Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, March 2, 2019 – Saturday, March 9, 2019

There is a class today. We will be studying how Chiron, "The Fixer" -
"The Repairman" works in your chart.

Good Morning. This is quite the week. This week of March 2nd through
March 8th, a little bit of March 9th is going to be highly active.
We have Mercury turning retrograde on March 5th at 1:19 PM.
Uranus enters Taurus at 3:35 AM Wednesday, March 6.
New Moon also on Wednesday at 11:04 AM at 16 Pisces.

Then there is a change with Uranus where it will enter the sign of
Taurus. This is the third time, this is the third time as of last
year’s entrance on May 15th. And then it went retrograde back over
that zero degrees November 6th. The day of the election when the
Democrats took back the House. So going back in there now also speaks
to some of the same types of energies. So there is an advancement that
Taurus energy, Uranus and Taurus are about upsetting things. About big
money. Maybe people with big money are being exposed. Or that the
interesting thing about the Mercury retrograde is it occupies a point
where Chiron sits. Chiron is called "the fixer". And there it was
fixing, talking out loud for all the world to hear. Which is what its
position is all about at zero degrees of Aries. Chiron is
traditionally called the wounded healer, but Janet Booth uses the
symbolism of the fixer or the repairman. And it sure did play out in an
extremely loud manner this past week when Michael Cohen was speaking
before Congress.

So there are all sorts of things to watch with that going on. Mercury
coming up turning retrograde at that point. Also making statements,
retracting things. Maybe having something to do with the kinds of
information needed to take things to the next level. So it will be
very interesting.

It is also quite the week for haphazard energies. Both Mercury and
Uranus together, it is a really good idea to keep an eye on your
mechanical equipment, and your technical equipment, your computers. I
would avoid internet purchases, credit card transactions this week.
Use snail mail whenever it is more practical. And it could be slow
also because of the Mercury retrograde. So maybe you want to follow up
your letter in the mail or your check in the mail with a phone call.
Because there could be a major hacking of some sort that goes on this
week. So we want to be very careful. Keep your plans loose. All we can
see what most needs your attention.

The other thing is just a good idea that you might have today just
before noon may get reversed or flipped. So you want not to be too
vested in your great scheme that you invent today.

So let’s have a look at the week. Saturday, March 2nd has a Capricorn
Moon. The Capricorn Moon travels through with its last aspect square
to Uranus. So there is the sudden abrupt change at 1:47 PM. This can
suddenly make your plans go beyond what you had….here it has happened
for us at the NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) meeting
today. Bruce Scofield’s talk has been postponed because of the
weather. So there is no NCGR meeting today. We will miss that and pick
that up another time.

The change of Moon signs will happen today at 2:06 PM. Another
interesting thing about this week is that the Moon seems to be poking
along this week where it only covers three signs: Aquarius, Pisces,
and enters into the sign of Aries late midweek. That is also
interesting that the Aquarius Moon sign is very prominent in the
earlier part of the week. Aquarius is about the kinds of things where
all the people voices are being heard or wishes to be heard.
Things about the climate, ecology and anything having to do with what
is good for all, and not just for one.

So the Aquarius Moon will be with us from 2:06 PM today until 3:11 AM
on Tuesday.

There will be a Green Light period during that time which will occur
from the 2:06 PM 3/2, until 3:05 AM on Tuesday, 3/5. That is when the
Moon is making a nice aspect to Uranus. But this you want to hold with
a grain of salt. I would not launch the plan of your life under this Green
Light period which is Sunday, Monday, and into the wee hours of
Tuesday. Also this afternoon, and this evening just keep plans very
loose. Don’t sign any long term agreements because they could get
dropped, as the Uranus changes signs and Mercury reverses and goes
retrograde. So that is something that you want to keep in mind.

The Aquarius Moon is great for getting together with friends this
evening. Joining together with like-minded people. That would be really

All day Sunday kind of easy going. There is a little quirk in the
middle of the day. 1:53 PM when the Moon is square Mars. That could be
some problem with travel just at that time or maybe there is a little
bit of an argument. So you want to keep your cool. Keep your focus on

There is really nothing else going on for that Aquarius Moon sign.
Kind of easy going after that right in through Monday.

The Moon in Aquarius will host a very nice parallel between the Sun
and Neptune. This often brings about more white weather or wet
weather. So that aspect is also very dreamy and has a lot of things to
do with dance and art and anything that is fulfilling for the mind and
the spirit. You may want to take advantage of that 10:51 AM to invite
a spiritual essence into your life to help you to make better more
sound decisions and de-stress.

The afternoon and evening of Monday also seems as it if is sort of
going with the flow.

