The Chart above is of the Midterm Elections set for the Capital Building DC November 7, 2018 at midnight after the final vote in Hawaii.
Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, October 27, 2018 – Saturday, November 3, 2018
Good morning. Well, boy that was a musical piece there. Sounded quite
like Halloween. It is also descriptive of this wild energy that we
have. There was yet another shooting. I don’t know if you are aware of
the one in Tallahassee, Florida. Someone shot people in a yoga studio.
Three people were killed there. All of this outrageous, outrageous
energy. It could be tagged to several things.
One of which the Lunar Node is at zero degrees of Leo. It is a point
of a Lunar Eclipse that doesn’t happen until January 21st. But
meanwhile having that spot activated is an extreme amount of energy
focused, as Uranus the planet of sudden abrupt change and bizarre
happenings and unleashed emotions and unleashed behavior. Uranus is
square to the Lunar Node. It is zero degrees of Taurus. Quincunx that
– that is that life’s messy clean it up aspect comes from Jupiter.
Jupiter is at the very last few degrees, a couple of degree moments
there of the sign of Scorpio until Thursday when it changes signs at
7:38 AM. So meanwhile it is going to be dragging all of the scary
goblins out and from under and from deep and all these things are
absolutely huge emphasized by Pluto at a very powerful position, zero
degrees of latitude. So we have so much to contend with.
If you are feeling as if you cannot focus you can’t settle down. You
don’t know what your next step is you don’t know how to go about your
next step or you are just going round and round and round in circles
that is the Jupiter Uranus quincunx going on, and all this other
energy. It is a desire to want to break free, get out. Probably going
to be a lot of people going away or even making decisions about moving
away. These events in the United States are absolutely too horrific,
too often. People’s worse nightmares are happening.
There is also another heavy spot would be New Moon at 15 degrees of
Scorpio. So there is not a lot of playground energy going on
throughout the week with all of this intense Scorpionic type of
energy. And there is Uranus opposite the sign of Scorpio. So just like
releasing the jar, lid of the jar at any moment. Now that can also
bring some pretty spectacular financial winnings like windfall profit
and large lotteries or large bank loans that are taken out. Or some
things that come about can be extraordinary in a positive way. But the
thing of it is with Uranus it is really hard to count on things
staying. Because Uranus will be back this way again. It is retrograde.
It is backing up. It is going to stop at 28 degrees of Aries on
January 6th and then come back this way again over that Taurus point.
Meanwhile over this next couple of weeks Uranus and Taurus, and the
Lunar Node at zero Leo are both square to one another. That is keeping
the event meter up really high.
For Election Tuesday there will be reversals galore because Uranus does rule
reversals. And there it goes back into Aries marking that it is
reversing grounds that have been covered so far. And Jupiter going off
into Sagittarius is also an optimistic note that that should bring
about some lighter energy. I don’t know if it will happen by Thursday,
but it certainly is on its way. Venus is still retrograde mind you
until the 16th of November at 5:50 AM. That is on Friday almost two
weeks away. The same day Mercury will go retrograde. So lots and lots
of changes and reversals and switches around.
So for today November 3rd the Moon is in Virgo. The Virgo Moon has a
couple of things that it is focusing on. For one thing the Sun
parallel Venus that occurs today is about bringing people together
bringing women together. It has a social quality. It is also a pairing
and a compromise type of quality. There are a lot of hopes for coming
to the table and ironing things out. Perhaps there is something hinted
that there is a deal that might be struck with China and the United
States trade deal. So hopefully that can help to relieve some of the
agony that this country is going through because of trade war.
So the rest of today still a Virgo Moon. Virgo Moon is good for
cleaning up and taking care of business, the business details, working
with others. Maybe there is some cooking or there is some…certainly
not going to be outside cleaning the yard today. The rain is intense.
We have a lot of rain.
Sunday November 4th the Moon is still in Virgo. It is void of course
at 2:26 AM until 4:01 AM tomorrow. Then the Moon enters the sign of
Libra. That Libra Moon sign has a couple of things to get passed. A
square for instance to Saturn at 1:02 PM. Then the Libra Moon
continues throughout the day and into the evening when there are
certain things that could be sort of explored. If there was…it is
Pallas Athena in the sign of Libra ruling the strategies and the plans
and the ability to be able to see past the noise. And try to make an
assessment about what needs to be done and how it needs to be done.
Monday November 5th that Moon is in Libra. The Sun and Mars are heated
up. Too much rage. Too much heat going on with that Sun Mars energy.
The Moon is then 30 degrees from the Sun and its coming into a period
of a New Moon, which is going to happen on Wednesday. So we are coming
into a dark Moon period on Monday. The Moon will square Pluto,
blocking the door. And there is a toll keeper there. So it is best if
you wanted to take action after 12:55. Call it 1:00 on Monday. if you
want to take some business action to forward your goals that could be
That would run until 3:19 AM on Tuesday morning and then
there is a void of course Moon right until 8:00 AM. Then the Moon sign
changes to Scorpio. So there is a change in the air.
During the Scorpio during that Scorpio Moon that is when Jupiter will
enter Sagittarius on Thursday. So we have the Moon kind of saying
goodbye to Jupiter in Scorpio. It certainly has turned up a whole lot
of issues and will continue to do so throughout this week.
Uranus is exactly square the Lunar Nodes 12:57 PM on Tuesday. Then the
Lunar Node is exactly at zero Leo at 1:08. So this is a bunch of…you
know it could be traffic jams. Could be traffic jams that are huge.
Talking about like 200 cars piled up. I don’t know if it is going to
be cars or if it is going to be some other type of major event. A lot of
chaos involved as Uranus also makes its way retrograde back into Aries
1:58 PM on Tuesday. So there are the changes throughout the evening.
There should be lots of news. Of course it is Election Day. We are
expecting to see a lot of reversals take place.
Wednesday November 7th still a Scorpio Moon. It is not in good shape.
It is not in a positive mode in any way. I wouldn’t contract with
anyone. The New Moon occurs at 11:02 AM at 15 degrees of Scorpio. It
is very intense. It is also very loudly placed where it is 45 degrees
away from zero degrees of Capricorn and zero degrees of Libra. That is
called the World Axis. So all the eyes will be on the same place. That
makes sense for sure in the United States on this very important
Election Day.
Jupiter and Uranus are exactly quincunx 1:20 AM Thursday morning
during that Scorpio Moon. The Scorpio Moon will last until 2:00 PM on
Thursday as well. Before that Jupiter enters Sagittarius at 7:38 AM.
Then the Moons last aspect while in the sign of Scorpio, the beginning
of a void of course Moon period would be 1:51 PM when it is quincunx
Uranus. So that is again stunning in its own way.
The Moon enters Sagittarius and by that time Jupiter is in Sagittarius
so that may lighten things up. The last aspect of the Moon will be 120
degree trine to Uranus during that Sagittarius Moon on Saturday at
10:35 PM. marking a Green Light period that does run from that time
2:00 PM on Thursday until 10:35 PM next Saturday.
For Friday’s energy that Sagittarius Moon has an aspect between Venus
and Mars. They are trine so people are working together in harmony
trying to gain access to the flow: the flow of money, the joy of work,
the joy of each other’s company, and exchange in the male/female range
of cooperation and harmony. So that is a pleasant aspect. I hope it
brings some pleasant things. The Sagittarius Moon sign continues again
through next Saturday. That is it for the week. (50:56 STOP) Thank
you. I will talk with you again next week.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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