Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Call for an appointment or register for class at 617-924-0929.
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 29, 2018 – Saturday, January 5, 2019
Good morning. Well, it is quite the day. This is the day when Mars and
Chiron joined up. They aligned at 28 degrees of Pisces at
12:40 AM Saturday Dec 29. That aspect will not release
and let go of its energies pretty much until Mars leaves the sign and
goes into the sign of Aries. That would be on New Year’s Eve at 9:20
I found something very interesting about this, I looked to see what this
particular spot represents, as an Astro-memory, what went on in history. One of
the things that had happened was there were Solar Eclipses at that
spot. The most recent Solar Eclipse there would have been March 20th
of 2015. So that is 3 months before Mr. Trump announced his run for the
presidency. An Eclipse has that kind of range. Where an Eclipse that
occurs today is going to impact the 6 month period: 3 months before it
and 3 months after it. So that would have been that 3 months after.
And then any other events that you can remember in your own life
around that time. This would be where the wound is reopened. It is
about a wound, an old wound and that wound is opened.
Another interesting thing about this particular conjunction. They join
together near the same spot in 1917. I looked up what that
represented. Here was one example; there was a letter that was
intercepted by the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom,
Walter Page was his name, it was shown that the intercepted Zimmerman
telegram in which Germany, get this, offers to give the American southwest
back to Mexico if Mexico declares war on the United States.
I thought how apropos that this Astro-memory is all about Mexico and
the border. Because the border was nearly rearranged if Mexico had
received the letter and taken on the request of Germany to declare war
on the United States. That was 1917.
Then the last time that Mars and Chiron were joined together at this
degree, 28 degrees of Pisces was in 1968. That was definitely a year
in American history that was very, very sad and in a lot of ways. A
lot went on. Martin Luther King died during that time. There were all
sorts of raw history things about open wounds that were very, very
And here we are at a time where we are back with this particular
aspect. And not only is Mars making an aspect to Chiron, but Uranus is
playing into the picture. That was also relevant in 1917 Uranus
playing the picture, playing into this.
So we also have an interaction with Vesta, which is an asteroid that
represents homeland security and investment and securities of all
sorts, and anything to do with housing. So that is part of the
picture, it could also represent money, money losses. So that is
The other Link is the Jupiter station
that had turned direct last summer. That would be representing
foreign matters. So this seems to be all about the border
and that is why the government is shut down, is this temper tantrum
about the border.
The Libra Last Quarter Moon occurred early Sat Dec 29 at 4:34 AM.
at 7.5 degrees of Libra.
This represents matters of partnerships of all types of where you receive
payment or can reap the rewards of your efforts. Those things could be
particularly about matters of old relationships. You may be trying to
square them away. You are trying to sort them out. You are trying to
sort out what to do in this particular relationship. Perhaps this is
about how you want to handle the problems and the issues within it.
So that Last Quarter Moon is an action Moon, so that makes today an
action day. So maybe something will happen in a positive way.
Perhaps that could put people back to work.
The Sun in the sign of Capricorn is headed for a line up with Saturn.
So it is all about duty and dignity and things that restore stability.
That would be coming up in particular as we move into the week.
Wednesday the Sun and Saturn join together.
So that Libra Moon tonight sees an aspect with Mars and Uranus at 8:13
PM. That makes this a very, very dangerous day. Mars and Chiron
conjunctions can really be very accident prone. You want to be mindful
of everyone on the road. Drive extremely carefully and be aware of the
fact that there is trouble out there. I would also say that New Year’s
Eve also holds that with Mars changing signs as well. So you want to
be very careful going out Monday night as well.
The Libra Moon is not void of course until tomorrow. That is Sunday,
December 30th at 7:03 PM, when it makes a quincunx to Mars. So that is the
life’s messy, clean it up, aspect. That is more of that real high energy Mars
energy. That happens after the Moon is opposite Uranus, so we have a
lot of things late in the signs that are getting triggered.
The Scorpio Moon begins Sunday night 8:23 PM. After
Mars enters into the sign of Aries, the sign it rules, at 9:20 PM on
New Year’s Eve we begin a Green Light period for several days,
which is great. We haven’t had one of those in a while.
So moving on to, Tuesday, New Year’s Eve day the Moon is in Scorpio.
Mercury and the Sun join together possibly to make an agreement or
make a very important statement. And then Mercury and Venus they also
have a relationship early in the morning on New Year’s Eve day, which
allows for again some type of statement or information. I don’t know.
But there are things where people pair together for pleasantries. Remember
to be mindful. Mars is still acting up in a strong way on
Monday night.
On Tuesday that is New Year’s day. We have a Scorpio Moon.
The Scorpio Moon is not necessarily not causing a lot of trouble. The
Moon, for instance, will be aligned with Venus at 5:29 PM. that is
really nice. So that makes for good food and good company.
On Wednesday the 2nd we have Sun conjunct Saturn at 12:50 AM.
That is the count-down before the new Congress begins on
the 3rd. The Moon will enter Sagittarius at 3:58 AM, but I don’t want
to miss the void of course Moon period because there is a Green Light
during that Scorpio Moon. The void of course Moon starts at 2:23 AM
and continues until 3:58 AM.
Then we have another Green Light that begins at that time and runs
right through until 12:41 PM on Friday. So we get a little stretch
there. Then we go into the dark of the Moon. So if you want to
purchase something you may want to do that on New Year’s day or even
the 2nd or the 3rd during the Sagittarius Moon.
The Sagittarius Moon offers a lot of hope and bringing in a new Congress
is very hopeful, also for the look of the New Year.
Then what we have on the Friday 4th of January there are several things that
happen. Mercury and Uranus join in a 120-degree aspect. That is a
positive harmonious aspect. This is about the types of information
that comes through technology that is filled with unique and
interesting ways of understanding things, looking at things,
collecting information. The Sun and Neptune are forming an aspect.
This could potentially bring a lot of heavy weather especially with
the Solar Eclipse coming up next Saturday. There is a Solar Eclipse
Saturday night at 8:28 PM. So the Sun in aspect to Neptune the day before
puts that line up in that Eclipse chart. So truly there could be quite
the storm of some type.
Mercury is also changing signs Friday night. That would be after the Moon
changes signs. So there is a void of course Moon on Friday from 12:41
PM until 1:55 PM. Then, later on, that night Mercury leaves the sign of
Sagittarius enters the sign of Capricorn where the thinking is all business.
That is at 10:40 PM. That period is during the dark of the Moon. You would
not want to buy anything or hunt anything down. Research maybe, but even
that would be hard to find all the facts that you need.
Another dominating energy belongs to Uranus which is standing still, even
though it doesn’t make its change until the 6th where it will turn
direct. We are feeling that gyration of Uranus’s vibrations.
Especially with Mars bumping its energies along with Chiron. So that
Uranus station is about sudden abrupt change and it also holds
reversals in a big, big way. This one would be large. Larger than life
so to speak. But a primary symbolism of Uranus is friendship. You may feel the
need to join with like-minded people for a particular goal.
So that is pretty much it for the week.
Victor: We will talk about the year ahead next week on expanding
awareness (10:00 AM).
Dietrech: Yes on the day of the Solar Eclipse. Which is far more appropriate.
Victor: Is the Eclipse a positive thing or what?
Dietrech: It is a heavy duty one because it conjuncts Saturn. So it is
about dignity, and respect, and about structure and the building
blocks of our lives and borders and boundaries. It is all about what
is in the news. It really is very descriptive of that. So it is a time to
get serious, make it right, and put people to work.
Have a great week and we will talk again next Saturday. Thank you.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Dec 22 - 29, 2018
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 15, 2018 – Saturday, December 22, 2018
We will have class next Sunday December 30, 2018.
Good morning. Well, we have a solstice that happened last night.
Practically right at the moment of the government shutdown. That is
when the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. It is also the time of the
year when the days start to get longer. So that is the great
celebration. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. I hope
that sort of rings through in all avenues and corners of the world.
We have with us for that Capricorn Sun. It is called a stand still.
The solstice translation is standstill. It means that the Sun is
standing perfectly still, so to speak. If we were watching it from
place like Stonehenge we would see the Sun at that point. It is there
for quite a while, a good 8 days or so. So 4 days before 4 days after.
It could even be longer. Then on top of it will be the Full Moon that
we have at 12:49 PM at 0 degrees of Cancer. Now I think I might have
misspoke last week and said that that 0 degrees of Cancer was
associated with a Solar Eclipse that we already had.
And there is a Solar Eclipse at that point coming up in 18 months. So
if we follow the 9 month lunar gestation cycle, then we actually do
have a Moon family connection: nine months, nine months, nine months.
So At 18 months we would see the Solar Eclipse. So it would be
extremely relevant to what is going on now.
The last eclipse at 0 degrees of Cancer occurred June 2001. That was
at a very, very loud point in history shortly thereafter, which would
have been September 2001. This is definitely a crisis point in time.
This Full Moon is bringing all the cards out in the open and all the
information out on the table. There should be more that will be
revealed as this next week continues on.
So…we are looking at the void of course Moon period that we are in
right now. That started at 9:21 AM and will go on until 11:28 AM when
the Moon enters the sign of Cancer.
The 9:20 AM void of course Moon contacts Uranus, the planet Uranus. It
will take until March 6th before Uranus leaves the sign of Aries and
allows the Moon to make its final aspect to a different planet.
Whenever there is a planet really late in the sign, like Uranus is now
28 degrees of Aries and it is standing perfectly still because it
won’t turn direct after being retrograde for months until January 6th.
So the Moon is catching it every time it tries to leave the sign.
Sometimes good, sometimes not. Well, even good, when it comes to
Uranus, can be extremely difficult. So you don’t want to bank on
anything when the Moon is making contact with Uranus.
There are other things going on as well. There is a backdrop aspect, I
call it. Where a lot of people are calling saying, “Why can’t I get my
thoughts together? Why can’t I move? Why can’t every time I decide to
do this or do that something comes up?” It is chaos. It is twisted,
immobile, and people are losing sleep over it. That is the Uranus semi
square Neptune. So you are going to have to learn how to go with the
flow with that one. It is going to be around this time until the end
of January, the 27th of January. Then it comes back again in May. So
the whole month of May we will experience this again. So I would say
look for ways where you can use spiritual energy in a unique way. You
can be helpful in a unique way. You can be open to whatever causes
there are for the people and by the people for a positive outcome.
The boundaries are really loose. It loosens up the boundaries in a
spontaneous way. That is not particularly very good especially when
the whole issue of boarders are up there for grabs. Now with the
shutdown there are fewer people getting paid minding such things.
The aspects for today that we are leading into that Full Moon it will
be at 0 degrees of Cancer. So it also affects 15 degrees of Leo and
Taurus and Scorpio and Aquarius. If you have a birthday coming up at
June 21st you might feel this in particular. It might be driving the
storyline home for you in a big way, any couple of days there around
that period of June 21st when we have the summer solstice. So that is
what it is pointing to.
It is a very also large aspect with this Full Moon that comes along
with it is Mars conjunct Chiron. This loads the bow and arrow. This is
a particularly…it is a reminder of an old wound. So you may want to be
able to have some type of back up therapy when you feel or observe
that old wounds are being exposed. And also helping others that share
the same type of wound. That is the best way to be able to process old
So for the rest of today, we do have a Moon sign change when the Moon
will go into the sign of Cancer at 11:28 AM. The Full Moon is at 12:48
PM. Then the Moon starts to decrease in size. So between now and then
if you want to put something out there this morning that you want to
build on you want to increase that would be great until 12:48 PM. Then
the Moon decreases in size which means your goals will also begin to
The rest of the evening sort of goes in a nice way. I would imagine it
brings a lot of people out. Although the sign of Cancer is about
people that are home or have a special invitation instead of a broad
open invitation. People want to stay close to home it would seem.
Then tomorrow the Cancer Moon will make a couple of bumps when it is
in opposition to Saturn. Then later on 8:22 PM it will opposite Pluto,
which is reminding us that there is a Saturn and Pluto aspect
building. They are only 10 degrees apart. They will become closer and
closer. And Saturn and Pluto wants to renovate, rip things up from the
deepest bottom up. It is like when they come along and tear up your
streets and replace all the cables and all of the water mains and that
sort of thing. That is Saturn Pluto energy. Or the furnace in your
house. Anything having to do with the heart and soul of things that is
the Pluto and Saturn energy that we are building up also.
Juno the asteroid that represents the bride and can also represent the
partner the major partner in any scenario. So that could be the top of
the government and important partnerships and alignments and the
changes that are made thereof.
Also that Cancer Moon will travel in the sign of…on Monday as well for
a few hours. It will finish its trek after its square to Uranus at
9:50 AM, then it is void of course until 11:58 AM. Although
technically never void of course while in its own sign of Cancer.
Then the Leo Moon comes in at 11:58 AM. there is too many 150 angles
to be smoothed. That is the quincunx called life’s messy clean it up,
so I would say it is a rocky road all the way through the Moon’s trek
in the sign of Leo starting with the Moon to the Sun. This also marks
the separation that the Moon is pulling out of that Full Moon energy.
There are other aspects on Monday before that happens. One is Mercury
Uranus. Then Mercury is also parallel to Jupiter. Parallel means there
is a coming together. Someone may come together to help explain things
or open things up. Open up an avenue of communication. This is on the
24th, the day before Christmas.
Then the Mercury Uranus is where things suddenly abrupt change in way
of thinking. There is a turnaround in thinking. There could be an
outburst. Something goes awry which is typical of our times.
