Saturday, July 24, 2021 to Saturday, July 31, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00
Hi, this is Dietrich Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead.
We have a pretty interesting week. A lot of busy times. There are some Green
Light periods this week. Today is a nice day for friendship. If you do something fun
with friends, or indulgence. Some astrology. Mercury is very happy to take a friend
along for some music or beach time when it is trine to Neptune today at 12:34 PM.
It is the Aquarius Moon sign that is bringing people together. Do things that are
fun, intelligent. Just join other people, like-minded people for things that you are
interested in.
For Saturday, this is Saturday, the 24th of July, the Moon is conjunct Saturn at
2:25 PM. This may increase your aches and pains a bit and also may make you
cranky. But it should improve. Situation should improve by dinnertime.
There is also a Moon and Chiron aspect right around 6:00 that can help to find a
remedy for what ails you. Then you want to split up, go your own separate ways
perhaps before 8:30 PM. Because there is a square coming up between the Moon
and Uranus. This is exact at 8:42 PM. That can end a nice day on a sour note. So,
I would go your separate ways; probably maybe quarter to eight, something like
that. It should pass after 9:00, after maybe even quarter past nine. You can pick
up your fun again after that.
Then on Sunday, July 25 The Aquarius Moon is all over the place with things to
do, ideas to exchange. it is a busy day mentally and it is also active. Some care
needs to be taken when friendship is lined up with some cranky aspects, which flip
a friendly tone into a snarky tone. So, there is a lot of things during this Aquarius
Moon that you have to kind of watch out. People are likely to be touchy.
There is an aspect between Mars and Pallas. Pallas is the wisdom maker 11:48
AM in the morning on Sunday. If you are making a plan that requires a strategy,
this is exactly the territory that Mars and Pallas are great at. So, your information
sources are sharp. Your actions can be a bit off mark, but you can get a lot done
on Sunday. Map out a glorious plan. Maybe you want to make a beautiful plan for
plants; beautiful flowers in your yard. Create a plan for your computer program for
the week ahead, for the month ahead. Whatever you want to map out that aspect
between that pair is great.
They are also very warlike when they make a connection. So, working with others.
Again, if you are hanging out with friends, it can be touchy. Although it is a work
aspect, maybe you want to work with another astrologer to work out some charts
that you need to sort through. I do that a lot with my friends who are also
Mercury and the Moon are in a quincunx 3:15 PM. This is something said to a
friend may be upsetting. Try to be mindful the feelings of others during this
Aquarius Moon sign. It wants to engage with friends, but it also is like
inconsiderate. So, you have to also watch out for Mercury opposite Pluto.
We are still on Sunday, July 25th at 4:15 PM. Mercury appears to have many
questions for Pluto's behavior over the past couple of years. You may uncover
some important information about your investments or family financial business.
As much as Pluto loves to keep secrets, Mercury is fond of passing along any and
all information that comes out in the open. You may hear more foul language than
usual with this aspect between Mercury and Pluto opposition.
The Moon and Mars have an opposition too. That is at 7:13 PM at the end of the
Aquarius sign. So, you definitely want to tidy up any of the loose ends that may
have been upsetting between you and your friends. Do not walk away without
resolving differences. Do not go to bed mad with that aspect.
There is a void of course Moon that starts with that at 2:14 PM. It runs until 11:30
PM when the Moon enters the sign of Pisces. The Pisces Moon at 11:30 Sunday
night runs until 5:54 PM.
On Wednesday, the Pisces Moons final aspect will put you to work with an aspect
between Mars. It is a quincunx. It can also cause you to feel like you need to take
some action to mask your crazy feelings. But be careful with that. You do not want
to do anything that would put you in some kind of danger or compromise your
greater goals. Monday is a really good day to work alone with this Pisces Moon.
There is a cleanup aspect between the Sun and the Moon. That is early in the
morning. So, when you wake up, you may feel really motivated to get a lot of
things done. Or making appointments for some of the mess that may have been
left over from the events during the Full Moon from Friday the 24th of July.
There are also health matters that you may need to make appointments for. That
is good to do one Monday. Hires for maintenance and yard work that sort of thing.
Maybe cutting branches, getting rid of dead trees and things of that nature.
Mercury and Pallas Athena make an aspect 2:19 PM. Think of something brilliant
or practice your spiritual routine with a master.
Monday Mercury is trine Pallas. Pallas Athena is the smartest character in the
Zodiac. Mercury joined with [Pallas] grabs all the information it can get.
Tuesday the 27th of July, we have a Pisces Moon. It brings an intuitive tool to
navigate your way through the clouds of confusion that many of us struggle with
during this pandemic. When all else fails, use an instinctual response when
making decisions. Whether you turn left or you turn right, you may be surprised by
your own ability to map out an accurate route for something you lost or wish to
find. Also, by keeping an open mind, you are likely to be informed from a new
source after Mercury enters Leo on Tuesday at 9:11pm. If you try too hard to nail
something down, it may get dropped or left out before then. So, wait until after
Mercury changes signs before you move forward with your goals.
