Sunday, March 10, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 9 - 16, 2019

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]

The Class for March 10, 2019 explores those things hidden or disguised by
Mercury and Neptune's association during this Mercury retrograde period.

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, March 9, 2019 – Saturday, March 16, 2019
The following report is transcribed from the live radio broadcast.

Good Morning. With this Aries Moon you are likely to want to get up
and go if your alarm goes off. The Mercury retrograde is very active.
It is certainly creating lots of cobwebs all over everything.
Difficulties with technology plans being reversed and changed and all
sorts of tricks that Mercury retrograde normally brings.

Mercury will be retrograde until the 28th of March at 10:00 AM. So
that gives us several weeks here of good old Mercury retrograde games.
It is in the sign of Pisces. It aligns itself with Neptune when it has
finished its little tricks. So that is even more…more of this
craziness where it is causing a fog and a distortion, lies. But
Mercury is there trying to create a conversation behind the curtain,
trying to sort through.

But Mercury Neptune combination is considered the liar’s aspect in any
combination that it makes. So it is certainly presenting a big…it will
be presenting maybe a big lie by the end of the month.

But when it did turn retrograde on Tuesday the 5th is when it started.
It was right on the heels of the New Moon that we had. And that New
Moon was conjunct Neptune. So Neptune has been a big player. It is
also bringing back people from the past. If you have run into people
you haven’t seen over the past 20 years this is the time to reconnect.
And there can also be a lot of things that you find that you have lost
and you can re-find. Retrograde means redo, renew, review. There are a
lot of things that fit into that category. If you want to retry
Saturday March 9

So we have a couple of Green Light periods during this week. The Aries
Moon today presents a heavy alignment with Saturn early morning.
Well, the Sun and Saturn are in alignment of 60 degrees which presents
an opportunity to make or restore a solid connection. The connection is
about creating the boundaries or allowing for that type of commitment
to the base of the issue or the base of the foundation. There are things
that you might embrace that seem to be more productive than others.
You want to nurture some old friendships then embrace any new ones.
A new one may not show up in the end.

The ideas that you have over these couple of days during this Aries
Moon may be valuable but only if you hold on to them past the 28th
of March. So keep a lot of things under wraps because of a lot of
stealing going on with all of this Mercury Neptune stuff. The myth was
that when Mercury was born right from his cradle, he stole the horses
of one of the other Gods. Either Jupiter or Apollo. I forget which
one. So he is definitely a thief. He can easily pull the wool over your

So that bridge that you cross today and tomorrow may definitely need
some repair or wrap things around, which have a lot of ties to next
year with Saturn and Pluto parallel all day today. That speaks to the
conjunction that they will make a year from now, which we are living
under that canopy all this year. So it is a very intense aspect. It is
the kind of thing that rips up the roads for a long time to change the
infrastructure underneath. It is great for literally rebuilding
bridges, rebuilding the infrastructure. You could possibly need to
change a furnace in your house or change a pacemaker or make changes
to the core of our situations at all levels.

The Moon will be void of course at 11:54 PM after it makes a split
parallel to Neptune. So during this Aries Moon throughout today it may
present a case of what would seem to be magical thinking. Those things
end up being just a consolation prize in the end if any.
The Aries Moon is not a good Moon for starting things. It is not a
good Moon for agreeing or making contracts because it will end with

On Sunday, March 10th the Moon enters Taurus at 2:09 after the Moon is
void of course from the night before 11:54 PM until 2:09 AM Sunday.
Remember to turn your clocks ahead. It is spring forward.

So this is a Moon, the Taurus Moon, which is about coming together
again. Someone from the past. it can be a time when you change your
mind. It is a positive manifestation of the Mercury retrograde in some
way. The issue with this particular Taurus Moon is an aspect between
Mercury and Venus will happen on Monday. It is a semi-square. They
can’t actually be 90 degrees apart. it is impossible. But they can be
45 degrees apart and that happens on Monday. So that is influencing
this Taurus Moon that starts tomorrow morning actually at 2:10 AM
until 11:47 AM on Tuesday. It is a long one. It will during this time
have the type of communication with others that it attempts to make
peace or make sense or connect others. There just may be no go because
Mercury and Venus in a semi-square and the pair is not agreeable.

So the aspects for tomorrow: Venus and Mars are in an aspect where
they come together very briefly for something. Venus [is the] love
planet, money planet. Mars is the action planet, the male planet, the
drive, the work. They come together very shortly. This may have to
with maybe a short job or something like that.

Then Mars is in an aspect with Neptune. It is bound to bring some wet
weather. Of course that happens all over the place now. And there is a
willingness to take action based on faith with that aspect. The power
of belief is strong. This is Sunday tomorrow and there is a lot of
ideological success. However Mercury being retrograde says you are
probably going to miss a lot of the red flags that go up. There is a
desire for adventure. You may be thinking about, “How can I take a
vacation?” You may try to plan one. It can be a display of powerful

Still on Sunday we have that Taurus Moon winding down the end of the
day and there is an enticing investment that may present itself. That
is in the evening. But it is influenced throughout the day. So if you
are going to an open house you may be very much enticed by a piece of
property you see.

