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Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday April 11, 2020 – Saturday April 18, 2020
Saturday April 11, 2020
Good Afternoon. This is Dietrech Pessin with the recording of the
astrology report for the week ahead from April 11th through April
18th, with some notes of other dates that are relevant throughout the
April 11, 2020 we have a Sagittarius Moon sign. Sagittarius is the sign of
broader understanding, reaching out beyond your comfort zone, and
trying to grasp and incorporate the knowledge that you have been
exposed to, so that you can be better informed. What we have for the
Sagittarius Moon today. One of the things that happened early on is
that Mercury changed signs and it went into the sign of Aries. And
Mercury will be in the sign of Aries until April 27th. The Aries sign
has to do with fast and quick, and a quick return for your efforts. So
Mercury is quick on his heels anyway. So was going to be collecting
information and delivering information faster than we can possibly
keep up with. Or it should seem. And there is a quick response that
often follows whatever is put out there.
During the Sagittarius Moon there will be a Green Light period. And so
that will be evident all the way through today until early tomorrow
morning. I’m looking at 7:45 AM. Although it goes straight through the
sign of Sagittarius, which doesn’t change until 8:05 PM on Sunday
night. So the Moon in Sagittarius according to the ancients is never
void of course.
However the last aspect of the Sagittarius Moon is
beautiful as its Moon and Sun are trine at 7:46 AM Sunday 4/12 morning.
Leaving the whole day to not be hindered by any major aspect at all.
But going backwards over Saturday 4/11 looking at what the Sagittarius Moon
brings besides that or including the Mercury in Aries. This is really
going to be something either very positive and genius as it
investigates what it is about this health crisis, when Mercury and
Chiron join together April 15th. So it may present information about
medical conditions necessary to link people together with safe
treatments and healings. And any type of therapies to be able to mend
people during this horrible virus. And other things that you may have
going on in your life that you may have to put on hold because the
virus takes precedence. And you are not able to say, get your hip
replaced or your teeth fixed or the things that you have been counting
on doing that have to be put on hold.
So what the Aries Moon is, is that it brings out the independent
thinker within yourself and hearing that as you hear others speak. And
there is a quick talking style that thinks up new ideas. You may
experience flashes of intuition, rapid amounts of information or fire
it out. Decision making may become easier, albeit the facts are
unverified. So it is all sort of hot headed kind of brought up to the
top, up to the cap.
So then there is an aspect later, Mars parallel Ceres. This increases
fevers and also kitchen fires and house fires. So we want to be very
careful today as that is breaking out. And then there is some relief
after a break in fevers and possibly in some other type of activities.
And that is with the Moon parallel Jupiter will expand and release
some of the things being held down.
Mercury and Saturn are making an aspect tonight around 8:00. And this
one is an opportunity to be able to bridge a gap with the authority
figures and those that are inquiring about methods and processes of
information. Then Mercury is making a Grand Square to the Lunar Nodes.
This is filled with very heavy viral load. The good news is that once
this aspect delivers the goods it will be satisfied for a bit. It
however has tons of data and statistics. And perhaps the virus will
begin to decline I believe after Sun square Saturn April 21.
The Sagittarius Moons last aspect I mentioned is trine to the Sun. So
this opens horizons for better understanding of what we are up
against. Education is the most important piece to what we are going
through right now. So stay informed. I don’t suggest that you sit
there through a two hour news report from the same person. But stay
informed with some credible information. Perhaps from your governors.
And then the Moon changes signs. That would be at 8:05 PM on Sunday
April 12th and it goes into the sign of Capricorn. That is going to be
a very important Moon sign this week because there is a Quarter Moon
that will take place in the sign of Capricorn and it is a real hot
So besides all the things that it will tend to Neptune is making an
aspect to Chiron and that is tomorrow evening. This would have to do
with expanding the understanding of the invisible boundaries. That are
possibly about how far can this virus go? How long can we be affected
by it? It is also filled with all sorts of spiritual resources that
are greater during this time. If they are accessed quietly and
directly as in meditation and prayer, Group prayer is a really big
positive themed group meditation. Very positive as well. Perceptions
must evaluate through the over sensitivity and decisiveness. So you
need to try and keep your head on during such an aspect, which is
really difficult to do. Extreme difficulties in who and what to trust
comes up with this aspect. There is a lack of objectivity. So there is
a lot of psychic resources or psychic information. Things seemingly to
be unfounded actually may have very usable information in it. So stay
in touch with all different sources of information.
