Friday, May 1, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for May 2 - 9 2020 With Green Light Days

Here are two links to the recording. See which one works for you.


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This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week
ahead from May 2nd until May 9th. And we start off with the Moon in
the sign of Virgo this morning. The Virgo Moon is about health. And it
is about taking care of yourself and others around you. Puts the focus
on tasks, food preparation, and any type of job. Heavy workloads.
Perhaps planting gardens, cleaning things up. But also your health
appointments during the time that the Moon is in Virgo. And that will
be for the next couple of days. It started at 1:35 this morning and it
runs right through until 3:09 AM on Monday May 4th. So the Virgo Moon
has a few complications. And it ends in a way that it has a good side,
but it temporary. The positive view of the Virgo Moon doesn’t extend
into the future, but it can have some positive results for the things
that you are attempting during this time. So if you need to have a
health procedure that you have been putting off because of the corona
virus, then this is the Moon sign that will help you have a onetime
event in regard to matters that are important to you.

There is an aspect between the Sun and Mars. It takes place at 4:14 AM
on Saturday morning. That is today. It lasts the entire day. It is a
split parallel. It does appear as though viral loads will increase
during this, but there is also an army of helpers that arrive for a
specific task. I wonder if it is something about that medication that
has been popular this week and positive. As I had mentioned last week
that there would be some announcement in regard to the virus that
looked as if it could be a bit of breakthrough. It came a day early.
But within a day is pretty good. This aspect relates to the results of
shortsightedness, the one that is coming up today between the Sun and
Mars. There is a process of effort and work and also fevers sparking
with this aspect especially during the Virgo Moon. You can probably
increase your own work load. Get things done that have been, I would
imagine all of us are doing things that we haven’t been able to tend
to for a very long time. There is a little bit of an effort to tackle
another health problem that may develop in the afternoon. It could be
the common cold and that may feel kind of frightening because it could
appear as though it could be something more serious. There are some
innovative ways to take advantage of during the Virgo Moon that might
help you get your jobs done a little quickly, more quickly and more

Sunday, May 3rd we still have that Virgo Moon. The Moon is going to be
square Venus. Now Venus is in a precarious position because for one
thing she is way out of bounds. Meaning she is off the charts. She is
not available. It is the epitame of social distancing. This is when
you cannot reach those you love. And it makes it very difficult to be
able to express sentiment in anyway. So the square between the Moon
and Venus is emotionally very emotionally trying.

Mercury and Mars come together to help something or help out with
something for a one-time event like a cleaning crew or some type of
construction crew that comes in on Sunday to be able to set up or
clear the way. They are not going to hang around forever. They will
just be there long enough to get the job done.

Then we have Moon quincunx Mars at 4:47 PM on Sunday. This is an angry
public. This could be that advancement of those that are trying to
incite a riot to be able to open businesses. So that gets a lot more
energy this week as well.

Then Venus and Neptune. We are still on Sunday, it is late night
Sunday night. Overly sentimental. They are square to one another. They
are emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. This definitely could have an
effect on your dreams, falling in love with a fantasy figure. Also
there is a desire to escape the daily stress with fantasy illusions.
Be nice to go to the movies, but we cannot do that.

Artistically there could be a lot of displays artistically that come
out. People I’m sure are doing a lot of things at home that are just
fabulous. Lots of costume and fashion things are overdone. Make up is
too heavy. A Misuse of color. Bad art. Bad taste all around with Venus
square Neptune. And falling in love with the wrong person.

Monday, May 4th we still have a Virgo Moon right up until 3:09 AM. And
there is a little bit of a void of course Moon just before that from
2:48 AM until 3:09 AM. The Virgo Moon ends with a split parallel to
Neptune. This says there is some benefit that can be reaped to clean
up something or to save face so to speak. And it is not a long term
fix. But it could be something that helps a difficult situation that
had been pending all through that Virgo Moon.

Then we come in to a Libra Moon. Not good for advancing your goals at
all. And that Libra Moon starts at 3:09 AM on Monday and continues
right though until 3:05 AM on Wednesday. There is a void of course
Moon during the Libra Moon from 10:30 PM on Tuesday until that 3:05 AM

Going back over what is going on during the Libra Moon. Well, the
headliner would be that the Lunar Nodes are changing signs. They will
reach the sign of Gemini. They have been in the sign of Cancer
Capricorn and lined up on the Cancer end, the North Node side, with
the Solar Eclipse that is coming up this summer. And that Solar
Eclipse, the date for that is June 21st. Right. The first day of

So now the Lunar Nodes go into Gemini that is the sign of the great
duplicator. So it will advance the viruses on many levels. But it also
advances connections and contacts lists and reaching out to others, so
there will be ways to make those connections. Again the desire to go
out, ignore rules, ignore the possibilities of greater problems. That
is also filled with the Sun Mercury conjunction that shows up on
Monday with Mercury and the Sun holding a megaphone to announce some
long range plan, which appears to be related to the economy. But there
are consequences for advancing too fast and many states chose to stay
put, which is a dilemma for some and a relief for others. That aspect
is elongated from 5:41 PM until well after 10:30 PM because the Sun
and Mercury then are parallel as well as conjunct. So that is a very
powerful aspect. And appointments that are made can be broken on
Monday, May 4th. So be careful about trying to enter into predesigned
plans without checking first. Taking off in a vehicle or a train or
plane. Also check all those details first as things might have

So moving through again on Tuesday after that Node changes signs. Goes
into Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius. There is also the first
quincunx between the Sun and the Moon and it is related to the Full
Moon coming up on Thursday. It speaks the ability to share and
cooperate to avoid further economic losses. And there is an event that
may reveal an increase in virus infections of prominent partners. So
we will see who. Like partners could be like Mike Pence, for instance.
He was walking around without a mask. And there could be others like
the Prime Minister of Russia has the virus as well.

