mars is the planet that rules man and action, work, job. Now these would be interesting and unusual people that come into the forefront that are way off the main stream. They may do something or force something to take place or on a stage that is demanding action in a new way. It is like…I always use the horse in the corral with all the other mares. And the stallion jumps over the corral and takes off and goes and explores new and unusual things. And comes back into the corral later on with a whole new mindset, whole new focus. This is likely to be well received by some and poorly received by others. The other thing is that during these changes it looks as if there could be something wonderful that comes in, but it may take off or be playing a kind of disappearing act later. So be careful about putting your heart and soul into things that don’t have that long term promise to it.
So for Sunday the Moon enters Capricorn at 1:37 AM. That is the business sign. During that sign Mercury is in a 45 degree aspect of Neptune. That is the distortion of the truth. Lots of confusion, intuitive thinking. It relates particularly to vague sources, insider leaks. For personal use you may want to double check. Check anything. Especially stories, upsetting stories. You may want to check your sources before you pass on the details of that. In business you might have the advantage of leaked information. But also you could suffer a great disadvantage for using it. So you want to be careful with that.
The Sunday evening would be ending with a Moon square Venus and that is at 10:23 PM. Something about it might be particularly expensive especially with the Moon in the sign of business and money matters and heads of family, heads of state that sort of thing.
Monday May 15
Mercury is at the 29th degree of Aries all through the day on the 15th on Monday. There are changes in schedule and changes in your perceptions that will occur during the day. Someone who helps you with details might be leaving or changing some kind of plan in an unexpected way.
And then more unexpected things. Another little upset 10:59 AM. This may cause a force of an issue up to the surface and it might be temporary. Although very sharp in its presentation.
So once we have the Moon finish its conjunction to Pluto on Monday afternoon at 4:23 PM there might be some joining or consensus with greater authorities that try to put things into a better focus.
Tuesday May 16
Tuesday Capricorn Moon. Mercury is still at that 29 degree and it enters the sign of Taurus at 12:07 AM. That is the sign of methodical thinking and it is there until June 6th. So connections might be motivated by money or business. You may also be focused on tradition. Planning those family reunions and all sorts of things that bring people together to share good food.
There is a void of course Moon after the Moon is square Uranus at 6:22 AM on Tuesday. That void of course Moon will last all the way through the day, making all day Tuesday void of course. That means that your judgement is faulty. That things that you are trying to bring together may not actually snap into place. There could be things that fall apart later. So I would plan your events for the next day. Even though it is not a Green Light day it has more stability.
The Moon will enter Aquarius at 1:49 PM. That would be…that’s actually…so I’m going to revise what I just said. The Moon is void of course only until 1:49 PM on Tuesday. Then the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. So that is a little bit better.
And the Sun and Uranus they are linked by an aspect that create surprises to the heavy foot of the law. So there is the Sun and Uranus which allows innovative and rebellious to apply energy toward talent and gains. There may be some money from unique ideas, new breaking events or the promise of new technology may impact your day and your life in particular. It is a good day to join with friends and like-minded people as well, as the Sun is making a 30 degree aspect to Uranus.
Wednesday May 17
For Wednesday the Moon is in Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon has lots of surprises. The Sun is quincunx Saturn at 150 degrees. So you might be confronted with a big brick wall. You cannot move forward until you make this adjustment or this kind of attempt to reconcile with a boss or with a parent. Someone that is in charge maybe showing difficulties of managing their footing. Problems seem to arise out of the blue. Family members are brought into focus. There could be a great family meeting. Possible cut backs and layoffs are also indicated with the Sun in aspect to Saturn.
Then there is another huge aspect on Wednesday. This has a lot of philosophical and religious differences involved with it. Jupiter and Neptune. There are differences in topics, how to handle certain topics, and issues involving the diminishing qualities of benefits for education as well. This is how religion and education are affected. Unseen difficulties about or during travel. So if you are traveling on Wednesday make sure you have all your papers in order and everything backed up. Have someone back home ready to fax what you need if you should somehow be without what you need to enter into a new country. There is a need for compassion and patience. Topics of drug addiction and the opioid addiction those are huge, and anything having to do with that sense of being dishearten. It is replaced by a spiritual awareness and a spiritual awakening that may help to put you on a better footing moving forward.
Thursday May 18th
Thursday May 18th the Moon is in Aquarius. Mars is out of bounds. So there are interesting and unusual things coming from out of this world. Then there are a considerable amount of shifts in focus on the Last Quarter Moon 8:33 PM on Thursday making Thursday high energy day. Something happens on that day. Something is extremely potent. If you birthdays are around February 15th or May 18th, August 16th through 21 and November 22nd, go five (5) days on either side of that, You may be engaged with greater drama than usual. The Moon is void of course on Thursday after 8:33 PM until 11:52 PM Thursday night.
Then the Moon enters Pisces until the following Sunday.
Friday May 19th
During the Pisces Moon sign the Sun will leave the solid sign of Taurus for the divided sign of Gemini and that would be on May 20th. There is a wacky quality to it that creates too much information flying around without solid backup. When making plans on the 19th consider that something may be dropped or there is a large or primary thing in your life that you might be able to drop in order to manage the up and coming energies.
The Sun will change signs indicating that someone in a high position leaves for a number of reasons. Maybe somebody quits the job and allows you an opportunity to move into a position that you hadn’t considered would be available just yet.
So Beyond this Saturn and Uranus are making a huge aspect as they form a trine, a 120 degrees. This is about bringing the need for greater responsibility with the outlandish and the bizarre actors in life. To those who wish to create some sense of stability in foreign matters perhaps or in higher education, anything having to do with the higher understanding and your expanded awareness of life. How you might align yourself with like-minded people for reasonable outcome moving forward. So think changes this week that may govern how you see the rest of your task and your trek ahead.
Extreme high energy can be both productive and destructive with Mars quincunx Pluto. This aspect is exact at 9:05 AM on Friday morning. This aspect is coupled with the Sun making a square to the Lunar Nodes. That is a very important shift in our season here where the next three months are target for this event is the Solar Eclipse coming up on August 21st. So for having that Mars quincunx Pluto involved it is an aspect that I consider the steam roller. So watch out for those that wish to mow you down without warning to force their might makes right attitudes and creating shifts, forcing shifts in law that are unreasonable and difficult to take in, to stomach if you wish, if you would consider it that way.
The Sun and Jupiter are in an aspect that is at 12:18 PM on Friday. This one causes you to over extend. Jumping in with both feet before you know the depth of the water. So there is a need to get out from under a stressful environment. So that desire to escape is huge on Friday. The day ends with Venus in an aspect to Neptune. There is some unrealistic notions regarding money and love. Something involving women and secrets send up smoke signals also allowing a great cosmetic patch over a trouble spot. So that is an interesting thing as well. That is it for the week.
If you would like a copy of this report you can find it at My name is Dietrech Pessin. You can reach me at 617-924-0929. I teach a class on Tuesday for two hours beginning at 11:00 AM here in Watertown. If you would like to join me it is a fun and motivated class. Also we would be focused on all of this eclipse energy that we are experiencing early, three months early this week.
The other things that I want to mention. I have a dear friend Marsha Smith Hutton she has been in the hospital for some time. I would like you to send her prayers and good wishes. Hope that she recovers and is able to come home soon. Many of us out there know Marsha Smith Hutton.
Enjoy your week ahead and enjoy mother’s day and I will be back with you next week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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