Then Mercury square Neptune. So something is foggy, unclear, maybe
there is a lie that is being told that is being exposed. That is at
7:32 PM on Monday night.
I would be careful driving. Lots of chaos with that Leo Moon on Monday
afternoon Monday evening. You want to be careful when you are
traveling or even rushing around the house to do this and that to get
ready for Christmas.
Tuesday we have with the Leo Moon many quincunxes. The Moon to Saturn
and the Moon does it to Neptune and then the Moon will see that
quincunx to Pluto at 9:03 PM. Lots of things that need to be adjusted.
You can associate a quincunx with you have a plan. You are trying to
do what you are going to do. And then the dog pulls the roast off the
counter and it falls on the floor. Now you have to stop and clean up
the grease all over the floor. And you also have to address the fact
that your roast has been greatly challenged by the dog, who probably
ate half of it. So that is quincunx energy. Surprise. It is surprising
energy. So surprises continue through the evening.
6:37 we have on the next day where the Moon is quincunx to Mars, and
then to Chiron. Lots of those high challenges going on in reference to
trying to get things back on track. Too much chaos.
The last aspect the Moon makes while it is in Leo is trine to Uranus.
So again sudden abrupt change. Chaos becomes easily accessed with a
nice 120-degree trine.
The Virgo Moon comes in. its last aspect is 150 degrees to Uranus. So
are you getting the picture? There is no way to calm things down for a
while. There is just a little too much upset and surprise. So you have
to learn how to go with the flow. Make adjustments as they come along.
Have all sorts of plans B for just about everything that you do. So
that you know I would be real careful also spending money. because you
may have to spend a lot of money on repairs on things of that nature.
Mercury and Pluto have an aspect on Wednesday with that Virgo Moon
that comes in at 12:50 PM. This one is about bringing thoughts
together in a deep way. 5:01 PM. I don’t know if you will be running
to your therapist trying to release all of the thoughts and troubles
that you have, the worries that you might have.
The other thing about Mercury-Pluto is about…this is on the 26th…is
opening up doors in offices. Or people holding the seat that will give
you permission to do this or do that, like licensing boards and things
of that nature. There are ways to access them. I don’t know how much
of that is open or not open with the government shut down. But Mercury
and Pluto are about talking to those in the seats of power.
Thursday we still have a Virgo Moon. The Virgo Moon sees an aspect
between Jupiter and Saturn at 2:17 PM. This aspect is 30 degrees.
There can be adjustments and difficulties trying to make sense of the
broader view. Trying to open up the understanding and educate those
who are trying to explain positions of power or positions of
authority. Also, it could have something to do with those in seats of
authority like Supreme Court seats. There might be something in
particular that is a piece of news that is interesting as well. I hope
everyone is okay in that department.
Thursday the day goes on through the evening. I would say take
advantage of the opportunity to clean up and restore some calm and
some sanity to your week as Friday comes in with the Virgo Moon. The
Moon will opposite Mars at 11:26 AM. Then it is also opposite to
Chiron as well as that pair are hanging out in both a parallel in a
split parallel and also in a conjunction. Mars and Chiron conjunct
next Saturday. That will be very interesting watching that come about,
as it renews some old wounds. The Libra Moon comes in at 3:23 PM on
Friday. That is after a void of course Moon from 1:02 PM Friday until
3:23 PM Friday.
Friday night looks as if things are harmonious to some degree. There
is some serious thinking and some serious thought. There is some
issues with money that are addressed maybe things open up in regard
to finances for the government or even for yourself.
The final aspect is 150 degrees quincunx to Mars, as Mars is at the
29th degree of Pisces. So that would be on Friday. That last aspect is
actually at the end of the weekend, next weekend Sunday night.
So that’s it for the week. It is just filled with one bump after
another. So I would fasten your seatbelts. Be kind to your friends,
you will need them. Family members probably are as impatient with
things as you are. But have a really happy week. I’ll be talking to
you about the year next week, next Saturday. So you want to join me
for that overview of the year. Have a Merry Christmas. That’s it for
the week so let me know how it goes for you. A lot of people have been
trying to hang onto their sanity and I’m right there with you. So take
care and I’ll talk with you soon.
What we have here for this Full Moon today. It is pretty exciting Full
Moon as well. I will be in the studio next week.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin December 15, 2018 – Saturday, December 22, 2018
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 15, 2018 – Saturday, December 22, 2018
The Following is Transcribed from the live Radio Broadcast:
Good morning. Well, that is a very interesting sound. How appropriate
for this very interesting aspect between Uranus and Neptune which is
strange and unusual and has a quality of kind of expanding your
interest in the bizarre and unusual.
The other things that are going on…I think that it is kind of a very
confusing energy. So it has this sense of disruption to what is
normally an ability to focus. And I always refer to the Uranus Neptune
combination as when a bird flies into a window. It thinks it is a
clear passage through and it is not. So therefore it can break the
window and get hurt, and so they fall prey to deception. That is a lot
of what this energy is about; falling prey to deception. It is either
your own self-delusion or someone else’s failed actions that may
effect you. This time can be very tense with this kind of aspect.
You are trying to figure out exactly what is going on. It is like
being out to sea and there is a fog that is descended over you leaving
you with the inability to head for the shore. Like where is the shore?
So what can be beneficial about these times can also be met with some
difficult decisions in business. And it is not a good time for making
changes and life-changing decisions about business. I think it is best
to sort of rest this one out. It is probably going to impact us one
more time before it is finally pulled out of orb.
But there is a very interesting First Quarter Moon that happened early
this morning at 6:49 AM. It is in the sign of Pisces with that
Sagittarius Sun. that is talking about a leading result of an
important event, which was held in secret. It was seeded last March,
March 2018. It develops into an act of full disclosure by September
2019. So this will be very interesting to watch.
The news late last night reported that there is a federal judge in
Texas that declared the affordable care act known as Obama care is
unconstitutional. So it has effectively done what has been tried and
tried before, and it succeeded. So now there is going to have to be a
lot of adjustments made and probably will go to the Supreme Court for
that decision. People with pre-existing conditions can really be in
trouble now with that kind of thing. But everybody is okay for right
now. But that is the energy of that Uranus and Neptune. Someone else’s
failed actions that can affect a very large group of people.
So that First Quarter Moon dominates the energy today. So there are
things behind the scenes. It is very musical though. It is extremely
sensitive and intuitive and really nice for social events during this
season, which has to do with dance music and that sort of thing.
The final aspect of the Moon is an aspect to Uranus and that is at
5:23 PM tonight (12/15). Then the Moon is free floating until 7:44PM.
The Moon goes into the sign of Aries. That is going to be bumped by
Saturn. On Sunday Saturn is that structure and limit. Then Pluto on
Monday for this Aries Moon.
Then there is a Green Light to move forward on Monday that goes right
through the end of Monday until 2:21 AM on Tuesday. The time that that
Green Light period begins on Monday would be at say 10:25 AM on Monday
right through the rest of the day. So that is the day to take action.
There are not a lot of Green Light days through the rest of the month.
So that would be the one. Shoot for that one to be able to forward
your goals.
And then just looking back over the types of things that we will see
for Sunday tomorrow. Venus and Saturn where there is an age
difference. There is a quality of duty and loyalty. Dignity is a
virtue. Any type of inhibition which preserves stability such as
loyalty, duty, economy, diplomacy, good judgment, business
agreements, conservatism. All of those are under the canopy of a
Venus sextile Saturn.so that is trying to make something good out of a
very loose environment.
Then the Moon square Saturn on Sunday afternoon may bring a bit of a
low mood, but it does pass. It seems that it kind of will be picked up
by the desire to go out and spend money.
Then Mars reaches out to the CFO, the financial officer, for an
extension on its bankroll on Monday. So that could be the kind of
thing the business things that Monday is bringing about with the Aries
Moon. Aries Moon is quick and wants quick results for its actions. So
it is extremely fast and will try and get things done.
Tuesday there is a Moon sign change where the Moon comes into the sign
of Taurus but there will be a little void of course Moon in the middle
of the night from 2:21 AM until 4:37 AM. Most of us here are sleeping.
And the Taurus Moon will be with us until Thursday at 9:34 AM. That is
when we want to try to do things that are more traditional, trying to
bring family members together, join with others for holiday things.
Food first that is the quality of Taurus. Also using all of your
methods of persuasion to get what you want. Avoid being pushy at all
costs. Because the Taurus Moon really does honor tradition. We will
see if anyone that we know can manage that one.
There is a bit of flip-flop and that is ready to trip up any of the
intentions that are laid out there and just disrupt and destroy any
progress made. Yes, that is very fitting for what is going on here.
And that would be the aspect that comes in late in the sign of Taurus,
Wednesday but it is early in the morning on Thursday at 7:24 AM.
The Moon and Sun is also on Thursday morning quincunx;
which is the that "life is messy clean it up" aspect at 7:05 AM.
Then we have a Moon sign change where it goes into Gemini 9:34 AM Thursday.
You might want to travel or try to pick up all the loose ends and gather things
together. There are some unique and unusual ways of looking at things,
inventive interests that are around, and ideas, all sorts of new
inventions we have all the time.
The mental excitement is high on the list. 11:21 AM that Sun trine
Uranus happens so that is when there is lots of sparkle in the air.
Under that Gemini Moon, that sparkle continues right through Friday
until the Moon enters Cancer next Saturday at 11:28 AM Dec 22.
Friday we are headed right into that Full Moon, but not before the
winter solstice comes upon us that will be at 5:23 PM on Friday. This
ends the darkest period of our seasons. So those 3:30 in the afternoon
lights on, it is dark now. That begins to lighten up the sky by 4
minutes a day. We will see the light increase. So I welcome the winter
solstice for bringing us more light.
There is in that chart of the solstice is the Mercury conjunct
Jupiter. This planet combo has a very loud point to make. It has a lot of
talk about legal events that it wants to point to for the future,
particularly in 2021.Those are right around the inauguration of 2021.
Venus and Neptune make a beautiful trine. It is dreamy, it is
romantic. It is Friday the 21st. people are feeling very Christmassy
by that time.
Victor has stepped away from the control panel.
So let’s have a little more discussion about this solstice that
is coming up on Friday. It has a lot of Venus energy in it.
It is not necessarily an easy Venus energy.
This is the kind of environment where you need to watch your pocketbook.
Be careful not to spend too much as well. Also, there could be the types
of things where friendships are a priority. You might
invest some of your quality time with your friends during this
solstice season.
So we will continue to take a look at a couple of things. That Venus
and Saturn energy. There are two planets both Venus and Mars are making
aspects to Saturn and Pluto this week. Those things are trying to
drive together people for the purpose of stronger unions. Stronger
types of combinations that can lead to something unique and also
fortifies future agreements. The best day for taking action for your
business is Monday. If you want to know more about good days and Green
Light days you can give me a call at 617-924-0929. And we can talk
again next week.
So there is a lot of information with the Mercury and Jupiter aspect
this week as well. They join together on the day of the solstice on
Friday at 12:37 PM. That is the one that makes very loud comments and
interesting things about education and foreign travel and immigration
and the boundaries that are being designed by Saturn and coupled by
the solstice. We are going to discuss these things that are coming up
for this winter and the next 3 months in our class on Sunday.
The Full Moon that is coming up is very exciting. It is on Saturday at
12:49 PM. This Full Moon is at zero degrees of Cancer. It has also
some inclination and some connections with an eclipse from the past.
With that Full Moon a lot of connections with Uranus,
the planet of sudden abrupt change, and Mars. That will also be
driving some of the structure and limit qualities of Saturn and Pluto
as the Moon will move through the sign of Cancer. That would be next
week 11:28 AM on Saturday until the following Monday.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light times for Dec 8 - 15, 2018
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 8, 2018 – Saturday, December 15, 2018
Listen here or read the transcription that follows.
Good morning. Well, it is a pretty clear day today. It is not raining
or snowing. The winter is…you know we only have pretty much two weeks
left of this darkness. We see the days getting shorter and shorter. I
swear it gets darker earlier than it ever did. But it is on its way to
the end stretch, which is good. Because the darkness is just very
We have for this Saturday…the Moon ended its Sagittarius trek early
this morning at 7:01 AM. Now the Moon is in Capricorn. It ends with a
square to Uranus. So the next couple of days like if you are doing
something like going out and shopping for a car now that Mercury is
direct. Yes. Mercury turned direct on Thursday after being retrograde
for a few weeks. So if you have ideas about doing things like that you
need to wait and don’t do anything during this Capricorn Moon. House
hunting is another popular thing to do during a Capricorn Moon on a
weekend. There is some surprise in the end because the Moon is going
to square Uranus before it leaves the sign. So you need to hold off on
any of those very highly motivated plans. Let today be a day of taking
care of business on the down-low.
You want to… also think about your friendships. Who you would like to
tag along with later on today? That is a Venus Uranus influence that
comes in. It is all day long. It is an aspect that brings people
together probably for a onetime event. So it is not something that you
would do probably again and again.
The influences later on in the evening are more towards settling down.
Doing what is tried and true, and not necessarily something that is
For Sunday same thing goes. It is about the Capricorn Moon. You want
to be checking in on family members, making plans. Don’t make
decisions about where your elderly parents are going necessarily. You
want to wait. You want to keep your research going instead of making
any decisions both Saturday and Sunday, here on this weekend December
8th and 9th.
On Monday the 10th same thing. Moon ends with a square to Uranus.
