Saturday, February 2, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Feb 2, 2019

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]

Class tomorrow will focus on planet nodes and how they will offer
a particular tone to any of your planets that may occupy another planet's
nodal territory. It might be likened to traveling down your street
but pulling into a neighbor's driveway.

The class is from noon till 2 PM est. Let me know if you are
coming in person or online. Online should text or call me at 617-558-7233.
House line is 617-924-0929.

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, February 2, 2019 – Saturday, February 9, 2019

Good Morning. Well, we have quite a week ahead beside a big game
tomorrow. There are all sorts of things that are way more important
than this big game. We have a Capricorn Moon today. We have a New Moon
coming up on Monday. It will be at 15 Aquarius, it is almost 16
Aquarius. Which is astrologically a very loud degree, where the world
is watching. So that is going to be exciting.

Not to skip over the things that are going on today. The Moon is lined
up with Saturn and Pluto in such a way, like a little mini-eclipse: with the
Moon, then Saturn, then the Moon, then Pluto. And Jupiter joins the
crowd. They are all parallel and conjunct. Jupiter is not conjunct but
Jupiter is parallel to the batch. So that means there is a cluster of
energies of these very heavy energies. And then Jupiter lightens it
up, but also broadens it up or makes it bigger. It’s like if you are
carrying a little pocket book of very tight money inside of it. Then
Jupiter comes along and makes that pocketbook very, very large and it
still may be tight money or money that is owed to other people. So if
it were a stack of bills, it would be a great big stack of bills. But
if this is a meeting of the minds, there would be some serious thought
of people coming together perhaps that had not come together before.
People whose minds are turning in a different direction that had not
turned before to that particular direction. Very powerful energy Mars
square Pluto. So Mars is playing into this as well. That Mars square
Pluto is with us until tomorrow morning, even though it was exact
yesterday on Friday.

The Capricorn Moon that we have has been in progress now for a couple
of days. It changes to Aquarius tomorrow 8:03 AM. That is when we are
inviting our friends into the picture. Maybe we are also assessing who
our friends are and that will be also very interesting to see who
lines up to help us when we are in real trouble.

Saturn and Neptune also are part of the picture. They have been in a
configuration since the 31st of January, which was Thursday. This has
to do with your creative energies. Mixing them with your spiritual
pursuits, and anything that you might have to do to achieve your
goals. So it is just the right mix of discipline and creativity. You
might also find yourself reassessing your life and gaining an
understanding before moving forward in a new direction with that
particular aspect. We will see that aspect once again. I believe in
September…is a pretty important aspect has a lot to do also with the
structure of water. So that certainly is in the topic with all the
melting of the ice on the polar caps.

So there are things that we would also consider for today, for
Saturday. There is a little lighter note at the end of the day. 6:40
PM when Venus and Uranus are linked in a 120-degree trine. This trine
has to do Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus at the very end of Aries.
Uranus is capturing the attention of everything
else going on. So there are a lot of things that have to bump into
Uranus one way or another. Link from one aspect or another. So there
is all this talking going on about this radical change that is about
to happen. That would be filling the air throughout the week and it is
particularly strong on Wednesday the 6th and then February 9th. Very,
very accident prone all in there from the 6th through the 9th. So you
want to be extremely careful. That energy is not leaving us at least
until the 13th. So you want to be careful about how you perceive
anything outside or even inside.
If you are renovating something you want to be careful that you are not going to
get into a mess with tools and hurt yourself. Or with the car. It
is also about cars. You want to listen very carefully. If there are
anything any matters that need to be tended to in regard to mechanics
take care of them. It is going to seem as if there is a Mercury
retrograde in a big way, but it is not. It is Mars and Uranus acting out.
They are doing a dance that is attracting an enormous amount of attention.

So for tonight with that Venus and Uranus trine at 6:41 PM that
lightens up the evening. You might find some good food with the Moon
parallel Venus later. You might have a nice time with friends or
try to mend a friendship or make a link or a bridge to others through
likeminded thinking.

For Sunday we still have a Capricorn Moon and the major aspects are
going to be dominated by Uranus when the Moon is square Uranus at
5:52 AM. That is a sudden abrupt change. It is a change of mind. It is
early in the morning on Sunday here, but other people are awake in
other parts of the world. So we will be interested to see when we get
up tomorrow what the news looks like.

Then there is a Moon sign change tomorrow at 8:03 AM Sunday when the Moon goes
into the sign of Aquarius. It waits for Venus to change signs. So
Venus says that she’ll drop all or part of your date plans or your
social plans or anything having to do maybe with friendship. Maybe if
there was something that went awry. It gets better, back on track
after Venus changes signs. That would be at 5:29 PM tomorrow. It
creates a better opportunity to advance your goals. And that is
Sunday’s energy. But we want to wait until we have some light of the
Moon before actually taking forward action. Like signing anything. You
want to be very careful over this next two weeks because of all of the
twists and the turns. There could be some very erratic switches. Bait
and switch kind of things that take place here as well.

