Saturday, April 25, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 25 - May 2, 2020

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The Moon will travel through Gemini, Cancer, Leo to Virgo this week beginning April 25 – May 2, 2020 during the COVID-19 Stay Home period. Uranus takes the stage from start to finish this week.

Beginning today April 25, under the Gemini Moon see the Sun and Uranus already linked by the long-effects of a parallel that began Friday night under the Taurus Moon sign. This is the slow methodical sign of the bull when there was a hasty attempt to jump start a slow buggy. Like putting the cart before the horse. Mistakes made would be hard to dismiss during that time. Methods suggested without any simple knowledge of the most serious subject of the pandemic could cause horrendous damage.

The influence of the Sun // Uranus shows the absolute insanity of this very serious time. Much has been reported about the President’s comments about cleaning the body and lungs of COVID-19 with an injection of disinfectant and ultraviolet light, during his daily news briefing on Thursday April 23rd. and under the Taurus Moon sign. This indicates the statements will not easily fade into the background.

By this day, April 25, 2020, Saturday there are many important things to mention under the talkative Gemini Moon sign. By last night, 4/24,2020, lunar nodes joined the solar eclipse degree of 00 Cancer 12'. This is one of the most newsworthy couple of days in the lunar node cycle noting its stage is set for the up and coming solar eclipse to appear on June 21, 2020. This type of event notes its capacity to present a bundle of surprises as seen throughout history.

In this case the emphasis of extremes are tied to conjunction of the Sun and Uranus on Sunday at 5:00 AM, the second of two Sun Uranus aspects. Thus elongating its unstable and surprising effects. But on this day the arm is long and wide while wrapped around the globe because Pluto, the pandemic maker sits on its throne of the collective greatest fears of the Pluto retrograde station point, 24 Capricorn. You may have many fears that are all pretty much justified at this time yet may not materialize but you might be calmed by appropriate responses. Pluto’s connection to Vesta, the investor will make it very difficult to get the economy back on track.

Under this talkative Gemini Moon sign, the messenger. Mercury is another contributor to mental angst as it sits at a 90º angle to Pluto. That is an indicator of mental intensity and a troubled mind. Passive-aggressive behaviors and arguments are a problem. This type of persuasive speech is not admired. Craftiness and strategy lace paranoid thinking.

Meanwhile Pluto will travel backwards until Oct 4, 2020 coupled with the same from Saturn as it sits at its station perch (Sep 29). This reignites the Saturn - Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020 that is at the root of the global pandemic.

A Green Light period begins on Saturday after the Pluto change in direction at 2:51 PM it continues through Sunday until Monday at 1:00 PM.

But still on April 25, Venus and Saturn are linked in a very cranky135º aspect are the epitome of social distancing. That is exact tonight at 11:53 PM. This indicates that there is no patience for this distancing, yet it is wise to carry forward during what is the height of the infectious period of this first stage of the pandemic.
Sunday, April 26, 2020 the Gemini Moon continues to spread stories and more with the news of some type of progress shown by search for inventive Sun-Uranus solutions. The Green Light invites advancement during this highly inventive alignment. There are indicators of a grand investment for one specific purpose, a cure offered by Jupiter, the benefactor and Vesta, the investor. (Bill gates is behind the race to find a vaccine for this deadly virus now.)

More on Sunday is a restless Mercury Square Jupiter under the restless Gemini Moon sign: with this you'll feel that mentally there are those pushing the limits. People want to venture out and show an interest in breaking stay-at- home orders. This aspect frames the overconfidence of some who insist on breaking out while others have judgments and strong opinions about safety.

Advance you goals Sunday with a Green Light into Monday.

Monday April 27, 2020

However on Monday at 12:46 PM Mercury square Pallas Athena shows that the last thing Mercury does before leaving the impatient sign of Aries is lock horns with the experts by ignoring all the good advice.
Monday the Moon is void of course from 1:00 PM until 1:28 Pm when the Moon enters Cancer. Not a good Moon sign to move ahead with personal goals.