Monday it is negative for any business advancement. Even topics of the
geriatric needs can be compromised by sudden changes, which force
quick decisions. So you may have to make a quick decision. So you want
to use this period to research what do you do if you have to make a
quick decision for a change like that? And also anything about
property values may change and new information may emerge. So that if
you are planning on buying a house, later is better. The Moon is void
of course in the sign of Capricorn at 4:27 PM on Monday until 6:39 PM
and then the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius.
The Aquarius Moon is very interesting because it waits for Mercury to
change signs before entering into any kind of new plan. That would be
on Wednesday at 6:43. That period is called a refranation which means
refrain from final decisions. Something, however, some piece of
information may be withheld or dropped or have some type of snag to it
that will change the whole scope of your plan, after Mercury makes its
change for advancement.
There is something very interesting on Tuesday with that Mercury as it
is still traveling through Scorpio. It makes a contact. 150 degrees.
That is a quincunx. I call that life’s messy, clean it up. It upsets
or frustrates progress from a report or information that is emerged.
And shows complications, which strain the holder of the information of
far more important facts. There are reports of abuses or tests that
would prevent any advancement. Travel plans may be derailed or
detoured as well. So you want to be careful about this aspect. It is
early in the morning. So it is enough to haunt you to look forward to
the rest of your day. Seeing how you are going to have to jump over
hoops to make things right.
An aspect between Mercury and Uranus reflects back to the summer
of 2015. Specifically August 2nd. It certainly could have the whole
summer influence of 2015. But it is the Saturn station that is setting
off the old storyline back there from 2015.
Then there are also things coming up from the Sun and Pluto 8:26 PM on
Tuesday. That Mercury report with Uranus was an aspect on Tuesday, if
I didn’t say Tuesday. That also has something to do with the attitudes
and impulses. Reactions of children and animals could be very erratic.
So you want to take care. Listen very carefully.
But the Sun-Pluto looks and feels like an intense trouble for those
holding their seats. The Sun seeks a path to justice and assists to
make a correction as it reconstructs the road traveled. So there is a
lot that is being unearthed or revealed that needs to be fixed and
corrected with the Sun and Pluto. That aspect is exact at 8:26 PM, but
it really does have an influence over all day on Tuesday.
Then going into Wednesday. It is still waiting. That Aquarius Moon is
waiting for Mercury to leave Scorpio at 6:42 PM, and then it brings a
Green Light. That Green Light from 6:43 PM until 5:19 AM Thursday
morning is the only time. We don’t have many of these Green Light
periods so you definitely want to try and cram in everything you can.
Get your emails ready to send, then send them after 6:43 PM on
Wednesday night.
The final aspect is a nice 60-degree aspect to Uranus before it leaves
the sign of Aquarius on Thursday morning. So that is when you want to
plan your documents and paper works for advancement.
Then the Pisces Moon comes in on Thursday at 6:40 AM. It bumps into
Uranus at 8:38 AM where it is not getting along with people. There is
a hidden agenda going on. People are in a negative mood. That may lift
later on, and it may not. The Pisces Moon is filled with a lot of
things that it has already dug up. Mercury is in its shadow. So it is
revealing things that it dug up while it was retrograde.
Leading into Friday the Pisces Moon is operating on a foggy
landscape. It has a Venus Jupiter aspect at 11:00 AM that can alter
any gains and also remove or correct things which have been celebrated
as a win in the past. So there may be…sort of like a game that has
been called for one reason to give the win to one team, and it has to
be negated and given to the other. Something like that. And it could
be in a variety of areas that it could play out.
The Moon is joined up with Neptune 11:34 AM Friday. lots of foggy
stuff. This Moon is tethered to an aspect between Neptune and Uranus
that comes up next weekend. It is a blinding wild road ride that will
hover over the following weekend through the 16th. That is because of
an aspect between Uranus and Neptune. That aspect has sudden
surprises. When I combine those two I always see it like broken glass.
Where Neptune is the illusion that it is a clear and free space to fly
through. And when the bird hits the window it can create broken glass.
So whatever it is that appears to be real and solid can be broken.
That is Friday’s energy going into the weekend.
The energy for Friday night while the Moon is joined with Mars. That
is a very interesting spot where that happens at 18 degrees of Pisces.
Lots of interesting information or stories that can be revealed about
the history from the ’90s. So there is a lot of history in that spot.
And then that is it for the week. (47:50 STOP) have a terrific week
ahead and I will talk with you again next week. Take care.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.3
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 8, 2018 – Saturday, December 15, 2018
Listen here or read the transcription that follows.
Good morning. Well, it is a pretty clear day today. It is not raining
or snowing. The winter is…you know we only have pretty much two weeks
left of this darkness. We see the days getting shorter and shorter. I
swear it gets darker earlier than it ever did. But it is on its way to
the end stretch, which is good. Because the darkness is just very
We have for this Saturday…the Moon ended its Sagittarius trek early
this morning at 7:01 AM. Now the Moon is in Capricorn. It ends with a
square to Uranus. So the next couple of days like if you are doing
something like going out and shopping for a car now that Mercury is
direct. Yes. Mercury turned direct on Thursday after being retrograde
for a few weeks. So if you have ideas about doing things like that you
need to wait and don’t do anything during this Capricorn Moon. House
hunting is another popular thing to do during a Capricorn Moon on a
weekend. There is some surprise in the end because the Moon is going
to square Uranus before it leaves the sign. So you need to hold off on
any of those very highly motivated plans. Let today be a day of taking
care of business on the down-low.
You want to… also think about your friendships. Who you would like to
tag along with later on today? That is a Venus Uranus influence that
comes in. It is all day long. It is an aspect that brings people
together probably for a onetime event. So it is not something that you
would do probably again and again.
The influences later on in the evening are more towards settling down.
Doing what is tried and true, and not necessarily something that is
For Sunday same thing goes. It is about the Capricorn Moon. You want
to be checking in on family members, making plans. Don’t make
decisions about where your elderly parents are going necessarily. You
want to wait. You want to keep your research going instead of making
any decisions both Saturday and Sunday, here on this weekend December
8th and 9th.
On Monday the 10th same thing. Moon ends with a square to Uranus.
Monday it is negative for any business advancement. Even topics of the
geriatric needs can be compromised by sudden changes, which force
quick decisions. So you may have to make a quick decision. So you want
to use this period to research what do you do if you have to make a
quick decision for a change like that? And also anything about
property values may change and new information may emerge. So that if
you are planning on buying a house, later is better. The Moon is void
of course in the sign of Capricorn at 4:27 PM on Monday until 6:39 PM
and then the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius.
The Aquarius Moon is very interesting because it waits for Mercury to
change signs before entering into any kind of new plan. That would be
on Wednesday at 6:43. That period is called a refranation which means
refrain from final decisions. Something, however, some piece of
information may be withheld or dropped or have some type of snag to it
that will change the whole scope of your plan, after Mercury makes its
change for advancement.
There is something very interesting on Tuesday with that Mercury as it
is still traveling through Scorpio. It makes a contact. 150 degrees.
That is a quincunx. I call that life’s messy, clean it up. It upsets
or frustrates progress from a report or information that is emerged.
And shows complications, which strain the holder of the information of
far more important facts. There are reports of abuses or tests that
would prevent any advancement. Travel plans may be derailed or
detoured as well. So you want to be careful about this aspect. It is
early in the morning. So it is enough to haunt you to look forward to
the rest of your day. Seeing how you are going to have to jump over
hoops to make things right.
An aspect between Mercury and Uranus reflects back to the summer
of 2015. Specifically August 2nd. It certainly could have the whole
summer influence of 2015. But it is the Saturn station that is setting
off the old storyline back there from 2015.
Then there are also things coming up from the Sun and Pluto 8:26 PM on
Tuesday. That Mercury report with Uranus was an aspect on Tuesday, if
I didn’t say Tuesday. That also has something to do with the attitudes
and impulses. Reactions of children and animals could be very erratic.
So you want to take care. Listen very carefully.
But the Sun-Pluto looks and feels like an intense trouble for those
holding their seats. The Sun seeks a path to justice and assists to
make a correction as it reconstructs the road traveled. So there is a
lot that is being unearthed or revealed that needs to be fixed and
corrected with the Sun and Pluto. That aspect is exact at 8:26 PM, but
it really does have an influence over all day on Tuesday.
Then going into Wednesday. It is still waiting. That Aquarius Moon is
waiting for Mercury to leave Scorpio at 6:42 PM, and then it brings a
Green Light. That Green Light from 6:43 PM until 5:19 AM Thursday
morning is the only time. We don’t have many of these Green Light
periods so you definitely want to try and cram in everything you can.
Get your emails ready to send, then send them after 6:43 PM on
Wednesday night.
The final aspect is a nice 60-degree aspect to Uranus before it leaves
the sign of Aquarius on Thursday morning. So that is when you want to
plan your documents and paper works for advancement.
Then the Pisces Moon comes in on Thursday at 6:40 AM. It bumps into
Uranus at 8:38 AM where it is not getting along with people. There is
a hidden agenda going on. People are in a negative mood. That may lift
later on, and it may not. The Pisces Moon is filled with a lot of
things that it has already dug up. Mercury is in its shadow. So it is
revealing things that it dug up while it was retrograde.
Leading into Friday the Pisces Moon is operating on a foggy
landscape. It has a Venus Jupiter aspect at 11:00 AM that can alter
any gains and also remove or correct things which have been celebrated
as a win in the past. So there may be…sort of like a game that has
been called for one reason to give the win to one team, and it has to
be negated and given to the other. Something like that. And it could
be in a variety of areas that it could play out.
The Moon is joined up with Neptune 11:34 AM Friday. lots of foggy
stuff. This Moon is tethered to an aspect between Neptune and Uranus
that comes up next weekend. It is a blinding wild road ride that will
hover over the following weekend through the 16th. That is because of
an aspect between Uranus and Neptune. That aspect has sudden
surprises. When I combine those two I always see it like broken glass.
Where Neptune is the illusion that it is a clear and free space to fly
through. And when the bird hits the window it can create broken glass.
So whatever it is that appears to be real and solid can be broken.
That is Friday’s energy going into the weekend.
The energy for Friday night while the Moon is joined with Mars. That
is a very interesting spot where that happens at 18 degrees of Pisces.
Lots of interesting information or stories that can be revealed about
the history from the ’90s. So there is a lot of history in that spot.
And then that is it for the week. (47:50 STOP) have a terrific week
ahead and I will talk with you again next week. Take care.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.3
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Dec 1 -8 2018
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 1, 2018 – Saturday, December 8, 2018
The following has been transcrived from the live radio report.
Dietrech: Good morning. It is December 1st and we have a Virgo Moon
currently. So that is about paying attention to our health and jobs,
our duties, or whatever you had lined up for
the day. There will be a change in mood when there is a Moon sign change at
9:48 AM just in a couple of minutes. So what we are going to have is a
Libra Moon after that. You may then either join someone else for the
day or include someone else in your plans or make plans for the
evening. There are lots of things with that Libra Moon that are
noticeable. The Moon will go through the signs ending the Virgo sign
this morning Libra. And travel through Scorpio this week and
Sagittarius and ending next weekend with a Capricorn Moon early on
Saturday the 8th. There is going to be a New Moon this week on Friday.
The news we are all waiting for is Mercury turning direct. That will
be on Thursday the 6th at 4:22 PM.
Victor: Has this been an especially difficult one?
Dietrech: Yes. It is has been particularly difficult. I’m hearing that
from so many people. And so many breakdowns going on. So many breakdowns
with all sorts of things. A lot of things that break down can
actually research for a far better way. So there are solutions in this
and one of the reasons why everything seems a little worse and a
little more Mercury retrograde than usual is the fact that Mars is in
Pisces headed for a beeline to the planet Neptune. So there is the
confusion, the illusion. The ability to be able to have a strong
forward direction is not there. There is a smoke screen up. There are
too many things that are complicating a forward motion. So what we are
going to see when that finally joins up they make their hit on Friday
the same day as the New Moon. That would be the beginning of the end
of this terrible confusion that is here. And also it is frustrating.
Feels particularly frustrating. Like you just want to get out of your
skin. So a lot of substance abuse issues are looming large with Mars
and Neptune where people are taken off on to the wrong direction.
But today we still have the Moon in Virgo and the last aspect is right
now with a sextile to Mercury. so it is saying listen carefully you
will get the information that you need for now. Mercury is still
retrograde throughout the week but Venus is not. Venus is changing
signs also going back into Scorpio where…or should I say going forward
into Scorpio where it had been. That was September 9th. It went into
Scorpio for a while, while it was retrograde. It is not retrograde any
Mercury and Venus make an aspect tonight, this afternoon at 4:50 PM.
That looks as if the Mercury retrograde is reconsidering its previous
relationships before entering into a new agreement. Too many reviews
and reports could lead to the removal of someone or something
previously thought as a good thing. So if you are doing things like
car shopping you may be better off waiting until Mercury turns direct
and continue researching. Something better will find its way to you.
The Libra Moon has its final aspect in opposition to Uranus. So there
are too many problems for this Libra Moon to be helpful. What you can
do is explore new ways to make things more peaceful and more
agreeable. And join with people that are willing to compromise and
live and let live.
The rest of the evening for Saturday has Moon square Saturn at 11:44
PM. You might feel particularly tired and need to rest after that one.
Sunday the Libra Moon has a couple of aspects but the Mercury quincunx
Uranus 5:15 AM is the one that is the most outstanding. That could
have an influence over your ability to get back home on Saturday
night, tonight. So going into tomorrow you want to have a backup plan
or maybe not take your car where ever you are going. And somebody
else’s car could break down if you are hitching a ride with somebody.