So for Sunday…looking at Sunday there is a bit of a cloud or if
there…with the Venus energy changing signs…looking at the events on
Sunday night, which probably the whole world is kind of focused on the
super bowl. It does look as if there is a focus on the test of time.
The energies favor those that have stood the test of time. So whatever
that means to you.

The Sun is making a couple of aspects. One to Neptune. One to Saturn.
So one that clouds the issue and one that tries to straighten things
That leads into Monday early morning. The Moon is still in
Aquarius and continues in Aquarius until Tuesday night.

The New Moon takes place at 4:03 PM. Then there is a Green Light
period that you can try and see if you can get things to work out your
way. However, I would not hold your breath trying to see how things
work out, instead, Watch for things to come to you. This is a New Moon based on
friendship and based on the type of things that you want to attract,
and not necessarily for taking action in a forward way. There are so many
aspects between Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus; all tied into
this New Moon. It is just the biggest energy. So it is the birth of
something pretty huge. It links back to August 7th of 2017 when there
was a Full Moon Eclipse at that same degree. So this is a bit of a
bookend for that. It also links back even further to August of
2009 as well as February of 2008. If you have anything that links those
dates or those times, this could be an important shift or turn of
events for you.

Then as we move into Tuesday we have the Aquarius Moon sign. The last
aspect that Aquarius Moon makes will be sextile. That is a positive
aspect to the planet Uranus. It is the only one this whole coming week
that is any good. So if you wanted to take some action let it be on
Tuesday, if you want to forward your goals or open something up or
start something.

People tend to want to start things or even marry under a New Moon. No
that is not a good idea. What you want is more light of the Moon, and
more towards a Full Moon from the First Quarter towards the Full Moon.
That gives you more information more light on the subject. So that is
what you are waiting for. The New Moon is a time when things come to
you. And then you can log those, watch those, and respond. But not
start up.

The Pisces Moon will start at 9:02 PM. That is on Tuesday night. That
runs until Friday at 9:34 AM. The Pisces Moon puts
the focus on things that are hidden.

On Wednesday there might be some information about people come
together, minds meet. There might be an announcement that is made.
There could be one of those the tail wags the dog this week because
there is supposed to be a meeting about Mr. Trump’s taxes on Thursday
the 7th. So the Pisces Moon has a lot of very quirky information in
it. Where the Moon will link to Mars and Uranus Wednesday to Thursday,
on many bumps that it makes to the planet. So a lot of chaos as early
as 10:30 in the morning on Wednesday right through until Thursday

There is an aspect, very positive, Thursday evening. The Sun and
Jupiter forms a 60-degree aspect. This is very positive, very
lucky. If you want to test your luck in any way. It is exact at 7:32
PM. But I would say an hour before up and through 7:32 PM would be the
lucky window.

Then there is also an aspect between Mercury and Mars where there is a
lot of communication, a lot of conversation about something that is
Aquarius in nature. Where Mercury is in Aquarius and Mars is in Aries.
So there is a step up of the voice of the people. 8:24 PM is when that
happens on Thursday.

Friday the Moon is making contact with Mars again early on. And Mars
walks right into a square to the Lunar Node. So this is very, very
accident prone Friday. You want to take very special care. There will
be also on Friday an Aries Moon that starts at 9:34 AM. That Aries
Moon will continue. That is on Friday. It continues right until 8:28
PM on the 10th, Sunday. That is next Sunday. So it is one I’ve got it marked
as “Yikes!” This is very high energy filled with all kinds of things.
Like Mercury changing its mind. Moving up to a point where it drops
information, loses information, loses documents. That would be
interesting. All those things that need to be examined are lost.
Wouldn’t that be interesting on Friday?

And then the Sun and the Moon are all in a configuration again with
Uranus. So it is a very crazy week. It definitely is a week where you
want to take care. Listen. Listen to the children. Listen to what they
have to say. Listen to what your animals are trying to tell you.
Respond to things. Lots of animal bites with all this Mars Uranus
energy. Dogs biting. It could be because there is pain. They are
reacting to the pain. I have a parrot so he may bite. So anything
having to do… also with personal relationships and anybody there that
has a bite may get particularly grouchy this coming week, all through
next weekend. That is it for the week. (49:14 STOP)

Stay safe and we will talk next week.

*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in Watertown
and even participate online. People have been joining from all over
the country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website
for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of
the class.

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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