Then, there is an aspect between Mercury and Ceres. Ceres is the caretaker, the
nurturer. It is a good day to donate food, care for rescued animals, visit people
who are isolated. Also tend to your own dietary needs. Maybe you want to map
out something very productive for yourself about taking care of your own diet.
Mercury enters Leo 9:11 PM. After that Mercury has something to say to Jupiter
before it backs up into Aquarius again. It is in Pisces now. So maybe it wants to
reveal a secret via a megaphone. It could be a major announcement. It could be a
travel caution. It could be a return to the personal protective masks that we have
been wearing. Or any variety of subjects that have been tucked away for a period
of time.
Taking a trip, you may encounter some consuming detours, time consuming
detours. However, it is all new information that you gather with these new roads
that you will travel. You will learn new things along the way that you can bring into
your future.
So, then we are going to head into Wednesday with the Pisces Moon. It changes
signs at 5:57 AM. Dramatically changes the mood when it enters the high energy
sign of Aries.
Jupiter returns to Aquarius on Wednesday. It can bring a welcome sight when we
reclaim our foggy brains for something smart. Hold those thoughts for a Green
Light period with a plan when Mars enters Virgo on Thursday.
So, that Jupiter return to Aquarius, it moved into Pisces May 14
. It returns to
Aquarius, Wednesday at 8:42am. And we will go back once again to the sign of
Pisces on December 28th 2021. So, we have several more months with Jupiter in
the sign of Aquarius between now and then. So, get all the smart things done that
you want during that timeframe.
The Sun and the Moon are in a beautiful trine on Wednesday, at 5:19 PM. This
sets the stage for a lovely romantic energy or entertainment event. At 8:57 PM it
looks like there might be a little jealousy going on between Venus and Juno. And
Venus is in Virgo. So, she kind of wants to be shown how she is loved. This may
be hard to prove. So, move past that one Wednesday night.
On Thursday, that Aries Moon high energy again is ready for a fight. That is from
Mars and Jupiter opposition. They do that, and they do a split parallel. So, there is
a double Mars Jupiter energy going on, on Thursday. So there definitely is some
kind of battle that is taken on. It could be about legal matters. We will get into that
in a second.
Mars enters Virgo and sets the stage for an excellent Green Light period that ends
on Friday at 3:37 PM. But it starts on Thursday, at 4:32 PM until Friday at 3:37
Venus will square the Lunar Nodes. That puts money matters in a problematic
mode. And also matters between women or about women. This is Thursday the
. It is early in the morning. It is going to kind of govern the behaviors and the
financial activity for the day.
It is Thursday, still. Mars enters Virgo until September 14th at 4:32 PM. Mars likes
to take on really big tasks while in Virgo. It is a workhorse. So, you want to take
advantage of this workhorse while you have the stamina and the drive for pure
grunt work. Take on major projects, and hire a team to plow through if you like.
Make a solid expense plan, as Venus being highlighted for the day is calling for
big spending. But do not buy into that. It is an excellent Green Light through
Friday at 3:37 PM. So go for it. This is a good one.
Then Friday comes in. Excellent day again. I said it was a positive Green Light.
Mercury learns something about an investment and thinks that during this Aries
Moon it can bring a quick return for its money on Friday. So that temptation might
even come in on Thursday night and overnight. If you are up, searching the web
in the middle of the night you might find something you want to buy. You must pay
the fees and tolls before advancing with this Aries Moon when it is square Pluto.
That is the toll keeper.
The Sun joins forces with Saturn to put things in their place. Check the protocol
before advancing with this aspect. It will make you pay later, if you do not.
Jupiter square Ceres. Now they are supposed to be very friendly. They are in an
unfriendly square. Jupiter is supposed to be striking a deal and making a
compromise. Maybe this is in the Senate or in the government in some way that is
trying to settle an issue. Perhaps about big money.
There is a money aspect where there is some kind of issue. Venus is quincunx
Saturn right at 12:30 PM. This one, perhaps is something that you should tend to.
Mind your tally, as it could run into your future. You could be having to pay for it for
a long time.
All in all, things and well with the Moon sextile Jupiter, Friday, July 30th. This
starts a void of course Moon at 3:38 PM until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:08 PM;
still on Friday.
Then Friday that Moon, it will end with a square to Jupiter. So, there is a lot to
consider during that Taurus Moon. Number one food first. Now, I would definitely
say have a have a party, a cookout, something. Being mindful the fact that the
COVID variant is traveling, that delta variant is traveling through the population
pretty fast. So be protective.
