You are invited to join the Saturday class 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM online from
anywhere. You can contact me and I will tell you how to do that.
People have been joining online from all over the country. If you
contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about
that. Anyone who joins the class receives a copy of the class.
Secondary Progressions with the Daily Q2 Angles will be our topic on
June 15, 2019.
Saturday, June 8, 2019 – Saturday, June 15, 2019
Good Morning. It is quite a busy week. It is a very busy week for the
Sun and for Venus and for Mars. Lots of stuff going on. They are all
bumping into the big planets: Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune.
It is quite a week. It is largely focused on the Saturn Pluto
conjunction. But the other planets are definitely part of the show.
So if we were to look at what type of energies are taking place with
the Moon signs that we have. We still have a Leo Moon today until 5:45
PM and then the Moon enters the sign of Virgo. But for the Leo Moon
today the last aspect of the Moon is square Venus at 5:23 PM. So that
is not a good day to advance your goals. It would be a good day to go
about your business lightly and not take things too seriously. Try not
to weigh your problems on others. If you can do what you can to help
yourself and maybe help another.
But the Moon square Venus is very cranky. Lots of issues about
relationships and your role in that relationship. All types of
relationships, not just close personal relationships. So that aspect
with Venus at the very last moments of Taurus. That is where The Seven
Stars are located. Now they are called different things. The Seven
Weeping Sisters, the Pleiades, the Stars in the Pleiades.
So there is a connotation that goes along with that point that in
ancient astrology, which will claim there is something to cry about.
So I would say be careful about the money that you spend or the money
that you commit to. Like if you are conducting a project, if you are
doing something for others, if you are a worker and you are giving an
estimate. You might really be undercharging or perhaps overcharging.
It could be all just mixed up about money. And then all mixed up about
the nature of the relationship that you have that involves any kind of
So the Leo Moon, it is usually star cast. It is looking at its leader
for various things. So the Moon sign changes. Goes into the sign of
Virgo at 5:45 PM. The Virgo Moon it could be after a few things are
said and done, it could be a Green Light Moon sign. But it has to make
a couple of cranky aspects. One to Neptune. The Sun will square
Neptune and then the Sun will quincunx Saturn. So starting with the
Virgo Moon here is how it starts. It begins at 5:45 PM. It will see
later on tonight at 9:36 PM Venus goes into the sign of Gemini. So it
leaves that point of something to cry about and it goes to the place
where it is something to talk about. Very chatty, very loud in its
expression. Venus is about your desires and what you are looking for
what you would like to collect and connect with. It is very scattered
Venus in Gemini. So it really doesn’t have a very good plan it is just
loosely floundering about. It is kind of like going on vacation and
going to all the little stores that you could possibly check out and
maybe buying this that and the other and too much of everything. So it
doesn’t have a really good plan. But one of the first things that
Venus will do is make an aspect, a 45-degree aspect. That is half a
square to Mars. Now, this creates confusion and difficulty in close
personal relationships. It may cause an advancement of interest, which
has all sorts of concepts that are twisted or just not on the up and
up. Venus and Mars are not a happy couple in this kind of an aspect.
Mars is getting very close to the Lunar Nodes. So that has a factor in
it. So Mars can be aggressive, want to rule the roost. Venus wants to
talk and scatter that energy and make it screamed at on the way. So
that aspect 1:48 PM on Sunday.
So then we have for the Virgo Moon also Vesta the asteroid that
represents investment and commitment it enters the sign of Taurus. So
this is looking to stabilize money. This is good news about the threat
that there were going to be tariffs in Mexico, so that is helping that
to stabilize. h\Hopefully there won’t be any more tariffs.
The Sun is square Neptune tomorrow afternoon at 3:33 PM. This creates
a lack of clarity, unknown factors, and challenges your judgment.
Your words just escape you. Your goals may be filled with illusion. So
there is also a lot of impressionability and the desire to escape.
There are misunderstandings. There are visions which deceive others.
Lots of mistakes can be made in judgment. Foggy and sloppy conditions
with the Sun square Neptune Later in the afternoon. And then it could
have an influence over Sunday night as well.
