Saturday, January 30, 2021

Astrology Report for Jan 30 - Feb 7, 2021 with Green Light Times by Dietrech Pessin

 January, 30, 2021 to February 7, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

The following is transcribed but heading the report are Green Light Times. If you truly
wish to succeed in a business or money matter, then set your alarm to take advantage of
this excellent Green Light time on Friday.

Friday, February 5th . This Moon will link in Scorpio, links favorably to
Pluto. Which is great because Pluto rules Scorpio. Then Mars which is the other
ruler of Scorpio. Then it is toe to toe with Jupiter for a long-term monetary benefit.
So, in the end Jupiter ends up being very generous. No doubt you will wake with some
economical solution into your issues with the overnight energies of these planets
coming about from 2:45 AM through 8:35 AM. A lot of solutions in that period
there for Friday.

The next Green Light Period is not until Sunday at 3:15 PM EST until Tuesday at
12:22 PM during the business sign of Capricorn.

The transcription begins:
Good morning it is January 30th 2021. The astrology report will go right through
this week until February 7th .
We can expect a lot of interesting changes, especially things that are older
matters. Today is the very day that Mercury will turn retrograde at 10:52 AM. It is
going to do that at 26° of Aquarius. That is a really sensitive spot dotted with Solar
Eclipses that happened on that degree. Also, Mercury had gone retrograde or
direct at that time. Last year on March 9 th it went direct at that degree as well.
Then looking back to 2008 in January it also went retrograde on the 28th of
January 2008. So, it has visited this point quite a few times. First of all do take
actions that begin with re. Redo, renew, restore, review, resend, etc.

It is the sign of Aquarius. The sign of Aquarius is about your independence and
free thinking, and anything having to do with the globe at large. Anything for all
the people, for the people, by the people. It is ruled by Uranus, so it is extremely
unpredictable in its nature. It has interest in invention and humanitarian
conquest. That is the way of the Aquarian energy. They create their own rules,
Fight city hall whenever possible, and deliberately break traditions. So that
breaking can be building up as the retrograde period continues through the
month of February, until the 20th when we see Saturn and Uranus square on the
17th of February. So that may bring about some upheaval. Also, you can look to
see reversals of certain things and perceive the energies as erratic, unstable, and
So, this is…Mercury retrograde is definitely a time when communications,
contracts and so on are in an upheaval in some ways. Sometimes you can become
confused or delayed. Letters are lost or sent to Auckland instead of Oakland. Or
they end up under the car seat for three weeks. We could sign a contract or an
agreement and find out later that we didn’t have all the correct information and
what we signed was misleading in some way. We can also try repeatedly to reach
someone on the phone or by email and never be able to make that connection.

These periods that I’m taking notes from right now are from Llewellyn's Daily
Planetary Guide. You may want to have a look at the planetary guides. Very good
especially during a Mercury retrograde to have some sense about why your
timing is off. Short trips can turn into long ones because of complications that
come up. Also, you could find that you are late for appointments, appointments
are cancelled. Things are very much beyond your control, and you forget about
But there are plenty of things that are excellent to do when Mercury is
retrograde. Let’s say you want to plan a life changing path for yourself. This is a
great time to do the research, map out your outline for what it is. What are your
goals? What is your mission statement? Just get into it in a way, in a very
intellectual and mental way. Don’t move forward with it until after Mercury is
direct. But do make your plans and try to have some relationship with this
Mercury retrograde. Take advantage of the high intellectual capacity that you can
tap into while Mercury retrogrades in the sign of Aquarius. It gets to go all the
way back in the sign of Aquarius and then forth again after the 20 th in Aquarius.
So, the retrograde point is pretty much a time when you can be rehashing and
squabbling about things that had begun. There is a very weak point that is
indicated with this Mercury retrograde when Saturn and Neptune are the focal
point. They meet right in the middle, right at the point where Mercury turns
retrograde. So, this can indicate that this is the weakest link.
So, you want to be able to assign your actions and your drives to something more
secure. Wait until Mercury retrograde is over. And you can investigate and take
on rigorous studies. There is a lot of science that is going to be initiated during
this retrograde period. There is also an attempt to bring logic to the forefront.
Mercury in Aquarius can be more cool-headed, which is a good thing. But also,
too people can Back off from their emotion and put some sort of intellectual idea
behind some radical behavior. Radical behavior is something that could be coming
up, in particular at the end of this retrograde period. I’m talking about February
17 th. when Saturn and Uranus are square.
But under the Virgo Moon that is what Moon sign we are in during this retrograde
change of Mercury. It is a very busy Moon sign. Virgo loves to be busy. It loves to
do things. Clean up, cook up a storm. Take all the files out of the file cabinet and