But try to have a good communication plan to get picked up. Also
misunderstandings could happen especially among friends, so it is very
much time to be kind to one another.
Venus travels from its own sign of Libra into Scorpio. That as I said
is a territory…it had lots of heavy dealings with there from September
9th until October 31st. Venus went retrograde from October 5th through
the 31st of October. But didn’t turn direct until November 16th. So
this is about how Venus can relate to the things that it had visited
or attempted to engage with back at that time when there was a New
Moon. It was an interesting time September 9th when Venus was in the
same spot where it is headed now. That may be a topic about a change
in leadership or some type of work cooperation that would be important
during this time that is related back to then.
The Sun and Pluto are parallel on Sunday.
And Sunday we are having a class at noon time so you want to follow me for that.
But the Sun-Pluto has a permanent basis for conflicts ahead. So they
decide ahead of time who they are aligned with to address the battles
that come up from the Sun square Mars. That will be tomorrow night,
Sunday night at 7:34 PM. That is about very important conflicts
exposing those with disabilities. Those disabilities could be mental
disabilities not only physical disabilities. Conflicts could arise
because of somebody’s misjudgment because of their mental disability.
Viruses are working overtime and also work orders could be out of
control with this energy. So it looks as if it is a lot of hard work
on a day that should be restful, on Sunday. You want to drive towards
an educated plan of recovery even if you must travel to accomplish
your goals for those things. So maybe Sunday night you are getting
ready to travel for something important on Monday.
Still a Libra Moon Monday. It is not a good Moon to compromise or
agree to anything, so put that off. It is very erratic. things are out
of control. It doesn’t necessarily improve after the Moon changes
signs and moves into Scorpio at 2:54 PM. There is a breakdown or
break off from Uranus’ activities that do happen earlier than that
which is at 1:16 PM. That is when the Moon is void of course after
being opposite Uranus. That is on Monday. It is void of course until
2:55 PM.
The Scorpio Moon is very wacky with Uranus and Mercury still
retrograde. They are partially responsible for all this disquieting
rumble going on. It is not a time for lightweights. Even if you take a
seasoned professional along with you, you still might lose or be
compromised greatly. So if you could put off what you have to face. If
you have heavy things that you must face. if you must move forward
just ask for appeals or try to reorganize things later. There are
blind spots that wreak havoc even on a good plan. So you want to be
very careful about what your plans are. You don’t want to lose your
keys and not be able to get out the door to make your appointment. So
make plans ahead to be as organized as possible.
The Moon in Scorpio ends with a problem maker Uranus as it walks out
the door. Things will not settle into a normal flow. But go with the
flow if you can do that. Give friendship a lot of room and forgive
everywhere you can. Release your resentments that you might have.
The Scorpio Moon on Tuesday is really pretty easy going. There is not
much going on. There is a lot going on under the surface. the Sun is
applying the square to Neptune on Wednesday, making thing rather
cloudy and you are unable to get a clear picture and have anything
that is definitive…the boundaries are very loose. Also, you could be
swept off your feet by someone…even in a bookstore or where ever you
are, you could find that you are being a cloud or a curtain. Someone
is behind a curtain and there is a smoke screen. There is also very
heavy weather that comes along with Sun square Neptune. Well, probably
not a football game on Wednesday. But if there was something important
there could be a blackout of some sort that occurs with the Sun
square Neptune. Mars is still not terribly far away.
The Moon sign changes. It goes into Sagittarius. That is after a void
of course Moon period from 7:59 PM on Wednesday night until 9:48 PM
when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
There are a few good events. And for one during that Sagittarius Moon
Mercury turns direct on Thursday, then there is a New Moon. So we are
in the dark of the Moon while the Moon is in Sagittarius. so let
things come to you. Try not to take action on things or start new
things. People just love to get married on New Moons and start new
businesses on New Moons. It is like, did you look at what the aspects
are? They are square Neptune. You don’t want to start something new on
a New Moon. A full Moon is a better time to start something because all the
cards are on the table everything is out in the open and you know what
you are getting. When there is a New Moon you are in the dark, and you
don’t know what you are getting.
So that dark Moon is probably with us as early as Wednesday night
until the New Moon occurs exactly at 2:28 AM on Friday morning. We
still continue with a dark Moon probably until Sunday night the 9th of
For Thursday the 6th we have that Mercury direct station at 4:22 PM at
27 degrees of Scorpio. So there is something that is unearthed or
message that comes from beneath. Or you could be finding letters or
information when you are dealing with the estates of your family
members that might become important or useful for whatever goal that
you are trying to accomplish. Maybe settling an estate. So that
Mercury direct in Scorpio could be very helpful for research.
Friday begins with a recovery plan made by Mars and Neptune. A ship
could be lost at sea or there could be a major hole in a bucket which
leaks into a greater mess. Actions may be taken or misguided
information could be the motivator for some actions. There is a huge
flag that is raised about something fake or limping along. Thursday
through Saturday Mars parallel Neptune is the reason. And then Mars
conjunct Neptune 9:11 AM on Friday. So it is not a good thing.
Somebody joins in a secret mission with lots of illegal intentions.
Mars is not acting on its best when it is in Pisces. So you definitely
need to clear, especially when it is joining with Neptune. You may
feel particularly driven to dive into the bottle. That would not be a
good thing to do. Find a recovery plan instead. This may be a really
good time to do that to remove and break old habits because of the
fact that Mars parallel Neptune can bring you long-term success with
any type of plan that you make for yourself. If it is visionary, if it
is artistic, if it is creative it is positive. It is positive as far
as developing something. Or a musical or dance. All those things might
be particularly beautiful. So those are the good things. Practice yoga
to release stress and tension and realign your spine. The practical
use of art and music real strong impressionability is really strong.
Neptune and Mars lack clarity and the escapism urges are too strong.
So mistakes are made. Don’t pass that work in until you have checked
and double checked and ask someone else to check as well. You want to
find the mistakes before you pass on your work.
There are foggy and sloppy conditions. After the Sun was square
Neptune, it looks as if the end of the week is really going to be quite
The Sun is parallel Saturn. This one brings together those that are
able to help and have fine-tuned skills. Later on 5:51 PM Mars and
Uranus is making an aspect. This also will be evident all throughout
the day so those blind spots include…if there is ice on the road,
don’t go out. Don’t drive because there really could be mishaps,
breakdowns. There is lots of rugged individualism with that aspect as
well, and the fight for one’s freedom. But it could be under false
pretenses. There could be something you are not seeing. There are
technical problems and mechanical problems, but there are solutions as
For the rest of Friday night, the Moon is in Sagittarius. You may learn
something, enjoy something. Engage in some cultural event that will be
really nice. So that is it for the week. (54:43 STOP) Thank you. I
will talk with you again next week. Take care.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 1, 2018 – Saturday, December 8, 2018
The following has been transcrived from the live radio report.
Dietrech: Good morning. It is December 1st and we have a Virgo Moon
currently. So that is about paying attention to our health and jobs,
our duties, or whatever you had lined up for
the day. There will be a change in mood when there is a Moon sign change at
9:48 AM just in a couple of minutes. So what we are going to have is a
Libra Moon after that. You may then either join someone else for the
day or include someone else in your plans or make plans for the
evening. There are lots of things with that Libra Moon that are
noticeable. The Moon will go through the signs ending the Virgo sign
this morning Libra. And travel through Scorpio this week and
Sagittarius and ending next weekend with a Capricorn Moon early on
Saturday the 8th. There is going to be a New Moon this week on Friday.
The news we are all waiting for is Mercury turning direct. That will
be on Thursday the 6th at 4:22 PM.
Victor: Has this been an especially difficult one?
Dietrech: Yes. It is has been particularly difficult. I’m hearing that
from so many people. And so many breakdowns going on. So many breakdowns
with all sorts of things. A lot of things that break down can
actually research for a far better way. So there are solutions in this
and one of the reasons why everything seems a little worse and a
little more Mercury retrograde than usual is the fact that Mars is in
Pisces headed for a beeline to the planet Neptune. So there is the
confusion, the illusion. The ability to be able to have a strong
forward direction is not there. There is a smoke screen up. There are
too many things that are complicating a forward motion. So what we are
going to see when that finally joins up they make their hit on Friday
the same day as the New Moon. That would be the beginning of the end
of this terrible confusion that is here. And also it is frustrating.
Feels particularly frustrating. Like you just want to get out of your
skin. So a lot of substance abuse issues are looming large with Mars
and Neptune where people are taken off on to the wrong direction.
But today we still have the Moon in Virgo and the last aspect is right
now with a sextile to Mercury. so it is saying listen carefully you
will get the information that you need for now. Mercury is still
retrograde throughout the week but Venus is not. Venus is changing
signs also going back into Scorpio where…or should I say going forward
into Scorpio where it had been. That was September 9th. It went into
Scorpio for a while, while it was retrograde. It is not retrograde any
Mercury and Venus make an aspect tonight, this afternoon at 4:50 PM.
That looks as if the Mercury retrograde is reconsidering its previous
relationships before entering into a new agreement. Too many reviews
and reports could lead to the removal of someone or something
previously thought as a good thing. So if you are doing things like
car shopping you may be better off waiting until Mercury turns direct
and continue researching. Something better will find its way to you.
The Libra Moon has its final aspect in opposition to Uranus. So there
are too many problems for this Libra Moon to be helpful. What you can
do is explore new ways to make things more peaceful and more
agreeable. And join with people that are willing to compromise and
live and let live.
The rest of the evening for Saturday has Moon square Saturn at 11:44
PM. You might feel particularly tired and need to rest after that one.
Sunday the Libra Moon has a couple of aspects but the Mercury quincunx
Uranus 5:15 AM is the one that is the most outstanding. That could
have an influence over your ability to get back home on Saturday
night, tonight. So going into tomorrow you want to have a backup plan
or maybe not take your car where ever you are going. And somebody
else’s car could break down if you are hitching a ride with somebody.
But try to have a good communication plan to get picked up. Also
misunderstandings could happen especially among friends, so it is very
much time to be kind to one another.
Venus travels from its own sign of Libra into Scorpio. That as I said
is a territory…it had lots of heavy dealings with there from September
9th until October 31st. Venus went retrograde from October 5th through
the 31st of October. But didn’t turn direct until November 16th. So
this is about how Venus can relate to the things that it had visited
or attempted to engage with back at that time when there was a New
Moon. It was an interesting time September 9th when Venus was in the
same spot where it is headed now. That may be a topic about a change
in leadership or some type of work cooperation that would be important
during this time that is related back to then.
The Sun and Pluto are parallel on Sunday.
And Sunday we are having a class at noon time so you want to follow me for that.
But the Sun-Pluto has a permanent basis for conflicts ahead. So they
decide ahead of time who they are aligned with to address the battles
that come up from the Sun square Mars. That will be tomorrow night,
Sunday night at 7:34 PM. That is about very important conflicts
exposing those with disabilities. Those disabilities could be mental
disabilities not only physical disabilities. Conflicts could arise
because of somebody’s misjudgment because of their mental disability.
Viruses are working overtime and also work orders could be out of
control with this energy. So it looks as if it is a lot of hard work
on a day that should be restful, on Sunday. You want to drive towards
an educated plan of recovery even if you must travel to accomplish
your goals for those things. So maybe Sunday night you are getting
ready to travel for something important on Monday.
Still a Libra Moon Monday. It is not a good Moon to compromise or
agree to anything, so put that off. It is very erratic. things are out
of control. It doesn’t necessarily improve after the Moon changes
signs and moves into Scorpio at 2:54 PM. There is a breakdown or
break off from Uranus’ activities that do happen earlier than that
which is at 1:16 PM. That is when the Moon is void of course after
being opposite Uranus. That is on Monday. It is void of course until
2:55 PM.
The Scorpio Moon is very wacky with Uranus and Mercury still
retrograde. They are partially responsible for all this disquieting
rumble going on. It is not a time for lightweights. Even if you take a
seasoned professional along with you, you still might lose or be
compromised greatly. So if you could put off what you have to face. If
you have heavy things that you must face. if you must move forward
just ask for appeals or try to reorganize things later. There are
blind spots that wreak havoc even on a good plan. So you want to be
very careful about what your plans are. You don’t want to lose your
keys and not be able to get out the door to make your appointment. So
make plans ahead to be as organized as possible.
The Moon in Scorpio ends with a problem maker Uranus as it walks out
the door. Things will not settle into a normal flow. But go with the
flow if you can do that. Give friendship a lot of room and forgive
everywhere you can. Release your resentments that you might have.
The Scorpio Moon on Tuesday is really pretty easy going. There is not
much going on. There is a lot going on under the surface. the Sun is
applying the square to Neptune on Wednesday, making thing rather
cloudy and you are unable to get a clear picture and have anything
that is definitive…the boundaries are very loose. Also, you could be
swept off your feet by someone…even in a bookstore or where ever you
are, you could find that you are being a cloud or a curtain. Someone
is behind a curtain and there is a smoke screen. There is also very
heavy weather that comes along with Sun square Neptune. Well, probably
not a football game on Wednesday. But if there was something important
there could be a blackout of some sort that occurs with the Sun
square Neptune. Mars is still not terribly far away.