Also know that there is a blind spot. There is a resistance. Because the Sun
making an aspect to Neptune during that Taurus Moon, which makes you feel as if
you are in a safe place, a safer place. But I understand that even people that are
fully vaccinated are showing vulnerabilities to this to this delta variant.
And I mentioned, but if I have forgot to mention recently, I see that this is at its
peak in October. Mid-October when Saturn and Pluto and Jupiter are all again in
the month of October, sort of corralling together at their stationary points. Which is
about bringing this virus back up to a head. Then it should begin to decline the
month of November. Your optimism during that Taurus Moon may be overrated
during this Moon sign. That is because of the aspect to Jupiter at the end of the
sign. This Sun opposite Saturn may bring pessimistic scripts along, especially
about things like what I just mentioned.
There is a Last Quarter Moon that will come in. that Taurus Moon is not on Friday,
but it will be over the weekend. It is a money sign, a money Moon that is about
family matters, things that are on the table. Maybe about inheritances and things
like that. Your wills that you want to sort through or your stocks and bonds. Money
matters are very prominent during a Taurus Moon sign. Anything that you had
worked on, that you didn't get paid for yet over the past two and a quarter year;
this Taurus Moon sign may bring it right to your doorstep.
Then there is a serious finish on that Taurus Moon sign when Mercury will oppose
Saturn too. Gee. So do not eat everything in sight with a lot of nervous eating
without inviting a bad tummy ache with all that good food that is likely to be around
on Friday evening. That is pretty much it for the week.
It is really, I think, pretty much a good week. What you can have is a lot of
opportunity to make some good solid decisions through those Green Light days as
You can give me a call at 617-558-7233. You can read this report on my website
at and also play the podcast there as well. You can play it
again, WZBC's website, in their archives and look up expanding awareness in the
9:00 hour halfway through. That is, it for the week. Give me a call with your
questions. And we will talk again next week. Thank you.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 24 - 31, 2021 with Green Light Days
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 17 - 24, 2021 with Green Light times.
Saturday, July 17, 2021 to Saturday, July 24, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00
Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have the Moon
going through the signs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius this
week. There is both a First Quarter Moon and a Full Moon that we have this week.
The First Quarter Moon will take place today. That was at 6:10 AM. It is connected
to things that may have started or been revealed back in 2014 In relationships. In
particular something about relationships. So, now it might be a time when you are
actively involved in the process of moving forward with something that you tried to
advance in regard to partnership or marriage, divorce, something like that From
2014 and 2015. So, it is an interesting Quarter Moon.
It being an action sign, it is an action Moon event. Quarter Moons are always high
action. So, something is likely to reveal itself on the day, today. Even though it
already occurred at 6:10, there still could be more to it that becomes obvious.
That Moon is in Libra. Its final aspect is square Pluto, which addresses a struggle
while trying to work out relationship issues.
The Moon is void of course from 7:03 AM until 2:38 PM today, Saturday, July
17th. That is when the energy shifts, and it becomes intense. Because the Moon
is entering Scorpio, which is a heavy sign. That is a sign that deals with death,
sex, and taxes. It has to do with things that are very deep and also buried feelings
that may emerge. It has a kind of volcanic reaction to words. Takes normal
phrases and conversation as slights. It is as if people are insulted. So thin skin
people often suffer from very thin skin during the Scorpio Moon. And then revenge
is the other piece to that Scorpio piece. So, stay away from people who are sort of
practicing their power, their punch power.
This Scorpio Moon sign will have a lovely trine to the Sun at the end of the sign,
and that offers success. But there is a cost. The Moon will first square Venus. The
square to Venus says It is expensive.
There is a Green Light during the Scorpio Moon. It ends with a terrific trine to the
Sun at 2:30 PM On Monday. Take this opportunity to engage with your financial
agenda. Maybe you want to ask for a change in your mortgage, re-mortgage. How
about a new loan of some sort? It would be a good Moon sign for you to do that. It
is very best on Sunday after 3:30 PM through Monday at 2:30 PM. So, you can
get your paperwork together Sunday afternoon and have it all good to go by
Monday afternoon. Make sure you get it before 2:30. Somewhere like noon time,
1:00. 2:00. Those are good times to initiate the paperwork for loans.
The Sun is opposite Pluto during the Scorpio Moon. This may be a good time to
recover people that are lost, things that are lost from horrific events over the past
few weeks. Maybe lost animals. This aspect also sends out a search light so that
There is hope that there is support. Other people are helping to look. It is often an
aspect that uncovers a crime or many crimes.
Then Venus will make a 150° aspect to Pluto, Sunday morning at 3:47 AM. That
is the middle of the night so do not let jealousy ruin your night or ruin your goals
Then Sunday, day time, is a good day to gather the family members of all ages.
