Sunday, November 7, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 6 - 13, 2021 with Green Light times.


Saturday, November 6, 2021 to Saturday, November 13, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have a Quarter Moon coming up this week in the sign of Aquarius. So, a lot about friendship going on for the week, when we get into that Aquarius Moon sign.

For now, on the 6th of November Saturday, a Sagittarius Moon is filled with positive energy, and also opportunities. The opportunities are coming from Mercury and Venus. So, this could be a lovely introduction that comes up today or tonight, or even tomorrow. This is one of the very best aspects between these two planets: Mercury, the introducer; and Venus, the love planet. But Venus is in the sign of business. She is more interested in a good business deal. Mercury is researching and finds the right clues to siphon off to Venus. So, she can act on what she learns as the good business person that she is, while in Capricorn. So, if you have a well-researched plan, and you have been offered an opportunity, take advantage of it on Saturday for positive results. So that also will bring about an aspect between the Moon and Pluto after that.

Now that that aspect between Mercury and Venus is exact at 11:58 AM. So, you want to make your plans before noon time or make your decisions about it before noon time. The money appears to be there for whatever it is. So, you want to shoot for the opportunity at hand. Identify with the Moon and Jupiter aspect coming up on the next day. Pluto is a player to supplement the project and back the project.

Sunday morning 2:00 AM you want to fall back and turn your clocks back. You get an extra hour of sleep.

There is a Green Light on Sunday. Also, with the Green Light on Saturday, November 6th and November 7th, up until 8:43 AM with the Sagittarius Moon. You can push that if you like, but you won't have the Green Light energy so much after that. So, you would have the Sagittarius Moon up until 8:03 PM.

On Sunday, kind of a golden egg available, If you are able to take advantage of this opportunity. Even Saturday night November 6th can be full of an opening Avenue, which leads to a broader understanding of what it is you need and how you want to go about it.

Mercury joins heads with Pallas, the very smart character in the asteroid - planetary lineup. And Pallas Athena is the Goddess of wisdom; and is the brightest bulb in the batch.

You want to have things considered for the Sun to address the needs of Ceres. That is at 12:40 PM. That can be also something that you can see that is about medical matters during the Sagittarius Void of Course Moon period.

There is also Mars in an aspect with Neptune. this one is a Sesquiquadrate 135°. That is a hole in the bucket. So, you do not want to take any action. It is likely to cost you a lot of money, if you are trying to catch a runaway train with a great deal. So just let that one go. You could be indecisive. You could be in the middle of complex situations requiring in the end, some force and some sensitivity. So competitive actions, which are secret or hidden are probably the name of the game with that aspect With Mars and Neptune.

Conflicts of belief and ideology could put people are at odds with one another and cause disappointments and the urge to escape leakages and leaks. Like in the roof and in the basement. And it also can lead to physical weakness and a lack of energy. So that is 3:23 PM.

If you feel like doing nothing different than taking a nap for the rest of Sunday, you are right on target with that energy. That would be how to deal with that.

Then the Moon is void of course up until 8:03 PM. The Moon enters Capricorn. it will travel through this business sign until 10:03 PM on Tuesday night. The Capricorn Moon is not about how you feel, but how you look. How prepared are you to face those in a position to assess your goals and your request? Because you will be scrutinized during the Capricorn Moon. There are Green Lights during this Moon sign, but you want to be well prepared.

Monday November 8th, that Green Light does go through that business sign. There is a psychological aspect about some of the Cere’s matters. Chiron and Ceres make an aspect. So, you do not want to let your psychological issues hold you back on Monday. Use your experience as a guide for the best decision making you can do.

Then the Moon is free floating. There are no major aspects going on.

Late night there is an aspect. You might ask somebody, a friend, whoever, what they think about this medical thing you have going on. Their opinions probably not the best. So, you may want to get a real doctor to answer your questions. Get a second opinion, if you have a doctor that is examining you on Monday night.

For Tuesday we have a Green Light until 12:51 PM. The money may come through. There is an aspect between Mercury and Neptune early in the morning 4:34 AM This one brings descriptive dreams and overstimulated imagination. It can steer you in an unpractical direction. Subtle perceptions, right brain intuitive thinking, confusion, misperception, and deceit going on, for this impractical direction that Mercury and Neptune do. By the time you get up to address your day on Tuesday, that is probably behind you. But your dreams might be cluttering your perceptions about your day ahead.

Mars finds a mate to make his business portfolio shine, when he joins up with Juno. So that is a good omen for aligning yourself with the right people. On Tuesday that aspect is at 12:50 PM. But you can expect to have good things before that, that are based on that aspect coming.

Then the Moon is conjunct Pluto for the final aspect in Capricorn. It can bring money to the table by 12:51 PM. After that the Moon is void of the course until late night at 10:03 PM Tuesday, when the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon will run until Friday at 2:53 AM.

