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The Moon will travel through Gemini, Cancer, Leo to Virgo this week beginning April 25 – May 2, 2020 during the COVID-19 Stay Home period. Uranus takes the stage from start to finish this week.
Beginning today April 25, under the Gemini Moon see the Sun and Uranus already linked by the long-effects of a parallel that began Friday night under the Taurus Moon sign. This is the slow methodical sign of the bull when there was a hasty attempt to jump start a slow buggy. Like putting the cart before the horse. Mistakes made would be hard to dismiss during that time. Methods suggested without any simple knowledge of the most serious subject of the pandemic could cause horrendous damage.
The influence of the Sun // Uranus shows the absolute insanity of this very serious time. Much has been reported about the President’s comments about cleaning the body and lungs of COVID-19 with an injection of disinfectant and ultraviolet light, during his daily news briefing on Thursday April 23rd. and under the Taurus Moon sign. This indicates the statements will not easily fade into the background.
By this day, April 25, 2020, Saturday there are many important things to mention under the talkative Gemini Moon sign. By last night, 4/24,2020, lunar nodes joined the solar eclipse degree of 00 Cancer 12'. This is one of the most newsworthy couple of days in the lunar node cycle noting its stage is set for the up and coming solar eclipse to appear on June 21, 2020. This type of event notes its capacity to present a bundle of surprises as seen throughout history.
In this case the emphasis of extremes are tied to conjunction of the Sun and Uranus on Sunday at 5:00 AM, the second of two Sun Uranus aspects. Thus elongating its unstable and surprising effects. But on this day the arm is long and wide while wrapped around the globe because Pluto, the pandemic maker sits on its throne of the collective greatest fears of the Pluto retrograde station point, 24 Capricorn. You may have many fears that are all pretty much justified at this time yet may not materialize but you might be calmed by appropriate responses. Pluto’s connection to Vesta, the investor will make it very difficult to get the economy back on track.
Under this talkative Gemini Moon sign, the messenger. Mercury is another contributor to mental angst as it sits at a 90º angle to Pluto. That is an indicator of mental intensity and a troubled mind. Passive-aggressive behaviors and arguments are a problem. This type of persuasive speech is not admired. Craftiness and strategy lace paranoid thinking.
Meanwhile Pluto will travel backwards until Oct 4, 2020 coupled with the same from Saturn as it sits at its station perch (Sep 29). This reignites the Saturn - Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020 that is at the root of the global pandemic.
A Green Light period begins on Saturday after the Pluto change in direction at 2:51 PM it continues through Sunday until Monday at 1:00 PM.
But still on April 25, Venus and Saturn are linked in a very cranky135º aspect are the epitome of social distancing. That is exact tonight at 11:53 PM. This indicates that there is no patience for this distancing, yet it is wise to carry forward during what is the height of the infectious period of this first stage of the pandemic.
Sunday, April 26, 2020 the Gemini Moon continues to spread stories and more with the news of some type of progress shown by search for inventive Sun-Uranus solutions. The Green Light invites advancement during this highly inventive alignment. There are indicators of a grand investment for one specific purpose, a cure offered by Jupiter, the benefactor and Vesta, the investor. (Bill gates is behind the race to find a vaccine for this deadly virus now.)
More on Sunday is a restless Mercury Square Jupiter under the restless Gemini Moon sign: with this you'll feel that mentally there are those pushing the limits. People want to venture out and show an interest in breaking stay-at- home orders. This aspect frames the overconfidence of some who insist on breaking out while others have judgments and strong opinions about safety.
Advance you goals Sunday with a Green Light into Monday.
Monday April 27, 2020
However on Monday at 12:46 PM Mercury square Pallas Athena shows that the last thing Mercury does before leaving the impatient sign of Aries is lock horns with the experts by ignoring all the good advice.
Monday the Moon is void of course from 1:00 PM until 1:28 Pm when the Moon enters Cancer. Not a good Moon sign to move ahead with personal goals.
Late Monday Mercury enters Taurus at 3:53 PM for approximately two weeks and during this time it has a full roster contacting several important planets this week before joining Uranus late night Thursday. Before that big event, Mercury connects with Ceres, the dead serious barer of heavy subjects on Tuesday there may be an indication that there is a leveling of the virus curve and the discussion about practical next steps. Mercury then square Saturn also on Tuesday is not happy with the data and science and delivers words of caution. Tuesday is not a day to go shopping. The air is too full of contaminants and negative reports.
Also on Tuesday, April 28, Mars in Aquarius is in a sneaky position behind Neptune in Pisces spreading its bad stuff around. Neptune is void of boundaries. Even though it’s the Saturn - Pluto conjunction of January 2020 that released the petulance onto the world; according to Rex Bill’s Rulership Book, it is the planet Pluto that rules pandemics and virus’. The next time someone asks whether Pluto is considered a planet in astrology studies we’ll have a global pandemic for a reference.
April 29th Wednesday, under the Moon sign of Cancer shows a not so happy connection between Mercury, the connector and Venus in Gemini as the social butterfly, are in a scrappy angle. Its shows great strain between partners and a lack of ease. Talks between partners express of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems without solutions. Nagging runs high on the list of social behaviors. It might be time to own up to mistakes instead of blaming others.
Pallas Athena shows a notable change in top advisors and other high-ranking guidance counselors which may lead us into a better-informed field not only the COVID-19 virus but other important scientific topics. High placed advisors can leave or be replaced on Wednesday. This speaks to the crisis at large that is emphasized by the up and coming solar eclipse on June 21st at zero Cancer. The angle is on of a health crisis that keeps its eye on the ball that is pitched late June. The Moon changes to the fixed sign of Leo at 9:06 PM – through May 2 at 1:35 AM.
Thursday, Saturn 30º Ceres – holds the sad notes of heavy data and critical health concerns.
Mercury 45º Neptune – the great spreader of misinformation on Thursday.
Thursday, April 30, Another headliner day from Mercury and Uranus which this pair holds a message for its loud link to January 14, 2021; this is when Uranus finishes its retrograde path to a station to turn direct. The conjunct at 11:40 PM Thursday night aspect holds its breath while still aligned but in parallel formation on May 1st Friday. This is not a minor event and may indicate a major announcement or plan or direction during the height of the pandemic. This pair is linked to inventions, discoveries of all types and new treatments of medical and technical applications.
Also, Thursday at 4:38 PM is the First Quarter Moon at 10º Leo 57’ looks back nine months when it was directly related to the New Moon last summer near the same point. It was on July 31st 2019 and Mercury stood still on its station point with a megaphone, yelling in the direction of Uranus sitting in Taurus. I think it was a scream of a jolt that would be shaking the Taurus earth by the time Uranus passed that way again. (Which is now). It could become known at some point that the COVID-19 virus has its spikes in our globe way back then. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were perfectly aligned on that day in a parallel and engaged, with the all grasping lunar node. Could the New Moon from July 31,2019 contain the seed of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Friday continues with the Leo Moon and is not good for advancing goals. There are battles to be won with the Leo Moon opposite Mars on Friday noontime then the Moon heads for its last contact with Jupiter before going void of course until Saturday, May 2 at 1:35 AM.
The Sun and Mars are split parallel on Saturday, May 2 and will likely increase the virus again. It may be a shorter spike but for some this may be something to watch for and prepare for infection. Or an average period this aspect has brought a vulnerable immune system that needs to be bolstered. But it’s a busy Saturday when you might be energized to take on projects and activities outside the house. Just be cautious.
Today through Monday at 1:00 PM are best for tending your errands and goals.
If you would like to know more about the nine month, Lunar Gestation Cycle it is discussed at length in my book, Lunar Shadow III. Available through me or Amazon. For classes, readings and more, you can reach me at 617-558-7233, also by text at that number. Visit Lunar-Shadows for the podcast of the report and the written report of this broadcast.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 18 -25, 2020
Hi. This is Dietrech Pessin. This is the report for April 18. And this
is a look at the week ahead, going until the 25th of April.
And today we are looking at the sky with the Moon in Pisces. The
Pisces Moon is a time when you land in a different place than what you
expect. So there are many things this week that are of great
importance. One of the things is that Venus is still in a place called
out of bounds. Which means it has jumped out beyond the boundaries
that the Sun sets at the Solstices, at zero degrees of Cancer and zero
degrees of Capricorn. So it is about the tropic of Cancer and the
tropic of Capricorn. And Venus has popped beyond that limit and will
remain so until June 2nd. And during that period, in the middle of
that period, Venus will then turn retrograde May 13th until June 25th.
The qualities of Venus out of bounds is you can’t reach those you
love. And that is just so descriptive of what we are going through,
not being able to make those connections. We can’t touch those that
are not in our house. We can’t have gatherings and give people hugs
and share birthday parties and family events the way we used to during
this very difficult time. So the nature of Venus is held way back,
right through to the end of June. Social distancing has been installed
as a staple for living at this time. And we need to be grateful for
what we do have and what areas and what ways we can be expressive.
So we are also compromised by the other things: trying to shop, trying
to get what you need. And then there is going to be shortages in some
of the things that we shop for.
