Sunday, July 11, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 10 - July 17, 2021 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, July 10, 2021 to Saturday, July 17, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead, starting
July 10th until July 17th.

We start out with a Cancer Moon. the Cancer Moon, We are still under the dark
phase of the Moon until Sunday morning. That blocks out the facts for our
choices. Wait until Sunday after Mercury enters Cancer at 4:35 PM to make your
decisions and final selections.

Sunday's plans appear to be focused on family until 8:20 PM when the Moon
enters Leo. This leaves the evening open for some more fun. Not so overly
sensitive the way that Cancer Moon can be at times.

So tonight, Saturday night, have a good time. The Moon will make a really nice
aspect of Venus before it leaves the sign. And there is a Green Light period during
the Leo Moon. This would be after the Leo Moon sees Mercury enter Cancer at
4:35 PM. That is when you want to begin what is called a great time for making
your choices, forwarding your business, anything having to do with advancing your
goals. It does not mean that you are going to feel great. Although with the Leo
Moon, there is a greater likelihood of feeling pretty good. It is also a Moon sign
that is good for starting a new relationship, right through until Tuesday at 2:44

When Mercury enters Cancer, it has us thinking about things that are sensitive,
close to home. It wants us to bring people together, bring the clan together for a
party. The party could get off to a slow start. This is on Sunday until after the
Moon pulls away from the low mood that can be blamed on Moon opposition
Saturn at 6:32 PM.

On Sunday, July 11th there is likely to be a surprise by the end of the evening,
11:10 PM when the Moon is square Uranus. The characteristic of Uranus is
sudden abrupt change. So, maybe when you are cleaning up, there is a little
mishap or something. Go into the night with a calmer head after that aspect is
complete, probably around 11:30.

Then Monday, July 12 Happy Birthday Pat Iyer. There is a Green Light all day for
your birthday, July 12
. You may recognize your mental capacity returning just a
bit in the morning until the Moon makes 150° aspect to Neptune. That is the
mental fog maker around 3:30 PM until 4:30 PM. It is exactly at 3:49 PM.

But there is something that I have been noticing about Saturn and Neptune. How it
equals the point where Jupiter had turned retrograde. I think this is the culprit for
so much huge brain fog that we have been suffering from. I have been anyway.
And I have talked to many people that also have been going through this. It is
rather incapacitating aspect. So, I will let you know when it pulls out of the way.
But it is going to be for another while. It is a very slow-moving event.

The Moon is quincunx Pluto. That is 150° as it attempts to control absolutely
everything during the Leo Moon. So, hand the reins over to someone else who
wants to control everything. Kick back and relax for the rest of the evening on

For Tuesday, July 13th the Moon is in Leo. The Moon finishes off with Moon
parallel Venus. So again, this was a great day Moon sign, which allowed you to
move forward with your goals. The Moon is void of course from 2:44 AM until 4:30

Then the Moon enters Virgo. That is going to be another Green Light period. The
Moon in Virgo has its last aspect Moon Trine Pluto. That is what governs the
nature of the Moon sign, as to whether it is going to be positive for advancing your
goals. Or positive for whatever it is you are trying to do, is the last aspect of the

So, Moon Trine Pluto really gets into things in a deep way. This does not happen
until 2:46 AM. So, the Moon entering Virgo 4:30 AM on Tuesday until 2:46 AM on
Thursday. That is Tuesday to Thursday. This is particularly a good time. And it is
a good working Moon sign with the focus on good luck with professional
practitioners. If you have a good working product or have a need for a strong
support system, these are a couple of days that you can guarantee having
something worked out for you in a really good way. Use your detailed list to help
you share exactly what your needs are. So, plan ahead with that to use it at its
very best.

Venus is conjunct Mars. This is a very beautiful aspect between Venus and Mars.
They come together at 19° almost 20° of Leo.

When I see this in a chart, Venus conjunct Mars, I do not necessarily think it is the
greatest because sometimes Mars is too hard on Venus. Venus has a soft side.

Needs to cooperate and be sweet about things. Mars just wants to stomp all over
it sometimes. But when you bring the two of these together, a lot of times you get
the flow of money running.

