Saturday, February 16, 2019

Astrology Report from WZBC Radio with Dietrech Pessin Feb 16 - 23, 2019

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, February 16, 2019 – Saturday, February 23, 2019

Good Morning. Healing is the topic this week because of the fact that
Chiron is changing signs. Now Chiron is labeled the wounded healer. So
much of what we are going through is processing the pain of the past.
Where it is in Pisces right now for the last couple of days...for
anyone who has been suffering a life time of pain and anguish of
emotional[KC1] nature where you have been trying to find a way to
heal thy self, while Chiron spent one of its longest treks in the sign
of Pisces. It will spend another long trek in the sign of Aries when
it changes signs on Tuesday. It will be there until 2027. And it did
go… not on Tuesday, but on Monday. It did go into Aries briefly last
year. So this is an opportunity to take the type of…a sense of self to
explore a sense of self where you may take that voyage of
self-discovery. And the feelings that you may have been experiencing
of worthlessness or depression or sadness associated with all the
things of the past, as it goes into Aries we get a release in a quick
way, on one way. But it is going to take a while, as it is there for
several years. But it unpeels things quickly and helps you to move, on
move forward to uncover that psychological wound, and then find the
worth within the self. So this is a really powerful time to be
observing, working with others, working on a spiritual level.

We are going to be addressing this in class tomorrow too, Chiron at
zero degrees of Aries, and what this means to all of us no matter
where Chiron when you were born. There is that sense of releasing and
peeling the onion and finding the core of your being and worth
thereof. I think it should be a very interesting class.

There is only a brief Green Light period this week,(Monday but better Tuesday
but have no fear there will be lots of openings and discovery periods that will help to lead you
to more fertile period.

Coming up there is this Super Full Moon. It is super because it is
physically closest to the Earth as it gets in its path. So it is going
to look larger. It is going to feel larger. And then it is part of a
Moon family.

Now Moon families are that 9 month Lunar Gestation Cycle that I wrote
about in Lunar Shadows. It attaches four Moon phases starting with a
New Moon, and in the case of the Full Moon that would be a year and a
half ago. And the New Moon at that time was a brilliant Solar Eclipse
when we all remember in the summer of 2017 looking up at the sky
midafternoon for the Solar Eclipse in Leo. So the Full Moon is setting
that off. This Full Moon before it reaches its destination at zero
degrees of Virgo, it will cross that point of that Eclipse at 8:02 AM
on Tuesday morning. What this brings is all cards are on the table.

Now for those of you who know the President’s chart, his ascendant is
right there at 28 degrees of Leo, 29 Leo. So the Eclipse was right
there on his ascendant. So there was that seed that major seed that
was planted that would change things in his life. Here we are all the
cards are being laid out on the table. So there are many things to be
discovered not just in his life, but in the government. And then in
our own lives the details of what that means and how we can use that
energy in a positive way may come to us over this next couple of days.
Saturday Feb 16

There are…looking at the Moon in Cancer. That is where the Moon is
today for the next day until 10:21 AM tomorrow morning. But the Cancer
Moons all through this year are challenged. They are greatly
challenged because the Cancer Moon craves comfort of home and close
loyal ties. So finding those that they can trust can be a challenge
with Saturn and Pluto in the opposing court of Capricorn. It makes the
easy chair feel like it is lined with tacks. So there will be a
stronger, the stronger Super Full Moon nears to us. But the Cancer
energy addresses this Saturn Pluto energy that is going to be with us
for the next year. And it will be extremely strong this month, then
again in April. And Certainly July when there is a Lunar Eclipse and a
Solar Eclipse along the polarities of those signs. So the Cancer Moons
are really tough. As well as in October, then next January. So this is
a preview of things that need to be addressed and taken care of.

Saturn Pluto energy is sort of like having to replace the furnace in
the house. Or replace the infrastructure, things that are vital for
keeping things going. So the Cancer Moon that we have today makes a
few bumps as it goes through the sign. Where it bumped an opposition
to Venus at 9:23 AM. Then opposes Saturn this afternoon at 12:39 PM.
That may feel like it is releasing some of the heavy mood after that
happens. But it goes on to oppose Pluto at 9:38 PM. That Cancer Moon
is very busy trying to hold together any type of continuity. Wrapping
it arms around those things that it can hold on to and feel as though
it can grab some comfort somewhere. So family and friends, stay close
to home is probably the best thing to do. Stay warm and stay in touch
with those that you love.
Tomorrow Venus and Neptune are in a nice aspect where they seek to
soothe the energy. That affects tonight, later on tonight, and through
the early morning hours tomorrow.

The Moon will be in a quincunx, life’s messy clean it up, 8:03 AM
tomorrow morning. That signals that there is a Full Moon coming.
Things that are taking place now are likely to be addressed in a big
way come the Full Moon. The Moon is completely tossed around with its
connection of a square 90 degrees to Uranus. Tosses out that inner
circle. Attempts to hold on to what is dear. So from that point the
Moon is void of course 9:17 AM tomorrow until 10:20 AM.

Just before 10:20 AM the Moon will make a beautiful trine to Chiron.
That is not a measurable event that would disqualify a void of course
Moon. But the Moon actually is never void of course when it is in its
own sign of Cancer. So that may be a little window that you may try
and use. That would be tomorrow morning. Let’s say 9:30 AM until 10:20
AM if you want to try to advance something. But use great caution for
the outcome could be rather unpredictable.