But the Sun entering Taurus this week is likely to bring some
stability to the situation. Hopefully some of that money that they
have been promising. The Sun enters Taurus on Sunday at 10:46 AM and
that will remain so until May 20th. So that is a help. The Sun does a
very difficult thing during this week though. So leading right up to
it, even beginning now, the Sun is on an uphill battle in a struggle
with Saturn. That battle does not reach its peak until the day it is
exact. And that would be on the 21st Tuesday at 3:00 AM. After the
square occurs and the Sun begins to pull away, not until the next day
will we probably feel any relief from that. And then that is the New
Moon. So it is not a good time to start things until perhaps on
Thursday or Friday. If you wanted to start something new I would say
make it Friday. Especially whereas the New Moon doesn’t take place
until 10:26 PM on Wednesday night.
The Moon will go through three signs: Pisces Moon will go right
through until Monday at 3:00 AM. And then the Moon enters at that time
Aries. And it will be in that sign until 3:35 PM on Wednesday.
There is a Green Light period during that Aries Moon sign for things
that you want to rush through or have your hopes on things that would
work out quickly. Although that is not as likely with that Sun square
Saturn going on throughout the week.
The Moon will go into Taurus at 3:35 PM Wednesday until 3:19 AM on
Saturday. That will host the New Moon that we have on Wednesday night.
There is another big change on Wednesday. Ceres the planet of care
taking, care giving, food supplies, food servers, workers, anyone who
takes care of us, anyone who does the daily routine and takes care of
people. It goes into the sign of great sacrifice and service on
Wednesday at 4:16 PM. Stays there for several months. It will
retrograde right back into Aquarius for a time in September and then
return into Pisces November 9th. So Ceres is very key in regard to
doctors and anyone under the care of doctors and those that are
serving us in other ways, nurses and caregivers. All would be under
the domain of Ceres.
The food. The whole thing about the food. Food shortages, food not
being harvested, not being purchased. All those stories about the food
will be very sad, as we see what happens with Ceres going through the
sign of Pisces.
But Saturday at 1:36 AM there is an excellent opportunity for
communicating with those that you love far away. And that whole far
away principle is under Venus’ domain at this time, for quite a long
time until the beginning of summer.
The authorities seek action and answers with a Pallas and Ceres
aspect. Things about cultivating a product that will help to combat
this virus. And also food service workers are seeking ways to protect
themselves in greater numbers. There is acquiring food without the
risk to others or from others, which is also a tactical effort that
should be carefully planned.
Mercury and Mars form an aspect on Saturday April 18th. And this
aspect is motivated to move into the right direction. Move forward
quickly. This is likely to cause some restarts later down the road.
The Pisces Moon continues on with information and methods behind the
scenes. And that is on Sunday. And once again you land in a different
place than what you expect. Especially when the Moon is going to line
up with its very own Neptune on Sunday morning. A good time to sleep
in as late as you can with that one. It will also end with a kiss to
Neptune as well.
The plans that you might have all or part of your plans might get
dropped because of the fact that the Sun is going to change signs and
go into the sign of Taurus. And this is a good thing. Well form plans
are best activated after 10:45 AM Sunday. That is when the Sun goes
into Taurus. It is a productive sign with a lot of determination. And
this sign seeks reliable and solid methods. There is a strong need for
a stable routine and security. Stubborn is the nature of Taurus. And
it can be a problem, but it promises persistence. So we need that. It
is highly creative and relates most closely to the natural world.
Gardens are its favorite playground. And others seek it’s down to
earth nature to keep this fixed sign stable. Money is the biggest
focus with Taurus. And food and traditions and staples are at the
heart of what drives the Taurus bull. When negotiating with anything
remember it is food first if you are meeting with somebody. And then
it is also the sign that values the art of persuasion. So be patient.
Be persuasive. Don’t be pushy.
The generous side of Jupiter is seeking to boost the economy with its
stimulus checks but still seems to be there are problems with actually
getting them. Hopefully by the time we hear this people may have
already started to get their checks. I hope.
Mercury is in an aspect with Juno, the bride. So Mercury the planet
that seeks all the data and the facts is aligned with Juno. And the
facts are not embedded, so it is not like it is perfect. Juno as a
mate is someone who is actually more of a silent partner, who is a
stand in figure, who gives voice to the underdog. So there is a
possibility that those that cannot speak for themselves will have a
voice when Mercury helps those that cannot speak up.
Then comes along during that Pisces Moon on Monday at 1:25 AM is Moon
parallel Neptune. And this aspect is used for your intuition. Use that
for your goals and your entire sign of Pisces. You can use that with
better results than just trying to search down more practical matters.
It is not that practical, but it can produce methods that can work.
So as far as medical applications without trials. Those things may be
useful, but it is also keep your methods, your alternative methods
that you have in your own medicine chest available. And I would say
use those things first if you are trying to fight something off before
trying to go outside and seek some help with a doctor, unless you are
really in a critical space. Those alternative methods are very
powerful and they can be useful during this time. It is a time of
spiritual assistance to concrete applications.
So the Pisces Moon does end on Monday morning at 3:00 AM when the
Aries Moon comes in. And this is the Moon that charges in to get the
job done during this Taurus season. Rushing is not appreciated, and
that is what the Aries Moon does. So not so fast the Taurus Sun says.
You need to gather more data. Run it by those in the seats of
authority. The Moon also sits with Chiron. And this one tries to
express empathy and emotional healing. But it is rushed in a way that
doesn’t quite get the message out there. But the Moon conjunct Chiron
can also show where there is opportunity for healing. There may be
methods in there that are far more useful than what we have seen
before. This is Monday and it is exact at 4:55 PM.
The Sun on Tuesday is square Saturn. This is an aspect that all week
long from now and until then and then the day after. The Sun square
Saturn is a difficult aspect. It is at 3:00 AM on Tuesday morning. It
will continue for the next day as well. It shows a hard road that has
been traveled. And the worst of this pandemic may actually be at its
peak, with this particular aspect. It has been a very long uphill
battle. But it is downhill after this difficult aspect. But the
downhill is slow because both of the signs. Both the Sun and Taurus
and then Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. Both of those signs are slow
to move. not lending to a quick exit for a very hard period. So it is
still going to hang in there for a while. The week leading up to this,
as I had said is dominated by this energy. So everything is going to
feel like it is just so hard, but after that it will lighten up. So
have some hope and faith that your life is going to be easier to
manage after this aspect between the Sun and Saturn is over.
So Thursday the 23rd is actually better for dealing with your goals.
That is after the New Moon has occurred. And so we are out of the dark
and even into Friday. I think Friday would be even better. So as we
have that dark period continuing.
There is a very foggy brain kind of thing on Tuesday with Mercury and
Neptune. And then Mercury and Chiron reflect back to maybe some bad
traffic days. April 15th had a bad traffic day when there was 54 cars
in an accident in Chicago. That is when the pair were conjunct. So now
the parallel may be bringing some comfort to some problems with people
on the move. And could be talking of viable treatment plans that might
be part of the news on April 21st. so not so fast that Aries Moon
says, as it rips through the sign. And Aries does want things to be
very fast.
Wednesday the final aspect of the Aries Moon is pumped up with a
square to Jupiter in Capricorn. And that is at 8:31 AM on Wednesday.
This is an over optimistic approach to a large matter. We know what
those matters are. So you want to use this to unload the dead weight
in your economic plans. Do not agree to advance your goals under the
Aries Moon at all. You are overlooking some very important
information. Plus the fact that we are in the dark pretty much until
Friday afternoon the 24th.
Then the New Moon comes in and this New Moon leads to a Lunar Eclipse
that is going to come up a year and a half later. So if that gives you
any idea at all about how long the energies that are planted, the
seeds that are planted, from this particular Moon are going to be
running their course. It doesn’t seem as though the course will end.
However there is something. That is all things, all cards are on the
table. I would think that greater resources would become available.
Especially where Uranus is in the sign of Taurus. And that there can
be stunning amounts of efforts and also money that goes into the
latest technology to treat this virus. This is also supported by
Ceres, the doctor, who is represented in the sign of Pisces who will
sacrifice everything to get to the bottom of this.
Mars and Venus are also trine in the New Moon chart, which makes plans
to return the focus on the economy and work. Get the ball rolling. But
there is a silent partner still holding back.
The Lunar Nodes reach the point of the highest focal point. That is
the Solar Eclipse that is coming up June 21st. So the Lunar Nodes at
zero degrees of Cancer is global. It has that global reading for
current conditions. So it makes this a very rough time.
Thursday April 23rd there is a hasty attempt to jumpstart a slow
buggy. This is like putting the cart before the horse. Mistakes can be
made. It is a Taurus Moon, but there is a method without high
expectations of gains that can be okay for a one time investment. So
we will see how that works out.
Then on Thursday Ceres does make its change 4:16 PM enters Pisces. It
is seeking the service and sacrifice of those needed to care for the
ill. And workers in all sectors in the emergency mode of actions to
gain an increase also in pay. There is a call for that. So we are
going to get behind that to help the people get what they deserve and
get some hazard pay as well.
