Saturday, July 17, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 17 - 24, 2021 with Green Light times.

 Saturday, July 17, 2021 to Saturday, July 24, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have the Moon
going through the signs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius this
week. There is both a First Quarter Moon and a Full Moon that we have this week.
The First Quarter Moon will take place today. That was at 6:10 AM. It is connected
to things that may have started or been revealed back in 2014 In relationships. In
particular something about relationships. So, now it might be a time when you are
actively involved in the process of moving forward with something that you tried to
advance in regard to partnership or marriage, divorce, something like that From
2014 and 2015. So, it is an interesting Quarter Moon.

It being an action sign, it is an action Moon event. Quarter Moons are always high
action. So, something is likely to reveal itself on the day, today. Even though it
already occurred at 6:10, there still could be more to it that becomes obvious.

That Moon is in Libra. Its final aspect is square Pluto, which addresses a struggle
while trying to work out relationship issues.

The Moon is void of course from 7:03 AM until 2:38 PM today, Saturday, July
17th. That is when the energy shifts, and it becomes intense. Because the Moon
is entering Scorpio, which is a heavy sign. That is a sign that deals with death,
sex, and taxes. It has to do with things that are very deep and also buried feelings
that may emerge. It has a kind of volcanic reaction to words. Takes normal
phrases and conversation as slights. It is as if people are insulted. So thin skin
people often suffer from very thin skin during the Scorpio Moon. And then revenge
is the other piece to that Scorpio piece. So, stay away from people who are sort of
practicing their power, their punch power.

This Scorpio Moon sign will have a lovely trine to the Sun at the end of the sign,
and that offers success. But there is a cost. The Moon will first square Venus. The
square to Venus says It is expensive.

There is a Green Light during the Scorpio Moon. It ends with a terrific trine to the
Sun at 2:30 PM On Monday. Take this opportunity to engage with your financial
agenda. Maybe you want to ask for a change in your mortgage, re-mortgage. How
about a new loan of some sort? It would be a good Moon sign for you to do that. It

is very best on Sunday after 3:30 PM through Monday at 2:30 PM. So, you can
get your paperwork together Sunday afternoon and have it all good to go by
Monday afternoon. Make sure you get it before 2:30. Somewhere like noon time,
1:00. 2:00. Those are good times to initiate the paperwork for loans.

The Sun is opposite Pluto during the Scorpio Moon. This may be a good time to
recover people that are lost, things that are lost from horrific events over the past
few weeks. Maybe lost animals. This aspect also sends out a search light so that
There is hope that there is support. Other people are helping to look. It is often an
aspect that uncovers a crime or many crimes.

Then Venus will make a 150° aspect to Pluto, Sunday morning at 3:47 AM. That
is the middle of the night so do not let jealousy ruin your night or ruin your goals

Then Sunday, day time, is a good day to gather the family members of all ages.
The youngest to the oldest for a picnic and to enjoy the generations with the Sun
sextile Ceres during that Scorpio Moon. Sun is in Cancer which loves to gather
family. The Moon lifts its mood after the Moon is square Saturn 9:44 AM Sunday.
Then you can plan to have a much happier day.

There is a little bit of Mercury quincunx Saturn. This is finding some errors in your
accounting work. So, you want to rework your numbers and your financial plans.
See if you can figure out where the mistakes are.

Mars and Neptune have a quincunx. Do not leave the outdoor water running. Look
for a hole in the bucket, a leak in the roof or a reckless spender. With Mars
quincunx Neptune, something you do not see coming.

The the Moon is opposite Uranus. That is a sudden twist that can throw
a wrench in your plans, but it will pass. Do not worry. It is just before 3:00 and it
will be gone by 3:30 At least.

There may be some romantic energy in the early evening with the Moon making
aspect of Venus and Mars and Uranus. People come together suddenly. So that
could make it fun. That is starting at 4:13 PM right through until after 11:00 PM on
Sunday night.

Monday, Vesta enters Virgo and you may find a good deal or property to manage.
Or a change in your mortgage that is going to save you some money during the
Scorpio Moon sign.

Mercury is square Chiron. Think of how you may release the pain that prevents
you from moving forward. Mercury square Chiron holds on to old hurts.