try and rearrange everything. The best effort is to put them back and not leave a
There are a couple of things. 8:00 PM Moon is quincunx Jupiter today. This may
cause some kind of excuse perhaps to bolt to get out, which would be a good
thing. Then later on 10:50 PM the Sun and the Moon are quincunx. That is that
life’s messy clean it up. This is after the Full Moon that we had on Thursday night.
This seems for a way for the administrative tasks to tackle the problems that have
developed before the Full Moon. So, like if you had a little car accident this is
when the plan comes in for the insurance adjustor or the calls or whatever tasks
are associated with getting to the bottom of or moving on from any kind of
problem. If there was tree damage. Some kind of damage from the weather that
might also be calling you with this quincunx to take the task on. It is almost 11:00
at night on Saturday night so who wants problems then? Nobody.
Sunday, January 31 st , it might be a day that you do take on a good size task in the
house. It is also a day to plan a nice great big family meal. Virgo loves to cook and
also loves to pay attention to what everybody needs. Taking into account
everybody’s diet. May get side tracked if you decide to indulge in your pleasures,
when the Moon is opposite Neptune. That is at 12:08 PM. You also have a
renewed commitment to the methods of those who have had success in the areas
of your current goals. So, you may want to reach out and make contact. Virgo is
about setting plans into action, making appointments, and that type of thing.
Really great aspect between the Moon and one of Virgos rulers, Vesta. Vesta is an
indicator of sacred space and homeland security and anything having to do with
safety. So, this particular thing it is also about your sacred space that you create.
So, this would be a great day Sunday to create a little sacred space for yourself.
Maybe totally turn your bedroom around in such a way that it offers you a more
peaceful spiritual setting.
Then in through the evening Virgo wind down, you might feel like overnight could
be a little bit jittery or anxious. There is an aspect between the Moon and
Mercury. So, something that you forgot may get you up to deal with. Maybe an
email or something like that.
There is a clash and cuts and bruises that could come in with Sun square Mars.
This is Monday morning. If you have to go out early, early Monday morning. This

is at 5:33 AM. So, any time after 3:30 to 5:30, 6:00 there could be a lot of that Sun
square Mars. That also is an aspect that increases viral loads and fevers. So, you
want to be careful of who you are connecting with or taking real good care of
yourself. Mask up when you go out.
After that a band aid is applied after a procedure it would seem. Maybe there is
something that is on your agenda with a Virgo Moon. Maybe there is a surgery
that you have early in the morning on February 1st. It ends well. It has a Moon
trine Venus. So that looks like that is going to work out really well. It is 6:09 AM.
That is when a void of course Moon period begins until 6:25 AM. The Moon
enters Libra at that time Monday until Wednesday morning. It has a tough road
keeping the peace.
The Moon is a 150° off from Uranus. Sudden abrupt change. Uranus in that life’s
messy clean it up aspect. Yikes! What do we need to do with that? You want to
watch out for a surprise or upset that comes in right around that time. There are
some difficult matters that may iron out in a peaceful manner. Now this is all
under the Libra Moon. That is Sun and Mars come together. It aligns itself with
people in uniform. People who have the muscle. And there is a peace keeping
kind of energy along with that which looks like they are there to help keep the
Then on Tuesday we have February 2 nd . Isn’t that Ground Hog’s Day? That is the
day the Libra Moon is kind of lazy until it gets a boost or a boot. Whichever, at
almost 5:00 in the morning. That is Moon quincunx Mars. So, there is a bite. It
could be an expensive ticket that comes out of that. So, cool your jets. Don’t get
mad at some other driver. Really, that stuff is not important.
Moon is quincunx Neptune. Takes on a whole different mood during the Libra
Moon. It may be looking for an escape route or to duck questions. That may be a
reasonable technique for now on Tuesday. This is at 3:10 PM. but avoid alcohol
and meetings that might lead to loose lips if you are trying to hold on to some
9:47 PM the Moon is quincunx Ceres. That is about needing to take control of
your diet. Calm down. take care of your body. and get yourself in a quiet mood,
which the Moon in Neptune will help do that also Tuesday night.