Monday March 11th Green Light during this Taurus Moon. But it does
have to be considered after Mercury and Venus make that little semi
square. And also on Monday 11:26 AM the Moon is conjunct Mars. So that
is revving up the engines for the chariot. Maybe you feel as though
you would like to go out and search for a car. Lots of people buy cars
during Mercury retrograde. I’d say this is really not a good one to do
that. If you insist, then maybe later on Monday night. If you do some
Monday night shopping for a car that may be the time.
Taurus is the
sign of the chariot. It is also the zodiac sign of persuasion. So anything
that you need to do or need to accomplish make sure you have the
patience and the time to do the sweet thing to do the nice thing and
to be persuasive. Don’t be pushy. Taurus Moons do not like it.
The Moon enters Gemini 11:48 AM Tuesday. It is there until 5:49 PM
Thursday. During that time the Moon will square Mercury retrograde at
the end and create a void of course Moon that will last nearly a day…
So let’s find when that happens. We are still on Tuesday with the
Gemini Moon coming in. So lots of information stories and meetings and
connections flying around, but it doesn’t end well. So don’t agree to
Also on Wednesday Gemini Moon is still with us. Mercury is still
retrograde is the 13th of March. The Sun will make a 60 aspect degree
to Pluto. This is the toll keeper. So you have to approach the toll
keeper with very concise information if you want to advance. If you
want to connect to the next best level on the ladder you have to pay a
toll. This is a rather agreeable toll keeper right now with that
sextile opens the door. So maybe just at the right time when you
thought you had a long, long wait you might find that the door is
open. And you can connect with that person at the top or that one that
is holding the purse strings like a bank, someone like that.

Later on, the Sun will square Jupiter and find that maybe your
projections have over reached your goals. You possibly won’t be
considered for the loan that you are looking for, but maybe something
else. It is a Gemini Moon. This is about making connections,
networking so you might find a new lead to a place that you would
have better luck with.

Mercury does have the last word during this Gemini Moon. It is
retrograde. Anything that you do agree to is likely to be dropped. So
you want to be careful right through until 5:49 PM on Thursday.

The Gemini Moon has a couple of really big things on Thursday we watch
for. Mars is trine Saturn. This is allowing a tougher matter to slide
or relax. Money matters or government matters these things you might
find are showing some harness control of power. It could be a time
when it is easy to control or suppress anger or hostility. There is
lots of discipline and patience with this Mars trine Saturn on
Thursday. Getting things done, accomplished in a very practical
planned out deliberate manner. There are fortunate delays. So if you
end up with, “Oh it didn’t work out. We have to wait, wait.” That is a
good thing if that happens on Thursday.

A very important First Quarter Moon takes place on Thursday. This is
at 6:27 AM. This Moon phase has its roots in the path of a New Moon
that was planted last June of 2018. And it will reach the future with
more questions than it has answers. It is all those things that have
been swept under the rug and behind the curtain are being shook out
like fleas off a rug. So there are a lot of things especially as
Mercury is square with the Moon at the end of this Gemini trek. Say
this is really a kind of nasty Gemini Moon. So I would say also if you
are planning a trip, the route is likely to be littered with problems.
So I would plan another day to head out on a trip.

The Moon enters Cancer after a void of course Moon period from the
void of course Moon period is from 8:30 AM Thursday until 5:49 PM
Thursday. Void of course Moon periods mean you don’t want to make any
plans, start anything up because you are likely to have things fall
through. They don’t work out as you planned.

The Moon enters Cancer at 5:49 PM and is there until Saturday night.
That is March 16th Saturday night.

On Thursday night what we have during this Cancer Moon is the Sun
joins Mercury and it collects confidential information. Plans and
appointments may change or they may be better if you do them over for
some reason or another. Especially if they are medical things.

For Friday Cancer Moon, the Cancer Moon has to face off with both
Pluto and Saturn. That actually happens next Saturday. But what that
does is it creates a bit of a damper for the Cancer Moon. Anything
that you are trying to bring together so that you can cuddle up in
your nest might be a little bit a little bit difficult. Or might be
some noise or some information or something that is broadcast that is
particularly loud and obnoxious with Mercury square Jupiter at 7:16 PM
on Friday night. Then later on Friday night, there may be some
pleasantries before the Moon will oppose Saturn and Pluto the next
morning. So that is it for the week. (51:26 STOP) have a great week.

The Aries Moon is not a good Moon for starting things. It is not a
good Moon for agreeing or making contracts because it will end with

Have a good week and thank you.

*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in
Watertown. There is limited space. And you can also join us online for
the class. You can contact me and I will tell you how to do that.
People have been joining online from all over the country. If you
contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about
that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the class.

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:

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