Sunday, December 13, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for December 12 -19, 2020 with Green Light Days

Saturday, December 12, 2020 – Saturday, December 19, 2020

Green Lights this week - Thursday and Friday


Hi. Good morning. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have quite a few exciting things going on. For one today the Moon is in Scorpio. It is Saturday, December 12th. We have a nice Green Light into a tough sign. The Scorpio Moon has a strong agenda with estates and settlements in mind or any business deal that you might have that you want to settle. You may also delve into this day with a deep intent to unlock the things that are in your psyche that could be holding you back. Anger is one of them. If you want to take on that challenge at 4:00 PM. 4:00 PM today there is a sweet spot with the Moon conjunct Venus. If that can be sweet in Scorpio. You might be able to spot the pair in the western sky at sunset. It happens right around 4:00 PM. It is just a sliver of the Moon as it heads into the Solar Eclipse zone that we are going to have on Monday. The Scorpio Moon has a nice finish when 60 degrees to Saturn. This is an aspect that indicates an opportunity may present itself.

There is a little void of course Moon period from 8:57 PM on Saturday night, tonight until 9:39 PM when the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a lighter sign. Happier sign. We can expect some expanding of our awareness in a big way because the Solar Eclipse will take place in the sign of Sagittarius.

On Sunday Mercury is square Neptune. So, this can cause a lot of trouble if you are not paying attention to where you are going. Covid-19 can run rampant with this aspect. So do not shop on this day. I wouldn’t shop until after the Eclipse on Monday. I will find a good time for you. Hold off on most meetings as well. Because we go into the dark phase of the Moon. This will start around 1:00 on Sunday afternoon. It ends after the New Moon on Tuesday around 11:30 AM. Dark Moon phase means you can’t see the Moon in the sky so you don’t have enough light on the situation to be able to find your way around the issues that you have in front of you. Or your plans that you have in front of you.

Monday December 14th that is the day of the Solar Eclipse. It signals something we all been waiting to hear, the electoral college count. This is a Moon conjunct Mercury aspect. This is no small feat as Mercury sits on the Lunar South Node making the message loud and clear to the world. The Lunar Nodes are the opening to the world at large. The Solar Eclipse at 11:16 AM. So, the Nodes are where the Eclipse takes place. It also states the outcome in large print. It travels around the world to land in the lap of the Moon once again by 6:05 PM. And then it is a sealed deal.

The aspect of Mercury lined up with the South Lunar Node can be a set up for a huge traffic jam as well. So, you want to be really careful on Monday. This is at 8:59 AM. So, morning traffic is likely to be filled with some chaos. It could be something. If you have something that falls into a preverbal funnel, it may be jammed for a period of time. Also, those trying to reach home may be delayed by extenuating circumstances. Although do try to reach out to those that are important to you. You may actually make some headway there.

There is a loud message for June 2021 in this aspect and in this Eclipse period here. How you expand your knowledge may also be something that helps you to take your learning into a new direction, a new way of learning.

The Solar Eclipse happens at 11:16 AM. It is not visible here. It is visible in South America. It will activate the energies of Pluto, Mars with soft aspects, but an irritating scrub from Uranus at 135 degrees to the Eclipse point. Although Mars and Pluto are not prompted with a jarring nudge. It is the unpredictable burst from Uranus that may cause an upset. It is the day of the electoral college votes in their own states. However the results, it appears that Trump’s plans to push a vote in Congress after January 6th at the Senate run off in Georgia may contest the results once again. So that is to say the final results may not be on the day of the Solar Eclipse, which is somehow premature, as new beginnings that could give Trumps efforts new breath. In our own lives we may find we are full of new ideas about the future. If we do not have new ideas then the parts of your brain that has numbed over the past 9 months with the pandemic may begin for healthier beginnings.

Monday the final major aspect of the Moon in Sagittarius is a good one to Mercury. It is at 6:05 PM and it appears to align with the information getter Mercury. It states the facts. The pair will align off the grid in a position called out of bounds. So, this is the information comes from some other place.

