Sunday, June 16, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 15, 2019 with Green Light Days

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Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, June 15, 2019 – Saturday, June 22, 2019

The following is transcribed from the live radio report:

Good Morning. Lots to do this week. Mercury is on a run. It looks like
damage control. Doing all sorts of things. Talking for all the
planets. Mercury is in Cancer and it is opposing the Capricorn
planets. And we’ve been talking about Saturn and Pluto in the sign of
Capricorn. There are also things going on with Neptune this week.
Neptune the planet of confusion, illusion, the smoke screen, the lies,
the distortion is turning retrograde. So it will be standing still as
we get to the end of the week, on the same day that the Sun enters
into Cancer, which is our Summer Solstice on Friday, [June 21st].

We have also a great big Full Moon on Monday. That is at 4:31 AM at 26
degrees of Sagittarius. That is the Galactic Center. So something very
large and huge…a lot of the things that have already happened that
have been revealed with the George Stephanopoulos interview with
Donald Trump. That is going very, very broadly out into the world. So
he may be attracting lots of foreign information. And he may also be
in big trouble for that kind of statement as well, as it really points
to the election of 2020. So it certainly has its consequences.

Consequences are sort of the big thing that is going on here with
Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. They stay hanging out together
until late 2020, even though they have their exact conjunction January
2020. All through the year Saturn is coming back in. it will leave go
into in to Aquarius, and then come back into Capricorn. So there is
much more to do in regard to that Saturn and Pluto. This is about
restructuring your world from the deepest part on up.

So what we have for today is a Sagittarius Moon that started at 5:03
AM. There is a Green Light with this Sagittarius Moon for some things.
That would be until 12:13 PM on Monday when the Moon enters the sign
of Capricorn. But as I said Mercury is on that damage control.
Actually kind of causing more trouble than the intended fix. So listen
closely or tune it out whatever you prefer to do.

There is a pile up with Mercury landing its point right on the Lunar
Node. So we have Mars. There we have Mercury there. It definitely is a
big problem. Take very good care traveling. Highway traveling could be
very difficult. But traveling in a car or on a train or on a plane all
of which could be subject to surprise and difficulty. So you want to
be very mindful also about road rage. It is huge. We had that Mars
opposite Saturn yesterday causing horrible stories, many of which road
rage was part of it.

But also it motivated a lot energy to get things done. It brought
about a work energy to clean things up and work into the night. So
that Mars opposite Saturn is a very long range type of aspect because
of the fact…not very long range but longer than just the day of
because it occurred at the Lunar Node, which is broadened and
magnified. The Lunar Nodes act like a magnifying glass. That is where
the Eclipses take place. So there are lots of things that happen
around those points that then get rather blown up.

So we have for Sunday there is a Green Light. Take it with a grain of
salt. You want to have to be careful. Research everything right down
to the very bottom before taking any action, even for heading out on a
trip. Look for where roads are closed or accidents may have happened.
You want to avoid things. And also about your personal things like you
driver’s license and your purse and credit cards. Be careful of those
as well.

Mercury and Neptune are forming an aspect tomorrow morning right on
7:43 AM. This one is filled with lots of imagination. If you wake up
thinking with a lot of intuitive thinking, you will be right on target
there for appreciating the subtleties in life. And there is an
artistic appreciation and a vision that accompanies this type of

Then a little bit later Mercury bumps with Jupiter in a quincunx.
That’s the "life’s messy clean it up" aspect. There will be some information
that surfaces out of the blue. Unrelated issues demand your attention
at the same time. And there is a need for outside counsel about
something. So some things may be too loud. Too much to juggle at once.
There are difficulties while making choices that are based on scattered facts and
adjustments are needed to maintain stability to clean up a mess. So
there are a lot of things which require extra help when you
tend to matters. It is also not just an upset aspect. It is an aspect
that puts you to work. So perhaps you are finding a job or looking for a
job. So try to keep the focus on yourself and keep about what your own
needs are. And as I said study your plans before going out on any
Mercury, in Cancer, opposes Saturn, in Capricorn at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning 6/16/19.
This one shows all sorts of roadblocks. Transportation and communication are very
difficult to assess because of the limitations. Another result of Mercury opposite
Saturn is judgmental thinking.

The big news for Sunday is also a wide range, wide impact
aspect. It is Jupiter square Neptune. Now we’ve seen this before.
we’ve had this before this year, Jan 13, 2019.
It is a vulnerable time filled with deception and illusion.
This is a fantasy world kind of thing. Your
common sense is blown right out the window and you yearn for greener
pastures. So be careful about where you set your foot down because
those pastures may be filled with cow pies. It is not the best time
for making life-changing decisions. If you had thought about buying a
house this is not good. You are using fantasy instead of actual
facts for making your decision. That is at 11:21 AM. But it is a slow
moving aspect and Neptune is standing still. This one hangs around for
a bit. I would say for the whole week, if not more.
Jupiter square Neptune will occur again on September 21, 2019.


Then going into Monday the Full Moon occurs at 4:31 AM and at 26 degrees of
Sagittarius. That is a very action-packed Full Moon that is picking up
the square to Neptune. Also, there is an opposition between Venus and Jupiter.
So there is some overzealous need or action of celebration which is really
not quite right for celebrating yet. So you want to be careful and tone it down.
Also, this may represent a travel event. It also points to higher education and
immigration and matters of such that need to be tended to in a big way.

