Dietrech Pessin |
Saturday, January 2, 2021 – Saturday, January 9, 2021 Hi this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have a lot going on this week. There is a really good Green Light period that will begin today on Saturday the 9th of January. It is best after 5:45 PM and it last until Sunday at 4:33 PM. There are several Green Light periods this week continuing with that list is on Tuesday January 12th at 11:00 AM until 2:22 AM Wednesday. Another Green Light period begins Thursday at 9:30 AM until 11:10 PM on Thursday. Use that one extremely cautiously. Then there is a Green Light on Friday after 5:17 PM until 10:44 PM Saturday. But this one is best to use for spiritual advancement because there is something very largely precarious in it that we will talk about during that Pisces Moon. There is a dark Moon period for the New Moon that is coming up on January 13th Wednesday, the dark Moon period for that New Moon begins 8:30 AM on Monday and will continue through Thursday, January 14th 9:00 AM. The Green Light periods are for things that you would like to advance. A Green Light. You are given a Green Light go ahead and it is a good day for various things. During the Sagittarius Moon sign this could be for advancement of travel or education. Anything about expanding your awareness using your own education in some way to forward your goals and your livelihood. Also, you may use it to connect with relatives near and far for just checking in. It is a really good Green Light. It is excellent. It ends with Moon parallel Venus. and that would be on Sunday at 4:33 PM. So, it goes on all day. Today it is best to start your Green Light after 5:58 PM because before that Moon is quincunx Uranus. That is that sudden abrupt change. Something interrupts the evening. You have to stop and clean up the mess before you move forward. So, then you are able to move forward and you have a nice Green Light. You could choose this day for shopping if you like. The viral loads are way up there. As far as the contacts we are over 7,000. 7,000 people tested positive in Massachusetts at the time of this recording on Friday. So, it is very contagious out there. You want to be careful. Moon in Sagittarius will make you feel like you can take on things with more confidence and buoyancy. But I would say be cautious at any rate. The events from this past week I did talk about them in our talk. If you haven’t heard the report for the year ahead it is archived at WZBC (90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts Saturday, January 2, 2021 at 10:00 AM for one more week.). It will at some point be on my website as well. This report is also found on my website at So, continuing on with the week ahead. There are many things that are positive for the Sagittarius Moon on Saturday and Sunday. Venus and Mars are spreading the love. There is an openness and a harmony there. There is also a love of work that could be found with that trine between Venus and Mars at 10:53 AM on Saturday the 9th of January. This one would be governing the whole day as well. Mercury and Saturn at the end of the night 10:17 PM are very serious about its thinking. Organizes its thoughts and tries to get all the ducks in a row for things that need to be done over the next week. Then we have on Sunday there is a minor aspect between Venus and Saturn, which you need to check the finances before moving ahead. The Moon and Neptune are square. And also, Mercury and Neptune are in a grumpy aspect at 12:55 PM. So, this one has a lot of confusion around it. I would say from probably around quarter past 12 on Sunday until about 2:00 on Sunday there can be confusion. So, you want to have a good plan about what you want to do and what your travel route is. Moon in Sagittarius has its sights on travel. There is a period when the Moon is not connecting with other planets. It is called void of course. It technically does not exist during the Sagittarius Moon because of the constellation at the end of the sign of Sagittarius. The aspects do continue on. There is a Moon sign change the next day 8:30 AM. The Moon enters the sign of Capricorn on January 11th Monday. There is a know-it-all aspect right around noon time between Mercury and Jupiter. There is a dark Moon period also that began on Monday and runs through until Thursday. So, we are in the dark. We need more light on the situation before we advance. So, you want to be able to move ahead with great guidance. There is a New Moon that coming up and that is what creates the dark phase, the dark Moon phase of the month. That know-it-all information highway is open for new types of information coming your way during the Capricorn Moon. Maybe it is about money maybe it is business, maybe it is politics. Mercury and Chiron are making an aspect. It is favorable. There is an opportunity there to find a healer, a counselor, someone who can help guide you best for your needs at these very trying times. Jupiter and Chiron are also sextile. There is an expansion of your knowledge about what makes you tick. Why you are doing what you are doing. Maybe it is some expansion about what else is going on in other people’s heads. Like Mr. Trumps head or something like that. It can be very spiritual journey that you can take with Jupiter sextile Chiron. You have to take action on it. You can’t just let it sit there and it will happen to you. This is a journey to the soul. It can be very beneficial. And change things and shift things in a positive way. The Moon is conjunct Venus at 3:14 PM on January 11th. This is a little positive spot. if you wanted to sign something on a not good day it would be, I would say around 3:00 in the afternoon until about 3:20. However realize that it may not end up as planned. The Capricorn Moon heads towards a Mercury square Uranus. So that makes it very difficult to take anything seriously about moving ahead without trouble. So, definitely it is a stay out of traffic day that rest of the day on Monday and then part of Tuesdays morning.
