Monday, February 25, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Feb 23 -Mar 1, 2019 with Green Light Days

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, February 23, 2019 – Saturday, March 2, 2019

Good Morning. It is quite the week with some changes going on, mostly
with Venus and Uranus. And things we are leading up to the big event
with Uranus that is actually not going to happen until the 6th of
March after Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th of March. But there are
all sorts of leads into what we could expect or not expect.

I want to remind everyone Bruce Scofield will be with us at 10:00.
From 10:00 to 11:00, which should be some pretty interesting
information about the Jupiter and Saturn cycles/conjunctions
throughout history and in our present time as well. He will be at the
NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) meeting next week at
the senior center in Belmont. So you will want to join. He has a
wonderful book out, Astrological Chart Calculations: An Outline of
Conventions and Methodology. Calculating astrological charts, which is
definitely vital for anyone trying to learn astrology in the way that
we all learned it back in the day.

So what we have here for Venus. It was conjunct Pluto last night. So
there was some very deep stories maybe. You know these things carry
into our dreams. There may have been issues of jealousy, and issues of
money, jealousy around money. Well, there certainly was a big topic, a
Venus-Pluto story with Robert Kraft and the prostitution ring sting
that he was nailed on. So that is a very Venus-Pluto story that took
place yesterday. That was during the Libra Moon, so trying to balance
out matters between people and relationships and anything having to do
with justice and our ability to compromise and make peace of subjects.

That Libra Moon carries on to oppose Uranus at 10:10 AM this morning.
It doesn’t leave much room for a softening aspect, which is Moon
parallel Neptune. So there is the consolation prize. I always see
Neptune at the end of the sign as bringing some sort of consolation
prize. Sometimes it is for the longer term. It could be the way to “slip
out the back, Jack.” It could be the type of event that creates a
different perspective. Perhaps one that is smoky or a smoke screen or
something that is about the roof or the basement. Could be a leak. But
the parallel happens at 10:24 AM which ends the trek of the Libra Moon
bringing on a void of course Moon until 10:56 AM this morning.

And then the Moon will enter Scorpio for a couple of days. It has its
final aspect with an upset to Uranus. It is a quincunx that will occur
on Monday at 3:40 PM. But in between all that during the Scorpio Moon
Mercury is sextile Pluto trying to get the facts about these deep dark
subjects. And also things about money and trying to investigate any
type of spending or records. And anything having to do with contracts
with others. Those with lots of money, those with lots of commitment
with the Capricorn energy. Pluto’s Capricorn energy.

That would lead us into Sunday…well, this evening before Sunday we
have Moon opposite Mars at 10:12 PM. That could cause a conflict. It
could cause a bit of a fight or a bite. So you want to be careful
about engaging. Just stay the course with that Scorpio Moon. It could
be tough. I would say keep yourself safe on this Saturday night here
and just travel with people in couples or groups.

That takes us into the Scorpio Moon that we have Sunday. Not much
going on with that Scorpio Moon. There is a nice sextile. That is a 60
degree aspect to Saturn on Sunday afternoon. So that leads us into the
ability to have an opportunity to set some boundaries and limits.

Then on Monday the Scorpio Moon is still with us. There are no major
aspects. The final event would be Moon quincunx Uranus at 3:40 PM on
Monday. So that entire Scorpio energy leads into the Moon quincunx
Uranus, where most of the Moon signs until Uranus changes signs will
have to… I would say all of them would have to make contact with
Uranus being at such a late degree.

Uranus is now 29 degrees of Aries sitting on the threshold of between
Aries and Taurus. So there are all sorts of surprises and openings
and unlocking. So it is going to be very, very interesting. It is from
3:40 PM until 4:19 PM. The Moon is void of course. Then the Moon
enters the sign of Sagittarius.

The Moon will be in an excellent aspect with Uranus bringing us a
couple of Green Light days, which we haven’t seen a whole lot of. This
is the last Sagittarius Moon sign before Uranus changes signs. So this
is where we are going to gather our greatest amount of information.
Things will be broadcast. There will be a broader view of topics
expanded by some of the things that have been found or further useful.

The Venus energy comes in with Venus on the Lunar Node. That has to do
with bringing people together for the purpose of money. Joining with
women, joining with groups, having friendship be the motivator for
people collecting. But this is mostly for how it looks on the outside.
This is not about deep warm feelings of love for one another. This is
more about business, for instance.

