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There is a class Today - Sunday and we will be discovering how the pull of the lunar nodes direct the current events in our lives and around the world. What does Ceres, the mother in our solar system, add to the intense energies at this time in both our personal relationships and those around the world. Bring your charts. Class begins at noon. You can join us online with the app. Call at 617-924-0929 or text at 616-558-7233 but add your name.
There is quite a bit of action this week beginning with the Full Moon in Scorpio.
A couple of days of Green Light energy during the Sagittarius Moon sign.
The Sun makes a stand for those in high places while square the lunar nodes this week. A huge influence here is Ceres, the one who nurtures and represents the care givers of children and those under the care of a doctor. This Ceres contact makes matters very serious in regard to a change in standing on high profile matters.
Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please add your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, April 28, 2018 – Saturday, May 5, 2018
Good morning. We have all kinds of quirky things that are going to happen through the next few weeks. It is going to feel like Mercury is retrograde. And it is not. It is Uranus sitting at the 29th degree of Aries. Aries is the sign that fires things up, it is ruled by Mars, it is a very active thing. Uranus is sudden abrupt change and wacky.
The description of what Uranus will reveal are all the things you never thought of. It is like, “I would never image that would happen.” That is Uranus’ energy. There are many things that are going to set this off. The Libra Moon is one of them, which we have today. The Libra Moon has a couple of rough spots throughout this day. 11:18 AM the Moon will square Pluto in Capricorn. So that is going to toss things around about business. And then moments later, a couple of hours later actually, Moon is square Mars at 1:17 PM today. So that is haphazard, a little bit aggressive, has a lot of things that you want to take care of in a hurry. But slow down, if you can.
The energy throughout the rest of the evening might be sort of very high energy. Libra Moon is social and especially with a great big Full Moon out there. And the Moon and Jupiter will be in the sky together as we come closer to this Full Moon that we are going to have tomorrow night.
The Full Moon is going to be at 10 degrees of Scorpio. That Full Moon is at 8:58 PM Sunday night. It is related to a Solar Eclipse that we had in November of 2013. So things that were seeded or began during that time in November or the fall, somewhere around the fall of November of 2013. Then have their root in the story line that we have with this Full Moon going on here. So a lot of things will be uncovered, exposed. Scorpio is about all of these deep dark issues. These intense things that are going on. Everything that is being exposed with the Me Too Movement and the whole Harvey Weinstein era and more. There are things in government that will be exposed with the Full Moon.
The money part of it is very huge. So lots of money laundering, lots of money to be found, lots of money that maybe comes through with estates and any kind of inheritance that sort of thing. Maybe you need to hire…definitely when the Moon is in Scorpio you need to hire a professionals for all that you do. That Scorpio Moon will be swelling.
But I don’t want to miss that there is Moon opposite Uranus on Sunday at 11:31 AM. That will begin a void of course Moon period. That also sets the tone for this Libra Moon that says, “If you meet someone that you fall madly in love with tonight while you are out socializing in this lovely Libra Moon energy, it is likely to just get dropped or move on. Or just not work out in the way that you had planned.” Because the Moon will oppose, which causes separation, with Uranus who suddenly breaks things off and snaps things. So it is like you never saw this coming. The Full Moon means that people are ending. They are discussing endings and they are also discussing how to divvy things up, cut things up from any of their shared resources.
So for Sunday after 3:11 AM the Scorpio Moon will swell right up until 8:58 PM, right at that eclipse degree. This makes a highly intense Full Moon that will travel with Jupiter all through the night from Moon rise to Moon set. That is going to be right high up in the sky. Right around midnight through 1:30 in the morning there will be a very beautiful Moon Jupiter in the sky. It would be quite the thing to see.
The Moon will be completely aligned with Jupiter in Scorpio Monday afternoon. The sight in the sky will be beautiful.
However the final act of the Scorpio Moon forms a 150 degree aspect. That is that lives messy clean it up aspect. It is called a quincunx. It forms that to Uranus at the 29th degree of Aries. Making the Scorpio Moon sign extremely risky and filled with chaos, out of order. Not good for money matters. Certainly not good for joining in anything. Not taking out a long term mortgage or a marriage or anything that is about aligning yourself with another because somewhere along the line things change very drastically. So businesses that start up may have a sudden break up. Or even existing business might show a lot of break ups as well.
There is a nice aspect on Sunday. 6:04 AM the Sun is trine Saturn. So this is a nice relaxing tone for the staunch posture of the rule maker Saturn, so in the name of reason. So this can be also, as we notice with the global affairs with North and South Korea, their events that took place way prior to this are really under the influence of the Sun trine Saturn. As we noticed astrologically that things will happen days before an aspect is complete.
