Saturday, January 2, 2020 – Saturday, January 9, 2020
Hi and Happy New Year. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the
week ahead. We have the Sunny Leo Moon today. There is also a happy Green
Light period during this day after 10:00 AM this morning until 5:00 PM. All day
long which is a good stretch. There are not many really good Green Lights. So
mostly they are going to be on the weekend. That would be good for shopping.
but business deals there is a business sign with the Scorpio Moon coming up. But
there is all sorts of traps and tricks in it.
So, let’s look further about the Libra Moon that we have after that Virgo Moon is
finishing up its little Green Light period at 4:59. Call it 5:00 on Saturday, today,
until 8:12 PM there is a void of course Moon period.
Then we enter the Virgo Moon sign, which is filled with quincunxes or inconjuncts
if you like to call it that all through the Virgo Moon. That is life’s messy clean it up
aspect. It can be very difficult. It feels like somebody keeps throwing something in
your way that will take you off your track. You have to stop what you are doing
and clean up the mess. So, it is definitely a good mess cleaning Moon sign after
that big Full Moon, following a Full Moon.
You are very vulnerable to feelings of confusion and lack of direction. You seem to
be treading water no matter how hard you try to put your plans into action. You
just can’t get that swim moving forward. You may find yourself daydreaming for
better times. Day dreaming is okay. This is not the best time for making life
changing decisions or entering into agreements which demand clear judgement
during any part of this Virgo Moon. So later on, when the clouds have lifted you
will be grateful for the delays. That is coloring Monday.
There are several good aspects in there but I wouldn’t trust them as far as making
any kind of final decision.
The Moon in Mercury for one at 2:11 PM might feel particularly inspired for
getting your brain working in the right direction. But just take notes and use those
good decision-making plans for another day. There is a lofty notion about how to
spend your money but it is way too expensive. 4:33 PM the Moon is square
Venus. So, any time leading up to that. Also, there is a big blind spot in there as
well. That is very much emphasized by the Jupiter and Neptune aspect that starts
this whole day of Monday.
Then Mercury also on Monday is joining up with Pluto. So, they have churned
with the mental angst questioning, did I make the right decision? Well, it is best to
wait for a better day anyway as there is a sign that the cloudy thinking and there
is an upset in the mechanics of it all, during this Virgo Moon. So, note: if you have
made a decision to wait, you have made the right decision. So, think about it that
way. This is a good Moon sign for cleaning up. ditch whatever you can to minimize
the clutter of all sorts for ahead.
The last aspect of the Virgo Moon takes place. That aspect of Mercury and Pluto
by the way is almost at 8:00 at night. Then the Moon and Mars make a quincunx.
That is at 11:19 PM. That is the final say of the Virgo Moon which defines the
nature of this whole Virgo trek. It is not going to end well. There is a mess at the
end after you have done cleaning everything up. it is like the boxes of files just
dump out all the floor and you have to start all over again. It is kind of a crazy
Mars it at that last degree of Aries. So always when Mars or Mercury or any
planet is perched at the last degree, number one it speaks to great change. So,
something is going to change. Something is likely to get dropped. You can expect
there to be some type of chaos especially with Mars in Aries. So, we will see how
that works out later.
For Tuesday, January 5 th the Libra Moon starts after a void of course Moon period
that started late in the night of Monday night 11:19 PM. Void of course runs until
12:41 AM. Then the void of course Moon ends and turns to the Libra Moon that
begins for a couple of days. The last aspect is a good one. For the Libra Moon that
is rare. However, there is so much going back and forth /off on and difficulty for
Tuesday. But more likely on Wednesday.
Now Wednesday it is a day that may end well after much back and forth and
mental angst because of all of the squares that are involved during that Libra
But there is a really good aspect between Mercury and Venus which is about
getting your head together. Joining with those that have a similar interest and
putting your actions forward. The Libra Moon at 4:37 AM makes a square to the
Sun making this the Last Quarter square. So, you can find on this day on
Wednesday January 6 th that you are reaping the rewards of your efforts. You are
pairing with like-minded people.
The Last Quarter Moon has its roots back in October of 2018. Then any
advancements you may have noticed July of 2019, is when I think this virus
started. Then to the open story April 2020, now here we are at the Last Quarter.
That is in the sign of Libra and it is at 4:37 AM. (7:27 STOP)
The Sun and Pluto make an aspect making this a very powerful day. It is a parallel
aspect. This has long term impact. So, counting the electoral votes and also the
senate run off race in Georgia. Both of those things are very powerful things that
have long term effects.