The Sun and Vesta form an aspect. Now Vesta is about investment,
commitment, housing, real estate, the hearth, the home. This has to do
also the homeland security. And this has much to do with the economy
in a big, big way. Vesta has been a big player this week. It will
continue to be. It has been since also the end of December, when this
virus began to take place and presenting a major economic problem for
the country. So Vesta along with Chiron both collecting great hits
through the week. And this clearly is about the nature of and the
condition of the economy as the Sun makes it semi square to Vesta
leading into Monday morning. We may see a change in economic reports
that reflect that.
Monday April 13
The Moon is still in Capricorn on Monday. Then Venus and Vesta will be
producing a major report as they join together on Tuesday. But what
happens is that the Moon sets it off on Monday right around 11:10 AM.
And the Moon then sets off Vesta as well. You see, the two of them are
conjunct. They are paired up in the sign of Gemini, Venus and Vesta.
So if there are things that this type of Moon hit, which is a quincunx
life is messy clean it up, are warning you about take action on it
before the next big major event occurs in regard to the economy.
Tuesday April 14
Saturn holds the economy down with an aspect to Vesta. The Sun is
square Pluto and it is involved in the power struggle about the
current events. This is on Tuesday 7:06 AM. Then there is the big
conjunction between Venus and Vesta. It is very telling on multilevels
of the economic status. It is under the willful arms of Sun Pluto
square, which is heavy duty power struggle.
And the condition of the economy remains so through November 30th.
Then that is when a Lunar Eclipse will occur at this point and layout
all the options and all the information. Everything will be out in the
open. Bankruptcy will be in record numbers in the fall of 2020 or
before. And then again April of 2022. Even the Moon is showing the
connection to the Saturn and Pluto conjunction we had in January when
all this was set off sort of set in stone. And then Jupiter and Pluto
conjunction came up and spread the virus out all over the world in a
faster pace. So these three major planets: Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto
line up again in Capricorn in the chart of that Lunar Eclipse coming
up November 30th.
So on Tuesday, April 14th at 2:38 PM the aspect between Venus and
Vesta in Gemini they are conjunct. Or have a real long arm into the
future and into the past. So pay attention to what the warning signs
are from that pair.
Then Moon joins up with Pluto 6:01 PM this is when you might be trying
to decide, do I pay this or what? Do I do this or what?
The Last Quarter Moon comes up on Tuesday, April 14th at 6:56 PM and
it is associated with a Lunar Eclipse that we had last July. And that
was July 16th. It is now directly aspecting the things also that
happened in Capricorn this winter with the Saturn Pluto conjunction,
etc. This may indicate actual onset and release of this virus going
back to July 2019. And that Moon phase in Capricorn speak to the
government involvement in the payments that have to come up with from
the events that were laid out there last July. This Last Quarter
identifies getting paid or paying back or paying bills. The Lunar
Eclipse July 2019 can also contains an emotional and financial painful
situation with Venus opposite Saturn. Ouch. That hurts. The Quarter
Moon is painful being cut off from loved ones and your ability to run
your life in the way that you would like to because of financial
Then the Moon is conjunct Jupiter giving a little ray of hope. This
says don’t worry it is all going to work out eventually. We just have
to have a lot of patience and there are resources and options
available to us now that have not been available before. Being able to
take out loans that may not even have to pay back. Having all kinds of
things that you can do and find ways around some of the hardships here
and the loss of work, and that sort of thing and beyond.
The Capricorn Moon continues. It is void of course from 7:47 PM on
Tuesday night until Wednesday at 3:37 AM. And then the Moon enters the
sign of Aquarius. Now Aquarius is the sign that has to do with by the
people, for the people, and everything that needs to be shared by all
the people. It is very Bernie Sanders type of principles. So the
Aquarius Moon is appropriate for the stimulus payout for the people.
And that is expected on Wednesday. There is Sun square Jupiter. It is
the benefactor. It has reservations. This contact by the Sun is linked
all the way back to December 27th, when this pair was united in their
yearly conjunction.
So the chart of the alignment shows that the Moon is at the Lunar
Eclipse degree of 24 Capricorn. Now that is what we just talked about
that happened July 19. And here we are at the Last Quarter Moon on
April 14th there is completely related to it.