The Moon sign changes. It goes into Sagittarius. That is after a void
of course Moon period from 7:59 PM on Wednesday night until 9:48 PM
when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
There are a few good events. And for one during that Sagittarius Moon
Mercury turns direct on Thursday, then there is a New Moon. So we are
in the dark of the Moon while the Moon is in Sagittarius. so let
things come to you. Try not to take action on things or start new
things. People just love to get married on New Moons and start new
businesses on New Moons. It is like, did you look at what the aspects
are? They are square Neptune. You don’t want to start something new on
a New Moon. A full Moon is a better time to start something because all the
cards are on the table everything is out in the open and you know what
you are getting. When there is a New Moon you are in the dark, and you
don’t know what you are getting.
So that dark Moon is probably with us as early as Wednesday night
until the New Moon occurs exactly at 2:28 AM on Friday morning. We
still continue with a dark Moon probably until Sunday night the 9th of
For Thursday the 6th we have that Mercury direct station at 4:22 PM at
27 degrees of Scorpio. So there is something that is unearthed or
message that comes from beneath. Or you could be finding letters or
information when you are dealing with the estates of your family
members that might become important or useful for whatever goal that
you are trying to accomplish. Maybe settling an estate. So that
Mercury direct in Scorpio could be very helpful for research.
Friday begins with a recovery plan made by Mars and Neptune. A ship
could be lost at sea or there could be a major hole in a bucket which
leaks into a greater mess. Actions may be taken or misguided
information could be the motivator for some actions. There is a huge
flag that is raised about something fake or limping along. Thursday
through Saturday Mars parallel Neptune is the reason. And then Mars
conjunct Neptune 9:11 AM on Friday. So it is not a good thing.
Somebody joins in a secret mission with lots of illegal intentions.
Mars is not acting on its best when it is in Pisces. So you definitely
need to clear, especially when it is joining with Neptune. You may
feel particularly driven to dive into the bottle. That would not be a
good thing to do. Find a recovery plan instead. This may be a really
good time to do that to remove and break old habits because of the
fact that Mars parallel Neptune can bring you long-term success with
any type of plan that you make for yourself. If it is visionary, if it
is artistic, if it is creative it is positive. It is positive as far
as developing something. Or a musical or dance. All those things might
be particularly beautiful. So those are the good things. Practice yoga
to release stress and tension and realign your spine. The practical
use of art and music real strong impressionability is really strong.
Neptune and Mars lack clarity and the escapism urges are too strong.
So mistakes are made. Don’t pass that work in until you have checked
and double checked and ask someone else to check as well. You want to
find the mistakes before you pass on your work.
There are foggy and sloppy conditions. After the Sun was square
Neptune, it looks as if the end of the week is really going to be quite
The Sun is parallel Saturn. This one brings together those that are
able to help and have fine-tuned skills. Later on 5:51 PM Mars and
Uranus is making an aspect. This also will be evident all throughout
the day so those blind spots include…if there is ice on the road,
don’t go out. Don’t drive because there really could be mishaps,
breakdowns. There is lots of rugged individualism with that aspect as
well, and the fight for one’s freedom. But it could be under false
pretenses. There could be something you are not seeing. There are
technical problems and mechanical problems, but there are solutions as
For the rest of Friday night, the Moon is in Sagittarius. You may learn
something, enjoy something. Engage in some cultural event that will be
really nice. So that is it for the week. (54:43 STOP) Thank you. I
will talk with you again next week. Take care.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 24 - Nov 30
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
The following is transcribed from the radio report.
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 24, 2018 – Saturday, December 1, 2018
Good morning. We have Neptune standing perfectly still. Neptune is the
ruler of confusion and illusion and things that are hard to pin down.
And if you are trying to herd cats you would be using Neptune’s
energy. But if you are trying to nail things down and make solid plans
I would ask Neptune for some help. Because that can scatter your plans
and your ideas your imagination might be really running like crazy.
That could be great if you are trying to create. If you are an artist,
if you are a writer you could definitely have some help from Neptune
in that way. But if you lost something for instance you would really
have a hard time finding it. That story gets kind of worse by the end
of the up and coming week where Venus and Uranus will be opposite,
which very often loses things in a big way.
The other things that is very large this week is the conjunction
between the Sun and Jupiter. That is on Monday, November 26th. Also
there is a focus on Mercury interacting with the planets in a big way.
Mercury is retrograde so it’s gone back and forth and around and over
and under trying to create some sort of trail of paper and messages
and connections to be able to forward things.
There is a lot of really good positive energy going on with the Sun
in the sign of Sagittarius now headed for the planet Jupiter. So that
is a buoyant time. Jupiter is a planet of expansiveness. It wants to
broaden our perspective. It wants to bring to mind things you hadn’t
considered. And it also is a planet of justice. So if there seems to
be some sort of injustice or a potential for a disruption or a
distortion of justice, then Jupiter in Sagittarius is definitely
trying to clarify that. It has a wide variety of experiences and it
can bring wisdom to any particular subject. So it also increases
things like opportunity, tolerance, philantrophy, rewards, abundance,
charity, loyalty, competence, joviality, extravagance. So it really is
an upbeat kind of planet although it can be very arrogant and can be
extremely boasting. So you want to rein in a desire to toot your own
horn with all of this Jupiter energy that we are having this week.
So for today we have a Gemini Moon. The Gemini Moon is still bouncing
off of the Full Moon that we had on Thanksgiving Day. Actually it was
just after mid-night yesterday. That Full Moon was at zero degrees of
Gemini. And that report about climate change came out laying it out
what exactly is going on. How does it affect people, and economy? And
all that sort of thing. So important information being delivered from
that Gemini Moon.
So the Gemini Moon as it travels through the day it is in pretty good
shape. There is the likelihood of finding out something new in a
mysterious way because of the Neptune factor that is going on.
There is a Mars and Uranus aspect that takes place this afternoon. Now
this can be good .it can be bad. It can be about finding things with a
technology that supports exactly what you want to do or how you want
to do it. It can also cause difficulty between friends. It can also be
something that is a positive. If you are perhaps looking for a car, I
would say look, don’t buy. That Neptune energy really puts a cloud
over good judgement.
All of falling in love with love is that Neptune station energy.
Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces so it really is stirring up the
oceans. And stirring up the oceans in our imagination. So it is very,
very creative but you don’t want to use it for drawing a plan for
your new room that you want to build or any type of structural thing.
That Gemini Moon is with us and is in pretty good position for moving
forward considering the fact that you want to be aware of the
confusion that might be around. And up until 12:31 AM tomorrow morning
that Gemini Moon might be good for some things making selections for
some things. And that is after about 8:10 PM tonight until 12:31 AM
And then the Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 1:38 AM. The Cancer
Moon makes lots of stops and adjustments. One of the things is there
is some residual things that are made from the Full Moon when the Sun
and Moon are quincunx early in the morning on Sunday.
There is no class with me tomorrow by the day Sunday. I wanted to
mention that early on. I’ll probably mention it again at the end. I
have a little vacation.
So the Cancer Moon has several things to note. One of the things is
the Sun and Mercury are parallel. So they are joined for the
collection of some information or the turning of the weather in a big
way. That would be Sunday night’s energy.
Then on Monday November 26th Mercury and Mars have a strong aspect but
the Sun and Jupiter join at nearly 4 degrees of Sagittarius. That is a
big boost 1:33 AM. So the night of Sunday night and then early Monday
will be served well with that aspect. The Mercury Mars aspect is a
tricky one. You want to watch out. You could lose your way, lose your
head, [and] lose your footing. Foot in mouth is the most common thing
with Mercury and Mars. Both Mars…well Mercury is retrograde. But Mars
and Mercury are both in travel signs. So it has a lot to do with
traveling. You want to be very careful with that. If you over react to
something you may have to answer to things in a higher setting later.
So you want to be careful of what you say and what you do.
The Sun and Pluto form an aspect in the afternoon on Monday. This may
relate to the process of things. The tedious process and answering to
people that make the rules and things like insurance companies and
anything having to do with those that are holding the purse strings as
Tuesday, November 27th Mercury and Jupiter they are forming a parallel
early in the morning. So they are trying to get their facts straight
and get some big piece of information out there. If you are trying to
release some information that might be a good time. You don’t have to
do it. That time to the Cancer Moon has a couple of things it has to
do. It has to hit a square to Uranus at 2:21 AM. After that it gets
good, only until 3:25 AM. But the last aspect is fairly good for that
Cancer Moon making it a positive on some levels to take some action if
you like.
Tuesday the Leo Moon comes in at 3:35 AM. The Leo Moon will be with us
until Thursday at 6:08 AM. That is when you may want to show the
things that you are working on, projects that you have, and anything
having to do with who is on stage and who you would like to engage
with that Leo Moon.
The Sun and Mercury join together at 4:14 AM. This aspect is about
information during the Mercury retrograde that could be reversed. Lots
of times appointments are changed. It is very early in the morning on
Tuesday. I don’t know how the change of appointments might
affect…Maybe it is due to weather something like that.
Vesta is an asteroid that rules investments and commitments. It is
squaring Uranus, which is touching off the stock market craziness that
is going on and anything having to do with real estate investments.
Uranus is causing all kinds of wacky fluctuations.
Mercury and Pluto are forming an aspect at 1:12 PM. This one says you
have to check in with the toll keeper before you advance. So make sure
you have all your paper work in order before you continue.
Mars and Saturn make an aspect saying these things are serious. You
need to make a good plan and run your plan by those that are in charge
before you advance to the next step.
The Leo Moon is in good shape. For the most part it is a Green Light
period right through until 4:46 AM on Thursday. So you want to also
take advantage of any type of opportunity that comes up.
Mars and Venus are in a parallel which says there may be some romantic
energy especially under a Leo Moon. That would be for Tuesday night
and Wednesday morning.
Then Venus is on the Lunar Node. Very strong romantic energy for that Leo Moon.
Jupiter and Pluto form a cranky aspect on Wednesday night. This one is
trying to expand something that is being controlled by others, so
there is a discussion that needs to be sorted out later. Jupiter is in
its own sign and Pluto is in the sign ruled by Saturn. So definitely
following the rules would help to sort those things out.
For Thursday that Leo Moon is in great shape. That would be the early
morning hours if you want to get up and send off emails and whatever.
Anytime really on Wednesday night, Thursday, especially Thursday
morning. But after 11:30 or midnight on Wednesday night would be a
real good time to send off those emails to advance your goals right up
until 6:07 AM on Thursday.
The last aspect of the Leo Moon is at 4:46 AM and then there is a void
of course Moon until 6:07 AM.
For the Virgo Moon very testy. Not a good Moon sign. It has a lot of
things that it must contend with. The biggest problem with the Virgo
Moon would be it is running into that opposition between Venus and
Uranus at 9:12 PM on Friday night. But before that happens there is a
Quarter Moon.
It is a Last Quarter Moon at 7:19 PM on Thursday. This is one of those
pay up or get paid. This can be a health thing or it can be something
about travel or education. If you have plans for forwarding your goals
about education you may be looking to the past to see how those things
can help to advance your goals in the future. It is an action day. The
Last Quarter Moon day is always an action day. That would be Thursday.
Things happen.
So for Friday under the Virgo Moon there are mostly…the focus would
mostly be on that Venus opposite Uranus at 9:13 PM. You want to watch
out for your purse. You want to take care of your friendships and your
relationships, your close relationships. And also any of your grand
ideas, those things could be at risk as well.
And then for the rest of the Virgo Moon after Mercury changes signs
and goes back into Scorpio that would be at 6:11 AM next week. There
is a Green Light period next Saturday if you want to take advantage of
that. Just early in the morning. Okay. That is it for the week. Once
again there is no class on tomorrow, Sunday. There will be class the
following week. We will pick up with a relationship study a week from
Sunday. That would be December something, Sunday, December 2nd. Have a
good weekend and we will catch you next week as well on the radio at
WZBC (52:00 STOP)
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 17 - 24, 2018 with a Green Light Day
The following is transcribed from the live radio report.
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 17, 2018 – Saturday, November 24, 2018
Good morning. Well, everything changed around yesterday. We had Venus
that went direct after being retrograde since October 5th. And we
didn’t get a break until Mercury went retrograde at 8:33 PM last
night. And it stays retrograde until December 6th. It retrogrades in
the sign of Sagittarius. That is enhancing the message that Jupiter
now in Sagittarius is bringing us to enlighten us and broaden our
perspective and open up our world, as it seemed to have been closing
down into a smaller and smaller and smaller space.
It is a very sad thing about California. Friends and family and family
of friends not able to get together for the holiday season because
they have lost their homes. And it is just a disaster. I wish and pray
that everyone finds safety.
There is with this Mercury retrograde the things that you go over in
your mind. They tend to repeat over and over and over. And you have a
recurrence of memories and things that you would like to do. Maybe
there is this big urge to get away. Escape in some way. Take off. not
show up for work. Quit work. All those kinds of things. You want to be
really careful about making decisions during a Mercury retrograde
because you will go back over and it tends to have regret. Where it
returns to is late in Scorpio, 27 degrees of Scorpio. So there is a
lot of things that are heavy and dark to handle in those Scorpio
energy. So you don’t want to have a series of regrets. So you want to
be methodical about what you are doing.
I think as far as moving forward not all Mercury retrogrades are going
to fail completely. Well, what is mean is make your matters fail
completely. But entering into new things are a difficult way to go.
Because of the fact that there is so much that needs to be rehashed
over and over. Like if you go into a 30 year mortgage it could turn
out okay. Especially if it is a second time around house or a second
time around type of event. Anything second time around especially if
you have thought and mulled these things over really clearly those
things could work out fine.
One of the things that Mercury does while it is in this configuration
or in this area is make contact with Venus again. And so any contact
that Mercury makes for Venus we will note that and see what that
means. See what is coming up.
