March 6, 2021 to March 13, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00
AM - Listen here:
Hi this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead starting
today March 6 th and going up to March 13 th .
There will be a New Moon on March 13 th so there really is not another Moon
phase during this week. The Moon will travel through the signs of Sagittarius,
Capricorn, and Pisces. And Aquarius. Capricorn, then Aquarius, then Pisces. So, it
is the Pisces Moon is going to feel hugely like we are losing our minds. Which we
may be feeling like anyway. One of the reasons for that is we are quite in the
dark. The Sun is coming up behind Neptune. So, adding to a sense and feeling of
being in a fog. So, if you’ve been struggling with finding your thoughts and your
words, join the club. It is not just older people. It is people of any age. So, there is
a lot of that. Missing things. Losing things. But there is a lot of very kind of lose
and ethereal kind of energies. Giving breaks. If you get the chance to sleep in,
enjoy it. Don’t feel guilty for sleeping in. If you have the chance to take the day
off, take the day off. If you just want to elect to do that there can be days that are
better for that than not. Maybe not during the Capricorn Moon, when you want
to work hard and get things done.
But todays Sagittarius Moon. the Moon was square Neptune early in the morning.
So, that really made hard to get up this morning. But then after that it appears as
though the Sagittarius Moon wants to play right through this evening. You could
get together with others and join with like-minded people for some play time.
That is right through until 9:20 PM when the Capricorn Moon comes in. The Moon
in Sagittarius has pretty much a void of course energy all throughout the day. The
final aspect of the Moon was at 4:43 AM when it was square Neptune. So not
until the Moon changes signs are, we going to feel like you can get your plans into
There is a jealousy aspect. It is right also early in the morning. Maybe your pets
are jealous of each other or something like that. Or there could be more human
things going on in regard to jealousy or topics about money. But I would just
advance with an open mind today. Also, if you wanted to shop. Probably, oh I
don’t know. Maybe more tomorrow instead of today.
So that Capricorn Moon does come in 9:20 PM tonight and will run right through
until it changes signs at 2:40 AM on Tuesday. So that is a long Capricorn Moon.
The Capricorn Moon will end with a conjunction to Pluto which says get all of your
plans to control your life and do the right thing and take care of business. That is
the name of the game for this Capricorn Moon. It starts over the weekend here
but it will run through Monday. Giving you the whole day of Monday to get up
and get things that are practical.
There is for Sunday morning the needs of others are calling out to you early
around 7:00 AM. Then there is an emotional marker that comes up when the
Moon is square Chiron. You may want to use this, hold on to it to process your
memories and your problems and issues with a counselor later on in the week.
Mercury and Neptune advise. It seeks advice from prayer and spiritual advisers
when Mercury reaches out to Neptune on Sunday evening. So that is a nice way
to end the evening. Capricorn Moon is still with us on Monday. It is a Green Light
to move forward with older matters that need your attention to clean up old
business until 7:52 PM. Take the bull by the horns on Monday. Eliminate waste
and you want to rein in any of those over drawn limits that have been causing
havoc in your life. Take control if you want to succeed. Be efficient but don’t bully
to accomplish what you want and need on Monday. Be nice. That sense or that
drive to bully is that Moon conjunct Pluto wants to be in total control. So, the
control freak has a strong energy on Monday. And right through the end of the
There is a lot of charm with the Sun and Jupiter just before the Moon goes void of
course. Well actually it is in the middle of the day. Make your business meetings
and calls right in the middle of the day on Monday right around noon.
The Sun and Jupiter are the ones that are bringing enthusiasm. and that goes a
long way. Hold onto your principles and then get everything done as you had
planned when the Moon and Pluto join together at 7:52 PM, which begins a void
of course Moon period.
During that void of course Moon period over night at 1:33 AM Mars and Pluto
have a real grip on the late hours. Which may your head going round and round
seeking answers, when you can do little to effect change in the middle of the
night. Perhaps maybe you can, if you do a lot of things on the internet in the
middle of the night.
The problems have better solutions in the morning. Have a fresh look after the
Moon ends the void of course Moon period when the Moon enters the sign of
Aquarius at 2:40 AM. It stays in the sign of Aquarius until 9:44 AM. That would be
when the Moon goes into Pisces on Thursday.
There is a Green Light during the Aquarius Moon sign. That begins at 6:00 PM on
Tuesday and goes right through until 10:30 PM on Wednesday.
But there are interesting things to mention during this Aquarius Moon sign that
begins Tuesday, March 9th at 2:40 AM. Aquarius is about friends it is about
gathering with like-minded people. and Venus is highlighted trying to bring
women together for a single purpose. It also brings the attention to women. So, I
wonder if women are planning some type of major group effort. It is a good time
to bring friends together in a safe manner as well.
Then the Aquarius Moon sign brings a real nice Tuesday afternoon. You may want
to meet up with people from work. Then there is a very abrupt energy that comes
in at 5:06 PM. So, maybe your visits or plans come to an abrupt end. Something
comes up that is kind of a surprise or an annoyance where you have to get on
your way and go home. Or take care of things of things from home. 5:06 PM on
Then that Green Light begins around 6:00. And that is a very good Green Light. It
Reminds us that we are very social beings who need more structure in our lives.
This pandemic life style has sure taken its toll and become very old. It has made
our minds slower. It has made our bodies weaker. There is a lot of things the
pandemic has brought. There is some good things. We have learned to do things
in a different way, which helps the planet in a big way. We’ve brought loving
animals into our lives which is wonderful. Or some of us may have time for
hobbies, if we have the mind to get involved and engaged. That is the problem
trying to wrap your brain around a plan or a project when everything feels like
there is loose ends.
A fog it feels foggy. So, it is hard to collect your thoughts. If you can stay in a state
of conscious contact and a state of sort of mindful prayer that is a definite plus,
for the information that you can pick up or the direction that you can gain.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at almost 1:00 on Wednesday. That is a happy spot
in the middle of the week there. The Sun is conjunct Neptune. That is also going
to feel like a happy spot. You may be indulging too much or talking about how
indulgent too much has affected your life.
Then the Moon conjunct Neptune. Maybe you see yourself as a softer yet more
enlightened being. Write it down and make a good plan for more of what inspires
you on Wednesday, March 10 th to further enrich your life beyond Wednesday.
The Moons void of course starts at 10:31 PM when the Moon is conjunct
Mercury. There is definitely something to write about, think about, connect
about, call about, connect with friends for sure with that Moon conjunct Mercury.
Then the void of course Moon period will end at 9:44 AM when the Moon enters
The Pisces Moon is too sensitive to take the verbal abuse that comes up from
Mars. And this would be at 6:15 PM on Thursday. So that is not a nice Pisces thing
at all. But let it go. In the evening things are softer and easier. Let these problems
roll right off your back. Your choice of mate in whatever situation is not agreeable
at this time. So, this may also be part of the problem where something abusive
comes up. So, try again at a later date to find people to bring in close into your life
in a better way on a better day.
Friday the Pisces Moon is dreamy and indulgent especially during the dinner
hours. It looks really social and friendly Friday night. Keep protection in your mind
as the pandemic continues, aside from our desires to be free of all these
restrictions. Find a friend to share a nice evening with. There really is a very nice
Friday coming up next week.
We are in the dark of the Moon. There is a New Moon coming in at 5:21 AM on
Saturday morning looking ahead. So, it is a Pisces New Moon. A lot of insight is
likely to come. So, spend some quiet time with yourself, but do have some fun on
Friday night. That is, it for the week.
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