Late Monday Mercury enters Taurus at 3:53 PM for approximately two weeks and during this time it has a full roster contacting several important planets this week before joining Uranus late night Thursday. Before that big event, Mercury connects with Ceres, the dead serious barer of heavy subjects on Tuesday there may be an indication that there is a leveling of the virus curve and the discussion about practical next steps. Mercury then square Saturn also on Tuesday is not happy with the data and science and delivers words of caution. Tuesday is not a day to go shopping. The air is too full of contaminants and negative reports.

Also on Tuesday, April 28, Mars in Aquarius is in a sneaky position behind Neptune in Pisces spreading its bad stuff around. Neptune is void of boundaries. Even though it’s the Saturn - Pluto conjunction of January 2020 that released the petulance onto the world; according to Rex Bill’s Rulership Book, it is the planet Pluto that rules pandemics and virus’. The next time someone asks whether Pluto is considered a planet in astrology studies we’ll have a global pandemic for a reference.

April 29th Wednesday, under the Moon sign of Cancer shows a not so happy connection between Mercury, the connector and Venus in Gemini as the social butterfly, are in a scrappy angle. Its shows great strain between partners and a lack of ease. Talks between partners express of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems without solutions. Nagging runs high on the list of social behaviors. It might be time to own up to mistakes instead of blaming others.

Pallas Athena shows a notable change in top advisors and other high-ranking guidance counselors which may lead us into a better-informed field not only the COVID-19 virus but other important scientific topics. High placed advisors can leave or be replaced on Wednesday. This speaks to the crisis at large that is emphasized by the up and coming solar eclipse on June 21st at zero Cancer. The angle is on of a health crisis that keeps its eye on the ball that is pitched late June. The Moon changes to the fixed sign of Leo at 9:06 PM – through May 2 at 1:35 AM.

Thursday, Saturn 30º Ceres – holds the sad notes of heavy data and critical health concerns.

Mercury 45º Neptune – the great spreader of misinformation on Thursday.

Thursday, April 30, Another headliner day from Mercury and Uranus which this pair holds a message for its loud link to January 14, 2021; this is when Uranus finishes its retrograde path to a station to turn direct. The conjunct at 11:40 PM Thursday night aspect holds its breath while still aligned but in parallel formation on May 1st Friday. This is not a minor event and may indicate a major announcement or plan or direction during the height of the pandemic. This pair is linked to inventions, discoveries of all types and new treatments of medical and technical applications.

Also, Thursday at 4:38 PM is the First Quarter Moon at 10º Leo 57’ looks back nine months when it was directly related to the New Moon last summer near the same point. It was on July 31st 2019 and Mercury stood still on its station point with a megaphone, yelling in the direction of Uranus sitting in Taurus. I think it was a scream of a jolt that would be shaking the Taurus earth by the time Uranus passed that way again. (Which is now). It could become known at some point that the COVID-19 virus has its spikes in our globe way back then. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were perfectly aligned on that day in a parallel and engaged, with the all grasping lunar node. Could the New Moon from July 31,2019 contain the seed of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Friday continues with the Leo Moon and is not good for advancing goals. There are battles to be won with the Leo Moon opposite Mars on Friday noontime then the Moon heads for its last contact with Jupiter before going void of course until Saturday, May 2 at 1:35 AM.

The Sun and Mars are split parallel on Saturday, May 2 and will likely increase the virus again. It may be a shorter spike but for some this may be something to watch for and prepare for infection. Or an average period this aspect has brought a vulnerable immune system that needs to be bolstered. But it’s a busy Saturday when you might be energized to take on projects and activities outside the house. Just be cautious.

Today through Monday at 1:00 PM are best for tending your errands and goals.

If you would like to know more about the nine month, Lunar Gestation Cycle it is discussed at length in my book, Lunar Shadow III. Available through me or Amazon. For classes, readings and more, you can reach me at 617-558-7233, also by text at that number. Visit Lunar-Shadows for the podcast of the report and the written report of this broadcast.

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