For today the Sun and Venus are making an aspect. So this indicates
that money matters need to be monitored. There is a lot of the kind of
things where the money resources need to be shared with others. and if
you take the lead with the finances you may be making decisions that
need to be altered later. So making major purchases it is like check
with your partner, is this okay? Venus is in a position where having
just turned direct is in an irritating position in a lot of ways. So
we don’t want to upset partners and others that need to be in the
So for the rest of the day it is actually a green light day here for
Saturday. All the way through the rest of this day. Tomorrow not so
much. There is a lot of adjustments and quirky things that go on in
the morning. It gets better in the afternoon.
The Moon will enter Aries at 10:55 AM. So there is a little void of
course Moon period from 10:04 AM until 10:55 AM tomorrow morning. The
outcome of the Aries Moon is really very variable because Uranus is
the last one to capture the energies of this Aries Moon. So the Aries
Moon is direct in its action and it has a lot of forward goals. And
Uranus wants to speed up the technology to be able to keep up with the
process and make advancements. Jump over hoops really quickly so you
have to slow down. There is a slowdown point on Sunday night when the
Moon is square Saturn 11:30 at night. That is just a real good time to
end any of the issues of the day.
For Monday same thing there is an Aries Moon, but there is an aspect
between Mars and Jupiter. Now Mars is the planet that rules Aries and
this is on Monday 8:30 PM. So matters escalate. Somebody wants to step
up any kind of response. It could be a military response or any other
aggressive response. if someone behind the scenes has a sinister plan
this could escalate matters. So you want to be careful. If you know
someone who has strange behaviors keep an eye on them.
The Full Moon that is coming up this week will be emphasized with this
Mars and Jupiter activity as well later on in the week. Any of the
over the top responses are in danger of being misinterpreted. So you
want to be clear and steady, which is hard to do when the Moon is in
Aries. Just be focused and direct.
Lots of quirky energy Tuesday, November 20th. The quirky energy is
governed by Uranus that at 5:46 PM the Moon catches up with Uranus.
That could be a turn around, a reversal of some things where you felt
as if you were making progress on Tuesday. Tuesday is always a Mars
day. There is a lot of that high energy going on.
One thing that is going on is the Moon and the Sun are quincunx. The
Moon is sitting at the point where it is talking back to the Mars
direct station that we had this summer. So Mars is in here on this
Tuesday. It is emphasized and that means there is a lot of aggression
and outward motion, but you can get a lot done if you have a task or
many tasks or you want to start something or plow through something.
Truly Tuesday is your day. That is also that Mars square Jupiter that
is on Monday is good for that as well. Getting a lot of things done
very quickly making snap decisions.
On Tuesday there is also a Moon sign change at 6:42 PM when the Moon
goes into Taurus. It starts a period of refrenation, which means there
is a planet change coming up. And the planet change is the Sun is
changing signs. That is going to happen on early on Thanksgiving Day
at 4:02 AM.
In the meanwhile the events and the activities and the plans that you
have during the Taurus Moon starting at 6:42 PM Tuesday and running
until the Sun actually makes that change Thursday morning at 4:02 AM.
You have to be concerned about the fact that something can be dropped.
Maybe there is a major player in your plan, who then comes back and
tells you, you know I don’t want to do this I got a better offer. I’m
going to go with this other plan. If you have something you want to
drop. Let’s say you have a house up for sale and you want to drop the
price so that you can sell the house. that may be a good thing to do.
Not all things that get dropped are a bad thing. Anything that you
want to change.
So if you wanted to change cars for instance, now Mercury is
retrograde so you have to be very careful about any kind of a
mechanical thing that you want to get into.
So Thursday during this Taurus Moon may begin some type of upset
because of a Venus indicator.
But there is an awesome aspect between the Sun and Jupiter Wednesday
at 11:49 PM. That aspect is the Sun parallel Jupiter and it is a lucky
stroke and it does color it does pretty much color the energies of
late afternoon Wednesday and early Thursday morning. So that is good.
So for Thursday we get the Sun changes signs goes into Sagittarius.
bringing an brighter outlook a happier perspective and an optimistic
chance to engage in matters that seem too hard. And then you feel like
your refreshed when the Sun goes into Sagittarius. It is a travel sign
as well, so making plans for travel are important.
The Sun will be in the sign of Sagittarius for a month until the 21st
thereabouts of December. So the Sagittarius energy is picking up
Jupiter not long afterwards the Sun and Jupiter will join.
So back on Thursday we have a serious thinking that occurs with
Mercury and Saturn when they are parallel in the morning. and that
colors the type of project and the designs that need to have
documents. Very, very literal. Very, very detailed. So make sure all
your ducks are in a row and all your papers are in good shape before
you go and present your plan to someone else to forward a goal.
Mars and Pluto in the evening 8:39 PM are in a tough aspect. it is
very cranky. Someone with ill intent maybe behind the curtain. And
someone else is playing the heavy. So you want to watch that energy.
As far as that energy to control others be careful of that it could
backfire in a big way.
So the Gemini Moon sign come in. there is a little period when the
Moon is free floating in Taurus. That is 10:09 PM after it is conjunct
Uranus, which is quirky sudden abrupt change on Thursday until 11:10
PM. The Moon is never considered void of course in the sign of Taurus
or Cancer. So it is not a void of course period because the seven
weeping sisters there at the end of the sign. So that is going to be
an interesting event. I would say if we had the most interesting times
it might be Thursday night, thanksgiving night. So be tucked in
wherever you are going to be.
The Moon goes into Gemini 11:10 PM Thursday night. That is also
opening up another period where you need to refrain from forward
action because Neptune will turn direct after being retrograde. So a
lot of what is going on: this frustration and hard to move forward and
can’t get your thoughts straight that is Neptune. Whenever you can’t
figure out what is going on or something seems to be too many title
heads for problems it is probably Neptune that is emerging with its
energy. So when it makes its change new information will emerge. That
Neptune change is not until next Saturday. So that is going to be a
big thing to talk about as well.
So Mercury is retrograde during this Gemini Moon that comes in on
Thursday. So Mercury square Neptune. That is the liar’s aspect. So a
big lie could be revealed or a big hidden problem could be revealed
during this Mercury energy during the Gemini Moon that we have late
Thursday night through out Friday and Saturday. It is looking at the
rest of Friday possibly with some investment potential. Venus and
Vesta. But it looks as though it is a bad option so you want to be
The Full Moon is at 12:39 AM on Friday morning zero degrees of Gemini.
It is very, very loud in what it is in what it exposes. And it is
something that brings out all the cards on the table. Everything out
in the open. So if there are plans that have not been previously
announced maybe they are released maybe information is released. So
that is a good thing that we can expect to know more about many things
that we have been curious about. And in your own personal life it
could be about things…there could be things about siblings in
particular that are very important, as Gemini rules the topic of
Mercury and Pluto have an aspect later in the evening. This is where
there is some help from things that are already stabilized and
structured. Some help from those behind the scene, as if it is bankers
or something, to help to fortify a plan that you might have. There may
be an option or an opportunity to sign an agreement for something. I
would go about that very cautiously.
So the Gemini Moon will continue right through until next Sunday the
25th at 1:37 AM. So you want to check and double check anything that
you are doing, any plans heading out and to take little trips or
whatever or take trips back. Because there is a lot of confusion
coming up Friday, Saturday, Sunday. That is it for the week. (54:42
Thank you. I will talk with you again next week. Take care.
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 17, 2018 – Saturday, November 24, 2018
Good morning. Well, everything changed around yesterday. We had Venus
that went direct after being retrograde since October 5th. And we
didn’t get a break until Mercury went retrograde at 8:33 PM last
night. And it stays retrograde until December 6th. It retrogrades in
the sign of Sagittarius. That is enhancing the message that Jupiter
now in Sagittarius is bringing us to enlighten us and broaden our
perspective and open up our world, as it seemed to have been closing
down into a smaller and smaller and smaller space.
It is a very sad thing about California. Friends and family and family
of friends not able to get together for the holiday season because
they have lost their homes. And it is just a disaster. I wish and pray
that everyone finds safety.
There is with this Mercury retrograde the things that you go over in
your mind. They tend to repeat over and over and over. And you have a
recurrence of memories and things that you would like to do. Maybe
there is this big urge to get away. Escape in some way. Take off. not
show up for work. Quit work. All those kinds of things. You want to be
really careful about making decisions during a Mercury retrograde
because you will go back over and it tends to have regret. Where it
returns to is late in Scorpio, 27 degrees of Scorpio. So there is a
lot of things that are heavy and dark to handle in those Scorpio
energy. So you don’t want to have a series of regrets. So you want to
be methodical about what you are doing.
I think as far as moving forward not all Mercury retrogrades are going
to fail completely. Well, what is mean is make your matters fail
completely. But entering into new things are a difficult way to go.
Because of the fact that there is so much that needs to be rehashed
over and over. Like if you go into a 30 year mortgage it could turn
out okay. Especially if it is a second time around house or a second
time around type of event. Anything second time around especially if
you have thought and mulled these things over really clearly those
things could work out fine.
One of the things that Mercury does while it is in this configuration
or in this area is make contact with Venus again. And so any contact
that Mercury makes for Venus we will note that and see what that
means. See what is coming up.
For today the Sun and Venus are making an aspect. So this indicates
that money matters need to be monitored. There is a lot of the kind of
things where the money resources need to be shared with others. and if
you take the lead with the finances you may be making decisions that
need to be altered later. So making major purchases it is like check
with your partner, is this okay? Venus is in a position where having
just turned direct is in an irritating position in a lot of ways. So
we don’t want to upset partners and others that need to be in the
So for the rest of the day it is actually a green light day here for
Saturday. All the way through the rest of this day. Tomorrow not so
much. There is a lot of adjustments and quirky things that go on in
the morning. It gets better in the afternoon.
The Moon will enter Aries at 10:55 AM. So there is a little void of
course Moon period from 10:04 AM until 10:55 AM tomorrow morning. The
outcome of the Aries Moon is really very variable because Uranus is
the last one to capture the energies of this Aries Moon. So the Aries
Moon is direct in its action and it has a lot of forward goals. And
Uranus wants to speed up the technology to be able to keep up with the
process and make advancements. Jump over hoops really quickly so you
have to slow down. There is a slowdown point on Sunday night when the
Moon is square Saturn 11:30 at night. That is just a real good time to
end any of the issues of the day.
For Monday same thing there is an Aries Moon, but there is an aspect
between Mars and Jupiter. Now Mars is the planet that rules Aries and
this is on Monday 8:30 PM. So matters escalate. Somebody wants to step
up any kind of response. It could be a military response or any other
aggressive response. if someone behind the scenes has a sinister plan
this could escalate matters. So you want to be careful. If you know
someone who has strange behaviors keep an eye on them.
The Full Moon that is coming up this week will be emphasized with this
Mars and Jupiter activity as well later on in the week. Any of the
over the top responses are in danger of being misinterpreted. So you
want to be clear and steady, which is hard to do when the Moon is in
Aries. Just be focused and direct.
Lots of quirky energy Tuesday, November 20th. The quirky energy is
governed by Uranus that at 5:46 PM the Moon catches up with Uranus.
That could be a turn around, a reversal of some things where you felt
as if you were making progress on Tuesday. Tuesday is always a Mars
day. There is a lot of that high energy going on.
One thing that is going on is the Moon and the Sun are quincunx. The
Moon is sitting at the point where it is talking back to the Mars
direct station that we had this summer. So Mars is in here on this
Tuesday. It is emphasized and that means there is a lot of aggression
and outward motion, but you can get a lot done if you have a task or
many tasks or you want to start something or plow through something.
Truly Tuesday is your day. That is also that Mars square Jupiter that
is on Monday is good for that as well. Getting a lot of things done
very quickly making snap decisions.
On Tuesday there is also a Moon sign change at 6:42 PM when the Moon
goes into Taurus. It starts a period of refrenation, which means there
is a planet change coming up. And the planet change is the Sun is
changing signs. That is going to happen on early on Thanksgiving Day
at 4:02 AM.
In the meanwhile the events and the activities and the plans that you
have during the Taurus Moon starting at 6:42 PM Tuesday and running
until the Sun actually makes that change Thursday morning at 4:02 AM.
You have to be concerned about the fact that something can be dropped.
Maybe there is a major player in your plan, who then comes back and
tells you, you know I don’t want to do this I got a better offer. I’m
going to go with this other plan. If you have something you want to
drop. Let’s say you have a house up for sale and you want to drop the
price so that you can sell the house. that may be a good thing to do.
Not all things that get dropped are a bad thing. Anything that you
want to change.
So if you wanted to change cars for instance, now Mercury is
retrograde so you have to be very careful about any kind of a
mechanical thing that you want to get into.
So Thursday during this Taurus Moon may begin some type of upset
because of a Venus indicator.
But there is an awesome aspect between the Sun and Jupiter Wednesday
at 11:49 PM. That aspect is the Sun parallel Jupiter and it is a lucky
stroke and it does color it does pretty much color the energies of
late afternoon Wednesday and early Thursday morning. So that is good.
So for Thursday we get the Sun changes signs goes into Sagittarius.
bringing an brighter outlook a happier perspective and an optimistic
chance to engage in matters that seem too hard. And then you feel like
your refreshed when the Sun goes into Sagittarius. It is a travel sign
as well, so making plans for travel are important.
The Sun will be in the sign of Sagittarius for a month until the 21st
thereabouts of December. So the Sagittarius energy is picking up
Jupiter not long afterwards the Sun and Jupiter will join.