Wednesday, February 3 rd the Moon is square with Pluto. It argues with
bureaucracy. That also you can see that situation gets resolved, as parties agree
to disagree and then move on.
Retro Mercury goes round and round in the middle of the night. That would be
early on Tuesday morning. You might feel like you want to get a hold of yourself
or your center, when you feel someone else is trying to control your actions.
There is nothing to worry about, as this is a minor aspect between Mercury and
Pluto. And it is during a void of course Moon period. That void of course Moon
period on Wednesday morning is from 1:15 AM until 9:14 AM.
Then we go into the Moon sign of Scorpio. It starts off rough and it ends up pretty
good. So, the rough part has Moon opposite Uranus. This is a rough part 8:57 PM
on Wednesday evening makes this an evening that is upset. Maybe it starts out
with a bad mood really around 6:47 PM when the Moon is square Saturn. Then it
opposes Uranus and then someone flies off the handle. That is not good. This is
the kind of stuff that harbors grudges. Those grudges maybe in a face off around
the 17 th of February. So, you want to be careful of what you say and how you say
Keep the peace as best you can during this Mercury retrograde. Don’t take on
anything brand new. Don’t register your car or buy a new car. A lot of people will
buy a new car during a Mercury retrograde and have very good results for it. It is
particular. Each Mercury retrograde has its own personality. This one is sitting on
a Saturn and Neptune midpoint, which is the weakest link. So, I wouldn’t think it
would be good to engage with new technology or new vehicles and mechanics,
when the weakest link is amplified. So, you want to wait until Mercury retrograde
is over.
Then we are on Thursday, February 4 th . The Moon opposite Mars brings a sharp
knife to the accountant’s table. This may also indicate that there is some kind of
surgery on this day Thursday, February 4 th . It is a last quarter Moon, which is an
action Moon. It is at 16° of Scorpio. So, it could be something like that. That Last
Quarter Moon is related to two and a quarter years of history there. Any task or
case that you may have taken around November 7 th 2018 might be relevant to this
day on Thursday. The motivation to advance was seen around August 7 th 2019. It
was to be completed or presented by May 7, 2020. Now is the time to reap the

rewards of your efforts on Thursday, February 4 th . Pay off the debts associated
with this lunar gestation cycle.
That is something I write about in my book Lunar Shadows, if you are interested in
learning more about these cycles. They are very powerful. And they are used for
prediction successfully. You can find out more about Lunar Shadows. [Lunar
Shadows] is the name of the book, on my website at
Then we have also another aspect that comes in later in the evening on Thursday.
The Sun and Moon have a plan to mend and reap the interest from the accounts
for prosperity. But it must notify the record keepers. If you compose an email and
in this late night on Thursday, send it after 1:30 AM on Friday EST. So, if you are
on the west coast that is 10:30 at night on Thursday night. Some people get up
and do stuff like this. They call me up, “What is the best time?” If it happens to be
that then go do it.

Friday, February 5th . This Moon will link in Scorpio, links favorably to
Pluto. Which is great because Pluto rules Scorpio. Then Mars which is the other
ruler of Scorpio. Then it is toe to toe with Jupiter for a long-term monetary benefit.
So, in the end Jupiter ends up being very generous. No doubt you will wake with some
economical solution into your issues with the overnight energies of these planets
coming about from 2:45 AM through 8:35 AM. A lot of solutions in that period
there for Friday.
Then there is a void of course Moon from 8:35 AM until 12:17 PM noon time.The
Moon enters Sagittarius at 12:17 PM until 3:52 PM Feb 7. It
is in the sign of Sagittarius through most of the weekend. There is a lot of mixed modes
that invade the fun seeking Sagittarius Moon over the weekend.

The final aspect of the Sagittarius Moon is a very positive 60° aspect to Mercury on
Sunday. This indicates a favorable outcome for your plans. Before that you must avoid
taking action before the Moon has made its quincunx Uranus and also Mars on Saturday.
So, it is best to make your decisions and take your actions after 10:50 PM next Saturday.
And we’ve run into the next week.   Have a safe and happy week and also enjoy this
Mercury retrograde.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Astrology Report for January 23 -30, 2021 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light periods.

Listen Here:

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00



Hi this is Dietrech Pessin with the Astrology report for Saturday the 23 rd of January

until the 30th of January.

We have had a beautiful inauguration. We are on to a whole new way of life. One

without the chaos that many of us have experienced over the

past 4 years. A lot of cleanup is due. There is nothing normal about or average

about this administration with a strong female Vice President. The pandemic has
caused great challenges and will continue to do so. It challenges businesses, jobs,
housing, food, educations  and social engagements.

So, hoping that the plans for the future are supported by everyone, an Aquarius

Now we go into this weekend of January 23rd with a Gemini Moon; after a

reflection of the past 4 years and the recent chaotic couple of weeks prior to the

inauguration. There is a lot of papers and reports that are flooding various offices

with data to be crunched for the administrative action to take place.

The Gemini Moon started early this morning at 2:43 AM and it will continue on

until the Moon enters Cancer at 1:52 PM on Monday. So, it seems like it has a

little long stretch here. The ruling planet is Mercury. that will go retrograde

coming up at the end of the month on the 30th next Saturday

at 10:52 AM.

So, we are paying attention to the Gemini Moon into Mercury to see what the

messages are. Keeping a close watch on information that comes in in our personal

lives and also messages out that involve all of us as well.

The last aspect of this Gemini Moon is 150° to Pluto. Also, it connects with a 45°

aspect to Mars. That is really a force of power so to speak. So, know the Gemini


Moon scatters a lot of details and facts. It is somewhat dazed by conflicting events

of the past and the hopeful events of the future.

