Saturday, March 13, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 13 - 20, 2021 with Green Light Days

 March 6, 2021 to March 13, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead, starting
Saturday, March 13 until spring on March 20. We have the Moon in Pisces today.
And it's a very intense period, where Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Capricorn are
engaged in a powerful aspect that many extreme events can occur or be
uncovered during this time. Lots of difficulties whether they be health aspects,
health problems, addiction problems, money problems, or various sorts of
problems that are filling our consciousness.

There is a New Moon that came up today at 5:21 AM. And it
seems to harbor problems which need immediate attention. There's a
procrastination element that's common with Pisces energy and it compounds the
problems. The Pisces energy is something that is also great for counsel that you
may rely on for excellent guidance. So, choose clergy and social workers to help.
Ceres is conjunct Chiron where a lot of old wounds are being exposed during this
time, which can really contribute to a lot of psychological issues and difficulties
that could lead to depression and things like that. So, it's a serious time that needs
professional help. You can advance your goals by getting the help that you need
first, and realizing that you're in a boat with so many other people.

The New Moon is at 23° of Pisces. it looks like it's a cry for help. But the good
news is that help is very available if you reach out.
The Sun and Uranus make an aspect also, with the Sun in Pisces and Uranus in
the sign of Taurus. This leads to some kind of unique and interesting, rebellious
kind of energy. It leads to all sorts of activities that could be hard to explain or
certainly hard to predict in any way.

Venus and Chiron come together in an aspect that also allows for a softening of
some of the wounds, some of the old wounds that are kind of haunting this period.
And there is also at 12:09 PM Chiron and Ceres have an aspect where they line
up. This is the indication that it is serious. Don't ignore issues. Continue to reach
out and ask for help. And Mercury and Uranus 2:30 PM also have an aspect that
says, there are connections that you can make that are very skilled. The highest
skill, to be able to help, as we move on through this Pisces Moon through

And the last aspect of the Moon is parallel Neptune. This is not very practical, but
it's very spiritual. And it ends with a very practical application to moving forward
with what it is you need. So, choose wisely with the direction from inner guidance
for one. if you've had a difficult time holding on to your thoughts allow your
downtime to include meditation and yoga.
Also exercise to help to get your mind straight.

And then the Aries Moon comes in after the last aspect of the Pisces Moon at
there is 5:39 PM on Saturday. That will be a void of course Moon until 6:43 PM.

The Moon in Aries can be rough and demanding as it is square to Pluto before it
leaves the sign on Monday. So, it's you know, it takes no hostages. It's a really
tough Moon sign to have to address that Pluto. Pluto's the gatekeeper and
demands things that are very often tough to comply.

There can be taxes or large tolls in some way that create difficulties for advancing,
especially if you're trying to advance with banking and such. We are in the Dark of
the Moon until probably Tuesday, which would be a better time to take a look at
things like banking.

But Venus is conjunct Neptune. Also, with Sunday's Aries Moon, we can see that
the Venus is parallel Neptune. Holding that aspect all the way through most of the
day, from Saturday night, through Sunday evening. That Venus parallel to
Neptune definitely pulls you towards the peace within yourself and with those you
love. You would want to choose pleasing and cozy settings to invite the calm and
loving energies that you crave. Venus parallel Neptune can be very indulgent. So,
you want to be mindful of that as well.

Then on Monday, we're still under an Aries Moon. the Moon is cranking along with
a tough road. What seems to be like up, seems to be like it is all uphill when the
Sun and Saturn make an aspect. Then that's early, early morning on Monday.
The thing that can bring some new light to the subject is the fact that Mercury will
enter Pisces. So, anything that you decide before that happens, which is 6:26 PM
on Monday, you may actually end up dropping for some better solution.

There is after the conjunction of Mercury into the sign of Pisces, this is where your
thinking is very much pulled towards your intuition and anything that might be
more ethereal or generated from a quiet and meditative place seeking again
seeking advice with those that work in quiet places to help.

And the Moon is void of course after this square to Pluto, while the Moon is in
Aries. That is at 11:40 PM on Monday night. The void of course Moon will last until
6:56 AM on Tuesday.

Then the Moon enters Taurus. This is a good one. This is when we have a break.
That Taurus Moon can give you the best of what you're planning on with a great
big Green Light from 5:36 AM Tuesday through 4:39 PM On Thursday.

There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto at 2:25 PM on Tuesday. It really
will govern all the things in the morning during that Taurus Moon where you gain
the cooperation you're looking for. Maybe it's things about banking and business
to help make gains. You can invest on this day and purchase on this day with
confidence as well.

It is a little trickier on Wednesday during a Taurus Moon. There is an aspect
between Venus and Saturn at 12:43 PM. This one, if you're trying to buy
something frivolous, you may find that the money is tighter than what you had
allotted for. It is about moving into a solid structure instead of spending your
money on things that are hard to make sense about later.

Friendship holds back as well with that aspect. Efforts to be productive can be

annoying especially, if you're borrowing money. So, look to have it paid off in a
year. Instead of a long-range loan agreement.

Then there is an aspect between Mars and Chiron. That is an aspect where you
want to learn something, teach something and acknowledge your own growth.
This aspect is multi -level Mars in Gemini. Mars in Gemini doesn't have a real
strong forward direction. It just spins off and wherever it wants to go. And it doesn't
hold true to one particular path.
So, if you are dealing with wounds and old hurts, you want to try and keep your
focus on to what is the healing goal and not the don't strike out to others to make
yourself feel better for old wounds.

Mars and Uranus have an aspect as well. And that is not until Thursday, early in
the morning. This one may get you up a little bit early on Thursday. As you seek,
you are seeking some type of advice from professionals. That would be an
intelligent way to advance your day, during all day on Thursday. Very good day to
plan something wonderful and also to forward your goals that may include money.
Lots of cooperation around with Venus sextile Pluto around 1:20 PM in the
afternoon, but it does govern the whole day. It is a very nice aspect for building
your future and tackling things that seem to be restrictive, but Pluto doesn't give a
whole lot of room for error.

There is the end of the Taurus Moon. There is a wonderful aspect between the
Moon and the Sun is at 4:39 PM. This aspect is about an opportunity. So, take
advantage of the opportunities during this Taurus Moon, which ends at 7:46 PM
on Thursday night.

The Taurus Moon is Green all the way through, so that the New Moon sign comes
in on Thursday night 7:46, 7:47PM when the Moon enters Gemini. This one is not
so good. Although the vernal equinox comes in at 5:37 AM on Saturday morning,
There is an opportunity to make sense about what the issues are around you that
you need to tend to right away. Maybe it's consulting a doctor or some other

That Gemini Moon is talkative. it does reach out and gather information from all
different sources.

The last aspect of the Gemini Moon will be squared to Venus when the Gemini
Moon ends on Sunday. So, you want to be careful about how you invest your
money. Although you could be asked to invest money in things you hadn't planned
on. So, there there's a link to that thing. If you get your stimulus checks, don't
spend it all. You may actually need it for something really important that comes up
by the end of the week Friday, March 19, Saturday, the 20th. And that's it for the

This is Dietrech Pessin at 617-558-7233. You can find a copy of this report at You can find the audio file there and the transcribed file will
also be available on the blog page of my website. You can call me for consultation
and one-on-one classes if you like as well. And again, the report is archived at
WZBC for two weeks. If you'd like to play it back, once again, there. The audio file
will be on Soundcloud on my website as well. Have a good week. Have a happy
spring, as it comes in on next Saturday early morning. That's it for the week.
Thank you.

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