The youngest to the oldest for a picnic and to enjoy the generations with the Sun
sextile Ceres during that Scorpio Moon. Sun is in Cancer which loves to gather
family. The Moon lifts its mood after the Moon is square Saturn 9:44 AM Sunday.
Then you can plan to have a much happier day.
There is a little bit of Mercury quincunx Saturn. This is finding some errors in your
accounting work. So, you want to rework your numbers and your financial plans.
See if you can figure out where the mistakes are.
Mars and Neptune have a quincunx. Do not leave the outdoor water running. Look
for a hole in the bucket, a leak in the roof or a reckless spender. With Mars
quincunx Neptune, something you do not see coming.
The the Moon is opposite Uranus. That is a sudden twist that can throw
a wrench in your plans, but it will pass. Do not worry. It is just before 3:00 and it
will be gone by 3:30 At least.
There may be some romantic energy in the early evening with the Moon making
aspect of Venus and Mars and Uranus. People come together suddenly. So that
could make it fun. That is starting at 4:13 PM right through until after 11:00 PM on
Sunday night.
Monday, Vesta enters Virgo and you may find a good deal or property to manage.
Or a change in your mortgage that is going to save you some money during the
Scorpio Moon sign.
Mercury is square Chiron. Think of how you may release the pain that prevents
you from moving forward. Mercury square Chiron holds on to old hurts.
Then there is a brilliant happy Moon trine to the Sun. that is at 12:30 PM on
Monday. That is the last aspect that the Moon makes before going void of course.
So, you want your business to be conducted before 12:30 PM, well before, so you
can take advantage of that lovely aspect.
Then the void of course Moon will run from 12:30 until 5:07 PM. Then the Moon
enters Sagittarius giving it a Green Light through Wednesday at 6:25 PM.
When the Moon is trine Venus, those trines make for really excellent days to
forward your goals. So, the best time during this Green Light is on Wednesday
early on until 6:25. Early on means like when you get up.
So, also there is a strong desire to run free during the Sagittarius Moon. Mercury
and Uranus probably are thinking about that on Tuesday. Wake up. You might
have a few innovative ideas that you want to jot down.
You also might want to plan a getaway of some sort. Mercury and Jupiter also
thinking about travel. But there are some snags in the preparations when Mercury
is making 135° aspect to Jupiter. That is a square and a half. So, those plans...
Say you could be headed out on a nice road trip and find construction along the
way or traffic jams along the way.
For Wednesday pretty nice day to run in place during the Sagittarius Moon. There
are some adjustments along the way when the Moon is quincunx the Sun. That
might bring cause for a U turn of some sort. Or just sit there and wait until they
take the boulders out of the road. All in all, it all ends well with the Moon in a
wonderful trine to Venus at 6:25 PM on Wednesday.
The Moon and Capricorn has a few things that comes in at 6:36 PM on
Wednesday. It needs to tend to some things before conducting any solid business
deals, as your current plants could get dropped or the interested parties leave.
That is because Venus and the Sun are both leaving their current sign positions
for greener pastures.
First, its Venus 8:37 PM on Wednesday, enters the sign of Virgo. This allows for
your choices to be more discriminating. Also, you enjoy putting your energy into
your home or your work or your cooking, anything that gives you a sense of
satisfaction from doing.
Then later The Sun will enter Capricorn.
But before that Venus is opposite Jupiter. It wants to run off and enjoy the day. But
duty calls. You might be able to get away for part of the day on Thursday, but do
not expect approval from the office.
Mars and Pluto are quincunx at 10:08 AM. This one presses you to use your
muscles to make corrections. This could be some type of clean up. It also can be
a steamroller effect where someone really gets mad and mows down the
perceived opposition. So, It is a strong effect. Mars quincunx Pluto. Mars in Leo.
Pluto in Capricorn.
The Sun in Leo comes in at 10:26 AM on Thursday. It comes in under the
Capricorn Moon. This could indicate there is money for creative projects and
business money for childcare operations as well.
Thursday is pretty much a business day. With that a lot of executive type of
announcements or gatherings, meetings, going over things to sort out what is the
best way to advance. We are building up towards a Full Moon, so there is a lot of
things to sort out.
The Sun however is making a quincunx to Jupiter 12:10 AM. So, if you are out
doing something late night on Thursday night you might experience this aspect to
be quite the party type of aspect. But something has to be cleaned up. You have
to be careful of getting in too deep with whatever you are enjoying.
Then there is a void of course Moon, after the Mars aspect comes in quincunx the
Moon at 1:49 PM. This begins a void of course Moon until the Moon enters
Aquarius at a 12:00 PM. That is very good for a friendly get together. I find that
first dates most often end as friends under an Aquarius Moon sign, if they ever get
together again. So do not have any high hopes for a first date. Make it another
Moon sign.