Information is seeking credible and reasonable sources. So, all sorts of things are

being investigated. The troops at the US Capital buildings are being represented by

Mars square Jupiter. Which appeared to look as if there would be conflict that

they would have to meet and sort through. But what it is, is a stepping down of

the troops as they reposition where are they going to sleep? That is an issue and

that is being sorted out probably as of Friday. Also are they repositioning them?

Or are they letting their guard down? What we shall see how that works out.

There is this Saturn square Uranus which dominates this Presidents new

administration for the first year. So that is a lot of rebellious energy to tame over

this next 12 months. They do schedule 15, 000 of the guardsmen to return home.

Mars and Jupiter do indicate boots on the ground. So, they are being square

there. We will have to see that that moves smoothly.

The Moon has a line out to Jupiter and the Sun for some bright ideas about how

to rescue any surrounding situations. So, if you have something going on today

that is a good way to start the day. Jupiter is a benevolent force. The Sun is a

bright directive force. The Sun is very, very much interested in what the people

need. What is good for the people in the sign of Aquarius.

The Sun and Moon are trine at 10:26 AM. This allows for a good plan to go

forward with grace. There are some difficulties when we have the Sun square

Neptune around 2:30 today, Saturday the 23 rd of 2021 January. That aspect can

give you a false sense of security. That will be fixed when the Sun has its next

aspect that it is heading towards a conjunction with Saturn. Which brings a

serious tone to a scattered Gemini Moon in that Sun semisquare Neptune. It is

very foggy and really can take you off your track.

Venus is in aspect to Neptune. Now this one sees where there is an opportunity to

make the surroundings look better. Aesthetics are everything for this

combination. You could get something fixed but if it doesn’t look good it will

never do. So, make sure that it looks the way you want it to or you will be

spending more. That is good money after bad to try and make it look the way that

it should. Spending can be used for calming your personal environment and also

satisfying some of your distant desires. Maybe you want to connect with

someone overseas or make a plan for a vacation in the future. Something like


10:01 PM the Sun reaches Saturn. This is an indication of the plan to move

forward. The aspect is the beginning of a stronger system. Science is the golden

rule with Sun & Saturn in Aquarius, we will see it trek around the

year making its aspect, Sun aspect to Saturn over this next year. The first
square of Sun and Saturn occurs May 3, 2021; the opposition falls on Aug 2:
its last square is October 30, 2021. These dates may be important markers for
structures, infrastructure work plans and executive development.

These markers have great challenges as it will be taking Uranus along with it via a

square. A 90° rebellious, rambunctious, sudden abrupt changing square.

Venus and Pluto support a plan with resemblance of order through leadership.

Pluto stands with the powers that be. Venus can fund any of the issues or plans

with money and or agreements..

Then Sunday, January 24 th shows the Gemini Moon is still with us. Choosing a

social direction with errands and links to those on your to do list. There is a focus

on family. There are a lot of aspects going on with Ceres that dwarf planet that

has to do with caring for others and nurturing and good food. Ceres is in the sign

of Pisces which is about sacrifice. So, do look in on those who are not able to do

for themselves.

Venus is happy to pitch in with an aspect early in the morning on Sunday. Then

the Sun is under pressure as well to stop other types of goals that might be single

minded for the helping of others; and to gain a plan to restore the basics such as

food, heat, and comfort. So, that Gemini Moon is out there gathering information

about who needs what.

Another aspect to Ceres comes up at 6:22 PM when the Moon is square Ceres.

Something you eat may not sit well, but also there may be sad feelings expressed

for those who are not present. Looks like a big Sunday dinner that takes place on

Sunday. So, maybe that is something you want to plan, even if it is a zoom dinner.

Also, you can find that people could be put off by some insensitive comments. So,

you also want to use your funds wisely in the evening hours with Venus and the

Moon in a quincunx. So, something… maybe somebody drops a very valuable

piece of china or something. That comes in at 7:28 PM. So, you want to be careful

about spilling on your favorite shirt. Or something else that has a Venus quality to

it. Something that you value. Then it is a kind of shaky and nervous energy that


comes in later in the evening 9:55 PM with the Moon in Uranus. And then

Mercury in Uranus. They use high tech collectors of data to find out what is going

on and come together for a short-term little job there. Maybe they are searching

for someone or searching for something that could be a resolve for many of the

things that are pending at this time.

Monday, January 25 th the day begins with a Gemini Moon sign that changes at

1:52 PM. There is a void of course Moon period from 4:11 AM until that 1:52 PM.

So, that is most of the morning hours of Monday. So, you don’t want to be making

any final decisions. Keep collecting information, compiling information.

