Listen to the live WZBC 90.3 FM Radio Report:
Just a few notes:
13 days until Mars returns to more traditional and possibly predictable behavior. However Mercury has followed Mars out there and will align exactly at 9:53 PM Sunday night while both out-of-bounds.
This is likely to be a loud and sudden set of extreme activity, including blasts, fires and shouts.
A quincunx of the largest scale is between amplified effects from a stationary Neptune, is in a holding pattern with Jupiter, the planet of grand expansion of current topics. With the exception of a boost to your educational plans, travel activities, spiritual practices; this long impact aspect is sure to cause confusion, poor judgments, missed opportunities, problems with anesthesia, medications both prescribed and administered. An increase in suicide, and overdoes from drug addiction. Extreme weather and extraordinary events on water can also be expected. Take special care boating and surfing as with all water sports this summer.
Legal cases such as the text messenger, Michele Carter who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for encouraging her friend’s suicide can cause great change in laws around text messages. Take heed.
More legal rulings may have a very long arm in the courts.
Wednesday June 21, 2017,summer begins at 12:24 AM. The most notable events are between Mercury and Venus at a very loud cranky aspect which brings in a monetary shift for both personal and larger accounts around the world.
Thursday June 22, Happy Birthday to our dear friend and fellow astrologer, Lisa Ruffino.
The week ends with Friday’s New Moon occurs at 10:31 PM at 3ยบ Cancer June 23.
Aries Moon is void of course at 5:05 PM Monday until 5:53 PM when it enters Taurus. There is a Green Light period on Monday. Beginning at 2:05 PM until 5:05 PM
A brief Green Light period is between 8:45 AM until 2:45 PM Friday. Void of course Moon for the Gemini Moon on Friday begins from 2:45 PM until 6:07 PM when the Moon enters Cancer.
The following is transcribed from the live radio report:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, June 17, 2017 – Saturday, June 24, 2017
Good morning. We have again a very exciting week. We have a particularly exciting weekend. That is because of this aspect between Mars and Mercury it creates a very loud event. We do have here in New England the great ships sailing into Boston. This is a beautiful event here. But there are also unusual things that are going on around the world making things extremely difficult to manage.
Now Mercury is the planet of announcements, talking, information, travel and also mishaps for travel could be interpreted with a connection with Mars. Then also putting your foot in your mouth. Mars and Mercury together. So there is likely to be a lot of extreme activity. Sudden loud events including: blasts, fires, and shouts. It is one of those aspects where I’m going to stay close to home. That is all I have to say about that.
On top of all that, there is a large scale aspect between Neptune, which is stationary at this point. It means that it is standing still. We get its extreme impact in greater doses when a planet is standing still. And Jupiter just made its station last week. The two of them are in an aspect together creating a holding pattern with these two in a quincunx. You have heard me call it life’s messy clean it up. Well this is in the biggest way.
So the planet of grand expansion of our current topics that would be Jupiter, and Neptune which can boost your spiritual life, your subconscious, all things having to do with the unconscious and for sure with sleep; information from other sources; and intuitive sources. But it also with the combination of Jupiter can boost your educational plans, your travel activities, spiritual practices. It is a long impact aspect that is sure to cause confusion, poor judgement, missed opportunities. Problems with anesthetics, if you have to see a doctor for a procedure. Medications both prescribed and administered could be way off. There is an increase in suicide and overdoses from drug addiction. All those things which seem larger than life could come closer to home. Extreme weather is also expected with this. You want to take special care with boating and surfing and all water sports. I would say for pretty much for most of the summer, at least the first half of the summer.
Legal cases are influenced by this Jupiter and Neptune quincunx, such as the text messenger case with Michele Carter who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for encouraging her friend’s suicide. This creates great changes in the laws with text messages. So everyone should take heed with text messages. They are likely to be legally different in the way they are viewed in court. So more legal rulings have very long term and a long arm in the courts as well.
Also what we have this week is summer time which begins June 21st that is at 12:24 AM. The most notable aspects are between Mercury and Venus. This can bring a lot of social events and family events with the Cancer energies we have are family affairs and family reunions.
But there is also a monetary shift. Both personal and large accounts around the world might be particularly taxing. We may find ourselves coming up short or making different decisions based on new information about our finances.
And then there is Friday’s New Moon 10:31 PM at 3 degrees of Cancer on June 23rd. that brings about a new start new beginnings with family and home and a sense of security and safety.
Here are the void of course Moon periods this week:
Aries Moon is void of course at 5:05 PM Monday until 5:53 PM Monday when it enters Taurus. But before that there is a Green Light period. It is a small one but jump on it if you can between 2:05 PM and 5:05 PM.
Then there is a brief Green Light period on Friday between 8:45 AM until 2:45 PM. For that Green Light period there is a void of course Moon for the Gemini Moon that begins on Friday at 2:45 PM until 6:07 PM. So that Green Light period earlier 8:45 AM until 2:45 PM on Friday is in the Gemini Moon sign. So if you want to use this to write letters, send letters, connect calls, find who is the next best person to talk to, sign up for things, and also register for things. So that would be a great idea.
The Taurus Moon traditionally does not have a void of course Moon period because of those Seven Stars at the end of the sign. The Seven Stars are called the Pleiades.
