Sunday, June 4, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days June 3- 10, 2017

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, June 3, 2017 – Saturday, June 10, 2017
To listen to the report follow this link:
The following has been transcribed from the live radio report.
Good morning. It is a week when the planets are making a lot of changes. For one thing Mars is going to be changing signs this week. Jupiter will be turning direct after being retrograde for several months. And also Mercury is going to be doing two things that are very interesting.
Mercury is the ruler of our daily activities: the little things that you do, the things you say, the people you connect with. So there could be squabbles with Mercury in Taurus and its activities when Mercury is square to the Lunar Nodes in Leo/Aquarius. That is on Monday. And then Mercury changes signs all together and goes from Taurus to Gemini on Tuesday evening. Also changing on Tuesday is Venus enters Taurus where she loves to be in her home sign. She will be in there until July 4th beginning on Tuesday morning at 3:26 AM. She will be happily there through the Sun sign of Gemini. The Jupiter station is important as Jupiter rules our expanded knowledge and also our ability to branch out and reach out to others from different cultures and engage in a different relationship with our environment. Perhaps travel to new places. The station of Jupiter occurs with the Full Moon. It is going to be a big deal Friday the 9th at 10:03AM when Jupiter turns direct and will remain direct for the rest of the year. It is now in Libra so it will travel into Scorpio in October.
We also have some Green Light times. There is a Green Light to advance your goals that will start Sunday after Mars, the action planet, changes signs at 12:15 tomorrow afternoon. We will have that Green Light period that will run right through until 5:09 AM on Monday. The Green Light period means go ahead and sign things and do things and make your final decisions to go ahead and take some action. There is a little cranky spot Monday morning. If you are doing things in the middle of the night up on Monday. That would be 1:10 AM when the Moon is opposite Uranus. There could be a little flip flop that you may want to wait until after that which would make it the best time for the Green Light after 1:10 AM through 5:09 AM on Monday.
The next Green Light period is coupled with the Sagittarius Full Moon. That would be after Jupiter turns direct on Friday, 10:02 AM Friday and it would run until 2:20 AM June 10th Saturday. So that Green Light you have most of Friday to work with during the Sagittarius Moon. That is possibly about taking a trip; get your paper work or your passports in order for your journeys. That would be a perfect time to do that. Also begin or plan to begin a new education program. Join a spiritual group or church.
Saturday June 3 2017
So for today we have Libra Moon. Libra Moon people natural gravitate towards social activities and people want to cooperate with others be with others and enjoy the social mood.
We have this wonderful Sun trine Jupiter aspect that would be at 12:12 PM during the Libra Moon. So that makes this one of the best days of the year actually. And then the Moon and the Sun are trine at 10:33 PM. So just a lovely day for that Libra Moon. If people are getting married that is really golden with the exception of the fact that Mars would be at the 29th degree of Gemini. So lots of accident prone energy. But if you are indoors in a safe place or even outdoors in a safe place it should be okay. But people are particularly easy to aggravate when Mars is making such a change.
Sunday June 4, 2017
There are also some blind spots with the Sun and Neptune. That is tomorrow. That aspect is a square. It could stir up some fog, wet weather - inside or out. There could be some confusion around topics. There are some illusions that need to be broken with that type of aspect between the Sun and Neptune.
Mars in the sign of Cancer is more about those that are in charge or those who wish to control. They want to rule the roost. So very often it does indicate that there is someone that is particularly bossy trying to make their way into the in charge spot. Mars is also traveling out-of- bounds. That is a kind of a wacky place crazy place for Mars to be as much running around doing things that are different is more the norm. Mars until July 20th will be in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the homebody planet sign. It is the sign of wanting to nest and stay at home. So Mars in Cancer can also cause fires in the home so be careful with the barbecues and candles or electrical cords, etc.
So for the Green Light period that will happen after 12:15 PM on Sunday. It is very active has some interesting and unusual perspectives during that Libra Moon. You will be joining with others wanting to pair up. You could find a love mate. There could also be a lot of social engagements that are very nice with the Libra Moon.
Monday June 5, 2017
The Moon goes void of course after 5:09 AM on Monday morning and stays void of course until 6:46 AM. Then the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio.