For Wednesday, do not release any reports or statements on Wednesday. There are a couple of things going on with Mercury. Heavy things, like a fast and heated fast talking aspect between Mercury and Mars. Heated conversations. Do not take the bait. Do not argue with friends. This Aquarius Moon sign has got things to deal with when it sees this Mercury and Saturn square. This is at 12:03 PM. So, the things that go on in the morning: if you could stay out of the office in the morning, stay away from people. Back off. Do not get into what they are thinking or into their arguments or their positions. There is a narrow mindedness and very focused thinking going on with Mercury square Saturn. It starts at 12:03 PM. You definitely going to feel it before that. There is either no word or long delays. There are exclusions, omissions, prohibitions, difficulty with communication, misunderstandings, judgmental thinking. Also, it is exceedingly exact when it wants to apply the details to its needs. Computer problems could be stubborn and expensive. You might be cut off or both locked out of the loop. That can really put you in a bad mood. This is definitely a bad mood kind of aspect. So, you want to keep an optimistic perception. Do not take everything too seriously, but do not ignore Saturn's rules. Double check for canceled appointments. Temper your bad reactions to unpleasant news.

Also, Mars is square Saturn. So, this one is like worse. It forces a dead stop. It is in Aquarius. It can have a problem. You can have a problem with friendship. So, make sure you are being gentle with your friends. Give them a lot of leeway. Remember, they are under these influences as well. They could be saying things and doing things they do not mean either. Mars square Saturn. That is a heartstopper. So, you want to definitely take care of, listen to your body. Take care of any anything that seems like it needs your attention, whether it is your vehicle, or your body.  

The Moon is square Uranus at 7:45 PM. That Mars square Saturn 6:13 PM, by the way. But any time before that. So, it is really kind of a real rough day, on Wednesday, November 10th. I wouldn't do much of anything. It is likely to get dropped and left for dead, if you want to try and advance a business project.

Thursday, a much better day. The Aquarius Moon sign is with us on November 11th. The First Quarter Moon takes place at 7:46 AM at 19° of Aquarius. This goes back to February 11th when there was a New Moon at the same point. So, the lunar gestation cycle bringing it up to Thursday says, you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. Now this one is a Green Light, especially with friendship. So, when you ignored everything the day before, here you are in a much better seat. Mercury sees a position that toggles between mental health and people pleasing. Then Mercury butters up someone for information and gets it. That is Mercury trine Pallas Athena.

Then the Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Aquarius. It is particularly lucky at 2:52 PM, if you want to test your luck in any way. Mercury brings a potential date for a friend. Isn't that interesting? That comes about and people come together in the afternoon around 4:00. Gets ready for the evening out. That would make for an interesting and nice evening to meet someone on the evening of November 11th.

The Sun and the Moon link up for the best time between friends Thursday night. The Moon is void of course from 8:07 PM until 2:53 AM on Friday. The Friday moon sign comes in as Pisces at 2:53 AM. That will be in that sign until Sunday, November 14th.

The Pisces Moon has Trine Mars. the Sun will trine Neptune. This one is willing to let the thief off the hook and hide the goods. This otherwise could be very spiritual and can deliver a peaceful spiritual setting, for you to be able to advance your goals through a spiritual route.

So, Mercury and Mars join together. They are parallel at 5:07 PM. Parallels have an influence for the whole day. So that would be well before that time, and well after. So, it is like Mercury is ready to ride on the back of a researcher to grab the latest data for their projects. Choose your words wisely while the Pisces Moon can water down your intentions before you gain any ground. Make announcements at the best time. I would look forward to maybe the Leo Moon coming up in several days, a week or so. Even the Gemini Moon is not in good shape for making a now announcement. So, hold on, hold your hat on those things.

Mercury or rather Mars is quincunx Chiron. Or inconjunct, if you want to call it that. That is kind of payback mode for a past hurt with Chiron. So, it hits below the belt. Be sure you have a kind relationship with the companions that you have Friday night. That will assure you what Mars and Pallas Athena want to bring along. That is going into an evening, not into battle, but into a peaceful. It could even be romantic for next Friday night. It could be pleasant and easygoing, as the Pisces Moon also in an aspect to Mercury overnight on Friday night. So, making for a better scene for communication. But however, do not seal the deal with anything because there is a Mercury opposite Uranus coming up. We do not want to have things cut off in a big surprise way.

Do listen to your vehicle. Anything going on take care of it immediately. Lots of stuff going on with Mercury. Feels like a Mercury Retrograde. It is not. But there are a lot of things that depend on this Mercury opposite Uranus, actually coming up next Saturday. So, we have been waiting for that aspect to clear. It is been in a holding pattern, so to speak since September. That is why it feels like it is been one thing after another with Mercury Retrograde energies and not Mercury retrograde. I'm not saying that it is. As a matter of fact, it is not.

However, Venus is still out of bounds. Being out of bounds makes it really hard to catch the object of your affection or to nail that business deal down. Business deals may come from way out of space, kind of. Some of them might be really good. You have to research things really well, and learn what you can about things before you move ahead. That is, it for the week.

And I hope this recorded. Yes! It did. Okay. Victor, I hope you are having a better time in the studio then than what you've been having, and they figure out these problems.

Okay, give me a call 617-558-7233. Find a copy of this report at I t will hold the audio and the written file transcribed by Kimberly chin. Thank you very much Kimberly. And also give me a call at 617-558-7233. If you like one on one classes, I have a great class. Give me a call if you would like to join up with me for a class. Okay. That is, it. Phone number again 617-558-7233. Bye for now.


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