But there is an aspect shortly after that. Moon is quincunx Neptune which at
12:20 AM during that Libra Moon when the Moon is square Mercury and there is
a lot of chatter back and forth arguments. But the next thing that happens at
12:54 AM, I know we will all be sleeping but this is how the Moon works, the last
thing that it does calls the shots. And that is the Moon sextile Venus at 12:54 AM
beginning a void of course Moon period.
That is a very good aspect especially since Venus is the ruler of the sign of Libra.
So, it is going to work out just fine. Not to worry. The void of course Moon will last
until 3:53 AM on Thursday.
Then that begins a Scorpio Moon sign that will run until early Saturday morning
6:14 AM on Saturday morning when the Moon sign changes leaving Scorpio. So,
A Scorpio Moon sign is very interesting. Number one it has got a Green Light in
there for that whole time. Starting early in the morning 3:53 AM until 6:15 AM
next Saturday. However, there are some tricks and some traps in that. Scorpio
Moon is not meant for lightweights so you don’t want to go it alone. At the end of
the sign there is a battle. Now it is after the Moon has made its last aspect. Which
means the Moon will be void of course. During a void of course if there is a major
aspect, it may not have the footing it needs to take hold of an issue and run with
it. So, it could be a lot of loud mouth stuff going on. But if we look through the
day for Thursday there is a money aspect. So, it is a money sign Scorpio. This is
finding money from others. Okay. If you are signing papers for instance, you might
want to do it after 3:15 PM when the Moon is opposite Uranus. So, I would say go
with more like 4:00 you would be better off with signing papers or faxing them or
delivering them in some way. This is for anything having to do with estates,
insurance. Psychology if you want to get into a new treatment program. So,
Scorpio runs very deep.
On Friday it is also a good one. Green Light there, but that is with a catch. There is
the last aspect that the Scorpio Moon makes is a sextile to Pluto which is very
positive. Pluto rules Scorpio. During the Scorpio Moon early in the morning the
Sun and Mercury join together. This is very positive about information. These
announcements can be made. There is a connection there about bringing
together persons to consult for business of a long-term agreement. This could be
one’s counselors or advisors that are selected. There can also be assignments and
appointments to positions in offices.
Children may speak out and say something very important. So, you want to be
clear on how well are you listening. Also new pets could be adopted on this day
with Mercury parallel the Sun. and that could be a very good pet that you bring
home from the pound. I’m all for rescuing pets instead of buying puppies and
Considerations or information regarding relocation is in there with that Sun
parallel Mercury as well. Important material is written or organized for a primary
document. So that looks like a pretty good day.
I like many things about this day, Friday. There is Sun sextile Neptune that is very
sort of spiritual. You can ask your guides to go along with you with some other
professional help that you take along the way during a Scorpio Moon. But it is also
physically sensitive and receptive, very much to impression. So, you have to be
careful about what you are taking in, who you are taking it in from. You tend to
focus on the intangible with this aspect between the Sun and Neptune. But it
does deliver that finished masterpiece and art appreciation, drama, decoration,
museums, Libraries, schools, hospitals, zoo, professional services. It has
something, something in there about the sea. So, there is an opportunity when
there is a sextile. It is a 60-degree aspect, but you have to take action on it. You
can’t just let it happen and then expect to reap the benefits. So that you have to
go out and react and do something about it. That is at 11:52 in the morning on
Friday leaving pretty much the rest of that day in good standing.
The last aspect happens at 8:58 PM. That is Moon sextile Pluto we talked about.
Then begins a void of course Moon. That runs until 6:15 AM on Saturday. But
during that void of course Moon at 9:44 PM Mercury is square Mars. This is that
argument that I say that has no standing. It can’t grab onto anything. However, it
is hurtful. It is rude. So, you want to try and let it roll off your back. I would not be
out driving around during that aspect that is for sure. That is, it for the week.
As far as the emails, I’ve been getting a lot of emails bouncing back. The ones I’ve
been sending out with the report. So, I think I’m just going to post the report on
my website on the blog page at weekly. I don’t want to
compromise anyone’s email or my own. There seems to be quirky things going on.
That is Uranus for us. We have got a whole year of quirky Uranus energy. We are
going to talk about that later on with Victor. We are going to sit and talk about
the year coming up. That should be very interesting. Have a Happy New Year! We
will talk more later.
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