Monday, April 2, 2018

Astrology Report - March 31 - April 7 by Dietrech Pessin

Listen to the WZBC Astrology Radio Report here:

The full report is dense but worth the read as there is additional information not in the recorded version.

Green Light Sunday during the Libra Moon after 2:29 PM until 6:31 PM. The final aspect Sunday night occurs at 6:31PM is the Libra Moon parallel Neptune. Your judgement might be off or you may encounter unforeseen problems, however things work out because of a strong sense of responsibility. This is the influence of the Mars and Saturn conjunction Monday.

Green Thursday April 5 & 6 after 8:30 AM Thursday until 9:35 AM Friday. The final aspect of the Moon will determine the nature of the Green Light period. In this case the Moon is in a harmonious trine to Uranus. thus giving you intelligent insight during the whole time the Moon is in Sagittarius beginning on Wednesday but there is a hook made by retrograde Mercury square Mars early Wednesday, then retrograde Mercury square Saturn early on Thursday.

It's after the Moon square Neptune at 8:20 AM 4/5 that clears the way for a nice Green Light period for the rest of Thursday and into Friday morning at 9:26 AM.

You might try to stretch your intentions for your goals beyond that time when the Moon is still in Sagittarius until 2:01PM. An ancient astrologer William Lilly, ruled that the Moon is never void of course in Sagittarius (or Taurus, Cancer and Pisces. The rule is determined by the major constellations at the end of each of those signs except when the Moon is its home sign of Cancer.

Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, March 31, 2018 – Saturday, Aril 7, 2018

Monday’s Mars – Saturn conjunction dominates the energies this week.
An added note about Vesta, the investor and keeper of our economy is entered in Sunday’s report.

Good morning. Happy Full Moon. There is a Full Moon in Libra. It happened at 8:37 AM this morning. The Moon occurred at 10 degrees and 44 minutes of Libra so if you have planets in the opposite sign, Aries where the Sun is or in Libra, where the Moon is, or maybe square to those points, which would be Capricorn and Cancer; this Full Moon maybe driving home its message to you in a greater way. This Full Moon has a lineage. It goes back to its beginnings September 30th 2016. So reflect back to how those new beginnings relate to now. The beginning do not have to be exactly on that date but around that date where the seed was planted for this particular Libra Full Moon.

The First Quarter for this Full Moon happened 9 months later that is the Lunar Gestation Cycle. That was on June 30th 2017. And here we are with the Full Moon March 31st 2018. And this full moon also has a future with a Last Quarter Moon which will occur in 9 months from now which will be December 29, 2018. So that is this Full Moon family. That is the topic of the book that I wrote titled Lunar Shadows III, The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses.. There is a whole section on Lunar patterns in the appendix. All the tables going back into the 20’s and all sorts of personal or historical topics can be researched by finding these patterns. You can predict the future by identifying the onset of the patterns in the past.

Patterns are the topic of this Full Moon. This Full Moon is about not only the patterns in your life, but what about the practices in your life. How is it that you incorporate a practice for bringing about the type of foundation that you wish to lay out for yourself? This is based on the strong conjunction of Mars and Saturn. That is exact on Monday but it is very strong in this Full Moon chart. So it brings about the full exposure of matters of things like justice, fairness, relationships, marriage or divorce. There may be matters of social interest that reveal their list of inclusion or exclusion.

There is also a seriousness about this Full Moon very much so. It is very serious, which includes that practice or methods or rituals which are primary to the future of your goals. The boarders and lines of division are talked about but could be cut off as not practical. Those are defined by the Mars Saturn conjunction and then the opposition that the Full Moon has to Mercury, which is about cutting off communications. It may have to redesign communications in regards to things like that. That could create also the architectural plans for instance for the foundation of a building, a house, a wall. Anything that you need to create some structure, for this needs to be rethought. History is the best teacher of the future and there is also a message from history that comes through with this Full Moon. So you want to use and apply what you have learned as the key to your future.

And that Full Moon has a quality of influencing your decisions about personal relationships in a strong way. So when people lose their temper and say things that are filled with contempt, these are the types of things that can really injure relationships. You must be careful and also have a lot of patience with yourself and others, because relationships could end unnecessarily or perhaps it is time for these things. But in other ways this energy could be bringing people together. Long term Indications are evident for this particular Full Moon. Long term consequences too, long term unions, long term mergers that sort of thing.

Saturday March 31, 2018
For today Venus entered the sign of Taurus this morning at 12:54 AM and it will travel in the sign of Taurus until April 24th. That is an excellent place for Venus. The harmony of Venus is much more the nature with her basic interest of family traditions, money and acquisitions being in this home sign and comfort zone. Venus represents our money our investments our family our traditions. It is wonderful for family dinners around the holidays that we have right now.

Sunday April 1, 2018

For Sunday…so that included the aspects for Saturday here with a Libra Moon that continues all the way, even into Sunday.