There is something interesting in there. For one thing the Sun and Chiron. Chiron

who is the wounded healer. They connect for a purpose to represent the people.

Now Chiron is very interesting this year because Joe Biden keeps getting the label

of being the healer. As God blesses our President, we pray that his healing powers are

definitely sharpened this year. The healing purpose of Chiron can be seen that

there is an opportunity there to use the powers of prayer and the powers of other

healing methods to help people as well.

Venus and vesta are in a beautiful trine during this void of course Moon too. This
comes upon something of great beauty and is also very useful. You may be

tempted to go and buy something that could be something like an oriental rug. Or

it also may lead you to a great find of money or security. Vesta is about security.

Also, you may want to build yourself a little altar or a little sacred space in your

home so that you can feel that you can meditate and use your sacred space for

your greatest personal goals.


Cancer Moon comes in at 1:52 PM. That ends the void of course Moon period.

Void of course Moon periods are not good for any major purchases; even minor

purchases. I bought a pen once. Stuck it in my pocket of a light-colored jacket. It

leaked all over the jacket. The pen didn’t cost more than five dollars. So minor

purchases. Putting the milk in the bag with something else and the bag breaks. It

doesn’t have to be buying a car or something like that. So, you want to be careful

with all of your purchases during void of course Moon periods. And we do like to

shop over the weekend.

So, after 1:52 PM that void of course Moon ends and then the Moon comes into

Cancer. A Cancer Moon is not going to be good to anchor your goals either.


Keep your focus on the family and what they need. Don’t make plans to buy a

new house or to move your mother into a retirement home or any number of

Cancer like type of activities. There is too many problems to sort through. One

when the Moon is quincunx Saturn. That would be a very hard thing to clean up

as that “life’s messy clean it up” aspect, 150°. It will repeat with the Sun and the

Moon also. This aspect takes place at 2:23 AM. So that may be bump in the night

there. Wakes you up and you have to get up and see, what was that. Have to

interrupt the rest of your night and clean up whatever that mess is.

At 6:32 AM during the Cancer Moon the Moon is quincunx Jupiter. So, that one

may also feel as if there is too much to handle all at once there. You need some

help with that.

The Sun is square Uranus. It is abruptly disturbing. So, under this Cancer Moon

maybe there is a storm or something. A tree branch or tree crashes over your car.

Be safe whatever you do. Make sure you have candles and things to back up your

light system. Back up your computers and cellphones as well. So, you might find

also with that Sun square Uranus that Tuesday might leads to groups that join in
protest. Rebellious actions may return to the landscape as with or about the rebels
at the US Capitol building.

Sun and Jupiter come together. That is around 8:20 AM. This is very lucky if you

wanted to try your luck at something. Do it just before 8:20 AM. There is a great

benefactor that is very supportive with that aspect of Sun parallel Jupiter.

Then Neptune creates a problem. It could be serious problems. This is a slow

presenting aspect; Neptune square the Lunar Nodes. So that amplifies the

energies or the meaning of Neptune, which can be confusing. It can be very

spiritual. This can be your way out of all your problems. Pray. Look up. Advance

your goals through the guidance of prayer meditation. You want to be mindful

though that there are all sorts of things that promote escapism with this Neptune

square the Lunar Nodes. You want to be mindful of how addiction can rob you of

sound judgement and lead you to follow in an unsound direction. So, take the

warning that may be presented from this Neptune. Avoid anything that distracting.
 Keep your focus.

Family is the focus with Wednesday’s Cancer Moon.

unsettling news might be around 2:09 PM. Moon is quincunx Mercury. Mercury is

getting ready to turn retrograde (Jan 31).  Pay close attention to the nature of the

little upset here that may be related to things that you might be having to make

greater decisions about, when Mercury turns retrograde at the end of the month.

The Leo Moon comes in. Well, there is a void of course Moon from 2:09 PM until

9:54 PM when the Moon enters the sign of Leo. That Leo Moon runs from 9:54

PM Wednesday until Saturday morning at 3:02 AM. That is Saturday the 30th of


There are things that you want to do before the Full Moon comes up on Thursday.

The Leo Moon does finish with a very positive parallel to Mars which gets things

going. Puts a fire under the pot and helps you to be a success with your drive and

your energy.

However, there is a whole lot of things going on during that Leo Moon where

there are a lot of those quincunxes life’s messy clean it up aspects. So, there is a

reminder that the Full Moon lays all the cards on the table. Everything is out in

the open so that you can advance fully informed.

It is also a love Moon, the Moon in Leo. So, if you are looking for the love of your

life, you can feel confident. That anyone that you meet during a Full Moon phase

that they are showing you and telling you who they really are, as you are to them.

All the cards are on the table.