It is also good for working drive. If you have been ambivalent about your job, this
might help to give you a boost. Relationship with others can be in a range from
good working partners to potential for lovers as well. So, it is an important aspect
at an important spot in the Zodiac.

That Virgo Moon continues on through the evening. That aspect that I mentioned it
is exact 9:32 AM. Venus and Mars are conjunct at night at 20° of Leo.

Then on Wednesday, still a Green Light day all day. It is innovative. There is
something, maybe there is a product that comes your way that may make your life
easier. So, you want to check that out. Try something new.

Mars is parallel Uranus. So, get your brain back in gear, thinking really hard,
coming up with ideas, figuring things out. That is a really good one. I am looking
forward to that switching my brain back on.

Then what we have at 9:46 PM is an opportunity that presents itself with the Sun
and the Moon in a beautiful sextile. This means that there is a nice connection
with those that may be of great help to help you get things done your way or lead
you in the right direction. Make a good plan for you. It is a Green Light day so
move forward if you can. Take advantage of Wednesday, July 14

It is Green until the wee hours of the morning of 2:46 AM on Thursday, ends with
Moon Trine Pluto. There is a void of course Moon from that time until 10:31 AM on

But there is Venus during that void of course Moon parallel Uranus. Venus is
suddenly in love. So maybe that Venus conjunct Mars brought about a couple.
This can be fast friends or fast lovers. It may or may not last because it is during a
void of course Moon sign and void of course period. So, you may also be looking
at your friendships in a new and interesting way as well.

The Sun is trine Neptune. That aspect between Venus and Uranus is 4:45 AM. So
that means that Wednesday night could have some something to do with this
Venus parallel Uranus aspect.

Then the Sun Trine Neptune 4:48 AM. This one is dreamy. So, catch your dreams.

Write them down. You may have a good idea. You might dream up a good idea or
plan something with this Sun Trine Neptune. The Moon is void of course but it kind
of sort of follows along that line of energy. And that still has a positive quality to it,
whatever the outcome may be or not be. Do not put a whole bunch of energy into
what it is you come up with, because the saying is for a void of course Moon is
that nothing will come of it. So, you want to just take your creative ideas and use
them for something when there is no void of course Moon period at another time.
Maybe something practical, comes out of that as well because it is a Virgo Moon.

The Moon enters Libra, and this is on Thursday, July 15 10:31 AM. That is until
2:38 PM on Saturday, July 17th. The Libra Moon wants to get along with others. It
is also a Moon that is very social. So, it is a couple of days when you do not want
to advance your goals. The last aspect is square Pluto. This is not good. Not
agreeable for advancing your goals. Lots of trouble. Lots of thick, heavy mud to
walk through. So, I would steer away from nailing anything down.

Venus is parallel Mars during the Libra Moon. This gives Venus the edge since
they had made their conjunction a couple of days before. There is a love of work.
There is a love, of sweet company. And it is a good bet under this aspect that
things could stay together for a long period of time. Although, there is some
conflict when the Moon squares Pluto, at the end of the sign.

Mercury and the Moon are square at the end of that night on Thursday. So, it
tends to be emotional and argumentative. Try and let that go. And let the good
night's sleep take care of anything that might be a problem.

That Moon in Libra is still with us on Friday. There is a Venus quincunx Neptune.
That reminds me of that song, Can't Get You Out of My Head. That quincunx is
seductive and elusive. So, it does not necessarily get what it wants. It just craves
and craves. It is a little bit crazy with the craves.

So, then we have Moon quincunx Uranus at 11:36 AM on Friday. Try as you may
to stay on track on the job or whatever you are doing, Uranus is up to its old tricks
and some new ones to boot. The Moon being quincunx at 11:36 AM makes it very
unpredictable for about a half hour. Maybe 20 minutes before, 10 minutes after.
Make your lunch or dinner plans well after this aspect moves out by noon time.
And that is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at The podcast is
there and it is also transcribed. We will talk again next week.
is my website. Put a hyphen in the middle of the two words. My phone number is
617-558-7233. Give me a call about astrology If you want a chart reading, and if
you want a one-on-one class. Thank you very much.

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