But as far as food goes you want to consider changing your diets
without meats. Meats may not be readily available.
Friday, April 24th we are in the dark of the Moon. There seems like
there is some conflicts before any peace can be made during this nice
Taurus Moon. So that is Friday. I think is probably the nicest day.
Although boundaries are very loose, as they try to engage a back to
work plan with the Sun semi square Neptune. That doesn’t allow for a
good plan to move forward.
The Sun does come together with Uranus on Friday during the Taurus
Moon. And there is hope for a long term solution for current problems,
inventions and discoveries on this day. The latest methods are
promising and productive. So there is a hasty attempt again to jump
start that slow buggy with that Taurus Moon sign. Not until that
passes can we move into a place that feels a little more peaceful.
Saturday, April 25th, the Moon sign changes to Gemini and we hope to
talk to you again during that Gemini Moon sign. Have a good week.
I do email it out. If you haven’t been receiving an email with the
weekly report during the silence at Boston College over the past few
weeks. then send me a note. Text me if you want, with your email
address. My email address is But you can
find it more easily at
Okay. That is it for the week. Take care. Stay safe. Stay home. Stay
home again this week.
I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.
Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call
me. You can also send me your email address. You can email me at
If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin From April 11 - 18 2020 Green Light Days
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday April 11, 2020 – Saturday April 18, 2020
Saturday April 11, 2020
Good Afternoon. This is Dietrech Pessin with the recording of the
astrology report for the week ahead from April 11th through April
18th, with some notes of other dates that are relevant throughout the
April 11, 2020 we have a Sagittarius Moon sign. Sagittarius is the sign of
broader understanding, reaching out beyond your comfort zone, and
trying to grasp and incorporate the knowledge that you have been
exposed to, so that you can be better informed. What we have for the
Sagittarius Moon today. One of the things that happened early on is
that Mercury changed signs and it went into the sign of Aries. And
Mercury will be in the sign of Aries until April 27th. The Aries sign
has to do with fast and quick, and a quick return for your efforts. So
Mercury is quick on his heels anyway. So was going to be collecting
information and delivering information faster than we can possibly
keep up with. Or it should seem. And there is a quick response that
often follows whatever is put out there.
During the Sagittarius Moon there will be a Green Light period. And so
that will be evident all the way through today until early tomorrow
morning. I’m looking at 7:45 AM. Although it goes straight through the
sign of Sagittarius, which doesn’t change until 8:05 PM on Sunday
night. So the Moon in Sagittarius according to the ancients is never
void of course.
However the last aspect of the Sagittarius Moon is
beautiful as its Moon and Sun are trine at 7:46 AM Sunday 4/12 morning.
Leaving the whole day to not be hindered by any major aspect at all.
But going backwards over Saturday 4/11 looking at what the Sagittarius Moon
brings besides that or including the Mercury in Aries. This is really
going to be something either very positive and genius as it
investigates what it is about this health crisis, when Mercury and
Chiron join together April 15th. So it may present information about
medical conditions necessary to link people together with safe
treatments and healings. And any type of therapies to be able to mend
people during this horrible virus. And other things that you may have
going on in your life that you may have to put on hold because the
virus takes precedence. And you are not able to say, get your hip
replaced or your teeth fixed or the things that you have been counting
on doing that have to be put on hold.
So what the Aries Moon is, is that it brings out the independent
thinker within yourself and hearing that as you hear others speak. And
there is a quick talking style that thinks up new ideas. You may
experience flashes of intuition, rapid amounts of information or fire
it out. Decision making may become easier, albeit the facts are
unverified. So it is all sort of hot headed kind of brought up to the
top, up to the cap.
So then there is an aspect later, Mars parallel Ceres. This increases
fevers and also kitchen fires and house fires. So we want to be very
careful today as that is breaking out. And then there is some relief
after a break in fevers and possibly in some other type of activities.
And that is with the Moon parallel Jupiter will expand and release
some of the things being held down.
Mercury and Saturn are making an aspect tonight around 8:00. And this
one is an opportunity to be able to bridge a gap with the authority
figures and those that are inquiring about methods and processes of
information. Then Mercury is making a Grand Square to the Lunar Nodes.
This is filled with very heavy viral load. The good news is that once
this aspect delivers the goods it will be satisfied for a bit. It
however has tons of data and statistics. And perhaps the virus will
begin to decline I believe after Sun square Saturn April 21.
The Sagittarius Moons last aspect I mentioned is trine to the Sun. So
this opens horizons for better understanding of what we are up
against. Education is the most important piece to what we are going
through right now. So stay informed. I don’t suggest that you sit
there through a two hour news report from the same person. But stay
informed with some credible information. Perhaps from your governors.
And then the Moon changes signs. That would be at 8:05 PM on Sunday
April 12th and it goes into the sign of Capricorn. That is going to be
a very important Moon sign this week because there is a Quarter Moon
that will take place in the sign of Capricorn and it is a real hot
So besides all the things that it will tend to Neptune is making an
aspect to Chiron and that is tomorrow evening. This would have to do
with expanding the understanding of the invisible boundaries. That are
possibly about how far can this virus go? How long can we be affected
by it? It is also filled with all sorts of spiritual resources that
are greater during this time. If they are accessed quietly and
directly as in meditation and prayer, Group prayer is a really big
positive themed group meditation. Very positive as well. Perceptions
must evaluate through the over sensitivity and decisiveness. So you
need to try and keep your head on during such an aspect, which is
really difficult to do. Extreme difficulties in who and what to trust
comes up with this aspect. There is a lack of objectivity. So there is
a lot of psychic resources or psychic information. Things seemingly to
be unfounded actually may have very usable information in it. So stay
in touch with all different sources of information.
The Sun and Vesta form an aspect. Now Vesta is about investment,
commitment, housing, real estate, the hearth, the home. This has to do
also the homeland security. And this has much to do with the economy
in a big, big way. Vesta has been a big player this week. It will
continue to be. It has been since also the end of December, when this
virus began to take place and presenting a major economic problem for
the country. So Vesta along with Chiron both collecting great hits
through the week. And this clearly is about the nature of and the
condition of the economy as the Sun makes it semi square to Vesta
leading into Monday morning. We may see a change in economic reports
that reflect that.
Monday April 13
The Moon is still in Capricorn on Monday. Then Venus and Vesta will be
producing a major report as they join together on Tuesday. But what
happens is that the Moon sets it off on Monday right around 11:10 AM.
And the Moon then sets off Vesta as well. You see, the two of them are
conjunct. They are paired up in the sign of Gemini, Venus and Vesta.
So if there are things that this type of Moon hit, which is a quincunx
life is messy clean it up, are warning you about take action on it
before the next big major event occurs in regard to the economy.
Tuesday April 14
Saturn holds the economy down with an aspect to Vesta. The Sun is
square Pluto and it is involved in the power struggle about the
current events. This is on Tuesday 7:06 AM. Then there is the big
conjunction between Venus and Vesta. It is very telling on multilevels
of the economic status. It is under the willful arms of Sun Pluto
square, which is heavy duty power struggle.
And the condition of the economy remains so through November 30th.
Then that is when a Lunar Eclipse will occur at this point and layout
all the options and all the information. Everything will be out in the
open. Bankruptcy will be in record numbers in the fall of 2020 or
before. And then again April of 2022. Even the Moon is showing the
connection to the Saturn and Pluto conjunction we had in January when
all this was set off sort of set in stone. And then Jupiter and Pluto
conjunction came up and spread the virus out all over the world in a
faster pace. So these three major planets: Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto
line up again in Capricorn in the chart of that Lunar Eclipse coming
up November 30th.
So on Tuesday, April 14th at 2:38 PM the aspect between Venus and
Vesta in Gemini they are conjunct. Or have a real long arm into the
future and into the past. So pay attention to what the warning signs
are from that pair.
Then Moon joins up with Pluto 6:01 PM this is when you might be trying
to decide, do I pay this or what? Do I do this or what?
The Last Quarter Moon comes up on Tuesday, April 14th at 6:56 PM and
it is associated with a Lunar Eclipse that we had last July. And that
was July 16th. It is now directly aspecting the things also that
happened in Capricorn this winter with the Saturn Pluto conjunction,
etc. This may indicate actual onset and release of this virus going
back to July 2019. And that Moon phase in Capricorn speak to the
government involvement in the payments that have to come up with from
the events that were laid out there last July. This Last Quarter
identifies getting paid or paying back or paying bills. The Lunar
Eclipse July 2019 can also contains an emotional and financial painful
situation with Venus opposite Saturn. Ouch. That hurts. The Quarter
Moon is painful being cut off from loved ones and your ability to run
your life in the way that you would like to because of financial
Then the Moon is conjunct Jupiter giving a little ray of hope. This
says don’t worry it is all going to work out eventually. We just have
to have a lot of patience and there are resources and options
available to us now that have not been available before. Being able to
take out loans that may not even have to pay back. Having all kinds of
things that you can do and find ways around some of the hardships here
and the loss of work, and that sort of thing and beyond.