Also, if you want to continue something and let it grow, take action toward the

Full Moon. But not after the Full Moon. After, is when it diminishes. It will grow if

you do something before the Moon is actually full. And if you want it to decrease,

such as a debt make your changes after the Full Moon. So, that you can watch

your debt decrease.

That Leo Moon Thursday January 28 has a heavy start early in the morning 6:40

AM. Might be hard to get out of bed but you feel like there is all sorts of

responsibilities.  Moon opposite Saturn. The feeling of the day might have
increased anxiety until after the Moon is square Uranus at 10:11 AM. Something
suddenly & abruptly pops out of nowhere and causes some disruption. Its probably
not a big deal but nearby is Venus and Pluto that act as a peace force at 11:18 AM

but it has an influence over the whole day. It is a strong influence that can help bring
some money in. Can help bring some stability in.

The Full Moon is related to a New Moon that happened 18 months ago, July 31 2019,
then a First Quarter Moon that happened on April 30th 2020. Here we are at the Full

Moon stage at 9° of Leo. All the card are on the table. Everything is out in the open.

This 9° Leo has quite a bit of history. Most recently in 2008 there was a Solar Eclipse at

that degree. Barack Obama was elected under the influence of that Eclipse. We

had been the grips of an extreme economic crisis led by the collapse burst of

Lehman Brothers earlier in that year of March. Now we can see what the

depths of the current crisis and more; because the Full Moon put all the cards

on the table.

In our personal lives there is good reason to party and share good times with

others. Just be safe whatever you do. Note that there is some anger brewing right

around 5:30 and traffic maybe difficult also when the Moon is square Mars.

Later on, the Sun is conjunct Jupiter. It is full of optimism during this Full Moon. It

is very bountiful, so it is generous. That is another lucky spot in the week as well.

Now that aspect takes place exactly at 8:39 PM Thursday. Use this if you want to do
something to  bring forth   a benefactor or your good luck before 8:39 PM, instead of
a diminishing time thereafter. So, before 8:39 PM.

January 29 th Friday the Leo Moon is happy to show you around the castle, but

there are too many curtains draped over the rooms that were used

disrespectfully. Several areas need to be cleaned up before the company can

come by. So, anything you want to show off there is a lot of work to tend to

during this Leo Moon. Truly a messy mess with the Moon quincunx Neptune. This

is at 8:09 AM Friday. Avoid alcohol or any other substance or you might

never get anything done the rest of the day. Then you want to learn what your

guests need for their dietary concerns because there could be a problem, if you

put something in their food that they are allergic to. There also may be a sad kind

of feeling with that Moon quincunx Ceres. Missing those who are not able to



The Moon then pulls it together with the help of a benefactor and uplifting love

from the Sun. That is in the early afternoon 1:46 PM until 5:51 PM. Those two

aspects are very positive for getting a broad touch of what you can tackle.

There is more clean up that is apparent, right around 6:35 PM when the Moon is

quincunx Pluto. There is the tollkeeper. So, it is like, “Oh, all things are going well,

except for you have to pay the toll to get through.” It could be that there is a

mouse in the house or an uninvited guest that catches your eye; that you need to

tend to that is getting into the supplies. I don’t know. It may be a relative trying to

get into your purse.

Moon quincunx Venus complains that there is not enough money to fix this mess.

That is an aspect at 9:39 PM Friday. It is the final clean up aspect of this Leo Moon. It

says, help is on the way with the muscle and the speed that you need. If you have

a goal, this is the time with this good sign of Leo to advance your goals. So, choose

it between 9:45 PM and 12:13 AM overnight there going into Saturday morning

and you will have really good luck. It is have no fear, the troops are here to help

put everything back in its place and give a Green Light to go on with the show.

Moon parallel Mars will do that; put the fire under the pot and help you to have

the energy to go along with that. That is, it for the week.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Astrology Report Jan 16 - 23, 2021 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Periods


January, 16, 2021 to January, 23, 2021

Dietrech Pessin

email is Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

WZBC 90.3 FM – Victor Robert Venckus

Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead from the 16th of January until the 23rd.

It is a very busy week that we have with the inauguration coming up and all the excitement that we’ve had and hopefully not so much excitement. Although the chart of the inauguration is extremely dynamic. It looks as if there is a lot of problems, potential problems in there. Today we have Pisces Moon. It is likely to be a roller coaster ride with Jupiter at a 90-degree angle to Uranus. Jupiter is that expansive planet that is restless on its own because it wants to get up and go out and do things. And it is square to Uranus which is rebellious and itchy on its own. So, the two of them together really makes it hard to sit still. Anyone preparing anything nefarious with this Pisces Moon is likely to get a bit of a boost for their plans on Sunday when that aspect is exact during that Pisces Moon.

There are some Green Lights to mention. There is a Green Light today through Saturday until 10:45 PM Sunday. But it is best if you use the period of 6:00 PM on Sunday night until 10:45 PM. Because you want to avoid that very disruptive and unpredictable energy of the Jupiter square Uranus that is coming up.

