Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 24 - Nov 30

Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
The following is transcribed from the radio report.

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Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, November 24, 2018 – Saturday, December 1, 2018

Good morning. We have Neptune standing perfectly still. Neptune is the
ruler of confusion and illusion and things that are hard to pin down.
And if you are trying to herd cats you would be using Neptune’s
energy. But if you are trying to nail things down and make solid plans
I would ask Neptune for some help. Because that can scatter your plans
and your ideas your imagination might be really running like crazy.
That could be great if you are trying to create. If you are an artist,
if you are a writer you could definitely have some help from Neptune
in that way. But if you lost something for instance you would really
have a hard time finding it. That story gets kind of worse by the end
of the up and coming week where Venus and Uranus will be opposite,
which very often loses things in a big way.

The other things that is very large this week is the conjunction
between the Sun and Jupiter. That is on Monday, November 26th. Also
there is a focus on Mercury interacting with the planets in a big way.
Mercury is retrograde so it’s gone back and forth and around and over
and under trying to create some sort of trail of paper and messages
and connections to be able to forward things.

There is a lot of really good positive energy going on with the Sun
in the sign of Sagittarius now headed for the planet Jupiter. So that
is a buoyant time. Jupiter is a planet of expansiveness. It wants to
broaden our perspective. It wants to bring to mind things you hadn’t
considered. And it also is a planet of justice. So if there seems to
be some sort of injustice or a potential for a disruption or a
distortion of justice, then Jupiter in Sagittarius is definitely
trying to clarify that. It has a wide variety of experiences and it
can bring wisdom to any particular subject. So it also increases
things like opportunity, tolerance, philantrophy, rewards, abundance,
charity, loyalty, competence, joviality, extravagance. So it really is
an upbeat kind of planet although it can be very arrogant and can be
extremely boasting. So you want to rein in a desire to toot your own
horn with all of this Jupiter energy that we are having this week.

So for today we have a Gemini Moon. The Gemini Moon is still bouncing
off of the Full Moon that we had on Thanksgiving Day. Actually it was
just after mid-night yesterday. That Full Moon was at zero degrees of
Gemini. And that report about climate change came out laying it out
what exactly is going on. How does it affect people, and economy? And
all that sort of thing. So important information being delivered from
that Gemini Moon.

So the Gemini Moon as it travels through the day it is in pretty good
shape. There is the likelihood of finding out something new in a
mysterious way because of the Neptune factor that is going on.

There is a Mars and Uranus aspect that takes place this afternoon. Now
this can be good .it can be bad. It can be about finding things with a
technology that supports exactly what you want to do or how you want
to do it. It can also cause difficulty between friends. It can also be
something that is a positive. If you are perhaps looking for a car, I
would say look, don’t buy. That Neptune energy really puts a cloud
over good judgement.

All of falling in love with love is that Neptune station energy.
Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces so it really is stirring up the
oceans. And stirring up the oceans in our imagination. So it is very,
very creative but you don’t want to use it for drawing a plan for
your new room that you want to build or any type of structural thing.

That Gemini Moon is with us and is in pretty good position for moving
forward considering the fact that you want to be aware of the
confusion that might be around. And up until 12:31 AM tomorrow morning
that Gemini Moon might be good for some things making selections for
some things. And that is after about 8:10 PM tonight until 12:31 AM

And then the Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 1:38 AM. The Cancer
Moon makes lots of stops and adjustments. One of the things is there
is some residual things that are made from the Full Moon when the Sun
and Moon are quincunx early in the morning on Sunday.

There is no class with me tomorrow by the day Sunday. I wanted to
mention that early on. I’ll probably mention it again at the end. I
have a little vacation.

So the Cancer Moon has several things to note. One of the things is
the Sun and Mercury are parallel. So they are joined for the
collection of some information or the turning of the weather in a big
way. That would be Sunday night’s energy.

Then on Monday November 26th Mercury and Mars have a strong aspect but
the Sun and Jupiter join at nearly 4 degrees of Sagittarius. That is a
big boost 1:33 AM. So the night of Sunday night and then early Monday
will be served well with that aspect. The Mercury Mars aspect is a
tricky one. You want to watch out. You could lose your way, lose your
head, [and] lose your footing. Foot in mouth is the most common thing
with Mercury and Mars. Both Mars…well Mercury is retrograde. But Mars
and Mercury are both in travel signs. So it has a lot to do with
traveling. You want to be very careful with that. If you over react to
something you may have to answer to things in a higher setting later.
So you want to be careful of what you say and what you do.