There is a Green Light that begins at 11:00 AM on Tuesday until 2:22 AM Wednesday. This Green Light, it comes with a lot of caution during the Capricorn Moon because on Wednesday at exactly 12:00 AM there is a New Moon at 23 degrees of Capricorn. This New Moon is definitely spell binding. It is a Sun and Moon conjunct Pluto and Mars and Saturn a square in that New Moon chart. That certainly seems all too ominous. Then Mercury flags a serious message with a parallel to Saturn in that chart. This is all under the dark of the Moon period during this New Moon phase. So, you want to be very cautious on January 13th. The last aspect is Moon conjunct Pluto. So, this sort of revives, brings up from the dead, the covid virus again. Pluto is the culprit in a big way. I think it is best if we all stay put. The void of course Moon that starts with that aspect is at 2:22 AM, and that would run until 11:44 AM on Wednesday. However, during that void of course there is a very difficult and dangerous Mars square Saturn. This one is at 6:02 AM on Wednesday. So, it is a push back. It also is a dead stop. So, it could create a dead stop for your muscles. Your heart is a muscle too. So, you want to be careful don’t over exert yourself with that type of aspect around on Wednesday. The fact that it is during a void of course Moon may not have a lot of long-term consequence. But I don’t believe it. Because that Mars is lining up with Uranus. And Saturn and Uranus will square. So, there is a lot of coattails hanging around that will have some type of story to tell as the Saturn Uranus aspect comes up on February 17th. The Moon is void of course also with another aspect, Mercury parallel Saturn. This is a lot of serious rules and decisions are planned. Whatever serious statement is made, maybe it doesn’t stick. Maybe there is something about Iran and the US. Maybe there is a block of some sort. Maybe that doesn’t stick which would be very good because it could lead to a major military problem. And then still on Wednesday under the Aquarius Moon that comes in at 11:44 AM. There are several headliners. Mars in aspect to Ceres sets something cherished ablaze. Also, you want to take good care of children with that and your pets. Be careful. Pets could be very cranky. Dogs could bite. Also, there could be something that children are trying to communicate to you. Maybe you don’t have the time to listen. Take the time to listen. Your pets communicate to you too with their eyes, with their gestures. We know this by living with our beloved pets that they are strong communicators. Venus is trine Uranus also on Wednesday. This allows friendship to come in as a mediator while on Thursday morning Uranus turns direct. So, this is a big deal. This is a retrograde Uranus that has been retrograde since August 15th, so a lot of things are turning around and moving direct. It is highly rebellious. So that makes Wednesday, Thursday highly rebellious, as well. As if that is not enough, the Sun and Pluto are parallel for a long-range plan of the powers that be. Still on Thursday Mercury is aligned with Jupiter for another long-range plan to inform others on a large scale. Lots of broadcasts going out with that. It could really be something dynamic and more of the rebels running around causing havoc with Wednesday’s New Moon energy. We are all in the dark about it. So, a lot of things may slip through the information avenues that could warn people. So, you want to be careful. Stay inside. Don’t shop on Wednesday as well. Even though there is a Green Light period. Anything you want to do, do it online. You also want to back up your data on the computers during this time. Saturn square Uranus would be very difficult for maintaining good computer health during this time. For personal and for business matters this Moon period will help you to advance your goals. But do it with great caution. Anything you might take on may be with you for a really long time. If it is something like remortgage your home, you could take out a loan and there are signals that there are twists and turns that may influence the deal or influence the life of the mortgage. So, there may be another remortgage down the road. So, it may not be the end all be all for your actions on that. It doesn’t mean that things won’t work out. It is just that it is filled with more drama maybe than you had planned. The Aquarius Moon it continues to be with us all through Wednesday. Going into the evening there is Moon square Uranus 11:28 PM. Something goes bump in the night with that one. With New Moons we often get wild weather. That might be it. Venus and Uranus also making a beautiful trine 7:22 PM on Wednesday night. This could allow friends to get together. Maybe it is a Zoom party of some sort. That is on the 13th as well. The 13th is just packed with things. Be very careful about flames. Mars and Ceres are in an aspect especially around children. Uranus turns direct Thursday morning 2:36 AM. That is that rebellious planet. Sun is parallel Pluto throughout the day on Thursday. The final aspect comes up. But before that there is 4:55 PM Mars is 45 degrees away from Neptune. That is a semi square. That is something unlawful taking place behind the scenes, so it may not be very clear about what that is. And then there is an aspect between the Moon and Neptune which continues to hide things as well with the Moon behind Neptune. So, things are hidden on Thursday before they come out into the open. As we get more light of the Moon the dark Moon period does end around 9:00 in the morning on Thursday. The final aspect of the Aquarius Moon is 11:10 PM. There is a void of course Moon period that begins then and will continue until 5:17 PM on Friday. During the void of course Moon there is an aspect between Uranus and Ceres. It seems as though they cut a deal of some sort. Maybe to help to heal others using greater technology to help people that are in the end stages of their disease or covid. Also, Ceres is the grieving mother. So, there may be some reprieve there for mothers who are upset and in turmoil during this time. There is a change of the Moon sign that comes in with the Pisces Moon 5:17 PM Friday. It is likely to be a roller coaster ride and it runs right through Saturday at 10:44 PM. There is a Green Light during that time. But there is a great big Jupiter square Uranus that we are going to talk about next week in our report as we take a look at the inauguration as well. It is very rough aspect and can just spin us all around. It could also bring wild weather. But is likely also to expand technology in such a way. Or maybe there is a big technological problem, like more hacking. My computer fell victim to it this past week as well. So, the Green Light that we have it starts on Friday at 6:17 PM and runs until 10:44 PM Saturday, next Saturday. But it is best to use it for spiritual advancement. I wouldn’t etch anything in stone with that one. It is likely to be too wild. We will have this report posted at and I will also put the year ahead on my website as well. That is, it for the week. Stay safe it is a very busy very active week. Stay healthy and we will meet again next Saturday before the inauguration. | ||||||||
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