Sunday early at noontime I’m giving a lecture, a webinar that you can
ask me about. That will go out through the Annapolis, Maryland NCGR
[National Council for Geocosmic Research]. And we will talk about that
So for the Virgo Moon later in the evening on Sunday evening, it looks
as if there is an opportunity for you to be able to bridge your goals
with another and have a nicer end to that evening on Sunday night.
Monday, June 10th
You are actively involved with matters which were seeded 9 months ago
at a New Moon when we had a First Quarter Moon at 2:00 in the morning.
This First Quarter Moon could have an influence on Sunday night as
well. Somethjump-started overnight. Very often Quarter Moons,
First Quarter Moons and Last Quarter Moons, they are very action-oriented
on the day that they occur. So having it be in the wee hours
of the morning here, it could be something that develops overseas. We
will have to see how that turns out when we wake up Monday morning.
But beware that there is something brewing to largely to talk about to
take care of and work on. It being a Virgo Moon thing with that First
Quarter Moon.
After that, the Moon continues in the sign of Virgo until 8:29 PM. The
things that occur before that, is the Sun will quincunx Saturn. That
is life’s messy clean it up 5:03 AM. This is some difficulty getting
the day started on Monday. Work agendas could be very heavily labored.
Family members may need more help that what they had been needing.
And then the Sun will opposite Jupiter at 11:28 AM. So this opposition
pulls the attention towards those that are abroad or matters of
immigration and also higher education. Anything having to do with your
in-laws may also be apparent with this type of aspect. It could be
optimistic. It could be over optimistic. Usually, aspects involving
Jupiter like squares and oppositions are over often optimistic and
overly loud and projecting a little too much.
So the final aspect during the Virgo Moon is parallel Neptune. This
one has a calming influence. If we were to mark a Green Light period a
real good solid one, it probably would be after 11:30 AM on Monday
until 4:37 PM on Monday. So there is a few hours there where you have
a nice Green Light without a lot of detours.
Earlier there is a detour with the Sun quincunx Saturn. That is going
to take place just after Sunrise on Monday, with the void of course
Moon that we have from 4:37 PM until 8:29 PM. During that void of
course Moon, there is an aspect with Chiron. So there may be some means
for you to heal an old wound during the void of course Moon period.
The Moon enters the sign of Libra. That is at 8:29 PM on Monday night.
It continues through Libra until 12:02 AM on Thursday morning. The
Libra Moon is filled with problems.
Tuesday June 11
Tuesday there are difficulties as the Sun forms a 45-aspect
to Uranus. So there may be plenty of surprises during the Libra Moon sign.
aspect is at 4:11 AM. So expect things overnight and also leading into
the morning of Tuesday for things to be sort of crazy and out of
control. The Moon even plays that tune at 5:15 AM when it is quincunx
Uranus. So there are a couple of difficult aspects to deal with, with
Uranus now in the sign of money. Big money. That is the stock market
or anything having to do with finances on all levels, while it is in
the sign of Taurus. The Libra Moon continues on to square Mercury at
5:02 PM. So if you are waiting all day to get a word about some type of
money matter. There might be great big no, it is not coming by 5:02 PM
due to the Moon square Mercury.
Wednesday June 12
Then moving through the matters of Libra, which is about legal
matters and partnering and pairing and agreeing and peacemaking, there
is a problem. The problem being Venus and Saturn are having a squabble.
They are a square and a half apart, 135 degrees. That starts
off the day on Wednesday. So this again is indicating there is a lot
going on overseas that is not harmonious. That is also involving money
matters. Saturn is in the sign of business, big business and Venus is
in the sign of Gemini which is scattering any of the funds or
scattering any of the directive about business and trying to put the
focus on smaller things. And Saturn saying no. we have to look at the
bigger picture.
And this also could indicate rulings in the Supreme Court as well.
That really looks like it is kind of on a loud note with Mars joining
the Lunar Node. That is going to influence all day Wednesday. We are
under the influence of that now. But it is exact at 6:46 PM Wednesday
carrying through the end of Wednesday and there beyond. The Moon is
void of course during that time.
While the Moon is in Libra, the Moon is void of course at 5:57 PM
after a parallel to Neptune until 12:02 AM. That would be Wednesday night
to Thursday morning.