Then Tuesday there is a change early in the morning. We do have that
aspect where the Moon and Mercury join together, nearly while Mercury
is retrograde early Tuesday morning. And then it goes on to shake
things up with Uranus at 3:05 AM. That begins a void of course Moon
period until 3:10 AM.

Then the Moon enters Pisces until 3:27 PM Thursday. So that Pisces
Moon starts at 3:10 AM Tuesday. During the Pisces Moon is when the
dark of the Moon begins because there is a New Moon on the way on the
6th. That is Wednesday. Mercury will turn retrograde on Tuesday at
1:19 PM. It will be retrograde until March 28th. Mercury will be
conjunct Chiron, which is as I mentioned the fixer and the repairman.
So you want to watch that as things snap crackle and pop with the Sun
semi square Uranus as well. There is all sorts of things that are
making this day on Tuesday very active. Extremely energetic.

It is also ruled as the days of the week go by: the Moon rules Monday,
Mars rules Tuesday, Mercury rules Wednesday, Jupiter rules Thursday,
Venus rules Friday, Saturn rules Saturday, the Sun rules Sunday.

Well, the Mercury energy and the Uranus energy are all in that day of
Mars. So Tuesday is Mars day. That is when you are also trying to make
a decision. or any decision you have made it could be reversed.
Because Mercury is turning around and Uranus is leaving the sign
saying it doesn’t care about what your plans were, it is moving on. It
is leaving all of those things behind.

Then Wednesday during that Pisces Moon as the day changes Uranus comes
into Taurus at 3:27 AM. It remains there until 2026. That is a bit. It
will be in the sign of Taurus…as I mentioned it was there last year
May 15th. And it had then crossed that zero degree again November 6th.
The next time it comes around this way again will be in 2077. So it
takes a while for it to make its route around the Sun.

The New Moon occurs at the 16th degree of Pisces on Wednesday at 11:04
AM. If you want to set your intention for something magical. This is
for plans for things that are behind the scenes. A lot of things that
have to do with substance abuse and psychological issues and things
that need attention for problems that are hard to diagnose. And also
hard to break like bad habits and things like that. It would be
perhaps a good time to quit smoking or quit any other habit that seems
to be complicating your life.

The Moon is joined by the Sun conjunct Neptune is at 8:00 PM on Wednesday.
The 6th. What I want to say about that…is that this is
the culprit for so much of this wandering around in a daze. People
have been complaining, they just can’t seem to grab hold of anything.
That there is just all this elusive energy, sleepy energy, sort of out
of consciousness kind of thing. This is the culprit, the New Moon
taking place right where Neptune occurs. So the good news is that
after this aspect is finished, and the Sun can move on, then it should

Then on Thursday the 7th the Moon is coming together again at the end
of the sign with Mercury. that would be at 2:08 PM on Thursday. This
could look good for some type of coming together. It could be
positive, a positive manifestation of the Mercury retrograde. Somebody
could be coming back from your past. But Mercury is in a sign, while in
Pisces is considered a weak sign, without great commitment. A sign that waffles.
I however see it as a powerful sign which is illusive and operates
in a disguised and completely subtle fashion It is hard to diagnose
the issues in that sign. With the Mercury station there this may be
the time to experience the issues but many slip through the cracks.
Relationships could come back. A friend could
come back, but then it might be temporary.
Very often we will find that these retrograde
periods do bring friends back from the past, but they don’t
necessarily stay for a long time. It is just a reconnect. A nice visit
from the past.

The Thursday energy is positive in the evening. There is a bit of a
squabble between Mercury and Mars. 1:18 PM on Thursday. This aspect
could cause some difficulty when you are trying to agree to things
before moving onto the next point.

Also the Moon changes signs. So the Moon is at the very end of Pisces.
It is not really ever void of course in Pisces. But it changes signs
and goes into Aries at 3:27 PM. It will be in the sign of Aries which
is an action sign actively involved in the process of getting things
going, from 3:27 PM until Sunday March 10th at 3:10 AM. So it is a
long stretch when that Aries Moon is with us stirring things up,
heating things up. Having people move forward in aggressive fashion.
So Thursday is rather high energy and aggressive Mercury is
retrograde. All sorts of things could change. Your pizza could be
delivered next door. Anything that you try to set out to do you may
have to rethink, redo, review, reconsider, and recharge things before
you move forward.

Friday morning nice aspect between the Moon and Venus starts the day
off in a pleasant mood. Then the Sun is headed for a 60 degree aspect
to Saturn as the day continues through Friday. That aspect is not
exact until Saturday but it will influence Friday night. That is it
for the week. (49:01 STOP)

The Aries Moon is not a good Moon for starting things. It is not a
good Moon for agreeing or making contracts because it will end with

Have a good week and thank you.

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