Then there is a brilliant happy Moon trine to the Sun. that is at 12:30 PM on
Monday. That is the last aspect that the Moon makes before going void of course.
So, you want your business to be conducted before 12:30 PM, well before, so you
can take advantage of that lovely aspect.

Then the void of course Moon will run from 12:30 until 5:07 PM. Then the Moon
enters Sagittarius giving it a Green Light through Wednesday at 6:25 PM.

When the Moon is trine Venus, those trines make for really excellent days to
forward your goals. So, the best time during this Green Light is on Wednesday
early on until 6:25. Early on means like when you get up.

So, also there is a strong desire to run free during the Sagittarius Moon. Mercury
and Uranus probably are thinking about that on Tuesday. Wake up. You might
have a few innovative ideas that you want to jot down.

You also might want to plan a getaway of some sort. Mercury and Jupiter also
thinking about travel. But there are some snags in the preparations when Mercury
is making 135° aspect to Jupiter. That is a square and a half. So, those plans...
Say you could be headed out on a nice road trip and find construction along the
way or traffic jams along the way.

For Wednesday pretty nice day to run in place during the Sagittarius Moon. There
are some adjustments along the way when the Moon is quincunx the Sun. That
might bring cause for a U turn of some sort. Or just sit there and wait until they
take the boulders out of the road. All in all, it all ends well with the Moon in a
wonderful trine to Venus at 6:25 PM on Wednesday.

The Moon and Capricorn has a few things that comes in at 6:36 PM on
Wednesday. It needs to tend to some things before conducting any solid business
deals, as your current plants could get dropped or the interested parties leave.
That is because Venus and the Sun are both leaving their current sign positions
for greener pastures.

First, its Venus 8:37 PM on Wednesday, enters the sign of Virgo. This allows for
your choices to be more discriminating. Also, you enjoy putting your energy into
your home or your work or your cooking, anything that gives you a sense of
satisfaction from doing.

Then later The Sun will enter Capricorn.

But before that Venus is opposite Jupiter. It wants to run off and enjoy the day. But
duty calls. You might be able to get away for part of the day on Thursday, but do
not expect approval from the office.

Mars and Pluto are quincunx at 10:08 AM. This one presses you to use your
muscles to make corrections. This could be some type of clean up. It also can be
a steamroller effect where someone really gets mad and mows down the
perceived opposition. So, It is a strong effect. Mars quincunx Pluto. Mars in Leo.
Pluto in Capricorn.

The Sun in Leo comes in at 10:26 AM on Thursday. It comes in under the
Capricorn Moon. This could indicate there is money for creative projects and
business money for childcare operations as well.

Thursday is pretty much a business day. With that a lot of executive type of
announcements or gatherings, meetings, going over things to sort out what is the
best way to advance. We are building up towards a Full Moon, so there is a lot of
things to sort out.

The Sun however is making a quincunx to Jupiter 12:10 AM. So, if you are out
doing something late night on Thursday night you might experience this aspect to
be quite the party type of aspect. But something has to be cleaned up. You have
to be careful of getting in too deep with whatever you are enjoying.

Then there is a void of course Moon, after the Mars aspect comes in quincunx the
Moon at 1:49 PM. This begins a void of course Moon until the Moon enters
Aquarius at a 12:00 PM. That is very good for a friendly get together. I find that
first dates most often end as friends under an Aquarius Moon sign, if they ever get
together again. So do not have any high hopes for a first date. Make it another
Moon sign.

The Aquarius Moon sign is very high energy. That is because there is a great big
Full Moon coming up. That Full Moon will be at 1° of Aquarius. It pumps up the
testosterone right through Sunday night. It has its focus on three aspects: Mars
quincunx Pluto which is that steamroller; Venus opposite Jupiter which wants to
play; and Mercury Trine Neptune which is very dreamy and creative and musical
as well. It might be a nice time to go to an outdoor concert of some sort. So that
Aquarius Moon is very nice through the night Friday night.

And the Aquarius Moon will last through the weekend, next weekend, until

Sunday night. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website. You can also find it on Victor's website
Expanding Awareness on WZBC (90.3 FM). And it is there in the 9:00 hour. look
for nine and a half, 9:30. My website is That is Lunar
Shadows with a hyphen in the middle. My phone number 617-558-7233. You can
text me there and you can call for an appointment or for a one-on-one class. I
think that is pretty much it for the week. Have a great week and we will be back

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