The Aquarius Moon sign is very high energy. That is because there is a great big
Full Moon coming up. That Full Moon will be at 1° of Aquarius. It pumps up the
testosterone right through Sunday night. It has its focus on three aspects: Mars
quincunx Pluto which is that steamroller; Venus opposite Jupiter which wants to
play; and Mercury Trine Neptune which is very dreamy and creative and musical
as well. It might be a nice time to go to an outdoor concert of some sort. So that
Aquarius Moon is very nice through the night Friday night.
And the Aquarius Moon will last through the weekend, next weekend, until
Sunday night. So that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website. You can also find it on Victor's website
Expanding Awareness on WZBC (90.3 FM). And it is there in the 9:00 hour. look
for nine and a half, 9:30. My website is That is Lunar
Shadows with a hyphen in the middle. My phone number 617-558-7233. You can
text me there and you can call for an appointment or for a one-on-one class. I
think that is pretty much it for the week. Have a great week and we will be back
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 10 - July 17, 2021 with Green Light Days
Saturday, July 10, 2021 to Saturday, July 17, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00
Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead, starting
July 10th until July 17th.
We start out with a Cancer Moon. the Cancer Moon, We are still under the dark
phase of the Moon until Sunday morning. That blocks out the facts for our
choices. Wait until Sunday after Mercury enters Cancer at 4:35 PM to make your
decisions and final selections.
Sunday's plans appear to be focused on family until 8:20 PM when the Moon
enters Leo. This leaves the evening open for some more fun. Not so overly
sensitive the way that Cancer Moon can be at times.
So tonight, Saturday night, have a good time. The Moon will make a really nice
aspect of Venus before it leaves the sign. And there is a Green Light period during
the Leo Moon. This would be after the Leo Moon sees Mercury enter Cancer at
4:35 PM. That is when you want to begin what is called a great time for making
your choices, forwarding your business, anything having to do with advancing your
goals. It does not mean that you are going to feel great. Although with the Leo
Moon, there is a greater likelihood of feeling pretty good. It is also a Moon sign
that is good for starting a new relationship, right through until Tuesday at 2:44
When Mercury enters Cancer, it has us thinking about things that are sensitive,
close to home. It wants us to bring people together, bring the clan together for a
party. The party could get off to a slow start. This is on Sunday until after the
Moon pulls away from the low mood that can be blamed on Moon opposition
Saturn at 6:32 PM.
On Sunday, July 11th there is likely to be a surprise by the end of the evening,
11:10 PM when the Moon is square Uranus. The characteristic of Uranus is
sudden abrupt change. So, maybe when you are cleaning up, there is a little
mishap or something. Go into the night with a calmer head after that aspect is
complete, probably around 11:30.
Then Monday, July 12 Happy Birthday Pat Iyer. There is a Green Light all day for
your birthday, July 12
. You may recognize your mental capacity returning just a
bit in the morning until the Moon makes 150° aspect to Neptune. That is the
mental fog maker around 3:30 PM until 4:30 PM. It is exactly at 3:49 PM.
But there is something that I have been noticing about Saturn and Neptune. How it
equals the point where Jupiter had turned retrograde. I think this is the culprit for
so much huge brain fog that we have been suffering from. I have been anyway.
And I have talked to many people that also have been going through this. It is
rather incapacitating aspect. So, I will let you know when it pulls out of the way.
But it is going to be for another while. It is a very slow-moving event.
The Moon is quincunx Pluto. That is 150° as it attempts to control absolutely
everything during the Leo Moon. So, hand the reins over to someone else who
wants to control everything. Kick back and relax for the rest of the evening on
For Tuesday, July 13th the Moon is in Leo. The Moon finishes off with Moon
parallel Venus. So again, this was a great day Moon sign, which allowed you to
move forward with your goals. The Moon is void of course from 2:44 AM until 4:30
Then the Moon enters Virgo. That is going to be another Green Light period. The
Moon in Virgo has its last aspect Moon Trine Pluto. That is what governs the
nature of the Moon sign, as to whether it is going to be positive for advancing your
goals. Or positive for whatever it is you are trying to do, is the last aspect of the
So, Moon Trine Pluto really gets into things in a deep way. This does not happen
until 2:46 AM. So, the Moon entering Virgo 4:30 AM on Tuesday until 2:46 AM on
Thursday. That is Tuesday to Thursday. This is particularly a good time. And it is
a good working Moon sign with the focus on good luck with professional
practitioners. If you have a good working product or have a need for a strong
support system, these are a couple of days that you can guarantee having
something worked out for you in a really good way. Use your detailed list to help
you share exactly what your needs are. So, plan ahead with that to use it at its
very best.