The next Green Light begins Wednesday at 1:56 PM until 4:27 PM Friday. But it continues with Green Lights status even after that because it will be in Taurus. The Moon is never considered void of course when it is in the sign of Taurus. There is actually four signs that it is never considered void of course. That would be: Taurus, Cancer (because it rules the sign of Cancer.), then Sagittarius, and Pisces. So, you have to ???play??? by your own book to see how that works out for you. I like to define the last aspect that the Moon will make to a planet to be able to have a clear idea what is up and ahead of us.

The Pisces Moon on Saturday today at 11:12 AM has a nice Mercury and Pallas Athena aspect. They join up together and they create a strategy to circumvent trouble ahead. This is a good aspect between Mercury and Pallas. It allows you to engage with advisors for the best possible route of success. If you want to choose that to ask and engage with others whom you trust can give you the best advice.

The Pisces Moon continues throughout the day. There is kind of a money aspect at 12:01 PM. Then the Moon and Venus have a sextile. This would bring an opportunity to save money, spend money. It is also very pretty, so to speak. It likes costumes, dressing up. It also likes romantic things, like poetry. Pisces Moons are also good for things like spiritual awareness and spiritual practices and developments. yoga, meditation, and dance and artistic pursuits as well.

That Pisces Moon continues also into the day on Sunday. The aspects early on… there is a bit of an aggravation from the Moon to Jupiter and Uranus as its kind of sets off that square that is coming up a little bit early. That will be from 9:57 AM until 10:06 AM. Those planets are activated.

The Jupiter and Uranus brings a tendency to feel irritable. The time it comes in exact is 5:49. But believe me we are under the influence of this now. It will continue for a day or so after. It is definitely going to make you feel anxious and irritable, frustrated. Make you feel like you want to break free of past restrictions. Then we have certainly have had a dose of restrictions this particular year.

Rebellion can be a major problem with this aspect because it really gets a lot of fuel. Particularly if you feel that something or someone is standing in your way. The trouble is that you have your sights set unrealistically high and lacking normal powers of discrimination with this aspect. Life takes on a reckless quality and a craving for excitement. It would be better if you could make the most of something new and exciting, an opportunity where while you are showing some restraint and wisdom. That is the thing to practice is restraint and wisdom.

By the end of Sunday there is an opportunity that emerges with the Sun and Moon, as the last aspect of the Pisces Moon. It presents itself for some type of practical application, as the Sun is at one of the last degrees of Capricorn. You might be able to arrange or define something for yourself to make your future a little more secure.

On Monday that Moon is still in Pisces up until 2:07 AM. Then it enters the sign of Aries. So, it is a rough sign. Don’t act on this Aries Moon. The Moon sign is…it signs off with a bully like square to Pluto. This is the sign that the inauguration is going to take place under. So, a lot of cautions are in line for this particular Aries Moon sign. It is very difficult.

Tuesday comes along. We still have that Aries Moon. It is headstrong and it has the qualities of trying to push its way through. it starts a lot of things and drops them. It is a start stop thing without a strong ability to complete. That looks like a problem when you see the square in the end.

The Sun in Aquarius comes in on Tuesday at 3:39 PM. This steers the energy towards contradictions and unpredictable conditions and actions. Uranus is the rule of the sign of Aquarius. It is at a 90-degree angle from the sign. It is in the sign of peace and stability, loving Taurus. Aquarius is the sign of the people. This is where personal freedom is its main goal.

In this inauguration plan for the next day, there is a plan to fight city hall in there. It is a way to break away from the status quo, the past, and hopefully the past 4 years.

Abrupt reversals are also characteristic of the sign of Aquarius. It activates commitment to a cause or to an intellectual ideal unique to the sign. The sign looks for comrades and aligners that are unconventional, friendly, unpredictable, and innovative. There is also a lot of invention takes place when the Sun is in Aquarius. Budding originality that also may become rebellious.

Then there is Wednesday during this Aries Moon. There is at 3:29 AM until 1:55 PM we have the Moon in Aries on Wednesday. The oaths of office will be taken during a void of course Moon period.

Looking over the inauguration since 1945 when President Roosevelt was sworn in for his 4th term it was during a void of course Moon. President Truman was also sworn in with a void of course Moon. President John F Kennedy was sworn in with not a void of course Moon, almost though. It was 150 degrees to Uranus. That is that life’s messy clean it up aspect. The abrupt, sudden abrupt change aspect. President Nixon was sworn in his 2nd term with a 150 aspect to Mercury from the Moon. Mercury was paper work, Watergate, that sort of thing. President Ford was sworn in with a Moon void of course. President Clintons 2nd term had the Moon void of course when it was also quincunx Jupiter. He was impeached in that term. President Obamas 1st term the Moon was truly void of course in Scorpio. He survived both terms. So, it is not the kiss of death. It definitely has its own creative route. that is for sure.