Okay. So looking ahead both Mercury and Mars are out of bounds. Mercury is about thinking. Thinking way out of the box. Thinking is off. People are being called on the carpet for the way they have been thinking, what they have been saying, how they have been texting. All that sort of thing. Mars also out of bounds with it. So this continues.
Mars will be out of bounds until late night on the 29th and early on the 30th. Then we have to wait for Mercury to come back in. But the worst one to watch out for is Mars because that can bring extreme odd behavior.
Saturday June 17, 2017
For today the Last Quarter Moon was early this morning 7:33 AM. It was at 26 degrees of Pisces. That is attached to a Solar Eclipse that we had back at 29 degrees of Pisces and that was March 20th 2015. Not just on that date but a six month period around that date could have matters that come back up and around for some type of review, redo. And also you are likely to get paid or be able to pay off something that was initiated back at that time.
Sunday June 18, 2017
Well for now the Pisces Moon you may consider is void of course until 1:54 PM when then the Moon enters Aries for a couple of days. That Aries Moon will bring events that are lively for this evening…for tomorrow morning bright and early if you want to get up and see the tall ships head out after 6:02 AM. Moon and Mars are square. That is a cranky aspect. There are other aspects that the Moon will be making. The Moon will oppose Jupiter setting off that quincunx between Neptune and Jupiter. That one is at 1:28 PM and the Jupiter Neptune thing is also the Tall Ships. I mean really they haven’t had so many beautiful ships here in many years. I would think that this would be an extraordinary event.
The Sun is sextile Uranus at 2:47 PM on Sunday making for a lot of interesting and exciting types of events.
For Sunday Mercury and Saturn are opposite 3:07 PM Mercury is doing a lot of things over this next couple of weeks and causing cars to break down. Funny and funky things happening with vehicles and transportation and possibly loosing things and then finding things. The parallel between Mercury and Mars is exact at 9:54 PM. But it influences today, tomorrow, the next day Monday. I would take great caution.
Monday June 19, 2017
For Monday we have that Aries Moon. A Green Light period throughout the day. But I would hold off as far as taking any great action until the surprises are out of the way with the Aries Moon. That would be at 2:05 PM on Monday. Although it is a pretty good day. The Sun and the Moon are sextile, which is an excellent opportunity aspect. That is at 3:42 PM on Monday. There is an aspect between Venus and Jupiter. So Venus is playing into that Neptune Jupiter Venus thing. Something could be grand that you find. There could be something extraordinarily satisfying. It could slip right through your fingers. You have to be careful because Neptune is very slippery. But the other thing is that it could be a little too much indulgence and time to redo and collect the things that you have left behind. So be careful that you are collecting everything that belongs to you around your space with those kinds of aspects. Loosing things is big with Venus and Neptune.
Tuesday June 20, 2017
Then Neptune and Venus are making an exact aspect on Tuesday morning. That is a sextile bringing an opportunity. Perhaps even a lucky aspect. So if we want to back it up and look at that aspect between Venus Jupiter and Neptune you could use it to test your luck. 7:49 AM on Monday which continues right through until 4:25 AM on Tuesday when the aspect with Neptune is there.
And then Mercury and Uranus have something very exciting to announce 5:30 AM on Tuesday. The aspects later in the day are kind of easy. There is an aspect between the Moon and Venus while in Taurus. That one could be a money aspect. Also a nice dinner 6:24 PM. Nice visits with friends and family with that aspect just before or as we have the last little degrees of the Sun in Gemini. A lot of talking, moving about, connecting.
Wednesday June 21, 2017
Then the change of signs with the Sun going into Cancer 12:24 AM that is on Wednesday. Then Mercury goes into Cancer at 5:57 AM. That is our thinking turns to things that are more family oriented as we get into this very protective family clan like mode for the summer.
And we have an adjustment period 9:14 AM on Wednesday morning when the Moon and Saturn are quincunx. So something you have to stop and clean up before you get on with your day. The Sun and Mercury join together. Now this can be a time when you are changing appointments. Things get cancelled, rescheduled 10:14 AM.
Mercury and Venus are in an exact cranky aspect at 1:55 PM. I would not sign any long term agreements with that one. Then we have the Moon enters Gemini that would be 6:44 PM on Wednesday. And for a couple of days we have that chatty Gemini Moon, while the Sun is by that time in the sign of Cancer spreading stories about the family in the neighborhood.
Thursday June 22, 2017 Happy Birthday Lisa
Then what we have is basically a Gemini Moon square Neptune on Thursday at 5:18 PM. So there might be some confusion with that one and a little bit of a power struggle leading into a Moon quincunx Pluto just after midnight on Friday the 23rd.
We go into a Dark Moon phase that means you want to hold off on making major decisions because you don’t have enough light on the subject. More will be revealed after 1:29 AM. That Dark Moon starts and continues for a couple of days as we are in that New Moon phase.
Friday June 23, 2017
And the Moon enters Cancer on Friday. That is at 6:06 PM. and it joins the Sun at 10:30 PM on Friday night. Still in that dark of the Moon which does not end until next Saturday, Saturday night. And that is it for the week.
There will be a copy of this also on my website both the audio file and the written report at You can reach me for consultation or for questions at 617-924-0929.
I have a wonderful class on Tuesday morning 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM join us. All levels of interest are welcome. Have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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