Mars to Pluto scouts for an advance of one’s business goals. This is
on Tuesday, May 5th. And it is perceived to be selfish, but it could
also be something where the best advice that you are seeking is still
yet to come. Dig deeper. There are roots to some of the things that
you are trying to develop. Also about roots, root vegetables are best
to eat during this time.

Partners disagree on overhaul methods with the Moon square Pluto. And
then the Moon is square Jupiter after that. We are still talking
Tuesday, May 5th. There is a need to expand. Jump out of your little
cubby and move ahead, but do that cautiously. The Scorpio Moon comes
in at 3:05 AM on Wednesday. It ends with a split parallel to the Sun.

Now there is going to be a Full Moon that takes place on Thursday
during this Scorpio Moon. That would be 6:45 AM at 17 degrees of
Scorpio on Thursday. But this may increase the chances to engage those
who may be a big help in a situation where you have been left
floundering. You might be able to salvage some part of your plan. Even
if your key person is no longer on the scene. Like for instance if you
hired a lawyer and the lawyer has left the situation for reasons
unknown. There could be a temporary fix or someone who steps in and
helps. So you want to keep your focus on the important piece of your
problem. And if you are too scattered to advance your goals because of
changes that have taken place, try to help someone else less

Also on Wednesday Mercury and Vesta the sign of the investor is
prominent with some type of information or a lead. Maybe there is some
good deals for buying houses right now. Don’t know if people are in a
position to make those kind of changes.

Then there is a whole slew of Mercury aspects at the end of the day on
Wednesday, May 6th. This is when there is message about the
replication about the virus and the treatment that can show promising
results. Although the numbers of losses may all of a sudden spike
higher. As it is discovered that more people have died from this virus
than had previously been counted because of all of the symptoms that
they are uncovering now about the virus. So if you are a conspiracy
theorist that the believes this virus is a hoax maybe there are some
numbers there that make you think twice about the seriousness of what
this virus can actually do.

Then we have the Full Moon. That is at 6:45 AM. It is related to a New
Moon that occurred back in November of 2018. And that was right around
the midterm election. And then August 2019 is related. As well as May
7th. That is this week 2020. That Scorpio Full Moon has the final
piece to it February 4th 2021.

So I would think that this is full of intensity with all the cards on
the table regarding the virus and the economy. So changes would then
leap ahead to February. If we are thinking about rushing things, so
things are all better this summer so that we can just have an easy
fall and winter, I don’t think that is the case.

Venus is involved in this Full Moon and it is the ruler of the social
distancing. And it is reminding us that there is more to come in
regard to social distancing, as she sits on the point where she will
turn retrograde. That is May 13th, while enormously out of bounds. You
cannot safely engage without great risk.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are also engaged during the Full Moon in
the warnings, as they sit on their respective perches that where they
will turn retrograde. And they do not release until the fall.

Mercury reaches out to Venus again, but she is too far away to make
any real contact. This could be wanting to connect with those that are
sick and out of your reach. Venus won’t be available until after June
1st. But it is compromised even then because it is retrograde from May
13th to June 25th. That means holding back. Returning back to the old
withholding patterns that would not allow any free association or free

Mercury during the Scorpio Moon sign is also in conflict with the
partner. So the partner in any situation is the focus of that Mercury
aspect. And then the Scorpio Moon sign ends with a split parallel to
the Sun. So this may increase the chances of engaging with those who
could be a big help. Especially if you are found floundering to
salvage part of your plan. Someone else may show up to help you. But
it is a temporary fix. Keep your focus on the big problem.

Then there is void of course Moon from 12:47 AM on Friday until Friday
at 3:15 AM. Then the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. It is an
opportunity to stretch your legs, have some fun. There might be a plan
to teach and study something. This is on Friday. It is Green Light
that begins at 3:15 AM on Friday and it goes until Sunday at 2:10 AM.
So it is quite a stretch there but it does have some complications.

There is an upset between the Moon and Uranus as they are upsetting
the stride of the revolution, which Trump is supporting. And that
would be the actions of those who want to open all businesses, without
any regard to the possibility of the virus spreading. And there is
that model of putting everyone that is disabled and elderly locking
them up and letting everyone else out to run free. Another country is
using that model I think. Pretty successfully too.

Mars and Jupiter are in an aspect also on Friday evening. And this one
also wants to boost the opportunities to be able to get back to
business, reach out, get busy, go outside, play. And that is what
next Saturday looks like too. There is a little adjustment that needs
to take place. That could be a health aspect when the Sun and the Moon
next Saturday have a 150 aspect. That is life is messy clean it up.
But pretty much that is it for the week. (19:03 STOP)

Have a really good week. Stay safe. Bye for now.

I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.

Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call
me. You can also send me your email address. You can email me at

If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

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