The Aries Moon continues on after the inauguration. But during the inauguration there is Saturn’s 45 degrees to Neptune. So that usually is a time of confusion. all sorts of depression and lethargy. it also has a dull sheen to it. Well, I think the inauguration is going to be kind of like that. It is going to be quiet. It is going to be mostly virtual. You can also describe it as a rather writers block energy. Rather than force matters you want to take some time to contemplate life’s gentle and reflective energies with that Saturn semi square Neptune. It can be an indication of the weakest point, the weakest link. but there is a renewed sense when we are heading through it that you have a period of enlightenment that occurs afterwards.

So, there is a stepping back from the open stage, which is evident for this inauguration because of the violence that preceded this. And a vulnerable and rebellious energy that might disrupt the ceremonies can cause harm to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as they are sworn in. Let’s all pray for their safe transition and their Presidency and Vice Presidency. It certainly has been a long way coming through this.

The last aspect of the Aries Moon had occurred prior to that with the Moon square Pluto. The Saturn and Neptune aspect takes place during the void of course Moon period.

The Moon changes signs after the void of course period ends at 1:56 PM when the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. There is a Green Light here in this one, but it is very tumultuous. You want to also see the last aspect is trine Pluto. So, the powers that be that are holding things together during the Taurus Moon. And Mars and Uranus conjunct. This is also in the chart of the inauguration, Mars and Uranus conjunction, which shows violence and all sorts of erratic behaviors.

There is a First Quarter Moon, as well. But that Mars conjunct Uranus is at 3:38 PM at 6 degrees of Taurus. If you are a Taurus, an Aquarius, a Leo or a Scorpio this might be particularly driven home to you in some way. In a good way. It could be very inventive and it could help you to start up things in a positive new direction. That can also be the fire under the pot that gets things going for the people.

First Quarter Moon occurs shortly after that at 4:01 PM when the Moon is in Taurus. That First Quarter Moon is at 1 degree of Taurus. So, the Moon will be catching up with that Mars and Uranus aspect.

First before it does that the Moon will square Saturn at the end of the night on inauguration night. So that is a real low-key inauguration without the beautiful ceremonies. I don’t know if they are going to do that. If they are going to have the ball, the inaugural ball that we usually see.

Going into the 1st work day, for the Biden administration, there are surprises that are ignited by that Mars and Uranus aspect that is triggered by the Moon early in the morning. So, I don’t know whether it will have an impact on Wednesday night or early Wednesday morning. It definitely is in the chart of swearing in. Throughout that Taurus Moon it becomes rather calmer. I would say it is calmer.

Then Mercury joins Mars for a temporary change in some way. It could even mean a short-term relocation. In your own personal life, you might be thinking of ways that you want to maybe get your car going in some way. Or maybe you want to be able to think about relocation for yourself. It is short term so don’t make a long-term plan about those thoughts. It is also about animals, pets, and messages that come through. But I would think Mercury and Mars aspect it is at 9:50 PM. Keep your pets in. you would not want to know that anyone got hit by a car or something like that. It could also bite. I’ve got a parrot who will, when aspects like this come up. He just can’t help himself and he may bite.

Neptune is conjunct Ceres. That comes up 10:34 PM. That is a big aspect because these two planets are also square to the Lunar Nodes. So that emphasizes the cloud and the illusion that is covering everything. It also puts the pandemic at the top of the list for the fact that the hospitals are completely overwhelmed with this. Ceres is the small planet that rules things like being under the care of a doctor.

The Sun is parallel Saturn late night on Thursday night. So, this aligns with the administration and the security it requires to conduct business. For yourself you might be making plans for people, your parents, your elderly parents. Or anything having to do with your security and foundation of your life. Also, teeth and knees. All of these things get a positive support from the Sun and Saturn aspect late on Thursday.

Taurus Moon is still with us on Friday. As I said it is a Green Light on Friday. So, it is trine Pluto for an agreement of positions and rules that are coming up. You want to take care of family members protect against the virus with that Ceres square the nodes with Neptune.

Mercury is ready to move forward perhaps. But there is conflict. There is argument there. So, it is not ready just yet. Seems that Pluto has the last word and will allow for funds to pay it out. But Maybe not without an argument. That carries to the end. That is at 4:27 PM.

The Moons last aspect in Taurus is trine Pluto. Pluto is the gate keeper, so the toll keeper. This is where you are going to have to pay up and also honor the rules of the land. The Moon changes signs not until 2:43 AM Saturday morning on January 23rd. that is it for the week. (19:22 STOP) Stay safe. Be happy and we will talk again next week.

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