The Capricorn Moon continues. It is void of course from 7:47 PM on
Tuesday night until Wednesday at 3:37 AM. And then the Moon enters the
sign of Aquarius. Now Aquarius is the sign that has to do with by the
people, for the people, and everything that needs to be shared by all
the people. It is very Bernie Sanders type of principles. So the
Aquarius Moon is appropriate for the stimulus payout for the people.
And that is expected on Wednesday. There is Sun square Jupiter. It is
the benefactor. It has reservations. This contact by the Sun is linked
all the way back to December 27th, when this pair was united in their
yearly conjunction.
So the chart of the alignment shows that the Moon is at the Lunar
Eclipse degree of 24 Capricorn. Now that is what we just talked about
that happened July 19. And here we are at the Last Quarter Moon on
April 14th there is completely related to it.
Wednesday April 15
Then Venus and Pluto go crazy when they create jealousy, sexual
tension, territorial disputes, obsessions. People might be getting
very antsy. It is still a time to seek distance not attachment. Venus
in Gemini will change her mind shortly after receiving her desires. So
the interest is based on irrational desires. The financial news is bad
but the government’s struggle seems to be worse. So I think there is
difficulties in relationships between each other with this Venus and
Pluto aspect 1:34 PM on Wednesday. These kind of aspects take over the
whole day so you don’t really need to know exactly what time they take
Then the rest of the day on Wednesday seems to be rather easy going.
Things calm down on Thursday, April 16th. That Aquarius Moon is
conjunct Mars early on. That is 1:41 AM late night early, early
morning. And the goals are to support the greater good. So if you want
to apply for something, make changes to do something that is going to
reinvent your life. And think of it like that. You are going to
reinvent your whole life. This is an opportunity for a second chance
so to speak that we never thought we could ever have. What can you do?
What kind of business could you create for yourself? What type of new
career might you want to enter into when all this is said and done? We
will survive. There is lots of support for that.
Thursday April 15
And then Thursday, April 16th Pluto and Vesta they are expressing
extended fears about the economy and reports show an indication of a
long and hard recovery. Yeah. That is probably true. But you know what
there are as I said resources now that were not available before. We
are blessed with the ability to be able to communicate well beyond our
laptops and telephones. So we have options.
Friday April 17
Friday, April 17th the Aquarius Moon again is for the people. And
Venus and Jupiter are a little bit optimistic trying to celebrate when
they have an aspect in Vesta. Find your partners to be very supportive
of projects. That is Vesta and Juno. Juno is the partner. Vesta is the
investment. That is early on Friday morning. So those things may
actually be influencing what decisions are made and what pairs are
made by the combinations that come together Thursday night on the
16th. So then information is at odds with your partner, who may be
saying, “You know, don’t do that. That doesn’t sound very smart or
very wise. Don’t listen to that.” Be creative. So what you want to do.
And try to soften any worries from those around you by the nature of
the opportunities that will come up.
Mercury and Vesta offer lots of positive news about the economy. This
is great to get help paying the bills. Follow the trends shown in
data, not the gossip. So just keep going with what you can do.
Then there is an aspect at the end of the Aquarius Moon that says all
will be well. There are opportunities, just like I was saying. It is a
sextile between the pair, the Sun and the Moon. Very positive. And
that is at 10:34 AM which is the beginning of a void of course Moon
period that runs until 2:29 PM on Friday. So that is pretty much all
day. On Friday we have this void of course Moon period. And you don’t
want to sign anything or agree to anything during a void of course
Moon when the Moon is in Aquarius because it will stick.
The Sun is in there with Ceres showing that there is also an
opportunity to increase the care in the nation. Care for others is the
primary goal. And those currently under the care of a doctor will get
assistance and find a way. There is also a Moon sign change that comes
in at 2:29 PM the Moon goes into Pisces. So this is where Pisces
floats on information and methods behind the scenes. It is like
between a wing and a prayer, right? This is under the sign. Under this
sign you land in a different place than what you expect. That is what
happens when you take direct action during a Pisces Moon. So it could
be good. Could be bad. You don’t know. Have to use your intuition in a
lot of ways. Use your gut reaction to things. It doesn’t mean that you
are going to absolutely be right. But you know during a Pisces Moon
your gut is as good as any other piece of science out there. So if you
have a way to heal someone who is sick, take your way. Try it. What
can you lose?
And then Pallas Athena is square to the Sun on Friday night at 5:17
PM. And this is when science is ignored. And the Sun is square Pallas
or the wise ones are left out there frustrated as can be trying to get
their points across. One good thing that we have is someone delivering
the information in the CDC that is consistent and stays with it. And
so others need to come around to it that have been avoiding the facts
that are there.
Saturday April 18
Mercury and Venus on Saturday, next Saturday making a really nice
sextile. This is positive. This is excellent for communicating with
those that you love both near and far. So if you have been out of
touch this is when you could possibly make a nice connection. Tend to
the details of your needs. Although wait until the Sun enters Taurus
at 10:45 AM on Sunday, April 19th before taking any action. That
would indicate when we have a Green Light after the Sun goes into
Taurus 10:45 AM Sunday, April 19th. I’m going to stop there. So this
is it for the week. (22:45 STOP) I wish you the best this week. Stay
safe. Stay in. This is the week to stay in. Don’t go anywhere. This
week and possibly next week. So be safe and be patient. God bless.
I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.
Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call
me. You can also send me your email address. You can email me at
If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to
know who you are.]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday April 11, 2020 – Saturday April 18, 2020
Saturday April 11, 2020
Good Afternoon. This is Dietrech Pessin with the recording of the
astrology report for the week ahead from April 11th through April
18th, with some notes of other dates that are relevant throughout the
April 11, 2020 we have a Sagittarius Moon sign. Sagittarius is the sign of
broader understanding, reaching out beyond your comfort zone, and
trying to grasp and incorporate the knowledge that you have been
exposed to, so that you can be better informed. What we have for the
Sagittarius Moon today. One of the things that happened early on is
that Mercury changed signs and it went into the sign of Aries. And
Mercury will be in the sign of Aries until April 27th. The Aries sign
has to do with fast and quick, and a quick return for your efforts. So
Mercury is quick on his heels anyway. So was going to be collecting
information and delivering information faster than we can possibly
keep up with. Or it should seem. And there is a quick response that
often follows whatever is put out there.
During the Sagittarius Moon there will be a Green Light period. And so
that will be evident all the way through today until early tomorrow
morning. I’m looking at 7:45 AM. Although it goes straight through the
sign of Sagittarius, which doesn’t change until 8:05 PM on Sunday
night. So the Moon in Sagittarius according to the ancients is never
void of course.
However the last aspect of the Sagittarius Moon is
beautiful as its Moon and Sun are trine at 7:46 AM Sunday 4/12 morning.
Leaving the whole day to not be hindered by any major aspect at all.
But going backwards over Saturday 4/11 looking at what the Sagittarius Moon
brings besides that or including the Mercury in Aries. This is really
going to be something either very positive and genius as it
investigates what it is about this health crisis, when Mercury and
Chiron join together April 15th. So it may present information about
medical conditions necessary to link people together with safe
treatments and healings. And any type of therapies to be able to mend
people during this horrible virus. And other things that you may have
going on in your life that you may have to put on hold because the
virus takes precedence. And you are not able to say, get your hip
replaced or your teeth fixed or the things that you have been counting
on doing that have to be put on hold.
So what the Aries Moon is, is that it brings out the independent
thinker within yourself and hearing that as you hear others speak. And
there is a quick talking style that thinks up new ideas. You may
experience flashes of intuition, rapid amounts of information or fire
it out. Decision making may become easier, albeit the facts are
unverified. So it is all sort of hot headed kind of brought up to the
top, up to the cap.
So then there is an aspect later, Mars parallel Ceres. This increases
fevers and also kitchen fires and house fires. So we want to be very
careful today as that is breaking out. And then there is some relief
after a break in fevers and possibly in some other type of activities.
And that is with the Moon parallel Jupiter will expand and release
some of the things being held down.
Mercury and Saturn are making an aspect tonight around 8:00. And this
one is an opportunity to be able to bridge a gap with the authority
figures and those that are inquiring about methods and processes of
information. Then Mercury is making a Grand Square to the Lunar Nodes.
This is filled with very heavy viral load. The good news is that once
this aspect delivers the goods it will be satisfied for a bit. It
however has tons of data and statistics. And perhaps the virus will
begin to decline I believe after Sun square Saturn April 21.
The Sagittarius Moons last aspect I mentioned is trine to the Sun. So
this opens horizons for better understanding of what we are up
against. Education is the most important piece to what we are going
through right now. So stay informed. I don’t suggest that you sit
there through a two hour news report from the same person. But stay
informed with some credible information. Perhaps from your governors.