Venus is conjunct Mars. This is a very beautiful aspect between Venus and Mars.
They come together at 19° almost 20° of Leo.
When I see this in a chart, Venus conjunct Mars, I do not necessarily think it is the
greatest because sometimes Mars is too hard on Venus. Venus has a soft side.
Needs to cooperate and be sweet about things. Mars just wants to stomp all over
it sometimes. But when you bring the two of these together, a lot of times you get
the flow of money running.
It is also good for working drive. If you have been ambivalent about your job, this
might help to give you a boost. Relationship with others can be in a range from
good working partners to potential for lovers as well. So, it is an important aspect
at an important spot in the Zodiac.
That Virgo Moon continues on through the evening. That aspect that I mentioned it
is exact 9:32 AM. Venus and Mars are conjunct at night at 20° of Leo.
Then on Wednesday, still a Green Light day all day. It is innovative. There is
something, maybe there is a product that comes your way that may make your life
easier. So, you want to check that out. Try something new.
Mars is parallel Uranus. So, get your brain back in gear, thinking really hard,
coming up with ideas, figuring things out. That is a really good one. I am looking
forward to that switching my brain back on.
Then what we have at 9:46 PM is an opportunity that presents itself with the Sun
and the Moon in a beautiful sextile. This means that there is a nice connection
with those that may be of great help to help you get things done your way or lead
you in the right direction. Make a good plan for you. It is a Green Light day so
move forward if you can. Take advantage of Wednesday, July 14
It is Green until the wee hours of the morning of 2:46 AM on Thursday, ends with
Moon Trine Pluto. There is a void of course Moon from that time until 10:31 AM on
But there is Venus during that void of course Moon parallel Uranus. Venus is
suddenly in love. So maybe that Venus conjunct Mars brought about a couple.
This can be fast friends or fast lovers. It may or may not last because it is during a
void of course Moon sign and void of course period. So, you may also be looking
at your friendships in a new and interesting way as well.
The Sun is trine Neptune. That aspect between Venus and Uranus is 4:45 AM. So
that means that Wednesday night could have some something to do with this
Venus parallel Uranus aspect.
Then the Sun Trine Neptune 4:48 AM. This one is dreamy. So, catch your dreams.
Write them down. You may have a good idea. You might dream up a good idea or
plan something with this Sun Trine Neptune. The Moon is void of course but it kind
of sort of follows along that line of energy. And that still has a positive quality to it,
whatever the outcome may be or not be. Do not put a whole bunch of energy into
what it is you come up with, because the saying is for a void of course Moon is
that nothing will come of it. So, you want to just take your creative ideas and use
them for something when there is no void of course Moon period at another time.
Maybe something practical, comes out of that as well because it is a Virgo Moon.
The Moon enters Libra, and this is on Thursday, July 15 10:31 AM. That is until
2:38 PM on Saturday, July 17th. The Libra Moon wants to get along with others. It
is also a Moon that is very social. So, it is a couple of days when you do not want
to advance your goals. The last aspect is square Pluto. This is not good. Not
agreeable for advancing your goals. Lots of trouble. Lots of thick, heavy mud to
walk through. So, I would steer away from nailing anything down.
Venus is parallel Mars during the Libra Moon. This gives Venus the edge since
they had made their conjunction a couple of days before. There is a love of work.
There is a love, of sweet company. And it is a good bet under this aspect that
things could stay together for a long period of time. Although, there is some
conflict when the Moon squares Pluto, at the end of the sign.
Mercury and the Moon are square at the end of that night on Thursday. So, it
tends to be emotional and argumentative. Try and let that go. And let the good
night's sleep take care of anything that might be a problem.
That Moon in Libra is still with us on Friday. There is a Venus quincunx Neptune.
That reminds me of that song, Can't Get You Out of My Head. That quincunx is
seductive and elusive. So, it does not necessarily get what it wants. It just craves
and craves. It is a little bit crazy with the craves.
So, then we have Moon quincunx Uranus at 11:36 AM on Friday. Try as you may
to stay on track on the job or whatever you are doing, Uranus is up to its old tricks
and some new ones to boot. The Moon being quincunx at 11:36 AM makes it very
unpredictable for about a half hour. Maybe 20 minutes before, 10 minutes after.
Make your lunch or dinner plans well after this aspect moves out by noon time.
And that is pretty much it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at The podcast is
there and it is also transcribed. We will talk again next week.
is my website. Put a hyphen in the middle of the two words. My phone number is
617-558-7233. Give me a call about astrology If you want a chart reading, and if
you want a one-on-one class. Thank you very much.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 3 -10, 2021 with Green Lighrt Days
Saturday, July 3, 2021 to Saturday, July 10, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00
Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead from July
3rd, until next Saturday. that next Saturday is going to be July 10th.