The Capricorn Moon comes in after a brief void of course Moon on Monday from 10:13 PM until 10:34 PM. A Capricorn Moon arrives. It will see Saturn leave the sign Thursday after midnight.

The Moons final aspect will conjunct Jupiter a half hour later.  As if to say to Jupiter, hold on you will get your turn.

One thing I don’t think I mentioned is where the Eclipse takes place. That is 23 degrees of Sagittarius and 8 minutes. That is right, not too far from what is called the Galactic Center.

So, Mercury and Mars make an aspect just after the Moon enters Capricorn and that is at 11:23 PM on Monday night. Mercury and Mars is motivated to get things done, move things around, have any kind of document or information channeled to the right place. The Sun and Pluto join in a 30-degree aspect, which is accessing the power players in these particular scenarios. It is going to be very intense times.

Tuesday, December 15th the Capricorn Moon sees a positive response near the very end, but we are still under a dark Moon. Venus and Saturn link to invest with gains before each of these planets change signs. It is a last-minute grab that is likely. But beware of legal consequences because not long after Venus will leave the sign of Scorpio and go into the sign of Sagittarius at 11:21 AM. If you planned a money deal it may get dropped by this time, when Venus moves on to greener pastures. Saturn is soon to follow the exit door on Wednesday, but still under the Capricorn Moon sign. Capricorn is a business sign. It is about family too. The head of family and plans about family. But then there is an aspect. There is an interesting thing with Chiron at 5:16 PM. Chiron turns direct. It has been retrograde for several months. The key to the soul is the nature of Chiron. It is taking a stand and speaks to the wounds of this past year. You may engage with those that can help to process the emotional dents, damage, and losses. Use this time this evening on Wednesday evening to contemplate those things that have been insults to your heart and soul over this past year. Make amends where you can, where you can help to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Mercury and Uranus make an aspect at 5:43 PM. It is a cranky one 1:35. So it sparks a backlog in business, documents, or settings for meetings. Use your antivirus protection for this one. It could be problematic.

Then comes Wednesday, December 16th, Capricorn Moon is rather calm on Wednesday. But there are deep talks about business or more. The only rash energy comes in at 10:30 with the Moon square Mars. Talk it through. You can compromise if you work at it with an aspect between the Moon and Mercury thereafter that try to gather all the facts, so that you can make a sound decision. Still Capricorn Moon extends through the night on Wednesday and into Thursday.

Saturn is the first thing that happens on Thursday, December 17th. It enters Aquarius during the Capricorn Moon. The Moon attempts to bid adieu to Saturn, but doesn’t make the connection. Jupiter however waits to see the Moon in a final Capricorn aspect at 12:34 AM. This may indicate the better business deals are ahead. Family members can see advantages as well.

There is the last aspect of the Capricorn Moon is favorable. It is the tiniest Green Light between 12:04 AM and 12:34 AM on Thursday. But there will be another Green Light period an excellent one that starts during the Capricorn Moon. But before that there is a void of course Moon period from 12:34 AM Thursday until 1:27 AM Thursday. Green Light period starts then until 12:27 AM on Saturday. This one is particularly excellent. So, you are going to have to have your plans all gathered and ready to go for this really terrific couple of days ahead. Maybe there are things you have been trying to get off the ground. Or maybe get yourself off the ground. Get your brain in a nice state of mind. That would be Thursday and Friday. Chose this day to do things your way. It has a golden link to some better times. So also Thursday and Friday are shopping days. If you would like to collaborate with others also with your plans, forward your goals.

The Moon is conjunct Saturn at 1:27 AM on Thursday.

Friday, December 18th it is a pretty nice day. There are opportunities all around and I think that you could probably find some things to help you find your way with this Aquarius Moon sign. It is an excellent Moon sign. Green Light all day on Friday. That is right through until 7:38 AM on Saturday. So, go for it. That is it for the week. (12:40 STOP)

Next week we are going to be talking about the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction. And how that will affect your life and the whole world. It is a phenomenal event.

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