The tone tends to relax the rules. People may feel as though they have more control over their own life. There may be a sense of rationality, steady accomplishment, success in overcoming obstacles. So this is very good for relations around the world and also as we look forward in our personal relationships.
But I would pick a different Moon sign to advance your goals in personal relationships. There are all those things to be concerned about with the Full Moon and the Uranus energies as well. The Full Moon again is 8:58 PM Sunday night.
Monday we still have the Scorpio Moon. That Scorpio Moon will be also making an aspect to the Lunar Nodes. The Sun in particular will square the Lunar Nodes. This goes along with the intensity of this time making a shift in posture and especially for public positions. Those in a position of power are taking a firm hold on their objectives. In the concerns of the average person it may mean you are taking charge financially. Because of this Taurus and Scorpio energy a lot of money matters are being sorted out or being exposed. These are the problems.
These are how we have to address them. This is how we need to move forward. This is what we have to cash in or get rid of. That sort of thing. It might be a good time to sell your house, but it is not a particularly good time to buy a house. So you may want to hold on to the other end of that transaction if you can.
Ceres is part of this. Ceres is about children and care-taking. Ceres is aligned exactly with the North Node as the Sun makes the square to it. Shows that there is such a seriousness in current affairs. This is the matter that addresses the needs of children. could be the answer to the ongoing DACA matter. Those are the children here, the dreamers as they call them.
So there is also an aspect between Venus and Saturn on Monday as well. We are talking about Monday here with all this nodal axis stuff. Venus and Saturn may find some temporary support. Maybe some money or there might be a band aid for instance that is used to sort out money matters and business matters. It is also assisting those who are in-firmed or elderly. Funding is highly restrictive but given in need if you will look around and suffer through the long lines and process of it.
Tuesday –
There is on Tuesday still a Scorpio Moon sign, which will be void of course at 9:50 AM. That is after the Moon is making its quincunx to Uranus. That aspect does flip things around. Mercury is not retrograde, but it is still in its retrograde shadow. That will continue even through next week.
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
So we have a Green Light period however after the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius at 11:19 AM. That is on Tuesday. It will continue right through until 8:50 PM on Thursday. So that is a nice long Green Light period. There is a couple of active signs about money rolling into the picture. Anything having to do with international deals, educational purposes are high on the list with the Sagittarius Moon. Immigration matters and money for business. However, there are some restrictions ahead. So there is no free lunch. Wait until after 11:00 PM on Tuesday to get the best results out of this Sagittarius Moon sign. That making Wednesday one of the better picks of the day of the Moon sign.
There are no major aspects going on between the planets. There is a blind spot however at 6:09 PM when the Moon is square Neptune. So you want to clear that. And there is also earlier in the morning the Moon is quincunx the Sun at 10:48 AM. This is when you need to call in the adjuster to see the problems that the storm brought, if there is a big storm. Or after an accident and you have to have things assessed. Or just the need for an assessor of some sort.
That would say looking at all things considered Thursday is your super Green Light day. That would be right from the start there is not much going on there on Thursday planet wise. The Moon is trine Uranus making it an excellent day especially for getting help from friends to forward your goals that is at 8:50 PM on Thursday marking the potential for a void of course Moon period.
Thursday night the Moon enters Capricorn and is positioned to make a square to Uranus. The Capricorn Moon is going to be very, very risky. That ends that beautiful Green Light period that we have. So then you want to take a break. Don’t make all sorts of plans based on your good luck that you had during the Green Light period because you need to get passed the problems that come and eat up your rewards so to speak.
Friday there is a boost even though we have a cranky Capricorn Moon. We have the Sun split parallel Jupiter. This can be very over confident. Something could fall flat for what you had hoped for. But there is a boost. There is a promise. Sometimes the promise is greater than the prize. And there are social blunders that can be associated with it. There also is a signal that whatever it is you are looking to purchase it may be over priced or overrated. It is too little too late. So you want to be careful about engaging with all of that high energy pie in the sky type of thing that is going on with the Sun and Jupiter aspect. It is exact at 10:31 PM. But it really is going through all throughout the day on Friday and in through the evening. So you want to get a completely new perspective before you move forward with any of those goals. That runs pretty much the whole week there. Ending the week with a Capricorn Moon that doesn’t end until next Sunday May 6th at 10:48 AM. Then the Moon will go into Aquarius for a nice Green Light period that will come up. So that’s it for the week.
There is a class tomorrow noon time. I need you to please let me know about your attendance for class. 617 – 924 – 0929. Also you can text me at 617 – 558 – 7233 (just add your name). That will be a two hour class from noon until 2:00. So that is it for the week. Have a great week and enjoy a couple of Green Light period days. It is spring time finally.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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