Mars on the Lunar Node is aggressive, 5:46 PM Wed. It is dangerous.
It raises the viral levels. It also raises the conflict level.
Because Mars is opposing Saturn. That is not exact until Friday, but this is a dead
stop. There could be walkouts on jobs and people grandstanding and
trying to make their point. Whereas the administrations are trying to
hold their place. So there could be workers strikes and things of that matter.
Could be in the senate and in the house. So there could be problems,
big problem in the congress.
Thursday, June 13th
The Scorpio Moon on Thursday begins at 12:02 AM for the next couple of days.
The Scorpio Moon has a few things to make its statements.
One thing it makes a quincunx
at 9:36 AM with Venus. So there is something to be done, something to
clean up, something to deal with in regard to deeper matters. Scorpio
is about things that are under, well under the surface, and need to be
ferreted out, need to be brought up and out into the open. The Sun works
on things like that especially when it is quincunx Pluto. That happens
at 5:45 PM on the 13th. So that will help to dig out problems that are
underneath that are causing issues. Those things can be looked at and
Have a light, bright light on them after they are up and out of
a dark place.
Friday June 14
There is an aspect during the Scorpio Moon between Mars and Neptune.
That is overnight again between Thursday night and Friday, Friday
morning. This aspect is usually wild weather, it could be indicated
with it. But it also could indicate that there is some type of peace
or agreement or smoothing over that might be appeasing like
And then further on with Friday…this is all under a Scorpio Moon that
ends with a quincunx to the Sun. so that whole quincunx energy
dominates the Scorpio Moon sign, which is not good for signing,
agreeing, or having important meetings where you are going to be
making important decisions. This is a work aspect or it is a deep
health aspect. And the Sun is making a parallel to Mars. That would be
at 9:50 AM on Friday. But it does have an influence over the whole
Sun parallel Mars is about joining forces revving up the guns,
being aggressive, but getting the job done or getting a job. So if you
are looking for a job maybe Friday is your day. Especially quincunxes
are not all bad. They often can put you to work. So this is the hope
that there are some jobs that are created or jobs that are available
to you that you haven’t noticed before.
Mars is opposite Saturn. That is at 11:50 AM on Friday. That is not a
happy aspect. That is very tough. Very difficult for people trying to
get along with a work force or administrations. This one is a dead
stop. This is particularly difficult because Mars is on the Lunar
Node, Saturn is on the Lunar Node on the other side in Capricorn. So
the cancer Capricorn polarity plays out large. Cancer is the family
and the home. And the homeland security, Saturn, would be the
administration, the government, things making us safe. But it is also
family members, the heads of family, and that sort of thing.
Mars and Jupiter are also making an aspect right after that and it is
a quincunx. So this one has its sights set on doing something as a
result of blocks. So we will see how that is going to turn out. Very
busy day. Very busy week. The week is just filled with tons of
problems and issues and ways to iron those things out. The void of
course Moon starts on Friday at 6:29 PM after the Moon is quincunx the
Sun. that will continue void of course until 5:03 AM on next Saturday
morning. And that is it for the week.
If you would like a copy of the webinar Eclipse Triggers to contact They have a webinar with GoToMeeting. So there
is an invoice that you can fill out with her.
We are going to talk about Eclipse triggers. And Solar and Lunar
Eclipses occur at least twice a year for each. And we have one, [a
Solar Eclipse], coming up on July 2nd. And then a Lunar Eclipse on
July 16th. But there is a few times that an Eclipse is triggered, and
it is just not on that day. And the focus will be about how you have
seen an Eclipse come and go with no obvious affects. And you may have
important planets or points in line with an Eclipse and wonder when or
how this will impact your life. And we are going to talk about how you
are going to find the answer to that. So we are going to discuss that
and the triggers. And we will look at things right through until
mid-January 2020. Okay. That is it for the week.
I look forward to talking to you next week.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to respond
*You are invited to join the Saturday class 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM online from
anywhere. You can contact me and I will tell you how to do that.
People have been joining online from all over the country. If you
contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about
that. Anyone who joins the class receives a copy of the class.
Secondary Progressions with the Daily Q2 Angles will be our topic on
June 15, 2019.
I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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