Tuesday there is a Quarter Moon very important Quarter Moon. This
takes place at 7.5 degrees of Sagittarius. So if you are born at the
end of the month of November in 2016. Well, if you were born any year
but can look back to November of 2016, you can see where these
matters were begun with a New Moon that happened back then. There was
a New Moon in Sagittarius. And there is a Moon family associated with
this Last Quarter Moon beginning November 29th, 2016. These matters
were actively involved with forwarding related goals seeded at that
New Moon to the First Quarter Moon, August 29th of 2017. That is just
after that Solar Eclipse that we were all looking up at, back here in
the United States. That was a week later. And all the cards were
available for a related Full Moon May 29th, 2018.

So finally there is a reward or a consequence at this last Quarter
Moon that we have on February 26th. It will be at 6:27 AM. There could
be a time to pay up or get paid for efforts that you have put into a
project. Or if you are interested in collecting a debt or you need to
pay up a debt and collect. Also any debt for past deeds as well.

Many subjects such as things about education and students and
immigration issues: such as the wall and foreign travel and clergy
abuse. All those things might be the topics with Tuesdays Last Quarter

There is a Green Light that I mentioned will come in on the
Sagittarius Moon sign. You could probably start that with Monday
evening at 4:19 PM. However, I think it might be best to wait until the
Quarter Moon has made its hit at 6:27 AM on Tuesday. And then begin
your efforts to advance your goals with a Green Light, saying that you
have the ability to move forward in an area where there is the least
amount of resistance for your problems.
There is even a really nice Sun and Mars aspect that comes up on
Wednesday at 9:33 PM. This 60-degree aspect also reaches back to a
Solar Eclipse degree that we had in 2014, when Mars by that time on
Wednesday will be reactivating an old Solar Eclipse that we had. So
bringing up those issues from the spring of 2014.

It is Venus that really has a lot of things, an Astro-memory going on
here, when it reaches that 28 degrees of Capricorn. It will be there
on Wednesday night throughout Wednesday.

To finish off with the Sagittarius Moon, the Moon will be trine to
Uranus at 1:17 AM on Thursday. That ends that Green Light period.
Although there is a little bit of stretch of a void of course Moon
period in Sagittarius until 1:48 AM on Thursday.

The Thursday energy probably comes up against some bad advice, where
the great advisor Pallas is at odds with Venus. So they are not
necessarily in great shape. That reminds me of the great weaving
contest that they had back in mythology. So there was a lot of
competition there. But Venus is headed for a square to Uranus. So
there is something some sudden abrupt change where there could be a
loss of friendship, a loss of good associations.

Also there are links that we have that go back to other times, with
Venus at 28 degrees of Capricorn remembers back in December of 2013
when Venus made a retrograde station at that time. And that brought
about a period of trial and tribulation that went on for quite a long
time. That 28 degree is also a point where Mars had turned direct
after being retrograde last summer. So this is a hot spot where Venus
will make its square to Uranus. So this hot spot is activated in the
strongest way at 7:32 AM on Friday. So this is not a good time to
engage in projects during that Capricorn Moon, where you may want to
advance your goals. I would definitely hold off until after Venus
changes signs. But waiting for a good Green Light day.

Venus will change signs on Friday 11:45 AM and the Moon heads for the
top of the Capricorn peak with some ammunition from its contacts with
Pluto. And then the illusions come in from Venus and Neptune. Only to
end abruptly with an order to drop a bad plan When the Capricorn Moon
ends its trek next Saturday. Capricorn is all about business.

So it is a very interesting week. We should hear a lot of things.
Experience a lot of things. I would say that business is risky.
Especially where Uranus is at that very last degree. There might be
something that is left off or dropped off or surprisingly reverses
itself, so that you may not be able to hold on. I would hold off even
during the Mercury retrograde period to take advantage of some better
times. That would be next month. So that is it for this week. (49:08
STOP) Take care and have a great week.

*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in
Watertown. And you can also join us online for the class. You can
contact me and I will tell you how to do that. People have been
joining online from all over the country. If you contact me by phone
or email. Got to my website for information about that. Anyone who
joins the class gets a copy of the class.

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

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