Saturday, December 5, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for December 5 - December 12, 2020 with Green Light Days

Listen to the report here:

Hello. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead starting
on December 5, 2020 until December 13th. If you feel like this has been an
enormous amazing unbearable Mercury retrograde. It is not. Mercury is not
retrograde until January 30 th . But it is a crazy stretch that is certainly doing all of
that. If your car broke down. If your phone is broken down. If your
communications are cut off. Or the electric company shuts your electric off and
when it comes back on it causes surges in your appliances and you lose
appliances. All sorts of very Mercury like things are going on.

I can attribute it to a couple of things. It is paired with Jupiter. But that it is paired
with a parallel. That is not the only thing that would cause this. Mercury has also
been hanging out with the big three planets. Not by the Zodiac, but by the
parallel: Jupiter and Saturn and Pluto. So, it is very difficult to try and nail things
down. All you can do is keep rolling with the punches and batten down the
hatches for anything that might come along that could be perceived as a problem.
It is also headed for a quincunx tomorrow on Sunday with Uranus. Now that is
that sudden abrupt aspect that when mixed with Uranus you get a jack in the box
kind of reaction. That is everything is just popping out of nowhere being very
unpredictable throwing things here there and everywhere. Surprises of all sorts.
Mercury is also the planet of communication and information. So, there could be
surprises around those topics as well. So do take lots of care with your documents
and also when you are traveling listen to your car very much. You want to be able
to practice safety in all that you do.

For all your troubles there is are very kind human beings out there helping people
with an open heart. Connect with that blessing that we have during this time and
recognize that there are precious souls that send love and not worry. That can
help us not to worry as well.

There is another big deal this week is the position of the Lunar Nodes. that is
where the Eclipses take place. And we will have the Solar Eclipse on December
14 th . But the Lunar Nodes are the sort of a gateway to these Eclipses. It is in the
position where there will be a Solar Eclipse next June. June 2021. So, we may use

that Eclipse as a guide for when we might be enjoying normal activities. I’m going
to use it as that kind of information guide.

So, for Saturdays Leo Moon it can be fun if you stay within the guidelines for the
pandemic. Shopping is best on Sunday afternoon during the Virgo Moon. The
level of frustration must be managed before you go on to your best goals. That
would be during the Saturday and Sunday morning activities as there is a heavy
turn to this sunny Leo Moon which moves into a square with Saturn on Sunday
afternoon. This is an aspect that sort of halts everything. Puts a stop to everything
that takes place at the end of the Leo sign. And it would be at 12:52 PM
tomorrow. But the good news is, is the Virgo Moon comes in right after that at
2:46 PM. We then enter into our activities with a nice Virgo Moon which is a

So, what we have after for today what we have is the Sun in Saturn put out a
serious message at the start of the day. So, use your existing structure to support
your plans. You might want to order your food online and have it delivered. Also
plans regarding older parents could definitely be the topic that you explore on
December 5 th , today.

Then the Sun and Moon are aligned in a beautiful trine. It is creative it is
harmonious. So that is a fun spot as well. That is geez right around now. It is exact
at 9:40 AM. Then we have moving in the afternoon Mars and Neptune may lure
you out of your safety zone. Don’t believe it. It could be a trap. So, use your very
best sense. The numbers for the covid-19 are at the highest for infections during
this time.

Venus and Neptune envisions beautiful sort of loving creative and pleasing sexy
plans. this is an aspect late night tonight, Saturday night, which could be very
romantic. So that can also be something stay safe and be with people that you
know are covid free.
Mars and Venus are also part of that early morning. So, these things early
morning make for a very romantic early morning. 1:40 AM the other is 12:50 PM
tonight. So, it is a very romantic evening early morning for Sunday morning.
Then the Sun reaches an aspect with Pluto where you brainstorm about how to
make things work. How to find the money that you are looking for, for what it is

that you need. But if you do find something don’t agree to anything until we have
the Virgo Moon which is just a few hours later is a Green Light during the Virgo
Moon that will be Sunday afternoon Monday and part of Tuesday.

Mercury is in the mix with Uranus so this aspect really does have an influence
over the whole morning of Sunday morning. It looks like serious car trouble. It
could be. It could also be something that is spontaneous and difficult with your
pets. Like I have a bird, I have a parrot. He is very hormonal and he will bite simply
because he can’t help himself. So, things like that you want to be mindful of the
possibilities of quirky energies. Children may be trying to tell you something very,
very important. So do listen. take the time to be very present.

There is that void of course Moon that does start at 12:52 PM on Sunday until
2:46 PM, also on Sunday. This Virgo Moon sign comes in with very rich and
hopeful energy of getting back to work on some level. There is a Green Light for
Sunday afternoon from this point until Tuesday at 5:35 PM. So, we have a nice
stretch. We have not seen a Green Light period like this in some time. There may
not be another good one like this for a while, so I would take advantage of it. You
can do a lot with preparation for Monday on Sunday afternoon Sunday night.
definitely take advantage of that all day on Monday. you can possibly clear up
questions about your health and future treatments also are an important part of
this Virgo Moon.

