From a loyal listener:
Thank you, Dietrech - I love listening to your radio reports for the week. Really concrete and helpful and most succinct for lay people.
Unlike some other reports that only talk about the planets and the sun/ moon.
They seem to be directed at other astrologers who understand because of their background in astrology. Those reports don’t talk about implications and what one might experience/ good times to do stuff/ things to watch for etc like you do.
So thanks again!
So many technical issues have derailed the report.
Good morning. This is Dietrech. And we have the astrology report for
the upcoming week. And there is a Full Moon coming up. That would be
tomorrow night, Sunday the 13th of October. Today is the 12th of
The Aries Moon began just after midnight. It was actual 12:46 AM. And
the Aries Moon will stay with us until Monday at 12:24 PM. The Taurus
Moon comes in at that time on Monday. Goes through Tuesday and all the
way to 10:30 PM on Wednesday night, of which that Gemini Moon begins
and will be with us all the way until next Saturday. So we see only
three Moon signs.
There are pretty much no real Green Light periods. There is kind of a
nice soft easy kind of Green Light. Well, fantasy quality to the Aries
Moon. Aries Moon usually doesn’t have a lot of fantasy associated with
it. It is a get up and go. Get started. Run for it. Compete and be
able to see the finish line before you actually get there. The problem
with the Aries Moon is sometimes you drop what you are doing, just
because you’ve lost interest in it. You see something else that is
more interesting.
That Aries Moon today is very complicated. In regard to relationships.
There is definitely there is an excessive desire to party for one
Venus and Jupiter are in aspect today right around noon time. But
there may be an over indulgence or an over valuing of something. Your
heart may be fluttering with that Aries Moon pumping it up. And there
is a caution not to over value something because it is largely going
to be falling a little bit flat or having some kind of disruption in
regard to relationships.
Venus is really on stage all day Saturday. Venus will make an aspect.
Will make two aspects to Uranus. One being at 5:17 PM. This is a split
parallel. It is where there is a sudden distancing or cutting off in
relationships. That has to do with a loss of your money. A loss of
your purse. Hang on to your purse. Hang onto your belongings in a way.
Just keep track. Be mindful of what you are doing, how you are doing
You also need probably need to change whatever that outfit is you are
planning on wearing. It might not be appropriate for the setting that
you are going be involved in later on in the evening, when Venus and
Uranus once again have an aspect. This time it is an opposition. Those
two aspects are very much alike and they are under an hour apart.
So this is some intense social excitement. Unusual displays of
feeling. If it is a Halloween party, this is great. Dress up, but
otherwise you don’t want to make the wrong decisions. It is also about
what you say, how you say it. You could lose a friend over these
aspects. Or lose a relationship for being way too outspoken, way too
aggressive or assertive at a time that is not ready, not appropriate.
It all calms down later in the evening and early on Sunday morning.
That Aries Moon still is pumping with a fast beat.
The Moon will square Saturn early in the morning 5:36 AM. This one
brings a slow start. Probably better off to begin your day in a slow
There will be an aspect between the Sun and Jupiter on Sunday 2:02 PM.
This allows for a joyful heart to run with optimism. Something like
“Well, you know now that our house us under this emergency
construction, we can take a nice long trip.” So that seeing the bright
side, which is always a good thing to do. But there could be some
serious things that come up with this particular Aries Moon because we
are headed right into a Full Moon that will be at 5:08 PM Sunday night
20 degrees of Aries square Pluto.
This has a showdown quality to it. Pluto is the toll keeper. He is the
boss. He is bossy and he is cracking the whip and he is demanding. So
you want to be careful not to upset things. You could maybe not go out
or perhaps there could be something that you could do that would
involve less contact with others that might be trying to control the
show. Because there is definitely a “horns locked” in the quality of
this Full Moon with a controlling person.
Jupiter and Uranus forming an aspect as well during this Full Moon.
And that will pump up the excitement get things charged with some
level of optimism for great change. But it may be under the canopy of
the control freak.
Mercury and Saturn are negotiating a plan. This is at early in the
morning. This plan may allow for a commonality on the bridge that
strokes the bear in the guarding camp that is guarding the campground.
So there is something going on that needs some serious conversation.
Some very quick kind of survival type conversation about turning
things around before they get pretty strong and nasty. Because the
Sun and Pluto on Sunday form a square. This is early in the morning
3:38 AM. But it has an influence over Sunday night and probably most
of the day on Monday where there are a lot of underlining motives that
are being questioned. Lots of sexual attractions and body language
that is going on. People are uncomfortable. Lots of competition.
Jealousy. And there is a necessity to share, trust. However, beware.
You may be abandoned instead. Pluto is that kind of actor.
The Full Moon that happens at 5:07 PM on Sunday night is glaringly
making its square to Pluto. So all the things that Pluto is up to.