And then the Moon changes signs. That would be at 8:05 PM on Sunday
April 12th and it goes into the sign of Capricorn. That is going to be
a very important Moon sign this week because there is a Quarter Moon
that will take place in the sign of Capricorn and it is a real hot
So besides all the things that it will tend to Neptune is making an
aspect to Chiron and that is tomorrow evening. This would have to do
with expanding the understanding of the invisible boundaries. That are
possibly about how far can this virus go? How long can we be affected
by it? It is also filled with all sorts of spiritual resources that
are greater during this time. If they are accessed quietly and
directly as in meditation and prayer, Group prayer is a really big
positive themed group meditation. Very positive as well. Perceptions
must evaluate through the over sensitivity and decisiveness. So you
need to try and keep your head on during such an aspect, which is
really difficult to do. Extreme difficulties in who and what to trust
comes up with this aspect. There is a lack of objectivity. So there is
a lot of psychic resources or psychic information. Things seemingly to
be unfounded actually may have very usable information in it. So stay
in touch with all different sources of information.
The Sun and Vesta form an aspect. Now Vesta is about investment,
commitment, housing, real estate, the hearth, the home. This has to do
also the homeland security. And this has much to do with the economy
in a big, big way. Vesta has been a big player this week. It will
continue to be. It has been since also the end of December, when this
virus began to take place and presenting a major economic problem for
the country. So Vesta along with Chiron both collecting great hits
through the week. And this clearly is about the nature of and the
condition of the economy as the Sun makes it semi square to Vesta
leading into Monday morning. We may see a change in economic reports
that reflect that.
Monday April 13
The Moon is still in Capricorn on Monday. Then Venus and Vesta will be
producing a major report as they join together on Tuesday. But what
happens is that the Moon sets it off on Monday right around 11:10 AM.
And the Moon then sets off Vesta as well. You see, the two of them are
conjunct. They are paired up in the sign of Gemini, Venus and Vesta.
So if there are things that this type of Moon hit, which is a quincunx
life is messy clean it up, are warning you about take action on it
before the next big major event occurs in regard to the economy.
Tuesday April 14
Saturn holds the economy down with an aspect to Vesta. The Sun is
square Pluto and it is involved in the power struggle about the
current events. This is on Tuesday 7:06 AM. Then there is the big
conjunction between Venus and Vesta. It is very telling on multilevels
of the economic status. It is under the willful arms of Sun Pluto
square, which is heavy duty power struggle.
And the condition of the economy remains so through November 30th.
Then that is when a Lunar Eclipse will occur at this point and layout
all the options and all the information. Everything will be out in the
open. Bankruptcy will be in record numbers in the fall of 2020 or
before. And then again April of 2022. Even the Moon is showing the
connection to the Saturn and Pluto conjunction we had in January when
all this was set off sort of set in stone. And then Jupiter and Pluto
conjunction came up and spread the virus out all over the world in a
faster pace. So these three major planets: Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto
line up again in Capricorn in the chart of that Lunar Eclipse coming
up November 30th.
So on Tuesday, April 14th at 2:38 PM the aspect between Venus and
Vesta in Gemini they are conjunct. Or have a real long arm into the
future and into the past. So pay attention to what the warning signs
are from that pair.
Then Moon joins up with Pluto 6:01 PM this is when you might be trying
to decide, do I pay this or what? Do I do this or what?
The Last Quarter Moon comes up on Tuesday, April 14th at 6:56 PM and
it is associated with a Lunar Eclipse that we had last July. And that
was July 16th. It is now directly aspecting the things also that
happened in Capricorn this winter with the Saturn Pluto conjunction,
etc. This may indicate actual onset and release of this virus going
back to July 2019. And that Moon phase in Capricorn speak to the
government involvement in the payments that have to come up with from
the events that were laid out there last July. This Last Quarter
identifies getting paid or paying back or paying bills. The Lunar
Eclipse July 2019 can also contains an emotional and financial painful
situation with Venus opposite Saturn. Ouch. That hurts. The Quarter
Moon is painful being cut off from loved ones and your ability to run
your life in the way that you would like to because of financial
Then the Moon is conjunct Jupiter giving a little ray of hope. This
says don’t worry it is all going to work out eventually. We just have
to have a lot of patience and there are resources and options
available to us now that have not been available before. Being able to
take out loans that may not even have to pay back. Having all kinds of
things that you can do and find ways around some of the hardships here
and the loss of work, and that sort of thing and beyond.
The Capricorn Moon continues. It is void of course from 7:47 PM on
Tuesday night until Wednesday at 3:37 AM. And then the Moon enters the
sign of Aquarius. Now Aquarius is the sign that has to do with by the
people, for the people, and everything that needs to be shared by all
the people. It is very Bernie Sanders type of principles. So the
Aquarius Moon is appropriate for the stimulus payout for the people.
And that is expected on Wednesday. There is Sun square Jupiter. It is
the benefactor. It has reservations. This contact by the Sun is linked
all the way back to December 27th, when this pair was united in their
yearly conjunction.
So the chart of the alignment shows that the Moon is at the Lunar
Eclipse degree of 24 Capricorn. Now that is what we just talked about
that happened July 19. And here we are at the Last Quarter Moon on
April 14th there is completely related to it.
Wednesday April 15
Then Venus and Pluto go crazy when they create jealousy, sexual
tension, territorial disputes, obsessions. People might be getting
very antsy. It is still a time to seek distance not attachment. Venus
in Gemini will change her mind shortly after receiving her desires. So
the interest is based on irrational desires. The financial news is bad
but the government’s struggle seems to be worse. So I think there is
difficulties in relationships between each other with this Venus and
Pluto aspect 1:34 PM on Wednesday. These kind of aspects take over the
whole day so you don’t really need to know exactly what time they take
Then the rest of the day on Wednesday seems to be rather easy going.
Things calm down on Thursday, April 16th. That Aquarius Moon is
conjunct Mars early on. That is 1:41 AM late night early, early
morning. And the goals are to support the greater good. So if you want
to apply for something, make changes to do something that is going to
reinvent your life. And think of it like that. You are going to
reinvent your whole life. This is an opportunity for a second chance
so to speak that we never thought we could ever have. What can you do?
What kind of business could you create for yourself? What type of new
career might you want to enter into when all this is said and done? We
will survive. There is lots of support for that.
Thursday April 15
And then Thursday, April 16th Pluto and Vesta they are expressing
extended fears about the economy and reports show an indication of a
long and hard recovery. Yeah. That is probably true. But you know what
there are as I said resources now that were not available before. We
are blessed with the ability to be able to communicate well beyond our
laptops and telephones. So we have options.
Friday April 17
Friday, April 17th the Aquarius Moon again is for the people. And
Venus and Jupiter are a little bit optimistic trying to celebrate when
they have an aspect in Vesta. Find your partners to be very supportive
of projects. That is Vesta and Juno. Juno is the partner. Vesta is the
investment. That is early on Friday morning. So those things may
actually be influencing what decisions are made and what pairs are
made by the combinations that come together Thursday night on the
16th. So then information is at odds with your partner, who may be
saying, “You know, don’t do that. That doesn’t sound very smart or
very wise. Don’t listen to that.” Be creative. So what you want to do.
And try to soften any worries from those around you by the nature of
the opportunities that will come up.
Mercury and Vesta offer lots of positive news about the economy. This
is great to get help paying the bills. Follow the trends shown in
data, not the gossip. So just keep going with what you can do.
Then there is an aspect at the end of the Aquarius Moon that says all
will be well. There are opportunities, just like I was saying. It is a
sextile between the pair, the Sun and the Moon. Very positive. And
that is at 10:34 AM which is the beginning of a void of course Moon
period that runs until 2:29 PM on Friday. So that is pretty much all
day. On Friday we have this void of course Moon period. And you don’t
want to sign anything or agree to anything during a void of course
Moon when the Moon is in Aquarius because it will stick.
The Sun is in there with Ceres showing that there is also an
opportunity to increase the care in the nation. Care for others is the
primary goal. And those currently under the care of a doctor will get
assistance and find a way. There is also a Moon sign change that comes
in at 2:29 PM the Moon goes into Pisces. So this is where Pisces
floats on information and methods behind the scenes. It is like
between a wing and a prayer, right? This is under the sign. Under this
sign you land in a different place than what you expect. That is what
happens when you take direct action during a Pisces Moon. So it could
be good. Could be bad. You don’t know. Have to use your intuition in a
lot of ways. Use your gut reaction to things. It doesn’t mean that you
are going to absolutely be right. But you know during a Pisces Moon
your gut is as good as any other piece of science out there. So if you
have a way to heal someone who is sick, take your way. Try it. What
can you lose?
And then Pallas Athena is square to the Sun on Friday night at 5:17
PM. And this is when science is ignored. And the Sun is square Pallas
or the wise ones are left out there frustrated as can be trying to get
their points across. One good thing that we have is someone delivering
the information in the CDC that is consistent and stays with it. And
so others need to come around to it that have been avoiding the facts
that are there.