So back on Thursday we have a serious thinking that occurs with
Mercury and Saturn when they are parallel in the morning. and that
colors the type of project and the designs that need to have
documents. Very, very literal. Very, very detailed. So make sure all
your ducks are in a row and all your papers are in good shape before
you go and present your plan to someone else to forward a goal.
Mars and Pluto in the evening 8:39 PM are in a tough aspect. it is
very cranky. Someone with ill intent maybe behind the curtain. And
someone else is playing the heavy. So you want to watch that energy.
As far as that energy to control others be careful of that it could
backfire in a big way.
So the Gemini Moon sign come in. there is a little period when the
Moon is free floating in Taurus. That is 10:09 PM after it is conjunct
Uranus, which is quirky sudden abrupt change on Thursday until 11:10
PM. The Moon is never considered void of course in the sign of Taurus
or Cancer. So it is not a void of course period because the seven
weeping sisters there at the end of the sign. So that is going to be
an interesting event. I would say if we had the most interesting times
it might be Thursday night, thanksgiving night. So be tucked in
wherever you are going to be.
The Moon goes into Gemini 11:10 PM Thursday night. That is also
opening up another period where you need to refrain from forward
action because Neptune will turn direct after being retrograde. So a
lot of what is going on: this frustration and hard to move forward and
can’t get your thoughts straight that is Neptune. Whenever you can’t
figure out what is going on or something seems to be too many title
heads for problems it is probably Neptune that is emerging with its
energy. So when it makes its change new information will emerge. That
Neptune change is not until next Saturday. So that is going to be a
big thing to talk about as well.
So Mercury is retrograde during this Gemini Moon that comes in on
Thursday. So Mercury square Neptune. That is the liar’s aspect. So a
big lie could be revealed or a big hidden problem could be revealed
during this Mercury energy during the Gemini Moon that we have late
Thursday night through out Friday and Saturday. It is looking at the
rest of Friday possibly with some investment potential. Venus and
Vesta. But it looks as though it is a bad option so you want to be
The Full Moon is at 12:39 AM on Friday morning zero degrees of Gemini.
It is very, very loud in what it is in what it exposes. And it is
something that brings out all the cards on the table. Everything out
in the open. So if there are plans that have not been previously
announced maybe they are released maybe information is released. So
that is a good thing that we can expect to know more about many things
that we have been curious about. And in your own personal life it
could be about things…there could be things about siblings in
particular that are very important, as Gemini rules the topic of
Mercury and Pluto have an aspect later in the evening. This is where
there is some help from things that are already stabilized and
structured. Some help from those behind the scene, as if it is bankers
or something, to help to fortify a plan that you might have. There may
be an option or an opportunity to sign an agreement for something. I
would go about that very cautiously.
So the Gemini Moon will continue right through until next Sunday the
25th at 1:37 AM. So you want to check and double check anything that
you are doing, any plans heading out and to take little trips or
whatever or take trips back. Because there is a lot of confusion
coming up Friday, Saturday, Sunday. That is it for the week. (54:42
Thank you. I will talk with you again next week. Take care.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Astrology Report Nov 10 - 17, 2018 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Lights
Join us for class today - Sunday at noon - in class or online.
Call 617-924-0929 or text at 617-558-7233.
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, October 27, 2018 – Saturday, November 3, 2018
The following is transcribed from the live radio report.
Good morning. What we have here is a Sagittarius Moon during today and
right through until 10:54 PM tonight. That Sagittarius Moon meets up
with Jupiter or it did meet up with Jupiter already when it entered
the sign. Jupiter had entered the sign of Sagittarius on Thursday at
7:38 AM. That completely broadens our perspective and expands our
awareness of things that we are already so aware of so many
uncomfortable things. But it would seem as though there are greater
avenues of knowledge and also decisions and rulings and that sort of
thing that will come down over this next year while Jupiter is in the
sign of Sagittarius. It does lift things up and maybe bring about a
better, more optimistic perspective. There are still so many harsh
things going on.
For one of the things Ceres, you know that dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres
is square to the Lunar Nodes and is about to change signs and go into
the sign of Scorpio. This is very heavy. Ceres represents the grieving mother.
There is too much of that going on now with the shooting in
California. And those parents and family members are asking for no
more prayers and no more thoughts, but do something about gun control.
It is just too repetitive. Maybe the Sagittarius energy that Jupiter
brings might actually bring some avenue for something like that.
There is an interesting aspect between Mercury and Venus. Now Venus is
going to turn direct on Friday. Glory be. That would be at 5:50 AM.
Only to wait for Mercury to turn retrograde at 8:33 PM. So did I say
that Venus turns direct on Friday after being retrograde for some time
now, for many weeks.
The aspect between Mercury and Venus is being highlighted today. It is
45-degree aspect and it does appear as though it may alter some
results or alter any gains that have been made. Now this aspect is in
a holding pattern until the 22nd. Which is interesting because both of
these planets normally move very quickly. But they are standing
practically still in aspect to one another in a semi-square, which
means there are problems that need to be rooted out. There are
statements that are made. It is like the results with the votes.
Trying to collect all of them. Wait for them to come in from overseas
from the soldiers and any absentee ballots, as well as counting those
that …I think that we should probably see some results after the
second event of this Mercury and Venus aspect. that would be on the
22nd. So that is what I would be waiting for. It is the same day that
the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius as well. And it will catch up
with Jupiter soon thereafter. That is Thanksgiving Day. So today with
Ceres square the Nodes we get that very heavy quality sadness the
losses. It is a tough aspect to endure.
There are a couple of neat things from the Moon to Venus. And then the
Moon to Mars. Venus and Mars are in an aspect of 120 degrees. So the
Moon emphasizes that this afternoon between 3:00 and 5:00 this
afternoon. So that may enhance your ability to connect with those that
you feel are likely to be supportive of you. It could be in a romantic
way. It could be in a fun outdoor way. It could be in an educational
way. So partners and compromises and people coming to a table of an
agreement are the things indicated by Venus in Libra. And Mars in
Aquarius is interested in gathering people of likeminded thoughts to
advance their goals for the people by the people, all that sort of
thing. Then the end of the Sagittarius Moon comes tonight 10:54 PM and
that is when the Moon enters Capricorn.
Watch out for Ceres entering the sign of Scorpio. That
happens at 4:34 PM Sunday. During its approach to that Uranus will
oppose Ceres. So some sudden abrupt change with mothers and children
and more. Families being separated that sort of thing is
highlighted with Uranus.
The caravans are not at the US border yet, but maybe somewhere
along the way or other plans along the way might be highlighted as
well. So it is just not a good thing.
Also, the topic of food could prove to be food problems. Maybe there is a
salmonella outbreak or some type of reaction that people have to
foods. Might be increasing with the Uranus aspect.
The Sun and Pluto form an aspect also on Sunday. That is at 10:21 AM.
That is where you would want to ask those who are seated in a high
position to weigh in on what is proper what is right, what should be
done. That Capricorn Moon is a tough one because it is going to end in
a very erratic way as it square Uranus for its final aspect on
But well before that for Monday I would say go with the flow don’t
sign anything don’t buy anything stay away from real estate deals on
that day. There does appear to be an opportunity to link something
with the Sun and Moon aspect on Monday afternoon at 3:21 PM. However,
it ends poorly so I would not invest in that.
The Sun and Saturn are semi-square. Semi-squares are tough because it
is halfway, it is 45 degrees. It is halfway in the middle of an actual
square. It is about hidden problems that come out. Things that you
overlook. Things that you need to tend to you are trying to put off.
If there is an issue with procrastination it comes to bite you on
Tuesday. It leads into that Capricorn Moons final aspect square Uranus
at 10:13 AM. So that is a sudden abrupt change beginning the void of
course Moon period which ends at 10:45 AM. So that 10:45 AM is the New
Moon sign. It is the Aquarius Moon. During the Aquarius Moon, lots of
things happen. For the rest of Tuesday, Tuesday afternoon Tuesday
evening, I would say that there are pretty much ongoing things that
you could engage with. Maybe with friends.
On Wednesday, November 14th there is an alignment between the Sun and
the Moon. That would allow for some meeting of the minds some
information that is exchanged. Maybe you make a plan to have a party
later on or do something with friends that is important and advances
and enhances your life.
There are changes, however, Thursday is the big change day. One of the
big change days. Mars and Uranus are in an aspect. A wacky Uranus is
talking to Mars in such a way that offers an opportunity. So we just
wonder these days when Mars and Uranus get together very often things
explode and pop. So you want to watch out, also for fires flames. If
you have something, you want to tend to it the night before. Make sure
all candles are out and things are running okay with the furnace
before you go to bed. The aspect is at 4:30 in the morning. It is
quite lively.
The highlighter for the day ends up at 9:54 AM when the Sun and Moon
are square making this a 90 degree First Quarter square. This first quarter
square is very loud. It relates back to the Solar Eclipse we had at
the New Moon on February 15th last February. So these are matters where
we are actively involved in the process of getting on or moving
forward with things that were seeded at that Solar Eclipse.
The Aquarius Moon sign is also activating the Astro-memory of
Jupiter retrograde. That happened last March. So there are a lot of
things that get set off and remembered and reengaged and remerge with
this Quarter Moon. If you are trying to advance your goals this is not
a bad time. But it is a good time to drop something. Like if you
wanted to drop the price on a house so that you can sell it. That
might be a good day, a good way to deal with this energy. Because Mars
is about to drop the sign of Aquarius and move into Pisces.
The other types of things that you may want to consider are to drop
some sort of plan that has been not producing. You want to engage in
something that would be a Green Light period that happens after Mars.
Enters the sign of Pisces at 5:21 PM on Thursday and there is a little
Green Light period right up until 10:58 PM. So there it is on Thursday
the best time of this week to be able to take advantage, advance your
Now Venus is still retrograde until the following day. The Moon sign
comes in and changes after a little brief void of course Moon from
10:58 PM Thursday night until 11:41 PM Thursday night. Then the Moon
enters the sign of Pisces for a few days right in through next
Friday November 16 - Venus turns Direct - Mercury turns Retrograde
So the Pisces Moon it looks like there is something fishy with this
Pisces Moon, when Venus turns direct and then Mercury turns
retrograde. Just over 12 hours between the two. Mars is in Pisces and
then the Moon lines up with Mars at 12:02 AM. This is not
just any conjunction between the Moon and Mars, it is an occultation.
That means the energies of the aggressive nature or the male nature
are blanked out. And this is also about could be about drugs and
alcohol or substance abuse or addiction in a big way. These things
could be looming very large. So watch out for family members who
suffer from addiction. This could be a real problem time Thursday
night through Friday morning. And it is just after midnight.
The Moon goes on to square Jupiter. And then we have Venus
turning direct at 5:51 AM. So that is the flag that goes up that says
wait, wait. We have to wait for Mercury to go through its retrograde
period beginning 8:33 PM on Friday night which lasts until the 6th
day of December when it turns direct.
So that is it for the week. It
is quite busy. There are some good spots and some difficult spots. So
you want to just be very mindful. Pay attention to what it is and how
you are doing.
There is also a Green Light stretch today if you wanted to use this
energy considering that any of your agreements must be redone again on
the 22nd. But the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius today will end with
a trine to Uranus. So there is some positive energy. I just sort of
hold back because of that Mercury and Venus energy. Thank you. I will
talk to you again next week. Take care.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
Call 617-924-0929 or text at 617-558-7233.
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, October 27, 2018 – Saturday, November 3, 2018
The following is transcribed from the live radio report.
Good morning. What we have here is a Sagittarius Moon during today and
right through until 10:54 PM tonight. That Sagittarius Moon meets up
with Jupiter or it did meet up with Jupiter already when it entered
the sign. Jupiter had entered the sign of Sagittarius on Thursday at
7:38 AM. That completely broadens our perspective and expands our
awareness of things that we are already so aware of so many
uncomfortable things. But it would seem as though there are greater
avenues of knowledge and also decisions and rulings and that sort of
thing that will come down over this next year while Jupiter is in the
sign of Sagittarius. It does lift things up and maybe bring about a
better, more optimistic perspective. There are still so many harsh
things going on.
For one of the things Ceres, you know that dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres
is square to the Lunar Nodes and is about to change signs and go into
the sign of Scorpio. This is very heavy. Ceres represents the grieving mother.
There is too much of that going on now with the shooting in
California. And those parents and family members are asking for no
more prayers and no more thoughts, but do something about gun control.
It is just too repetitive. Maybe the Sagittarius energy that Jupiter
brings might actually bring some avenue for something like that.
There is an interesting aspect between Mercury and Venus. Now Venus is
going to turn direct on Friday. Glory be. That would be at 5:50 AM.
Only to wait for Mercury to turn retrograde at 8:33 PM. So did I say
that Venus turns direct on Friday after being retrograde for some time
now, for many weeks.
The aspect between Mercury and Venus is being highlighted today. It is
45-degree aspect and it does appear as though it may alter some
results or alter any gains that have been made. Now this aspect is in
a holding pattern until the 22nd. Which is interesting because both of
these planets normally move very quickly. But they are standing
practically still in aspect to one another in a semi-square, which
means there are problems that need to be rooted out. There are
statements that are made. It is like the results with the votes.
Trying to collect all of them. Wait for them to come in from overseas
from the soldiers and any absentee ballots, as well as counting those
that …I think that we should probably see some results after the
second event of this Mercury and Venus aspect. that would be on the
22nd. So that is what I would be waiting for. It is the same day that
the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius as well. And it will catch up
with Jupiter soon thereafter. That is Thanksgiving Day. So today with
Ceres square the Nodes we get that very heavy quality sadness the
losses. It is a tough aspect to endure.