Wednesday April 15
Then Venus and Pluto go crazy when they create jealousy, sexual
tension, territorial disputes, obsessions. People might be getting
very antsy. It is still a time to seek distance not attachment. Venus
in Gemini will change her mind shortly after receiving her desires. So
the interest is based on irrational desires. The financial news is bad
but the government’s struggle seems to be worse. So I think there is
difficulties in relationships between each other with this Venus and
Pluto aspect 1:34 PM on Wednesday. These kind of aspects take over the
whole day so you don’t really need to know exactly what time they take
Then the rest of the day on Wednesday seems to be rather easy going.
Things calm down on Thursday, April 16th. That Aquarius Moon is
conjunct Mars early on. That is 1:41 AM late night early, early
morning. And the goals are to support the greater good. So if you want
to apply for something, make changes to do something that is going to
reinvent your life. And think of it like that. You are going to
reinvent your whole life. This is an opportunity for a second chance
so to speak that we never thought we could ever have. What can you do?
What kind of business could you create for yourself? What type of new
career might you want to enter into when all this is said and done? We
will survive. There is lots of support for that.
Thursday April 15
And then Thursday, April 16th Pluto and Vesta they are expressing
extended fears about the economy and reports show an indication of a
long and hard recovery. Yeah. That is probably true. But you know what
there are as I said resources now that were not available before. We
are blessed with the ability to be able to communicate well beyond our
laptops and telephones. So we have options.
Friday April 17
Friday, April 17th the Aquarius Moon again is for the people. And
Venus and Jupiter are a little bit optimistic trying to celebrate when
they have an aspect in Vesta. Find your partners to be very supportive
of projects. That is Vesta and Juno. Juno is the partner. Vesta is the
investment. That is early on Friday morning. So those things may
actually be influencing what decisions are made and what pairs are
made by the combinations that come together Thursday night on the
16th. So then information is at odds with your partner, who may be
saying, “You know, don’t do that. That doesn’t sound very smart or
very wise. Don’t listen to that.” Be creative. So what you want to do.
And try to soften any worries from those around you by the nature of
the opportunities that will come up.
Mercury and Vesta offer lots of positive news about the economy. This
is great to get help paying the bills. Follow the trends shown in
data, not the gossip. So just keep going with what you can do.
Then there is an aspect at the end of the Aquarius Moon that says all
will be well. There are opportunities, just like I was saying. It is a
sextile between the pair, the Sun and the Moon. Very positive. And
that is at 10:34 AM which is the beginning of a void of course Moon
period that runs until 2:29 PM on Friday. So that is pretty much all
day. On Friday we have this void of course Moon period. And you don’t
want to sign anything or agree to anything during a void of course
Moon when the Moon is in Aquarius because it will stick.
The Sun is in there with Ceres showing that there is also an
opportunity to increase the care in the nation. Care for others is the
primary goal. And those currently under the care of a doctor will get
assistance and find a way. There is also a Moon sign change that comes
in at 2:29 PM the Moon goes into Pisces. So this is where Pisces
floats on information and methods behind the scenes. It is like
between a wing and a prayer, right? This is under the sign. Under this
sign you land in a different place than what you expect. That is what
happens when you take direct action during a Pisces Moon. So it could
be good. Could be bad. You don’t know. Have to use your intuition in a
lot of ways. Use your gut reaction to things. It doesn’t mean that you
are going to absolutely be right. But you know during a Pisces Moon
your gut is as good as any other piece of science out there. So if you
have a way to heal someone who is sick, take your way. Try it. What
can you lose?
And then Pallas Athena is square to the Sun on Friday night at 5:17
PM. And this is when science is ignored. And the Sun is square Pallas
or the wise ones are left out there frustrated as can be trying to get
their points across. One good thing that we have is someone delivering
the information in the CDC that is consistent and stays with it. And
so others need to come around to it that have been avoiding the facts
that are there.
Saturday April 18
Mercury and Venus on Saturday, next Saturday making a really nice
sextile. This is positive. This is excellent for communicating with
those that you love both near and far. So if you have been out of
touch this is when you could possibly make a nice connection. Tend to
the details of your needs. Although wait until the Sun enters Taurus
at 10:45 AM on Sunday, April 19th before taking any action. That
would indicate when we have a Green Light after the Sun goes into
Taurus 10:45 AM Sunday, April 19th. I’m going to stop there. So this
is it for the week. (22:45 STOP) I wish you the best this week. Stay
safe. Stay in. This is the week to stay in. Don’t go anywhere. This
week and possibly next week. So be safe and be patient. God bless.
I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.
Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call
me. You can also send me your email address. You can email me at
If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.
A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to
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