There is an aspect between the Moon and Saturn which is the last aspect
of the Sagittarius Moon, which says you may get a grip on your
perceptions or your goals. Especially with the focus on things like
education and travel for business. That is because of the Moon in
aspect to Saturn is practical. It is trying to gain a practical view.
So if you are signing up for courses for the fall, for instance. You
might be choosing more practical courses than artistic courses.

Moon in Capricorn comes in at 12:13 PM on Monday. This is not a Green-
Light period at all. There is however an aspect between Mercury and
the Sun where there is information that is piled up. That will be
very, very useful as the Sun gets very close to its boundary at the
Summer Solstice.

Monday & Tuesday

And we have also for Monday night the Capricorn Moon as well. Practical
matters attended to. The heads of family are the goal. And also
business and government and the legal system may be the object of our
attention on Monday and Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Saturn and Neptune make an aspect where there is an opportunity for
achieving success in a creative way. You have just the right mix
between discipline and creativity with this particular aspect between
Saturn and Neptune early morning on Tuesday, which lasts throughout
the whole day.

Foot in mouth again with Mercury conjunct Mars at 12:04 PM, Tuesday.
This is an aggressive aspect so it is wise to be
very careful on Tuesday morning with what you say, what you hear,
what you repeat. It all could come back to bite you later. So it is
very hard to take back words. Try and filter them before they leave
your lips.


And then for Wednesday, the quincunx of the Sun and the Moon is over
riding all of the aspects that are going on with the Capricorn Moon.
So the Capricorn Moon is wicked busy in there making aspects to the
planets conjunct Saturn. That is actually Tuesday night, late night.
Some serious thinking with that and then the Moon is opposite Mars way
early in the morning on Wednesday, June 19th.

And then lots of regrets can be evident when Mercury is opposite Pluto
at 6:55 AM on Wednesday morning. So the news that you hear maybe
filled with sad stories and regrets. More about sad decisions than sad
Expect lots of activity about or for cars, buying cars, moving cars, etc.
Mercury and Mars once again are joined, now by a parallel. So here is where the
retraction or double down in for words that were spent on Tuesday with Mercury
conjunct Mars. So that aspect also lasts a long time right through
pretty much the middle to the end of the day on Wednesday. Wednesday’s
last aspect with a Capricorn Moon starts the void of course Moon at
6:48 PM until 10:00 PM. That is because the Moon is quincunx the Sun.
That is life’s messy clean it up. This has to do with cleaning up
matters from the Full Moon that we are going to have on this Monday.

Then Wednesday night, the Moon enters Aquarius at 10:01 PM. That Aquarius Moon on
Wednesday will be with us until 10:01 PM on Saturday, June 22nd. The
Aquarius Moon is really not suited for agreements or signing or long
term things either as the final aspect of the Aquarius Moon is 150 degrees,
quincunx to Mercury in Cancer. This will cause a major glitch in the paperwork or
decisions made which are later dropped or retracted in some way.
A couple of very heavy aspects.

Mars is opposite Pluto and this is late night here on the east coast
on Wednesday night. Mars opposite Pluto, this is a steam roller event.
This one is very difficult. Venus aligns with Saturn for a very
temporary seal, as well, right after that, in attempts to a long term problem.
One of the issues is a lack of funds or vital approval to go any further.
There may also be problems that the legal system might be having in
coming to decisions, which may be something to watch. This
whole week will be something to watch!


Thursday during that Aquarius Moon sign, the whole topic of
friendship. Who are your friends? And how do you treat your friends?
How do you value your friends? That comes up as a topic at 6:17 PM on
Thursday when Venus is split parallel Pluto. This one is concerned with matters of
jealousy or topics of property or boundaries. A split parallel says that there is a
temporary fix in for monetary problems.


The Aquarius Moon is still with us Friday morning as we get up, and
Neptune is standing perfectly still. It pulls the wool over our eyes.
This is a planet that causes illusion and confusion. At 10:36 AM
Neptune turns retrograde until November. That is going to color. And,
color, is a word that really belongs to Neptune as it shades and colors
various topics.

The Sun entering Cancer is our Summer Solstice 11:54 AM on Friday. So
happy summer that point. All the planets are bunched up in declination
with the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto. So there
is a large union of joining of the planets that come together.
So very powerful. There is a strong network of people that are brought
together. Communications in relationships have an opportunity actually
to ease into a comfort zone when Mercury and Venus are parallel just
within a half an hour or so after the Sun enters Cancer on Friday.
You may find there is an attempt to make sense out of the craziness.

Mercury is split parallel Pluto so this is where buried information is
revealed. So you should take a seasoned professional along with you
regarding your business appointment with an aspect like that. Don’t
take things lightly.

Okay. So that is it for the week.
It is really super active. The Aquarius Moon won’t be void of course
until next Saturday morning. At 1:06 AM until 10:01 AM on Saturday, so
that you can plan ahead. But there is some Green Light energy. That
would be today, tomorrow, and Monday. Particularly up until 10:50 AM
and then it could also be until 10:13 PM. So that is it for the week.

You can join me for an online class today. If you would like to at
1:00. You can email me or text me. Go ahead and text me at 617 – 558 –
7233 if you would like to join this class on secondary progressions
with the daily angles. Very interesting power packed class. That is
from 1:00 to 2:30 today. That is it for the week. Have a great week.

I look forward to talking to you next week.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to respond

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