Saturday April 18
Mercury and Venus on Saturday, next Saturday making a really nice
sextile. This is positive. This is excellent for communicating with
those that you love both near and far. So if you have been out of
touch this is when you could possibly make a nice connection. Tend to
the details of your needs. Although wait until the Sun enters Taurus
at 10:45 AM on Sunday, April 19th before taking any action. That
would indicate when we have a Green Light after the Sun goes into
Taurus 10:45 AM Sunday, April 19th. I’m going to stop there. So this
is it for the week. (22:45 STOP) I wish you the best this week. Stay
safe. Stay in. This is the week to stay in. Don’t go anywhere. This
week and possibly next week. So be safe and be patient. God bless.
I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.
Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call
me. You can also send me your email address. You can email me at
If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 4 -11, 2020
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I know who you are.]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30
AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, April 4, 2020 – Saturday, April 11, 2020
The following has been transcribed from the recording.
Good Afternoon. This is Dietrech Pessin with the recording for the astrology report this
week beginning April 4th Saturday and running through April 11 Saturday of next week. It has
been building towards this Jupiter Pluto conjunction that is taking over our lives and
bringing our attention to world events that are greater than what we normally can manage
out of our reach. Many people because of social distancing are also feeling the strain and
stress of in a lock down so to speak of the country.
The aspects for today Saturday starting with the Leo Moon. The Sun and Mercury are in an
aspect. It is called split parallel. Even though the Sun and Mercury can never be opposite,
this is the aspect that is the closest thing to it. It can represent the flow of information all be
it sparse and shortsighted, if that be the case. It shows that the channel of facts must be
verified before passing them along. The requirements for accurate information has less to
do with accuracy at this time and has more to do, it is showing that it is a bombardment of
random data. Errands that you want to conduct on Saturday, April 4th are highly risky. And
also birthdays April 4, 5. Then October 8 through 10 are indicated to have contact from
these random messages. You may acquire a temporary link to a group for instance that is of
great importance to you. Many of the self-help groups have zoom classes, zoom meetings
that you can join. So that is a way to stay connected to what has been your greatest support
in your life for some time.
Then 1:09 PM Venus now in Gemini is trine to Saturn and Aquarius. There may have been a
strong link supporting you in the past. And there is a melancholy sentiment that signals the
values of long standing relationships. Be patient they will actually come back to you when
we are past this crisis.
And then at 2:16 PM Mercury forms an aspect to Uranus making this a very testy Saturday
afternoon, so be careful. Be careful also that your vehicle may not be as available for you as
you had hoped. And then Leos void of course Moon period begins at 8:52 AM on Saturday
through 5:18 PM also on Saturday. So that is today April 4th.
The Virgo Moon begins at 5:18 PM Saturday and will form a split parallel on Monday April
6th at 4:03 PM. That time marks the void of course Moon period that extends to 5:16 PM
also on Monday. During the Virgo Moon we have Moon quincunx Saturn. But before that
Mercury and Uranus being separated by 45 degrees is a very quirky thought pattern. And
also things in the computer may not be working well as other technologies that you are
used to may have problems, you may have problems with them as well.
Uranus and Pallas Athena is a very wise and unique combination. Comes in during the void
of course Moon period today. That is at 5:17 PM. But it is a long impact aspect that brings
us wise ways for advancing. It could be information or announcements about great progress
in treating this disease.
Then the Virgo Moon starts at 5:18 PM and that will continue right through until it enters
the sign of Libra at 5:16 PM on Monday. So at 5:18 PM tonight, Saturday the Virgo Moon is going to
show how social distancing causes some emotional reactions. Emotional trauma. Also
perhaps problems with money problems, with physical ailments that have to do with Venus.
Which could be the throat, the glands. Anything having to do with also the kidneys, which
are ruled by Venus and Libra. So the Venus aspect is also under stress in regard to the
support from loved ones.
And then under that meticulous eye of Virgo Moon a conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto
flaunt their power. This is the image of the silent enemy of the COVID-19 virus that exposes
its global reach. This one of five Jupiter Pluto events this year. The lists begins with this
conjunction April 4th. Goes on to another conjunction between the pair at June 30th.
Followed by two potent parallels: one on August 13th and the other one on October 3rd. The
final conjunction of the pair occurs on November 12th . This is the day before Mars finishes
its retrograde trek this year. Jupiter promises more than it can deliver. But Pluto has the
goods and hoards the wealth. Jupiter lets the genie out of the bottle. In the chart of the
event, the Virgo Moon is quincunx to the fever maker Mars. So that looks like a severe
increase in the virus as it continues at the extreme expense of multiple, multiple levels.
Then Sunday April 5th what we have is the Virgo Moon is making an aspect to Chiron. And
that is in the middle of the night. So be careful to not sleep too soundly Sunday night. Pay
attention to those around you that may need help, as there could be a spike in fevers and
conditions that should be tended to. The quincunx means there is something to stop.
Something makes you stop what you are actually doing to tend to a crisis or problem at
The Moon in Virgo is 150 degrees away from the Sun and that is on Sunday night at 8:11
PM. This is waxing towards the Full Moon and shows our emotions running very high. One
or more pertinent unrelated events occur that require your immediate attention. Also with
this particular quincunx at 8:11, 8:12 PM, life is messy clean it up .That is what that means.
Then Monday April 6th the Moon is opposite Neptune. Don’t be fooled with a false sense of
security with this one. It is not safe.
Mars is semi square transiting Neptune and that is filled with indecisiveness. Holding back
because you just can’t make a decision. Complex situation require force and sensitivity.
Competitive actions which are secret or hidden are also evident during this time. There is
conflicts of beliefs and ideology. Disappointments and the urge to escape. Leakages are out
there. Physical weaknesses and lack of energy. That is all because of that Mars and Neptune
45 degree aspect in the wee hours of the morning on Monday.
And then the Moon goes on to oppose Mercury at 5:48 AM which is blasting some facts that
you need to hear.
Then Mercury and Neptune form an aspect. It seems as though they can see through walls.
So connect on a spiritual level to those that you cannot visit in person. Perhaps someone is
in the hospital and out of your reach. And then maybe also you want to call on the help that
you are familiar with using from your spiritual side. The Sun and the Moon are parallel 8:37
AM and that is on Monday. That is a long lasting aspect that does offer some much needed
help. Follow all sanitary guidelines. Wear your mask no matter what someone at the top of
the government is doing. And it can also show you that parallel how things can work in a
positive way, if you follow the suggestions.
The Virgo Moon has a void of course Moon period when it reaches Mercury at 4:03 PM and
that is on Monday. And the Virgo Moon void of course Moon period will run until 5:16 PM.
So there is also Mercury’s link to Chiron, which that just wants the facts in a way that it can
use it for medicinal purposes. And there is also a lot of mental magic that takes place with
the Mercury Chiron aspect.
Then the Moon goes into Libra that is on Monday at 5:16 PM. The Libra Moon must deal
with the Full Moon on Tuesday night.
And also on Tuesday there is an aspect between Mars and Saturn. It is parallel. That is a
dead stop. And that also brings about the help from reliable sources. Saturn you must
realize does practice what it preaches. It is from an older authority figure: a teacher, an
expert. And there can be a very heavy Saturn damper on things. But the ability to be able to
slow everything down is all part of the cure.
Tuesday April 7th Libra Moon. And please resist going out to the store. Do not shop. There is
no good day to shop. Tuesday April 7th a Libra Moon is with us making a quincunx to Uranus
early, early on Tuesday. So there is something that is that could be upsetting and then
things calm down for a smoother restful sleep. Perhaps the Mars parallel Saturn is
something that shows you ways that are tried and true that can help as well.
Mars is square Uranus and that would be at 2:50 PM on Tuesday April 7th . This is one when
you are out driving your car can rip the tires right off your car. So there is some strange and
unusual things that can happen. There can be much that is about your ability to be able to
come up with new and unusual ways to protect yourself and help yourself.
Messages from the underworld come from Mercury and Pluto and that is in the afternoon
on Tuesday. That is when you might be able to get the information and facts you need to
forward your goals. People are still conducting business online and that is a ripe
opportunity. It is still a Libra Moon. The Libra Moon does finish off with an aspect, a
quincunx to Mercury on Wednesday. So that says there is something that you need to
adjust. You cannot just blast through things.
There is a Full Moon at 10:35 PM. That is on Tuesday. This Full Moon in Libra is about
bringing people together. Separating people all under the defines and guidelines of a social
distancing rule. So this is very sad. This is an aspect that does pull people apart and focuses
on the quality of the relationships that you have. It is time to work on bringing people
together through social media and other links that you can to stay connected.
Wednesday April 8th the Libra Moon is with us. And starts its void of course Moon period at
9:54 AM when it makes a 150 aspect to Mercury. That does signal that plans and people,
people with their illnesses are requiring lots of help. The void of course Moon will continue
from that point on. That is 9:54 AM until 4:17 PM also on Wednesday.
Mars and Chiron show an incredible physical skill during the void of course Moon. So
anything can happen. That is when you go out and lift the car off of your family member
who is pinned under the wheel. That kind of energy. Huge incredible physical skills. So when
used in a crisis this can work miracles to get what is needed. And there may be successful
treatment that is available since this aspect is working very hard on Wednesday morning.