There is some late-night angst that goes on between Mercury and Pluto forcing
you to look at something. Maybe introspection is helpful, but too much in the
middle of the night may not be. Your awareness to explore the many years of
complied guilt and self-destructive pressures in a motion-oriented process.
Keeping it moving. keeping that energy moving. don’t let it get stuck. Then lift it
up and out. Allow it to be released. The awareness itself is a positive, but be sure
to let it go. That aspect can be very annoying in the middle of the night. So, you
want to try and let things go with the help of mediation and prayer. Also, that
aspect is signaling that Eclipse from Monday, November 30 th is still up and
running, the Lunar Eclipse that we had. So, there are some messages or
something regarding that as it lingers on.

There is a Quarter Moon on Monday. it is a Last Quarter Moon, so this is when
you can reap the rewards of your efforts or you can also find a way to pay up/off

your bills. So, there is some promise of a relief check on the way. So maybe we
get some information about that.

The origins of this Last Quarter Moon was the New Moon on September 9, 2018.
Then there was a First Quarter Moon about this on June 10, 2019. Then [there
was a Full Moon on] March 9, 2020, which seems to have been just when the
information about that covid-19 was finally big in the news. Now you learn
something extremely valuable as we come into this very important Last Quarter
expanding our awareness about health matters. So, things that could lead to
some positive change.

The Green Light that we have extends through Monday, Monday night, and all
through Tuesday morning without any hitch. There doesn’t seem to be anything
that stands in the way. It looks solid and looks as if you could have long term very
good results with that.

But then there is avoid of course Moon 5:35 PM Tuesday until 7:01 PM, also
Tuesday. At 7:01 PM the Moon enters Libra. This is where your personal
relationships take front and center stage. The poor Libra Moon is not a happy
Moon sign with all the squares and oppositions to very heavy serious planets. So,
you want to have a lot of patience and look for a better Moon sign on December
10 th in particular. When we have a Scorpio Moon for dealing with subjects that are
heavy. Because we have another heavy foot coming down on this Libra Moon
sign where peace keeping, and coming to the table, and trying to prioritize what is
best for the future goals of your relationship. You might wait on that.
Mercury and Pluto join up to get into the thick of your problems Tuesday night.
So, it is not a good idea again to be tossing your ideas around very late at night or
your worries. However, with this aspect you very might well develop some very
good ideas that help you to sort out and solve your problems come daytime on
Wednesday. So that is a plus. Where some loose ends can come together and
form with those that have a position of power or a position of lending money or
dispersing money. Something about money might be good news with that Pluto
aspect with Mercury.

The Sun is square Neptune at 2:40 PM on Wednesday. This is a blind spot, so that
also has an impact over the whole day. Early when you get up even throughout
the day. It is culminating confusion. It is something you want to beware of about

misinformation or traps that engage your interest without proper verification. It is
an aspect of fraud. So definitely be mindful of that Wednesday throughout the
day and especially throughout the afternoon.
Mercury has some questions about Jupiter’s behavior. This is at 10:30 at night.
The Reports are not flattering, so there is more to be revealed about topics and
information that comes up.

We have a nice aspect with the Sun and Moon early Thursday morning. Then
Venus and Pluto start the day off with good news about money or an opportunity
to have good news about money, as Venus is sextile Pluto early in the morning.
Mercury and the Sun come together for some new information that can be very
useful. Family members have their say about of the nature of your marriage or
your planned union. So, a lot of talk going on about that with that Mercury
influence. That could be discussions about your siblings, family members, and
their marriages and all the drama around that. Lots of drama with the Libra Moon
sign. Right up until the void of course Moon that starts at 7:56 PM on Thursday
when the Moon is square Saturn. And it is void of course until 8:58 PM on
Thursday. That is when the Moon enters Scorpio. That is a pretty heavy Moon
sign. However, this one has Green Lights in it so we like that. That Scorpio Moon
will run until 9:39 PM Saturday. So, it is a good Moon sign to advance your goals
after 10:00 AM on Friday.

We have something important. Well, for one thing the Sun is trine Mars. That is
on Friday the 11 th at 1:00 AM in the morning. That could give you a lot of high
energy on Thursday night. If you relax your muscles and stretch and do whatever
you can to release your energy. It can be very positive for that before you wind
down for the night. You want to keep up your immune boosting regime.
Also, Sun trine Mars is pointing to the movement and motion of the energies that
are consuming us at this time or even the virus.

The Sun joins the Lunar Node for some excitement on Friday. This is an opening of
the door to new possibilities. It is also a view into what we can expect for next
June 2021, [as] I had mentioned before. Your best plans whether they are
business plans or purchases are after 10:00 AM on Friday. know who you are
dealing with and choose like-minded people to do your business with.

Friday night appears to be pleasant for intimate discussions with friends and also
people that you are very close with. There may be talk about possible investments
as well. So, there is a Green Light in there all Friday after 10:00 in the morning
through Friday night and right through next Saturday. Right through until 8:57 PM
next Saturday. If you want to plan ahead. If you are trying to buy a car or do some
important business. It is a good Green Light to go for that. Okay. That is it for the

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