Pluto is the dominate character. Tries to be dominate. Tries to hold
on to his footing. So with that aspect between Jupiter and Uranus that
takes place early Monday morning. Pluto may have a hard time holding
his ground forever during that type of behavior, during that type of
activity. It could definitely be military. We will have to see how
that plays out.
The last aspect of the Aries Moon will be at 8:45 AM. That is on
Monday. Or rather on Tuesday. Where is that? 8:45 AM that is going to
be on Monday actually. There is a whole bunch of things before Sunrise
on Monday. That is why I was a little confused.
So that void of course Moon starts at 8:45 AM. Continues until 12:24
PM. This may be a sense that there is a consolation prize for all of
your efforts. So if there is something that you have high hopes for or
that you are driven to do because you had great plans for, it may be a
small reward in the end. So don’t have high expectations of what it is
you do or plan to do during that Aries Moon.
And then the Taurus Moon comes in. this is a money Moon. It is also a
Moon that focuses quite a bit on tradition. It will be with us right
through Wednesday night. There is an aspect that the Moon will make to
Saturn before it leaves the sign. Which is saying that there is
serious talk that goes on. Serious issues about the Venus ruled
Taurus. Now Venus is about money and about compromise.
Also when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus your best off to use your
persuasion techniques. The art of persuasion is what works the best.
Where Venus needs to have a meal accompanying any type of question or
business type of thing.
Mercury is trine Neptune in there. So there is a lot of fantasy of
what type of plan that you might have during that Taurus money Moon or
tradition or family gathering. So there are a lot of subtleties. And
there is an appreciation for artistic qualities and also a vision that
you would like to be able to present.
The Moon earlier, would have been on Tuesday morning opposite Venus,
which is better during the day to be moving past that. Because Venus
is there to say, “No. No. This is never going to work.” And Venus is
in the sign of Scorpio. So having had just a big upset with Uranus,
Venus is very gun shy during the Taurus Moon sign. That Taurus Moon
just to recap that runs from 12:24 PM on Monday afternoon right until
10:30 PM on Wednesday night.
So as we go into later in the evening 8:33 PM on Tuesday night, the
Moon is opposite Mercury. So the money that you want for one thing is
used by a more pressing matter. So be careful not to be spending your
money before you know exactly where it is going to go.
Wednesday October 16th, the Moon is quincunx the Sun. This is the last
quincunx after the Full Moon. So there is a lot of clean up that is
going on. There is a task to finish the details of matters of the Full
Moon all the way back from October 13th. Sunday night when the Full
Moon was in the sign of Aries.
So the Taurus Moon quincunx the Sun on Wednesday morning has to do
with getting in touch with the accountants to try and make the books
work a little bit better. Or maybe the insurance adjustors to assess
what damage is done. The Full Moon is likely to be quite active. So be
careful when driving or when trying to move ahead quickly. There is no
gain for moving ahead quickly during this Aries Full Moon period.
The Moon is caught up with the Pleiades. That is the Seven Stars in
the sky, called the Seven Weeping Sisters. We call that point
something to cry about. 9:42 PM. And then the Moon is free floating in
Taurus until 10:29 PM. So if you wanted to do something you would
rather have better results for, wait until after that. So that would
be after 9:42 PM on Wednesday until…make it 10:30 PM on Wednesday
night. That little window there you could gain some positive ground
that was not available to you before that during the Taurus Moon.
So then during the Gemini Moon that we are going to have through late
night on Wednesday then through Thursday and Friday. This Gemini Moon
has a talk with Pluto. Jupiter and Pluto are trying to gather up their
plans, their forces to do something that they want to be able to
communicate a strong message.
With the Gemini Moon sign we always look to see what is Mercury up to.
Mercury is in its shadow period. We are headed for a Mercury
retrograde on the 31st of October. So it is traveling over all the
areas where Mercury will travel during its retrograde period. So there
are some things that need to be qualified or recapped later. Be
careful of how you word things. That they are not in a forever or the
only framework because you may have to eat your words later on.
Thursday is pretty light for planets.
Then Friday pretty much the same thing. There is not a lot of…I don’t
see a lot of planetary aspects for Thursday or Friday. It is
definitely lighter in the week. The thing about Friday is that it is
under the canopy of Pluto again, which is that gate keeper. Getting
into the thick of a problem with a controlling person may make you
feel like you are dealing with the devil. So you may not be able to
get out of whatever you agreed to very gracefully during this Gemini
Moon sign. So that is it for the week. (15:12 STOP) I want to wish
everyone a very good week. Take care and we will talk again next week.
If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to
I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Attachments area
I am truly pleased to read this information which carries lots of helpful data, thanks for providing these kinds of statistics. Thank you Online Astrology Services Delhi