So, we have a whole lot of things going on. A lot of condensed, kind of tension
energy, particularly for today for Saturday, the 3rd. The culprits are basically Sun
and Saturn, and Mars and Saturn, and Mars and Uranus. That Saturn Uranus
thing is still very heavy going on. That is what brought the, the Surfside tower
down in Florida. That kind of energy is extreme. So, you have got to watch out
with what you are doing. How you are involved with major groups or indoors.
Anything having to do with fireworks might also be very hazardous. So, you want
to be careful over this Fourth of July weekend, because there is quite a bit of
hazardous energy going on. the starting off.
However, it is a Taurus Moon that we have as of 8:27 this morning. It brings a
Green Light period right through until Monday, July 5th. Right through Sunday,
and then Monday until 8:52 PM. It's best after 9:40 PM Saturday night.
A real strong Green Light period that ends with the Moon parallel Venus. Venus
rules Taurus, so it is about money. It is about love and money and family and
possessions and things. Maybe you will find your lost objects. It is possible that
there are also quite a bit of relationship activities going on. Meeting people. Some
of which come together a little bit too quickly, and then pull apart. So, you do not
want to wrap your heart around things too tightly.
So, for today, Saturday, July 3rd. These Green Light days are not, they are not
going to make you feel good necessarily. But it is about the action that you take. If
you take action for something that you have planned, some business plan or some
other type of plan that is important to you, you will have success in the end. That
is pretty much what a Green Light period brings. It is not about a feel-good thing.
There is a nice, easy mental energy with Venus that brings family and friends
together. Reunions and things like that. This afternoon at 3:09 PM. They are
parallel Venus and Mercury. Very nice aspect between the pair.
Venus. Then it falls into a cranky aspect with Neptune. So, you get your hopes up
about something and your perception of a loved one might fall into some level of
disappointment. Keep your expectations low and enjoy your family outings. Keep
your eye on things that are important to you, as your lost objects are very common
with this aspect, as well. It is at 6:29 PM. But where it is two major planets, it can
have an influence of the whole day.
Sun and Saturn have a quincunx and that is at 6:50 PM, also today July 3. This
makes everything feel like it is an uphill battle, but it gets better tomorrow. So,
hang in there. Anything you have been trying to do just may have felt like there
were too many rows to hoe with that one.
There may be much to prepare for your plans later on. Might feel overwhelming,
so get all the help you can. Also, there could be a big cleanup project as the result
of other events or activities that surrounding us.
Then there is a band of muscle that comes along to assist with the heavy lifting
When Mars and Saturn make an aspect at 8:50 PM. This one also can over
extend your muscles with all sorts of Mars energy, Mars and Saturn energy.
Then a loud noise in a surprise comes in with Mars square Uranus. This is caused
at 9:39 PM. It would be best to wrap up your social plans well before this aspect. It
is very angry. It can be very dangerous, especially combined with all the Saturn
influence. So, it can bring a serious tone to the events on a Saturday night. Fires
in particular are famous for that. Burning the tires right off your wheels. So, do not
be speeding along either.
The Green Light continues through all of this. That is with the Taurus Moon, so it
is a good time to conduct business. Actually, it is a holiday weekend. Nobody is
conducting any business. But maybe there is something you come up with. Could
even be a house that you see that looks interesting that you really want to look
into buying. That could end up very well.
The daytime hours on Sunday seem to be a little less chaotic. There is some
emotional pain that comes up with the Sun square Chiron at 11:39 AM. That
makes the morning, Sunday morning, filled with a lot of memories and difficult
things to process emotionally.
Then the Moon will kind of snap you into a whole new frame of mind by 12:40 PM
when it is conjunct Uranus. So, something else comes along. Watch out for fires.
Moon is square Mars at 1:28 PM.
Then the Moon is parallel Uranus for more surprises. These are in the afternoon.
Then the night finishes off with Moon and Uranus, late night 11:03 PM.
Then on Monday, Green Light again. You may enjoy success with your choices or
your products or real estate. It goes right through until 8:52 PM.
There is an aspect that is about a unique and unusual brilliant idea. Some insight
that comes from Uranus, from the 60° aspect, to join with a group of like-minded
people. It happens at 3:14 PM, but it really influences the whole day. So, it is
something interesting and unique. Innovative ideas, social settings are more
enjoyable than the events over the weekend. So, if you have plans on Monday
instead of Saturday and Sunday, you might fare better with those plans.
then the Taurus Moon final aspect 8:52 PM is parallel to Venus.
The Gemini Moon comes and changes the mood altogether 9:24 PM. This will
bring plenty to do when lots to talk about. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini. It is
square Neptune at 3:11 AM. So, this brings about some very interesting dreams, if
you could get by in the middle of the night without waking up feeling strange.