There are a couple of neat things from the Moon to Venus. And then the
Moon to Mars. Venus and Mars are in an aspect of 120 degrees. So the
Moon emphasizes that this afternoon between 3:00 and 5:00 this
afternoon. So that may enhance your ability to connect with those that
you feel are likely to be supportive of you. It could be in a romantic
way. It could be in a fun outdoor way. It could be in an educational
way. So partners and compromises and people coming to a table of an
agreement are the things indicated by Venus in Libra. And Mars in
Aquarius is interested in gathering people of likeminded thoughts to
advance their goals for the people by the people, all that sort of
thing. Then the end of the Sagittarius Moon comes tonight 10:54 PM and
that is when the Moon enters Capricorn.
Watch out for Ceres entering the sign of Scorpio. That
happens at 4:34 PM Sunday. During its approach to that Uranus will
oppose Ceres. So some sudden abrupt change with mothers and children
and more. Families being separated that sort of thing is
highlighted with Uranus.
The caravans are not at the US border yet, but maybe somewhere
along the way or other plans along the way might be highlighted as
well. So it is just not a good thing.
Also, the topic of food could prove to be food problems. Maybe there is a
salmonella outbreak or some type of reaction that people have to
foods. Might be increasing with the Uranus aspect.
The Sun and Pluto form an aspect also on Sunday. That is at 10:21 AM.
That is where you would want to ask those who are seated in a high
position to weigh in on what is proper what is right, what should be
done. That Capricorn Moon is a tough one because it is going to end in
a very erratic way as it square Uranus for its final aspect on
But well before that for Monday I would say go with the flow don’t
sign anything don’t buy anything stay away from real estate deals on
that day. There does appear to be an opportunity to link something
with the Sun and Moon aspect on Monday afternoon at 3:21 PM. However,
it ends poorly so I would not invest in that.
The Sun and Saturn are semi-square. Semi-squares are tough because it
is halfway, it is 45 degrees. It is halfway in the middle of an actual
square. It is about hidden problems that come out. Things that you
overlook. Things that you need to tend to you are trying to put off.
If there is an issue with procrastination it comes to bite you on
Tuesday. It leads into that Capricorn Moons final aspect square Uranus
at 10:13 AM. So that is a sudden abrupt change beginning the void of
course Moon period which ends at 10:45 AM. So that 10:45 AM is the New
Moon sign. It is the Aquarius Moon. During the Aquarius Moon, lots of
things happen. For the rest of Tuesday, Tuesday afternoon Tuesday
evening, I would say that there are pretty much ongoing things that
you could engage with. Maybe with friends.
On Wednesday, November 14th there is an alignment between the Sun and
the Moon. That would allow for some meeting of the minds some
information that is exchanged. Maybe you make a plan to have a party
later on or do something with friends that is important and advances
and enhances your life.
There are changes, however, Thursday is the big change day. One of the
big change days. Mars and Uranus are in an aspect. A wacky Uranus is
talking to Mars in such a way that offers an opportunity. So we just
wonder these days when Mars and Uranus get together very often things
explode and pop. So you want to watch out, also for fires flames. If
you have something, you want to tend to it the night before. Make sure
all candles are out and things are running okay with the furnace
before you go to bed. The aspect is at 4:30 in the morning. It is
quite lively.
The highlighter for the day ends up at 9:54 AM when the Sun and Moon
are square making this a 90 degree First Quarter square. This first quarter
square is very loud. It relates back to the Solar Eclipse we had at
the New Moon on February 15th last February. So these are matters where
we are actively involved in the process of getting on or moving
forward with things that were seeded at that Solar Eclipse.
The Aquarius Moon sign is also activating the Astro-memory of
Jupiter retrograde. That happened last March. So there are a lot of
things that get set off and remembered and reengaged and remerge with
this Quarter Moon. If you are trying to advance your goals this is not
a bad time. But it is a good time to drop something. Like if you
wanted to drop the price on a house so that you can sell it. That
might be a good day, a good way to deal with this energy. Because Mars
is about to drop the sign of Aquarius and move into Pisces.
The other types of things that you may want to consider are to drop
some sort of plan that has been not producing. You want to engage in
something that would be a Green Light period that happens after Mars.
Enters the sign of Pisces at 5:21 PM on Thursday and there is a little
Green Light period right up until 10:58 PM. So there it is on Thursday
the best time of this week to be able to take advantage, advance your
Now Venus is still retrograde until the following day. The Moon sign
comes in and changes after a little brief void of course Moon from
10:58 PM Thursday night until 11:41 PM Thursday night. Then the Moon
enters the sign of Pisces for a few days right in through next
Friday November 16 - Venus turns Direct - Mercury turns Retrograde
So the Pisces Moon it looks like there is something fishy with this
Pisces Moon, when Venus turns direct and then Mercury turns
retrograde. Just over 12 hours between the two. Mars is in Pisces and
then the Moon lines up with Mars at 12:02 AM. This is not
just any conjunction between the Moon and Mars, it is an occultation.
That means the energies of the aggressive nature or the male nature
are blanked out. And this is also about could be about drugs and
alcohol or substance abuse or addiction in a big way. These things
could be looming very large. So watch out for family members who
suffer from addiction. This could be a real problem time Thursday
night through Friday morning. And it is just after midnight.
The Moon goes on to square Jupiter. And then we have Venus
turning direct at 5:51 AM. So that is the flag that goes up that says
wait, wait. We have to wait for Mercury to go through its retrograde
period beginning 8:33 PM on Friday night which lasts until the 6th
day of December when it turns direct.
So that is it for the week. It
is quite busy. There are some good spots and some difficult spots. So
you want to just be very mindful. Pay attention to what it is and how
you are doing.
There is also a Green Light stretch today if you wanted to use this
energy considering that any of your agreements must be redone again on
the 22nd. But the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius today will end with
a trine to Uranus. So there is some positive energy. I just sort of
hold back because of that Mercury and Venus energy. Thank you. I will
talk to you again next week. Take care.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 3 - Nov 10 2018

The Chart above is of the Midterm Elections set for the Capital Building DC November 7, 2018 at midnight after the final vote in Hawaii.
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, October 27, 2018 – Saturday, November 3, 2018
Good morning. Well, boy that was a musical piece there. Sounded quite
like Halloween. It is also descriptive of this wild energy that we
have. There was yet another shooting. I don’t know if you are aware of
the one in Tallahassee, Florida. Someone shot people in a yoga studio.
Three people were killed there. All of this outrageous, outrageous
energy. It could be tagged to several things.
One of which the Lunar Node is at zero degrees of Leo. It is a point
of a Lunar Eclipse that doesn’t happen until January 21st. But
meanwhile having that spot activated is an extreme amount of energy
focused, as Uranus the planet of sudden abrupt change and bizarre
happenings and unleashed emotions and unleashed behavior. Uranus is
square to the Lunar Node. It is zero degrees of Taurus. Quincunx that
– that is that life’s messy clean it up aspect comes from Jupiter.
Jupiter is at the very last few degrees, a couple of degree moments
there of the sign of Scorpio until Thursday when it changes signs at
7:38 AM. So meanwhile it is going to be dragging all of the scary
goblins out and from under and from deep and all these things are
absolutely huge emphasized by Pluto at a very powerful position, zero
degrees of latitude. So we have so much to contend with.
If you are feeling as if you cannot focus you can’t settle down. You
don’t know what your next step is you don’t know how to go about your
next step or you are just going round and round and round in circles
that is the Jupiter Uranus quincunx going on, and all this other
energy. It is a desire to want to break free, get out. Probably going
to be a lot of people going away or even making decisions about moving
away. These events in the United States are absolutely too horrific,
too often. People’s worse nightmares are happening.
There is also another heavy spot would be New Moon at 15 degrees of
Scorpio. So there is not a lot of playground energy going on
throughout the week with all of this intense Scorpionic type of
energy. And there is Uranus opposite the sign of Scorpio. So just like
releasing the jar, lid of the jar at any moment. Now that can also
bring some pretty spectacular financial winnings like windfall profit
and large lotteries or large bank loans that are taken out. Or some
things that come about can be extraordinary in a positive way. But the
thing of it is with Uranus it is really hard to count on things
staying. Because Uranus will be back this way again. It is retrograde.
It is backing up. It is going to stop at 28 degrees of Aries on
January 6th and then come back this way again over that Taurus point.
Meanwhile over this next couple of weeks Uranus and Taurus, and the
Lunar Node at zero Leo are both square to one another. That is keeping
the event meter up really high.
For Election Tuesday there will be reversals galore because Uranus does rule
reversals. And there it goes back into Aries marking that it is
reversing grounds that have been covered so far. And Jupiter going off
into Sagittarius is also an optimistic note that that should bring
about some lighter energy. I don’t know if it will happen by Thursday,
but it certainly is on its way. Venus is still retrograde mind you
until the 16th of November at 5:50 AM. That is on Friday almost two
weeks away. The same day Mercury will go retrograde. So lots and lots
of changes and reversals and switches around.
So for today November 3rd the Moon is in Virgo. The Virgo Moon has a
couple of things that it is focusing on. For one thing the Sun
parallel Venus that occurs today is about bringing people together
bringing women together. It has a social quality. It is also a pairing
and a compromise type of quality. There are a lot of hopes for coming
to the table and ironing things out. Perhaps there is something hinted
that there is a deal that might be struck with China and the United
States trade deal. So hopefully that can help to relieve some of the
agony that this country is going through because of trade war.
So the rest of today still a Virgo Moon. Virgo Moon is good for
cleaning up and taking care of business, the business details, working
with others. Maybe there is some cooking or there is some…certainly
not going to be outside cleaning the yard today. The rain is intense.
We have a lot of rain.
Sunday November 4th the Moon is still in Virgo. It is void of course
at 2:26 AM until 4:01 AM tomorrow. Then the Moon enters the sign of
Libra. That Libra Moon sign has a couple of things to get passed. A
square for instance to Saturn at 1:02 PM. Then the Libra Moon
continues throughout the day and into the evening when there are
certain things that could be sort of explored. If there was…it is
Pallas Athena in the sign of Libra ruling the strategies and the plans
and the ability to be able to see past the noise. And try to make an
assessment about what needs to be done and how it needs to be done.
Monday November 5th that Moon is in Libra. The Sun and Mars are heated
up. Too much rage. Too much heat going on with that Sun Mars energy.
The Moon is then 30 degrees from the Sun and its coming into a period
of a New Moon, which is going to happen on Wednesday. So we are coming
into a dark Moon period on Monday. The Moon will square Pluto,
blocking the door. And there is a toll keeper there. So it is best if
you wanted to take action after 12:55. Call it 1:00 on Monday. if you
want to take some business action to forward your goals that could be
That would run until 3:19 AM on Tuesday morning and then
there is a void of course Moon right until 8:00 AM. Then the Moon sign
changes to Scorpio. So there is a change in the air.
During the Scorpio during that Scorpio Moon that is when Jupiter will
enter Sagittarius on Thursday. So we have the Moon kind of saying
goodbye to Jupiter in Scorpio. It certainly has turned up a whole lot
of issues and will continue to do so throughout this week.
Uranus is exactly square the Lunar Nodes 12:57 PM on Tuesday. Then the
Lunar Node is exactly at zero Leo at 1:08. So this is a bunch of…you
know it could be traffic jams. Could be traffic jams that are huge.
Talking about like 200 cars piled up. I don’t know if it is going to
be cars or if it is going to be some other type of major event. A lot of
chaos involved as Uranus also makes its way retrograde back into Aries
1:58 PM on Tuesday. So there are the changes throughout the evening.
There should be lots of news. Of course it is Election Day. We are
expecting to see a lot of reversals take place.
Wednesday November 7th still a Scorpio Moon. It is not in good shape.
It is not in a positive mode in any way. I wouldn’t contract with
anyone. The New Moon occurs at 11:02 AM at 15 degrees of Scorpio. It
is very intense. It is also very loudly placed where it is 45 degrees
away from zero degrees of Capricorn and zero degrees of Libra. That is
called the World Axis. So all the eyes will be on the same place. That
makes sense for sure in the United States on this very important
Election Day.
Jupiter and Uranus are exactly quincunx 1:20 AM Thursday morning
during that Scorpio Moon. The Scorpio Moon will last until 2:00 PM on
Thursday as well. Before that Jupiter enters Sagittarius at 7:38 AM.
Then the Moons last aspect while in the sign of Scorpio, the beginning
of a void of course Moon period would be 1:51 PM when it is quincunx
Uranus. So that is again stunning in its own way.
The Moon enters Sagittarius and by that time Jupiter is in Sagittarius
so that may lighten things up. The last aspect of the Moon will be 120
degree trine to Uranus during that Sagittarius Moon on Saturday at
10:35 PM. marking a Green Light period that does run from that time
2:00 PM on Thursday until 10:35 PM next Saturday.
For Friday’s energy that Sagittarius Moon has an aspect between Venus
and Mars. They are trine so people are working together in harmony
trying to gain access to the flow: the flow of money, the joy of work,
the joy of each other’s company, and exchange in the male/female range
of cooperation and harmony. So that is a pleasant aspect. I hope it
brings some pleasant things. The Sagittarius Moon sign continues again
through next Saturday. That is it for the week. (50:56 STOP) Thank
you. I will talk with you again next week.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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