And it may show that there is a cure that can help things or a treatment to soften and
shorten the effects of the COVID-19. Jupiter also comes to the rescue when linked to
Ceres and that is in the afternoon as well on Wednesday.
Then after the void of course Moon period at 4:17 PM the Moon enters Scorpio. And this
one ends very well on Friday with a trine to Mercury, which is about positive information
source. It gives Scorpio Moon a Green Light to advance your goals and also that will run
from 4:16 PM Wednesday until 3:35 PM on Friday April 10th.
Still looking then on Wednesday the Sun and Neptune are 30 degrees apart at 6:34 PM. This
one shows that there is a mystery building. Beware of a false sense of security with that.
Practice meditation, yoga, and anything to try and reduce the stress.
Mercury and Pallas, they practice all known methods for safety’s sake. And also come up
with a reasonable plan to advance in a new way to help the situation. And call on people,
wise people in the corners of the world that have been working on this. And they reveal
their skills as well.
Venus and the Sun are not happy at all with their connection that they make on Wednesday
at 8:58 PM. This aspect is a 45 degree aspect called a semi square. They cannot be square,
but a semi square is the biggest influence of that energy that those two planets have. And
this one is not happy with its close bonds and attachments or its money plan. This one is
definitely complaining. The Sun, who is the boss, is complaining about Venus being way out
there. That is the money thing. The attachment thing. The relationship thing. Perhaps they
are using their shopping money for survival. And that is sort of against the government’s
view of why they want to give us this money. But there is unique social skills that are also
could be more effective to put out a positive message during that Scorpio Moon with Venus
and the Sun.
Then on Thursday April 9th the Moon is opposite Uranus. This will release that renegade
alien virus again and then temperatures flare with the Moon square Mars. Here we are on
Thursday with that one.
And then on Friday still under the Scorpio Moon. Scorpio Moon is not meant for
lightweights so don’t challenge it. It makes a 150 degree aspect to the Sun. And it will finish
with the Full Moon energies that were presented to us in the past at this point on Tuesday
Venus has a wild idea that social connection is friendly. This is not the time to ignore tested
methods. Mars is motivated to share a supply needed for the people. And the methods and
the safety that is ensured by Vesta is available. That there is a significant find. Although
short one time only type of thing.
It is also if you are looking for a piece of property to move into, this would be a good time or
a good day to do that. I would say Thursday night through early Friday morning would be a
good time for that.
The Moon is void of course in Scorpio from 3:35 PM on Friday until 4:35 PM Friday. And that
is with a Moon trine Mercury making this an excellent Green Light period during that
Scorpio Moon to conduct your business.
Friday April 10th the Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:35 PM until Sunday, April 12 at 8:15 PM.
That is the sign of religion. People are going to be joining in their churches – against all
advice. Well you may drop all or part of your plans whether you plan to travel or educate
yourself in another way. There are things that will change your mind. And hopefully you
stay home and don’t go to church for Easter. Easter would be on the 12th of April. There is
also Venus and Chiron. Practices empathy and caring. There are chance meetings that
create an opportunity for soul links. There is both a need for emotional space and
Then for Saturday Mercury enters Aries. There is a Green Light during the Sagittarius Moon.
But do be careful of the temptation to join with others over that weekend that traditionally
brings people out for Easter practices. And Mars and Ceres increase fevers and illnesses as
well with Saturday’s energy, next Saturday under the Sagittarius Moon.
Mercury is square to the Lunar Node on Sunday. This one is a very bad omen for the nature
of the virus. So stay put and reduce all of your contact with others.
That Sagittarius Moon will end with a nice aspect to the Sun, but do not reach outside your
safety zone. As Sagittarius wants to broaden your views. Make you want to get out and
exercise and play. Keep your distance from others and then also practice your meditation
and also yoga and other stress reducing practices that would put you in better form of
mind. Study something on line with the Sagittarius Moon. Connect with people overseas
with that Sagittarius Moon. That is it for the week ahead.
This recording will also be found on sound cloud. Go to OrbZero and look for today’s report
(Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 4 2020) which will help to guide you I hope
through the week. And stay safe.
There is one thing that is a beautiful thing about this horrible shut in is that the Earth is
getting a break. The Earth is receiving the benefits of all of us staying put. And the animals
and the wild Earth, the ways of the original intention for the Earths purpose is being
restored and replenished a little. We are inside long enough for it to have a some impact I do
believe. Maybe we need to be in much longer but I believe it is a help from Mother Earth.
As I can see that she is taking a deep sigh of relief. That is it for the week.
I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the planet transits. Classes
are suspended for a time until we have better information about what is going on.
Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me. You can also send
me your email address. You can email me at
If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me or text me at 617
– 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will
know who to respond to.] You can call me on that line too.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your
name when texting, so I will know who to contact.]
I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So give me a call.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives
for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my
radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name,
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30
AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, April 4, 2020 – Saturday, April 11, 2020
The following has been transcribed from the recording.
Good Afternoon. This is Dietrech Pessin with the recording for the astrology report this
week beginning April 4th Saturday and running through April 11 Saturday of next week. It has
been building towards this Jupiter Pluto conjunction that is taking over our lives and
bringing our attention to world events that are greater than what we normally can manage
out of our reach. Many people because of social distancing are also feeling the strain and
stress of in a lock down so to speak of the country.
The aspects for today Saturday starting with the Leo Moon. The Sun and Mercury are in an
aspect. It is called split parallel. Even though the Sun and Mercury can never be opposite,
this is the aspect that is the closest thing to it. It can represent the flow of information all be
it sparse and shortsighted, if that be the case. It shows that the channel of facts must be
verified before passing them along. The requirements for accurate information has less to
do with accuracy at this time and has more to do, it is showing that it is a bombardment of
random data. Errands that you want to conduct on Saturday, April 4th are highly risky. And
also birthdays April 4, 5. Then October 8 through 10 are indicated to have contact from
these random messages. You may acquire a temporary link to a group for instance that is of
great importance to you. Many of the self-help groups have zoom classes, zoom meetings
that you can join. So that is a way to stay connected to what has been your greatest support
in your life for some time.
Then 1:09 PM Venus now in Gemini is trine to Saturn and Aquarius. There may have been a
strong link supporting you in the past. And there is a melancholy sentiment that signals the
values of long standing relationships. Be patient they will actually come back to you when
we are past this crisis.
And then at 2:16 PM Mercury forms an aspect to Uranus making this a very testy Saturday
afternoon, so be careful. Be careful also that your vehicle may not be as available for you as
you had hoped. And then Leos void of course Moon period begins at 8:52 AM on Saturday
through 5:18 PM also on Saturday. So that is today April 4th.
The Virgo Moon begins at 5:18 PM Saturday and will form a split parallel on Monday April
6th at 4:03 PM. That time marks the void of course Moon period that extends to 5:16 PM
also on Monday. During the Virgo Moon we have Moon quincunx Saturn. But before that
Mercury and Uranus being separated by 45 degrees is a very quirky thought pattern. And
also things in the computer may not be working well as other technologies that you are
used to may have problems, you may have problems with them as well.
Uranus and Pallas Athena is a very wise and unique combination. Comes in during the void
of course Moon period today. That is at 5:17 PM. But it is a long impact aspect that brings
us wise ways for advancing. It could be information or announcements about great progress
in treating this disease.
Then the Virgo Moon starts at 5:18 PM and that will continue right through until it enters
the sign of Libra at 5:16 PM on Monday. So at 5:18 PM tonight, Saturday the Virgo Moon is going to
show how social distancing causes some emotional reactions. Emotional trauma. Also
perhaps problems with money problems, with physical ailments that have to do with Venus.
Which could be the throat, the glands. Anything having to do with also the kidneys, which
are ruled by Venus and Libra. So the Venus aspect is also under stress in regard to the
support from loved ones.
And then under that meticulous eye of Virgo Moon a conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto
flaunt their power. This is the image of the silent enemy of the COVID-19 virus that exposes
its global reach. This one of five Jupiter Pluto events this year. The lists begins with this
conjunction April 4th. Goes on to another conjunction between the pair at June 30th.
Followed by two potent parallels: one on August 13th and the other one on October 3rd. The
final conjunction of the pair occurs on November 12th . This is the day before Mars finishes
its retrograde trek this year. Jupiter promises more than it can deliver. But Pluto has the
goods and hoards the wealth. Jupiter lets the genie out of the bottle. In the chart of the
event, the Virgo Moon is quincunx to the fever maker Mars. So that looks like a severe
increase in the virus as it continues at the extreme expense of multiple, multiple levels.
Then Sunday April 5th what we have is the Virgo Moon is making an aspect to Chiron. And
that is in the middle of the night. So be careful to not sleep too soundly Sunday night. Pay
attention to those around you that may need help, as there could be a spike in fevers and
conditions that should be tended to. The quincunx means there is something to stop.