The Moon does go into Leo tomorrow 10:21 AM. It will be in the sign of
Leo until it enters Virgo at 9:47 AM on Tuesday.
During the Leo Moon, Chiron will enter the sign of Aries. This would be at 4:08 AM. That is
on Monday. That is right after the Sun and Uranus join in an aspect
where there is an opportunity to connect and potentially build a bridge, make
a communication, leap, try to do something unique, talk about things,
work things out in a way that maybe you haven’t done before.

Venus and Saturn finally join up. They have been traveling together in
the sign of Capricorn and that is at 5:52 AM on Monday. Now that can
feel like things are sort of hard and depressing. But what it is, it
is the ability to be able to make something work, to make the
financial piece work out. Then also the structural piece in your life.
If you feel as though you can’t pull the ends together this may help
do that once it joins. Very often as we lead into these aspects it
feels like it is a real uphill battle. So this will help to settle
through some of those things.

The Sun will enter the sign of Pisces that is at 6:04 PM on Monday. It
will be there for a month. The Moon is in Leo when that happens. So
there is something showy that takes place. You could take a risk with
a Moon Pluto aspect at 9:29 PM and choose the Green Light from the time
the Sun enters Pisces. The showy thing…well there
is actually a little Green Light period with that Leo Moon.
Let’s see if it really is... yes, it is best from 1:37 AM Tuesday morning
until 8:51 AM on Tuesday morning.You could take a risk with a Moon Pluto aspect
and choose the Green Light from the time the Sun enters Pisces.
So you would have to get up to take advantage of that in a bigger way if you
wanted to send things off, apply for things. That Leo Moon energy can help.
Especially where the Leo Moon is going to be setting off that Eclipse degree from August 2017.

If you have been trying to restart something or move forward with
something, grab a hold of your own sun beam. This may be the time when
you are able to advance it because it is using the energy of the Full
Moon. That Full Moon is on Tuesday. It is exact at 10:54 AM. As I said
it is part of that Moon family of the Solar Eclipse that started
august 21st 2017.

The next time that the Moon family was present was in May of 2018, and
then here we have the Full Moon. The last piece of it will be in
November of 2019. So that is when we reap the rewards of our efforts
or pay the debt or get paid. One or the other. Or many of those things
all the same time.

That Virgo Moon will be very large. It will be day time here. We are
not going to be able to see that Full Moon. But in places where they
can see it. But we will feel it. Its energy will be very large.

Virgo has a lot to do with the body and physical conditions and
bringing out those things. Those health issues that may have been
hiding and then come out and show you that you need to pay attention
to this. Take some effort to sort through some of those physical
ailments and move forward. get the details of a plan and a program.
Maybe you want to join a gym. Maybe you want to do something that
helps to restore your body’s energies.

The Sun does a couple of things on Wednesday. During that Virgo Moon
it makes contact with Uranus and Saturn. The combination of the Uranus
and Saturn often feels like sand paper. This maybe scrubbing the
plates of our lives and in our landscapes, and also in our climate. There
may be new information about how this applies to our lives now.

The Moon finishes its trek in Virgo with a quincunx to Uranus. That is
a great big oops. It happens at 8:27 AM on Thursday morning, which is
a little void of course of Moon period only until 9:17 AM and then the
Moon enters Libra. It is there for a bumpy ride in Libra. It is going
to oppose Uranus at the end of its route, but not before it squares a
bunch of things in Capricorn.

Before that you may be unraveling the events that have much to do
with the Full Moon. And how it is affecting you and those around you
when the Moon and the Sun are quincunx, on the other side of the Full
Moon. That is at 1:52 PM on Thursday. This is when you might have the
insurance adjuster. This is a Libra Moon and the Sun in Pisces. These
are matters of joining together with others to try and make peace for
some type of process that has been rather secret or behind the scenes.
It is reminding me more of the Catholic priest abuse cases that
are in the news daily now.

Venus and Jupiter have an aspect where they link on Thursday evening
making for a pleasant evening.


Then Friday we still have a Libra Moon. It will quincunx Neptune. So
you might feel as though you have to drink your way through something.
But try to use your good sense in regard to that because there is a
Mercury Jupiter square that is difficult in travel. It has much to do
with the information that gets distorted to suit the voice, to suit
the one that is voicing the issues. That is the Mercury in Pisces, and
Jupiter in Sagittarius has a very broad view. Particularly of the self
and its own history.

Friday we want to see also Venus catching up with Pluto. So this about
addressing those that are holding the purse strings. That is at 10:52
PM on Friday. This one may be one where you try to close a deal before
the week is out. even though it is late and after hours it could have
an influence on what takes place earlier on Friday. The end result is
unpredictable with the Moon opposite Uranus, but there is a parallel
to Neptune after that.

The Moon opposite Uranus is the aspect that will define the closing
end of the Libra Moon but it is really not finished until 10:24 AM and
that is next Saturday. So that is how the Libra Moon ends with a
little partial consolation prize to so to speak.

I also want to call out to Linda Clave that went through a traumatic
event this week with a fire in her building. So we want to send her a
warm healing energy as well.

And anyone else out there who has been tormented with all of this Mars
and Uranus energy. Uranus is still passing over that very late degree
of Aries until March 6th when it enters the sign of Taurus. That will
also be to just to call ahead Mercury will be retrograde the day
before on March 5th. So lots of excitement ahead with those things as

That is it for the week. Have a safe week and happy week. And
transform with courage, as Chiron will lead you through the way to
find your inner core of great worth. That is it for the week.

*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in Watertown
and even participate online. People have been joining online from all
over the country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my
website for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a
copy of the class.

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

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