Hopefully that leaves you, and the brain fog parts its way by the time you start the
day. But do not be surprised if you wake up with a groggy head that just won't go
away. That is just something that is sort of a way of life is seemingly for a lot of
people. The foggy, foggy brain, all of this Neptune is so strong right now and has
been for months.
Then Venus will be in an aspect with Saturn. Not a happy one. It is opposite.
Venus opposite Saturn restricts a lot of what Venus likes to do, which is shop.
Especially when the Moon is in Gemini. Visit with people and have a nice,
expensive lunch or you are not going to be able to do that. Because the
aspect between Venus and Saturn comes in late night 10:36 PM. If you have
money planned for one thing that you wanted to do that was fun, something else
more mundane comes up. You will be grateful that you had the money, although
you will need to find your leisure plans in another way.
There is a there is a Full Moon coming up on Friday. There are things that the
Sun and the Moon are interested in bringing to your attention late night, also on
Tuesday that might be related to the New Moon.
Wednesday. I hope I said there was a New Moon coming because it is new not
full. And Wednesday, July 7th. Isn't that Victor's birthday? Happy Birthday Victor.
July 7th, we have a Gemini Moon. Sun is split parallel to Pluto. That happens at
11:16 AM. That aspect is about bringing together people with perhaps the money
that you need or a plan. You make a plan for the money that you need. Maybe it is
a banking thing. Maybe it is paperwork or forms that you need to get together as
That Gemini Moon has its last aspect the next day on Thursday, July 8th, at 1:28
AM. it is quincunx Pluto. So, a lot of those things that Pluto is asking for may seem
like a tough thing to come up with. You may feel like there is a roadblock with that
aspect. There is a toll to pay, and perhaps a detour.
Then the Moon is void of course from 1:28 AM on Thursday until 9:51 AM on
The Moon comes into Cancer. That one will oppose Pluto before it leaves the
sign. So, that one does not feel all that good either. Family matters may feel
difficult and there could be a lot of tension in family gatherings. So, try not to have
a whole lot of expectations about or for your family members. Try to keep your
expectations low and interact with each other in a simple and direct way.
The Sun is in an aspect of Jupiter giving the impression that maybe that the
courses that you selected for the fall are secure, but maybe they are not. So, look
into that. Make sure everything that you want to do in the Fall is laid out the way
that that you expect. Look into your plans. Then this happens at 11:06 AM.
Also, there could be a promise that might be broken, being overly optimistic does
not pay with this aspect, either Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter.
At 11:36 AM Mercury spinning his story round and round and round from the angst
that Pluto's pressure gives it. That is a quincunx Mercury quincunx Pluto. It might
have something to do with the current virus. So, if you have been on the fence
about getting a vaccination, this may be the thing that convinces you. You do not
want to go through next fall with the kind of worry that will come with the virus, the
variance of the virus. Because there definitely is some increase in virus in the fall.
There is a Dark of the Moon phase that we come into around 1:00 in the afternoon
on Thursday. It runs right through till next Saturday.
The New Moon is on July 9th.
Venus square Uranus 3:25 PM on Thursday. This could be a blow to a new
romance or add a surprise in an uncomfortable manner into a relationship. Also, if
you are spending money, you may regret it. Also, if you do not watch over your
belongings, you could lose something.
Then the Sun makes an aspect to Mars. Things could move way too quickly. They
are very under planned or immature. I cannot quite think of the right word for an
under developed plan. But if things feel like they are moving too quickly, slow
things down. They may be hard to sell. This could be way too sensitive. Because
of the Cancer Moon. [Cancer] Moon wants to bring people together and Mars kind
of cuts things through. Wants to move things too fast. If you are invited
somewhere during a Cancer Moon, that means they feel like you are an insider.
So, you may want to join any kind of party or event during the Cancer Moon, if you
feel comfortable.
Venus and Saturn come together again, for an aspect 9:02 AM. But this one is a
split parallel. So, they fixed something, but it is temporary. You are still left with the
hard work to repair anything financial. If it is a creative matter, you get a little
assistance, but it is very little. So do not plead too hard. You are not going to get
all that far.
The New Moon comes in at 9:17 PM. This is on Friday night at 18° of Cancer.
New Moon is about family matters, bringing people together, closer together
tightening the bond.
Mercury is square Pallas later in the night. That indicates that your advisor may
not be giving you all the facts that you need.
Moon is opposite Pluto during the end of the Cancer sign on Saturday, next
Saturday, July 10th at 12:10 PM. Ending that Cancer run. So that is it for the
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also
read it on my website the transcribed report by Kimberly. Thank you. And again,
Happy Birthday Victor! Give him a call and wish him a Happy Birthday. Talk to you
again next week. My number is 617-558-7233. Bye for now.