Something makes you stop what you are actually doing to tend to a crisis or problem at
The Moon in Virgo is 150 degrees away from the Sun and that is on Sunday night at 8:11
PM. This is waxing towards the Full Moon and shows our emotions running very high. One
or more pertinent unrelated events occur that require your immediate attention. Also with
this particular quincunx at 8:11, 8:12 PM, life is messy clean it up .That is what that means.
Then Monday April 6th the Moon is opposite Neptune. Don’t be fooled with a false sense of
security with this one. It is not safe.
Mars is semi square transiting Neptune and that is filled with indecisiveness. Holding back
because you just can’t make a decision. Complex situation require force and sensitivity.
Competitive actions which are secret or hidden are also evident during this time. There is
conflicts of beliefs and ideology. Disappointments and the urge to escape. Leakages are out
there. Physical weaknesses and lack of energy. That is all because of that Mars and Neptune
45 degree aspect in the wee hours of the morning on Monday.
And then the Moon goes on to oppose Mercury at 5:48 AM which is blasting some facts that
you need to hear.
Then Mercury and Neptune form an aspect. It seems as though they can see through walls.
So connect on a spiritual level to those that you cannot visit in person. Perhaps someone is
in the hospital and out of your reach. And then maybe also you want to call on the help that
you are familiar with using from your spiritual side. The Sun and the Moon are parallel 8:37
AM and that is on Monday. That is a long lasting aspect that does offer some much needed
help. Follow all sanitary guidelines. Wear your mask no matter what someone at the top of
the government is doing. And it can also show you that parallel how things can work in a
positive way, if you follow the suggestions.
The Virgo Moon has a void of course Moon period when it reaches Mercury at 4:03 PM and
that is on Monday. And the Virgo Moon void of course Moon period will run until 5:16 PM.
So there is also Mercury’s link to Chiron, which that just wants the facts in a way that it can
use it for medicinal purposes. And there is also a lot of mental magic that takes place with
the Mercury Chiron aspect.
Then the Moon goes into Libra that is on Monday at 5:16 PM. The Libra Moon must deal
with the Full Moon on Tuesday night.
And also on Tuesday there is an aspect between Mars and Saturn. It is parallel. That is a
dead stop. And that also brings about the help from reliable sources. Saturn you must
realize does practice what it preaches. It is from an older authority figure: a teacher, an
expert. And there can be a very heavy Saturn damper on things. But the ability to be able to
slow everything down is all part of the cure.
Tuesday April 7th Libra Moon. And please resist going out to the store. Do not shop. There is
no good day to shop. Tuesday April 7th a Libra Moon is with us making a quincunx to Uranus
early, early on Tuesday. So there is something that is that could be upsetting and then
things calm down for a smoother restful sleep. Perhaps the Mars parallel Saturn is
something that shows you ways that are tried and true that can help as well.
Mars is square Uranus and that would be at 2:50 PM on Tuesday April 7th . This is one when
you are out driving your car can rip the tires right off your car. So there is some strange and
unusual things that can happen. There can be much that is about your ability to be able to
come up with new and unusual ways to protect yourself and help yourself.
Messages from the underworld come from Mercury and Pluto and that is in the afternoon
on Tuesday. That is when you might be able to get the information and facts you need to
forward your goals. People are still conducting business online and that is a ripe
opportunity. It is still a Libra Moon. The Libra Moon does finish off with an aspect, a
quincunx to Mercury on Wednesday. So that says there is something that you need to
adjust. You cannot just blast through things.
There is a Full Moon at 10:35 PM. That is on Tuesday. This Full Moon in Libra is about
bringing people together. Separating people all under the defines and guidelines of a social
distancing rule. So this is very sad. This is an aspect that does pull people apart and focuses
on the quality of the relationships that you have. It is time to work on bringing people
together through social media and other links that you can to stay connected.
Wednesday April 8th the Libra Moon is with us. And starts its void of course Moon period at
9:54 AM when it makes a 150 aspect to Mercury. That does signal that plans and people,
people with their illnesses are requiring lots of help. The void of course Moon will continue
from that point on. That is 9:54 AM until 4:17 PM also on Wednesday.
Mars and Chiron show an incredible physical skill during the void of course Moon. So
anything can happen. That is when you go out and lift the car off of your family member
who is pinned under the wheel. That kind of energy. Huge incredible physical skills. So when
used in a crisis this can work miracles to get what is needed. And there may be successful
treatment that is available since this aspect is working very hard on Wednesday morning.
And it may show that there is a cure that can help things or a treatment to soften and
shorten the effects of the COVID-19. Jupiter also comes to the rescue when linked to
Ceres and that is in the afternoon as well on Wednesday.
Then after the void of course Moon period at 4:17 PM the Moon enters Scorpio. And this
one ends very well on Friday with a trine to Mercury, which is about positive information
source. It gives Scorpio Moon a Green Light to advance your goals and also that will run
from 4:16 PM Wednesday until 3:35 PM on Friday April 10th.
Still looking then on Wednesday the Sun and Neptune are 30 degrees apart at 6:34 PM. This
one shows that there is a mystery building. Beware of a false sense of security with that.
Practice meditation, yoga, and anything to try and reduce the stress.
Mercury and Pallas, they practice all known methods for safety’s sake. And also come up
with a reasonable plan to advance in a new way to help the situation. And call on people,
wise people in the corners of the world that have been working on this. And they reveal
their skills as well.
Venus and the Sun are not happy at all with their connection that they make on Wednesday
at 8:58 PM. This aspect is a 45 degree aspect called a semi square. They cannot be square,
but a semi square is the biggest influence of that energy that those two planets have. And
this one is not happy with its close bonds and attachments or its money plan. This one is
definitely complaining. The Sun, who is the boss, is complaining about Venus being way out
there. That is the money thing. The attachment thing. The relationship thing. Perhaps they
are using their shopping money for survival. And that is sort of against the government’s
view of why they want to give us this money. But there is unique social skills that are also
could be more effective to put out a positive message during that Scorpio Moon with Venus
and the Sun.
Then on Thursday April 9th the Moon is opposite Uranus. This will release that renegade
alien virus again and then temperatures flare with the Moon square Mars. Here we are on
Thursday with that one.
And then on Friday still under the Scorpio Moon. Scorpio Moon is not meant for
lightweights so don’t challenge it. It makes a 150 degree aspect to the Sun. And it will finish
with the Full Moon energies that were presented to us in the past at this point on Tuesday
Venus has a wild idea that social connection is friendly. This is not the time to ignore tested
methods. Mars is motivated to share a supply needed for the people. And the methods and
the safety that is ensured by Vesta is available. That there is a significant find. Although
short one time only type of thing.
It is also if you are looking for a piece of property to move into, this would be a good time or
a good day to do that. I would say Thursday night through early Friday morning would be a
good time for that.
The Moon is void of course in Scorpio from 3:35 PM on Friday until 4:35 PM Friday. And that
is with a Moon trine Mercury making this an excellent Green Light period during that
Scorpio Moon to conduct your business.
Friday April 10th the Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:35 PM until Sunday, April 12 at 8:15 PM.
That is the sign of religion. People are going to be joining in their churches – against all
advice. Well you may drop all or part of your plans whether you plan to travel or educate
yourself in another way. There are things that will change your mind. And hopefully you
stay home and don’t go to church for Easter. Easter would be on the 12th of April. There is
also Venus and Chiron. Practices empathy and caring. There are chance meetings that
create an opportunity for soul links. There is both a need for emotional space and
Then for Saturday Mercury enters Aries. There is a Green Light during the Sagittarius Moon.
But do be careful of the temptation to join with others over that weekend that traditionally
brings people out for Easter practices. And Mars and Ceres increase fevers and illnesses as
well with Saturday’s energy, next Saturday under the Sagittarius Moon.
Mercury is square to the Lunar Node on Sunday. This one is a very bad omen for the nature
of the virus. So stay put and reduce all of your contact with others.
That Sagittarius Moon will end with a nice aspect to the Sun, but do not reach outside your
safety zone. As Sagittarius wants to broaden your views. Make you want to get out and
exercise and play. Keep your distance from others and then also practice your meditation
and also yoga and other stress reducing practices that would put you in better form of
mind. Study something on line with the Sagittarius Moon. Connect with people overseas
with that Sagittarius Moon. That is it for the week ahead.
This recording will also be found on sound cloud. Go to OrbZero and look for today’s report
(Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 4 2020) which will help to guide you I hope
through the week. And stay safe.
There is one thing that is a beautiful thing about this horrible shut in is that the Earth is
getting a break. The Earth is receiving the benefits of all of us staying put. And the animals
and the wild Earth, the ways of the original intention for the Earths purpose is being
restored and replenished a little. We are inside long enough for it to have a some impact I do
believe. Maybe we need to be in much longer but I believe it is a help from Mother Earth.
As I can see that she is taking a deep sigh of relief. That is it for the week.
I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the planet transits. Classes
are suspended for a time until we have better information about what is going on.
Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me. You can also send
me your email address. You can email me at
If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me or text me at 617
– 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will
know who to respond to.] You can call me on that line too.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your
name when texting, so I will know who to contact.]
I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So give me a call.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives
for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my
radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name,
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