For Sunday’s aspect a couple of cranky aspects where the Moon will square Pluto and then the Moon will opposite Uranus at 2:29 PM. Uranus is the wacky planet that is flipping things around in a real jack in the box kind of way.
There is something that goes on between the Sun and Mercury at 1:53 PM Sunday. This is where they join. And they are joining at 12 degrees of Aries. Some of you know that you have planets there. So there could be some message regarding the things that matter to you that are close to home. Or have things to do with your business your practice of trying to start something up. Communications are a factor in a way that begins a whole new networking line or line of traffic.

The aspect that defines the Libra Moon, as far as its final aspect, would be the Moon parallel Neptune. So this has to do with soothing the new direction that had taken place during this Full Moon. And it is sort of like the smoke from incense. It could also be a smoke screen. So it has an ethereal base to it. It is exact at 6:31 PM which begins the void of course Moon period that runs until the Moon changes signs on Sunday at 6:57 PM. Try to avoid new relationships based on shared addictions. Unless it is something like a recovery program, then that would be a good thing to engage yourself with.

There is also something really important on Sunday after the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. We have that Scorpio Moon that will be with us until Wednesday. During that time Vesta moves into Capricorn. It is the investor. Vesta is about scared space. Vesta is about building for yourself a temple or a tabernacle, a table of ritual, which would sustain you. On a mundane level, Vesta rules homeland security and safety structures. Especially with the support of Saturn and Mars in Capricorn that are designing a good safe structure. So Vesta is entering Capricorn would be occurring exactly at 9:44 PM on Sunday. This would run for quite some time, and we will talk about that when I find the date that it leaves Capricorn. But it is going to be for some months.

An additional note about Vesta was added after the radio report:

It first it will turn retrograde on May 8 at 5 Capricorn and travel back into Sagittarius on June 13. Vesta then turns direct in Sagittarius August 1, 2018 at 22 degrees. It is not until September 17 that Vesta returns to Capricorn where it travels in direct motion until December 1, 2018.

I can’t help but relate the transit of Vesta to the tweets Mr. Trump made on Sunday, April 1, 2018 as he was venting on immigration, “No More DACA Deal” and Threatens Nafta. New York Times.

Vesta has everything to do with both of these issues as with Trump’s border wall and the US economy. Looking forward, it is the day before Trump’s birthday that Vesta retrogrades in opposition to his Mercury (statements- thinking) in Cancer (children). It is interesting that he uses the DACA children as bargaining chips in his relationships with Congress even with countries as this is directed at Mexico.

When Vesta turns retrograde it can influence a reversal of his stand on these issues or make other pronouncements. The backlash can be noted to be large at that time. Seeing further the next connect to Trump is the direct station of Vesta (22 Sagittarius) at his very own Moon (21 Sagittarius). This hits home and effects the people of the US. It may also signal matters regarding his marriage and son as those of his other children.

On September 17 when Vesta returns to Capricorn it may indicate the further sorting out of these matters and how it effects our commerce and is a topic in the primaries for the mid-term elections in November. All things are likely to become so expensive with all of the new tariffs and end to trade agreements. I would advise you save all of your money and spend very little on things which are not necessary before seeing how our economy and direction in government develops.


Moving onto Sunday’s Moon sign change into Scorpio Sunday night. The Moon’s final aspect in Scorpio is quincunx Uranus. That is an indication that things could be wildly unstable for finances and flip around during the Scorpio Moon sign over this next couple of days.

Then what we have for the Scorpio Moon a couple of things. Later on Sunday night the Moon is opposite Venus which may cut off communication in or about relationships temporarily as the night winds down.

Monday April 2, 2018

For Monday April 2nd we have that very important conjunction of Mars and Saturn at 11:44AM. This might help you to identify and honor the positive patterns in your life. If you want help with finding the patterns in your life, astrology is an excellent method for laying those things out on the table. Certainly at Full Moons is a good time to investigate and invest in that type of information as well. You may also want to invest in your practice of body, mind and more. Use this renewal cycle of Mars and Saturn to create a solid structure in your life that insures your safety and stability and honors the family core. And remember you are the core.
Mercury split parallel Neptune in the 6:00 PM hour of Monday. This one may have some weather, some fog, some confusion whether it in inside or out.

There is an aspect of the Moon and the Sun. it is a quincunx, 7:04 PM. So something may roll into the road and stop your progress. I call it life’s messy clean it up. That is what a quincunx is. It is something that needs to be tended to in the immediate and can’t be put off for later. So with the Scorpio Moon things may need to be recorded in an accounting fashion for what it takes to clean up some mess or to create some kind of new work plan. It is also a work aspect and it could be good for hire or fire in work situations.

Tuesday April 3, 2018

The Moon’s final aspect in Scorpio is quincunx Uranus 10:25 PM Tuesday until Wednesday at 2:55 AM. That is an indication that things could flip around during the Scorpio Moon sign over this next couple of days. Whew!