The first thing that happens during the Scorpio Moon is Mercury squares the Lunar Nodes. So this may bring sort of decisive information about people you have just met or become aware of what investigators have uncovered about someone in prominent position. That is likely to show lines of disagreement. If you were to be signing something you want to also hold off until all possible changes have been revealed (after 7:00 PM Wednesday).
Tuesday June 6, 2017
The picture won’t be quite the same if you take any action too early which would be during Monday or Tuesday when there are too many changes that are taking place.
One of those changes that will take place at 3:26 AM when Venus enters the sign of Taurus after being in Aries, then Pisces then Aries again since March 4. Venus loves Taurus. Venus is the planet of tradition and love and money and food first. So anything that you want to do or need to do, if you have it coupled with food you are in great shape.
Then there is during that day on Tuesday a quincunx between the Sun and the Moon 3:18 PM. That is when life’s messy and your need to stop and clean it up. Something comes up that you need to adjust to. This is in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is an intense sign of deep thoughts, lots of resistance, anything having to do also with insurance companies and the nature of any kind of negative polarity from Scorpio. It is very responsive, but it is more responsive often in an over reactive manner. Because it has that stinger on the back so a normal reaction for one person might be seen as an overreaction, an unstable emotional nature from another. So you would be very careful about what you say. You can hurt other’s feelings very easily with the Scorpio Moons - unintended.
Then that Scorpio Moon also will invite Mercury to change signs. Mercury the thinking and talking planet changes at 6:15 PM on Tuesday. Mercury in Gemini a little bit more mental energy to get our day moving forward. Maybe you will be able to collect your thoughts a little better. Expect a lot of gossip that floats around with Mercury when it makes changes. So be careful that you are not repeating hearsay and gossip stories.
The void of course Moon in the Scorpio Moon starts Tuesday at 8:35 PM making Wednesday void of course all the way until 6:59 PM.
Wednesday June 7, 2017 – The Scorpio Moon is void of course until 7:00 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
There is a very nice aspect between Venus and Mercury 10:53 AM on Wednesday. This aspect is very positive for joining with others, making friends, making nice trying to get over some of the past hurts.
Then there is quincunx between the Moon and Uranus at 1:31 PM. That aspect could be a sudden abrupt change that creates a difficulty for moving forward with anything on an easy way.
Thursday June 8, 2017
Mercury and Mars form an aspect on Thursday morning. That one is very aggressive both with thinking and talking and trying to get others to join your way of thinking. Inviting others to hop on board to your game may come across a pushy. There is an opportunity during the Green Light period that will come about right around the Full Moon on Friday.
The Full Moon has an involvement with the power struggle planet, Pluto. The Sun will be quincunx Pluto at 7:56 AM on Friday morning June 9th. That aspect is about some type of upset with maybe insurance companies and things like that nature. People that are in charge of other people’s lives are at the seat in a bureaucratic office.
The Full Moon is exact at 9:09 you can call it 9:10 AM Friday morning. That would be at 19º of Sagittarius. So this Full Moon is coupled with the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, while turning direct. So it is going to make whatever is going on larger. Jupiter will bring a thrust of expansion that is much bigger than normally seen. That Jupiter station at 13º of Libra which is also a marker for what recently was the Venus retrograde station. Combine Venus and Jupiter both as indicators of those coupled and parted; loved and lost; embraced and let go. Many things are coming back up from this past spring that need to be dealt with. Perhaps it’s about money or education.
Maybe long term relationships are balanced on a breaking point as well with all that Libra focus from Jupiter. Libra is about marriage and joining and partnership. With Jupiter in Libra there is a desire for freedom and opening things up. The other thing is about opening up the opportunities for better partners to come in. so it can be very positive.
There is a Green Light period from that point on, which is Friday morning at 10:03 AM until 2:20 AM on Saturday morning. Then the last aspect of the Moon is trine Uranus. So something very unique is likely to be presented with that Sagittarius Moon sign. So that is it for the week.
There is a copy of this report on my website at You can give me a call at 617-924-0929. You can call for consultation or ask me questions about the report. Thank you so much and have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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