The Sun and Pluto form an aspect in the afternoon on Monday. This may
relate to the process of things. The tedious process and answering to
people that make the rules and things like insurance companies and
anything having to do with those that are holding the purse strings as

Tuesday, November 27th Mercury and Jupiter they are forming a parallel
early in the morning. So they are trying to get their facts straight
and get some big piece of information out there. If you are trying to
release some information that might be a good time. You don’t have to
do it. That time to the Cancer Moon has a couple of things it has to
do. It has to hit a square to Uranus at 2:21 AM. After that it gets
good, only until 3:25 AM. But the last aspect is fairly good for that
Cancer Moon making it a positive on some levels to take some action if
you like.

Tuesday the Leo Moon comes in at 3:35 AM. The Leo Moon will be with us
until Thursday at 6:08 AM. That is when you may want to show the
things that you are working on, projects that you have, and anything
having to do with who is on stage and who you would like to engage
with that Leo Moon.

The Sun and Mercury join together at 4:14 AM. This aspect is about
information during the Mercury retrograde that could be reversed. Lots
of times appointments are changed. It is very early in the morning on
Tuesday. I don’t know how the change of appointments might
affect…Maybe it is due to weather something like that.

Vesta is an asteroid that rules investments and commitments. It is
squaring Uranus, which is touching off the stock market craziness that
is going on and anything having to do with real estate investments.
Uranus is causing all kinds of wacky fluctuations.

Mercury and Pluto are forming an aspect at 1:12 PM. This one says you
have to check in with the toll keeper before you advance. So make sure
you have all your paper work in order before you continue.

Mars and Saturn make an aspect saying these things are serious. You
need to make a good plan and run your plan by those that are in charge
before you advance to the next step.

The Leo Moon is in good shape. For the most part it is a Green Light
period right through until 4:46 AM on Thursday. So you want to also
take advantage of any type of opportunity that comes up.

Mars and Venus are in a parallel which says there may be some romantic
energy especially under a Leo Moon. That would be for Tuesday night
and Wednesday morning.

Then Venus is on the Lunar Node. Very strong romantic energy for that Leo Moon.

Jupiter and Pluto form a cranky aspect on Wednesday night. This one is
trying to expand something that is being controlled by others, so
there is a discussion that needs to be sorted out later. Jupiter is in
its own sign and Pluto is in the sign ruled by Saturn. So definitely
following the rules would help to sort those things out.

For Thursday that Leo Moon is in great shape. That would be the early
morning hours if you want to get up and send off emails and whatever.
Anytime really on Wednesday night, Thursday, especially Thursday
morning. But after 11:30 or midnight on Wednesday night would be a
real good time to send off those emails to advance your goals right up
until 6:07 AM on Thursday.

The last aspect of the Leo Moon is at 4:46 AM and then there is a void
of course Moon until 6:07 AM.

For the Virgo Moon very testy. Not a good Moon sign. It has a lot of
things that it must contend with. The biggest problem with the Virgo
Moon would be it is running into that opposition between Venus and
Uranus at 9:12 PM on Friday night. But before that happens there is a
Quarter Moon.

It is a Last Quarter Moon at 7:19 PM on Thursday. This is one of those
pay up or get paid. This can be a health thing or it can be something
about travel or education. If you have plans for forwarding your goals
about education you may be looking to the past to see how those things
can help to advance your goals in the future. It is an action day. The
Last Quarter Moon day is always an action day. That would be Thursday.
Things happen.

So for Friday under the Virgo Moon there are mostly…the focus would
mostly be on that Venus opposite Uranus at 9:13 PM. You want to watch
out for your purse. You want to take care of your friendships and your
relationships, your close relationships. And also any of your grand
ideas, those things could be at risk as well.

And then for the rest of the Virgo Moon after Mercury changes signs
and goes back into Scorpio that would be at 6:11 AM next week. There
is a Green Light period next Saturday if you want to take advantage of
that. Just early in the morning. Okay. That is it for the week. Once
again there is no class on tomorrow, Sunday. There will be class the
following week. We will pick up with a relationship study a week from
Sunday. That would be December something, Sunday, December 2nd. Have a
good weekend and we will catch you next week as well on the radio at
WZBC (52:00 STOP)

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Lunar Shadows III - Amazon.com - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: igloopublishing@gmail.com
email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com