Also we have on Tuesday still a Scorpio Moon. Now Mercury is still retrograde and it has been retrograde since the 22nd of March. It continues until the 15th of April. The aspects that we have with the Scorpio Moon on Tuesday include Moon conjunct Jupiter. Now Jupiter is the planet in Scorpio that has been unearthing all of the things from the muck and the yuck of life. And it brings about things that are almost far too deep or far too messy to handle on your own. So you may need to hire some type of professional to be able to go through what it is you need to do to sort things out. It could be about also about estates and about deeper finances, forensic searches and finances that sort of thing. Anything having to do with past history that is unsavory. Things that you wouldn’t want your children to hear. That sort of thing.

Then still with the Scorpio Moon it is void of course at 10:25 PM when the Moon’s final aspect is quincunx Uranus. That is an indication that things could flip around during the Scorpio Moon sign over this next couple of days.
Things could be wildly unpredictable they could be filled with reversals. You may want to keep good records of what is going on and what your next step would be. A lot of things that have to do with what is your next step over this time period is kind of as best you can, wait and see. You don’t want to initiate any legal action during a Mercury retrograde, especially one with all of this heavy nature going on. You want to wait until after. The problem with waiting until after Mercury turns direct is that Saturn will go retrograde on the 17th of April. So we need to clear that. Probably the following week is the better time to take action during Mercury direct for any legal matter that you might want to address unless you are answering a legal matter.

So then looking forward as the void of course Moon that begins at 10:25 PM Tuesday night runs until 2:5% AM on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday April 4, 2018

The Moon enters Sagittarius on Wednesday at 2:55 AM. The final aspect is very nice for the Sagittarius Moon as it will trine Uranus. It is very risky but very positive. It could be very uplifting as well. It starts with a nasty square between Mercury and Mars (argumentative). But that is not so soon to leave by the time the Sun rises on Wednesday. It can create all kinds of annoying noise in your house or in your head. It is exact at 3:05 AM in the Eastern Time zone. (That aspect has lingering tags on the next Mercury aspect on Thursday morning.)

Sun is parallel Mercury. This is about bringing together information that you can use for long term. That would be used in a positive way because you are expanding your awareness with a Sagittarius Moon and you are joining the forces of others who can help you to forward your goals.

Venus is square Ceres. Now Ceres is about the care of children. Also food issues. Venus square Ceres may indicate you are on the wrong track about your food, and you need to take a turn for more healthy eating. And also for taking care of babies, children, animals, pets. Speaking of pets, my Sweetpea (Dietrech’s parrot) is definitely improving. So thank you for all of your concern and prayers.

The Sun is joined with Neptune in a 30 degree aspect on Wednesday. This may have to do with opening a window in a mild way, in a soft way that is able to see through surrounding conditions. The aspects later are very positive for that Sagittarius Moon. But hold on until after the next cranky aspect Thursday April 5th Mercury is square Saturn at 4:22 AM.

So that would say leading from Wednesday night into Thursday morning there may be information that you have that just spins your head around and makes you worry. Try to put it off in a way that you can deal with it when the Sun is shining and not so much in the dark. There is nothing that you can do about it, when there is nothing that you can do about it. But there are plans you can make to resolve the issues later. Full Moons are great for showing the way for that. Rest of the aspects for Thursday are pretty positive. There is nothing that is in the way that causes any distraction to a great level or harm in any way.

Friday April 6, 2018

Friday April 6th we still have a Sagittarius Moon and there is its final aspect at 9:36 AM when it is trine Uranus. So that says there are unique ways during the Sagittarius Moon for sorting out your issues.

There is a nice aspect between Mercury and Venus 1:05 PM on Friday. That may have to do with making new connections, and maybe making those connections for love or for money or for things that are close to your heart. Maybe things about your pets or your children. Things your children are saying to you that you need to listen to.

Then there is a Capricorn Moon 2:01 PM. That will square Uranus before it leaves the sign. So the Capricorn Moon square Uranus on Friday has a negative quality to it in regard to business matters and family structure. And also for making decisions about family matters. Like say for instance your mother needs a knee replacement. You would not make that decision on that day. Speaking of knee replacements or hip replacements, anything having to do with the bones especially knees because that is ruled by Saturn. The teeth, replacing teeth, anything having to do with the structure of your mouth that would be under the canopy of this Mars and Saturn conjunction. You would need to be very cautious about scheduling things at times when Saturn is not favorable. I would stay away from Saturn’s retrograde station in the middle of the month of April (4/17) leading into it two weeks before and two weeks after, if you want to heal quickly.

Okay. So that is it for the week. this is a great week for discovering your patterns and using some sort of practice to enhance your life and forward your goals.

If you would like a copy of this report the written report will be available later at my website You can also find the audio file there. It will be on my website indefinitely. You can also join classes. We will have a class next Sunday at noon time. We will not have a class tomorrow. No class tomorrow. The class next Sunday will be at noon time until 2:00 PM. Space is limited so you want to sign up. But you can sign up on line. You can sign up with me. Give me a call and I will show you how to join us online for a virtual class. So that is it for the week and have a great one. And we will talk to you again next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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